"Where are the people?"

When we walked around the overturned trailer, we found that the car was already empty. Just now we obviously didn’t see that. The two guys ran away, but now it looks like no one has ever appeared on the scene.

When I saw that there was no one below, I took the initiative to jump out of the car, then turned my head and looked around the surroundings, and then I held the gun to my back while talking to Ling and the others. After carrying the good spear, my hand dropped again, and then pretended to unconsciously put my hand on the hilt of the sword hung around my waist, and suddenly sent it forward the moment my left hand touched the scabbard. The right hand followed the activation and grabbed the hilt and slammed outwards, and at the same time, with the help of the moment of drawing the sword suddenly turned around, it was a vertical split.

With a squeak, the roof of the trailer was cut open by me with a length of more than a foot. The section was flushed red, as if it had been burned, and I cut out this At the same time as the sword, the two silhouettes also fell out of the void. The position of my sword just now is exactly the center point of the two of them. Originally, the sword should be cut off the arms of both of them, but because the warrior found that it was wrong and pushed the wizard to make them separate to the two sides and just flashed past. Took my lightning sword.

"hmph, do you think I can’t see you if I’m invisible? I want to slip under my eyelids. I’ll learn spectroscopy first."

The mage Obviously they will use a certain kind of magic similar to Invisibility Technique, but the lack of knowledge system makes their magic seem unusually pale in front of us. This invisibility magic is indeed magical. It can allow light to penetrate their bodies and clothing completely, and the light will not change in any way during this period, which makes it completely impossible for people who rely on visible light to observe things. To their silhouette. But I don't know if this spell is limited or because their knowledge is not comprehensive enough, anyway, what this Invisibility Technique really interferes with is only visible light. We must know that the energy rays that usually travel through the Earth's surface are not limited to the visible light band. In addition to visible light, real energy rays also have electromagnetic waves, ultraviolet rays, infrared rays and various other rays that we are familiar with. To put it simply, Invisibility Technique is actually invisible to visible light, but our eyes can see light of many wavelengths other than visible light. In addition, our brain can also sense electromagnetic waves, so for us, their Invisibility Technique simply is Furnishings.

After being forced away by my sword, the warrior immediately drew out his long sword and rushed towards me. I stood still and didn’t move until he came to me. He slashed with his sword. With a crisp sound of Ping Ping, the guy's sword was lost by half in an instant. Although I don't know the level of their world's smelting technology, I know that no matter how hard it is, it will definitely not withstand my sword. The sawing effect of the molecular vibrating blade determines that it can actually cut many things harder than it easily, not to mention that there are actually laser leads on my blade, which means that everything is cut. Will be heated by the laser first, and once the temperature rises, most of the material will become soft. Under the effect of this double cutting, no matter how powerful his sword was, he couldn't stand it firmly.

I don't seem to believe it, the warrior found that the sword was cut off for a long time, but I can probably guess the reason. This guy himself is a Legion leader and a great swordmaster with a strong name. The things in his hands are absolutely impossible. So I guess it is not a Divine Weapon or something, at least it should be a very rare sword, only the sword that is considered there is no stronghold one cannot overcome can be so shocked when I cut it off with a sword. Effect.

"Well, do you two want to disarm and surrender and go back with us in the car, or do you want me to beat you all into pigs and hang them in the back of the car and drag them back?"

Did not answer, but showed their meaning with action. The wizard pointed his staff at me suddenly, and a blue lightning suddenly fell from the sky. However, when the lightning flew halfway, it suddenly turned a corner and flew towards the warrior who had just gotten up. The warrior was knocked out by the bang.

Seeing that the lightning that I put off actually blasted my companions, the mage was also taken aback for a while, but I smiled very proudly. "Don't blame me for not reminding you, lightning is useless to us." Yes, although we don't know magic, we can control electromagnetic effects, which means we can control both electricity and magnetism. Lightning is obviously standard electrical energy, and we have ghosts only when it can hit.

After I drew away the wizard’s lightning, Ling and Xiaochun had already compressed a plasma lightning ball and threw it at him. The wizard hurriedly activated the magic shield, and the plasma ball hit the magic. Behind the shield, he turned a corner. One hit the front of the truck, blasting a big hole in the front of the truck, and the other flew to a large fallen tree and set the whole tree on fire.

"Can't you two pipe down?" I suddenly leaned over and rushed to the mage. The mage saw me rushing and raising my hand, and a wind blade was thrown out, but the silhouette of me as I was advancing suddenly It was blurred, and the wind blade passed through me. In fact, I just took a step to the side and waited for the wind blade to pass through and returned to the original position, but because the speed was too fast, it looked like my silhouette flashed.

The wind blade is invalid, the wizard has too late to prepare magic. When the warrior saw that the situation was wrong, he rushed over to protect the mage, but Lingling stepped in front of him. Seeing the sword in Lingling's hand that was exactly the same as mine, he immediately stopped, and now the shock in his eyes became stronger. Originally, he thought that the sword that could cut him should be regarded as Divine Weapon on our side, but looking at it, six of us here actually have one hand, and it looks exactly the same, obviously it is standard equipment. He feels very desperate when he thinks that our weapons may be of this sharpness, because the strength of a country is not based on high-end martial power alone. Nuclear weapons are certainly powerful, but a rifle that is far superior to similar weapons and can be equipped in large quantities has a greater practical value. After all, nuclear weapons are lying on the launcher. On the contrary, those old rifles of the AK series don’t know how to use them every year. How many people were killed.

After the warrior was blocked, the mage saw that I had rushed in front of him and was forced to a dead end, and when I was charging, I suddenly found that the old mage’s eyes suddenly changed, and I almost instinctively moved towards I jumped out from the side, and just as I stepped away, hundreds of red half-moon blades rushed past where I was standing like a shotgun. If I were still standing in the same place, I would probably not die. It's for sure to get rid of Half-Life. However, it does not mean that the flame blade disappeared. After losing the target, the flame blade began to fly around, and behind me was a residential building. The flame blade flying around would hit the two buildings close to the road. The whole wall of many rooms was blasted down. From the broken fractures, some injured people could be seen wailing there.

When I turned my gaze back, the imposing manner on my body was completely different, and the anger was burning in my heart. The old mage suddenly began to regret what he had just done, but it was too late at this time. Snapped. An electric arc suddenly flashed between my body and the ground. Following the blue electric arc, it began to flash between my body and the ground, and I felt that my whole person had become a large ball of moving lightning.

"I don’t...!"

"You don’t need to explain, you have to lie under my feet to be the best explanation." The moment I finished speaking suddenly Disappearing in the same place, the old mage flew out sideways in the next second, breaking a big tree with a bang, and there was no more sound.

After putting down the old mage, I turned around to face the warrior again. The opponent was very straightforward and turned around and ran away, but Lingling and Jingjing blocked his way one by one. After weighing it slightly, the guy suddenly yelled, and his body started to glow like me, except that the light on his body was pale-gold. As the rays of light get brighter, the guy’s personal imposing manner feels different.

"Let you see the great swordmaster true strength." I thought he would rush towards us after the guy said he was ruthless, but who knew he suddenly turned around and ran into the overturned truck behind him. . But the next thing is really very dramatic. Probably the guy originally planned to crash through the truck and cross to escape, but he obviously underestimated the rigidity of the truck chassis. When the car was overturned before, he might have torn the door or the roof of the car. Those places are actually made of aluminum and glass fiber that are not easy to rust. In addition to the price factor and the advantages of corrosion resistance, this is the case. The material itself is relatively easy to keep heat. For this long-distance truck, the air conditioner needs to be turned on in the summer, and it must be protected in the winter. Therefore, the insulation characteristics of the cab are very important. It’s just different from the cab. Because the chassis of the trailer needs to bear the huge load and the horrible twisting force when turning, the beams on the chassis are made of the best manganese steel, and the hardness is not the same as the door of the cab. Level. As a result, the idiot thought that the chassis of the car was made of the same thing because he tore the door before. As a result, the present scene appeared when he hit the chassis with all his strength.

When. After a metal crash, he hit the upper cargo compartment of the trailer, but he was stuck in the chassis, and then fell straight due to the force of the impact. We chased this warrior for an afternoon and finally knocked himself out.

"Damn, the whole idiot!" We couldn't help sighing as we looked at the human-shaped depression on the chassis of the trailer.

Because the warrior knocked himself out, so our work has become much simpler. Go in and pull him out and pile it on the motorcycle with the mage, and inform Nuwa to find someone to deal with the aftermath. After that, we rode the motorcycle to the branch where we took the motorcycle before, and changed to a vertical take-off and landing transport plane. We returned to the headquarters in Nanjing. At this time, except for a few Dragon Clan members who were still standing guard outside the forest, most of us had already returned to the base.

As soon as we got off the airplane base, we rushed out of a bunch of white coats, pushing a metal fixed bed and a stretcher over. The fixed bed is of course prepared for the warrior. The whole bed is made of steel, and there is a rice-shaped reinforcing member under the bed. Under the lightning-like movements of a few white coats, the warrior was quickly stripped off. Anyway, he is an alien. No one on our side will talk to him about human rights. The stripped warrior was carried on the bed again, and a two-centimeter-thick pure steel fixed lock was added to the wrists, ankles, knee joints, waist and neck, and there was a drinking fountain at the head of the bed. Electronic equipment, this thing can monitor his nerve activity and inject sedatives into his blood vessels through an injection needle attached to his armpit to ensure that he is always under anesthesia. It was because the anesthesia failed to cause them to escape before, this time they can't make such a low-level mistake again.

Compared with that warrior, the treatment of the mage is much happier. The old man was directly carried on a stretcher and pushed into the operating room. Of course, they didn't want to Dissection him, but to save him. I didn’t control the intensity because I was angry before, and without magic power, this mage can only reach the level of young people who don’t exercise much here, although this intensity is considered very good for an old man. , But with this kind of body being thrown out by me and breaking a big tree, it is considered that he has accumulated virtue in his previous life without dying. In fact, if the old man is not operated immediately, he will die soon. I have just given him a simple diagnosis on the plane. Not only was my spine misplaced by me, but there was also obvious bleeding in the internal organs, except for our dragon fate. He’s biological laboratory, no matter what he is in the emergency room of any hospital, he will definitely not be saved.

After the two fugitives were taken away, Ling and I took the scraps to the weapon experiment area under the base. This side has now almost become our Dragon Clan meeting place. When I arrive, everyone will rest here. In addition to Dragon Clan, there are many researchers here, but they are busy checking the spoils of war we brought back.

"Are you back?" Rose saw us coming and took the initiative to greet us.

I nodded passed all the things that had been picked off from the warrior and the mage, but before the rose could pick it up, the things were snatched by a Little Old Man who flashed by.

"Fuck me, don't you need to be so hurry?" I could only complain helplessly as I watched the guy running towards the experimental instrument with something in his arms.

The old man didn't pay any attention to me at all, he held the pile of things to the front of the instrument, and then picked them up one by one and began to appraise them. Because I was curious about the advantages of these things, so I walked over.

"Anything worth noting?" I walked to the instrument and asked.

The old man said while busy working on his hands: "The armor casting process on the warrior is quite backward. The main component is iron. The impurity content is very high, the ratio is also very bad, and the hardness is naturally not How about it. But it is worth noting that the gems inlaid on the armor seem to have relatively strong energy response, but the specific energy is still unclear for the time being. Also, look here." He took apart the inner layer of the armor. Showed it to us: "Have you seen it?"

"Is this...? Is it a magic array?" We saw regular patterns drawn with special materials at the place where he pointed. It's complicated, and it's printed on the inside of the armor to show that this thing is not decoration, so there must be some special purpose.

"I don't know." The old man said: "It feels like it has a special meaning, but it is obviously different from our knowledge system. This may be another brand new technical system." I nodded Indicates that I understand. Then the old man took out the sword that I had cut off and introduced: "Compared with armor, the forging technology of this sword is actually the same, but its material is much better than armor, but according to my experience, this sword It should be a naturally formed high-hardness alloy. Basically, it has formed the right hardness and toughness in the natural environment. The producer just melted it into the shape of a sword. Forging is simply not a matter of talking. ."

"That means the other party's technological civilization is still very backward?"

old man nodded said: "From this armor and this sword to see the other party's technological level At most, it has reached the state of the late Iron Age. It may be able to process and produce some simple small tools, but it has definitely not entered the mechanical age."

"No, the technical level of the other party has just reached the Iron Age. Early-Stage." Nuwa's electronic projection suddenly appeared beside us.

The old man in charge of the material inspection immediately stood up and asked respectfully: "Big sister, how can you be sure that they have reached the Early-Stage of the Iron Age? It seems that this smelting technology should have been equivalent in the Iron Age. Not bad!"

"If the opponent can mass-produce this weapon and armor, it can be regarded as the late Iron Age, but unfortunately, the owner of this armor is an equivalent to the military commander Level 1. The armor he wears is produced individually by them, so it does not represent their overall level." In fact, this technical assessment is very understandable, as if we can send people into space now, that is a typical individual situation. Because humans can already send people into space, it means that we have entered the age of the universe, right? If someday human beings can build thousands of spaceships like cars, then it will be called the cosmic age. The same is true for this set of armor. Although the armor itself is at the level of the late Iron Age, they cannot mass produce this thing. Only one or two Master Rank craftsmen produce one or two sets each year, which does not represent the level of a country. .

The old man also nodded and said after hearing Nuwa's words: "If this is the case, then it really can't be regarded as the late stage of ironwork." As he said, he picked up a scroll from the table and prepared to open it, which scared me Quickly grab the thing back. The old man immediately looked at me in confusion and asked: "What are you doing?"

"I'm saving you! Do you know what this is?"

"A scroll."

"Yes, it's a scroll, but it's a magic scroll." I said, pointing directly to the big screen next to it, and then the screen of the previous battle with the wizard was displayed on the big screen through the wireless network. . Because our electronic brain can record the signals received by our eyes and ears and other organs, we have saved the battle scenes just now. After all, it is precious data for fighting alien creatures.

The old man's jaw almost fell after seeing the scary flame knife that the mage threw out a scroll that was exactly the same as the one in my hand. "Is this thing so powerful?"

"I don’t know, anyway, the one he threw out is so powerful. The formidable power is almost equal to the effect of tying more than 30 bazookas together and launching them at the same time. At that time, I The two buildings behind were almost blasted."

Nuwa said: "According to the situation of the dragon called Fayana, and referring to the effect of this scroll, I think we can roughly Define it as a magic scroll, and as far as we know, the magic scroll may take effect as long as it is opened, so you'd better not disturb it until you know the specifics."

Nuwa is better than the base director in the base. The researchers here treat her as a big sister, so now that Nuwa has spoken, the old man immediately took the scroll and put it there. The table is packed in a special container. This thing is simply a big bomb. Before you figure out the triggering principle, you still need to move less for a second.

Compared with the things on the warrior, the mage has more things on him. After closing the scroll, the old man pulled out an irregular multi-faceted crystal from the pile. After scanning and testing, it was finally confirmed that there was a strong energy response inside the thing, but it was neither electric nor other. What we know about the energy, but because it has been emitting strong radiation, it is judged that it should be a high-energy body.

After the inspection, the old man said: "It really didn't expect that there is such a strong energy in this egg-sized crystal. Judging from the radiated rays, the energy inside this thing will never be low. The energy released by the complete combustion of a ton of gasoline."

Nuwa added: "Fayana said that this thing is called a magic core, and it is used as an energy supplement on their side. You got it. This one seems to be not low-level."

I nodded and said: "The magic that the old man used all the way was the energy drawn from this thing, and I didn’t know it was before this thing came here. It's not full, so the energy it originally contained must be even more terrifying."

"It's amazing to think of that world to study theirs." The old man exclaimed.

After a simple identification of the various equipment on the two visitors from outside world, we sent these things to various research departments according to their characteristics for in-depth research. Rose and I are not bothered by the research. Good at it, so let the professionals take care of this kind of thing. After we transferred the video of the battle to the computer, we transferred it to Fayana. As a wiser at first, we took refuge in our alien creatures. We think Fayana is worthy of in-depth understanding.

Although Fayana is not lucky, they are big, but they are also dragons. Compared with humans, they are still amazingly big, so she is now settled in the temporary reconstruction of the warehouse where they live. Residential area. This place not only has a large space, but also has a freight elevator that can go directly to the mountainside airport, which is much more convenient than other places.

When we took the elevator down to the gate of the warehouse, the elevator door automatically slid to both sides, and the moment the elevator door opened, fortunately, the deafening laughter came into the elevator. "Wow hahahaha, I can use magic!"

"Huh?" We were all taken aback when we were lucky to say that he would use magic. Didn't Fayana say that there are no magic elements on Earth? How did you learn luck?

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