Although we knew that the two escaping guys should not be allowed to enter Shanghai, the two of them didn't know what was going on, as if they were deliberately facing us. We designed several intercept points along the way, but they either bypassed the past or rushed over. The most annoying thing was that the wizard even shot down a helicopter with a magic ball in the middle. If it weren’t for the pilot’s quick reaction, he would only be hit. Half of the tail is lost, and the loss is terrible.

The two bastards who bumped all the way stupefied they drove the heavy tow truck to the outskirts of Shanghai. In order to prevent them from entering the city, we also used concrete barriers on the A8 highway. An interception point, thinking that even if the trailer is powerful, so many cement blocks can always block it. But what surprised us was that we didn't know if it was the good luck of those two bastards. They turned to the A7 highway at the junction of the A8 km and the A7 highway, so we had to change our lanes to chase them.

"This won't work! It's no way to keep following them!" I said to Nuwa on the electronic network.

Seeing that we have been chasing Nuwa for a hard day, it seems that this is really not convenient, so he said: "Otherwise, you should not chase after it. They are in the car anyway, I send an unmanned reconnaissance plane. To track, you first go to this place to receive a set of equipment, and then chase it!"

"Understand." According to the indications on the electronic map, we took a helicopter to fly directly to the destination. This place is a technical support department of Longyuan Group, which is simply responsible for the development of peripheral equipment. Although the research projects here are relatively simple compared to the headquarters in Nanjing, they are also our base after all, and they are specialized in auxiliary equipment, so there is an advantage of being blessed by heaven in the development of some baubles.

When we arrived, the Chief-In-Charge here was already waiting for us with a group of people at the door, and the Chief-In-Charge who saw us jumping off the plane was not at odds We were polite, and directly waved our hand to let the people behind us open the box next to us. Accompanied by the rumbling sound of the engine, a black heavy-duty motorcycle with an extremely exaggerated shape and nearly one-fifth larger than a normal racing motorcycle drove out of the box by itself.

The first impression of this motorcycle is cool in appearance. The black body is basically streamlined. The overall look is very low, and it seems to be a lot longer than ordinary motorcycles, and the width is slightly larger. When the driver sits on it, it feels like the whole person is wrapped in. In the body. In front of the huge body, there was a front that looked like a bird's head, and two elongated boxes were installed on each side of the front wheel of the car, and I didn't know what was inside. The rear of the body is basically an integrated design. The streamlined windproof design and the huge wheel fairing look like a fancy big tail, but if you look from the back, you will find that there are four jets in the big tail. Mouth, obviously this thing has a rocket acceleration function.

The Chief-In-Charge took advantage of the fact that the staff was still opening other boxes, first took out a lot of identical small boxes from another box next to him and handed them to us. "This is a flight bag. You can dock it to your armor. Let's try it first."

Wei Na and I didn’t say anything. We took it directly and installed it on our back. The fixed claw is docked, so it is more convenient to wear. As long as you lean on your back, the fixed claw can automatically hold our armor to make it integrated with our armor. Although it is not as reliable as fixing it with screws, it has the advantage of quick installation and unloading and strong versatility.

This so-called flying backpack is actually a controllable jet plus a pair of small folding wings. When not in use, it will be about the same size as a schoolbag when it is folded. It can be more than one meter in size when unfolded. Wingspan, barely able to fly. To be honest, if it were not too late to rush back to the Nanjing base, I would prefer our kind of angel wings, at least the thing is soft and can be controlled freely, unlike this machine.

After installing the backpack, those special motorcycles were also taken out. But there are only three cars in total, which means that there can only be six people at most. Taking into account the issue of combat adaptability, I finally rearranged the staffing. Although Rose is already Dragon Clan, she is not good at fighting, so she asked her to take the extra people back to the base first. Yeyue is not suitable for appearing in the urban area because it uses the structure of a human snake tail, so he also returned with Rose and the others. The arrangement of the last three cars is like this: Weina and I have a motorcycle, Ling and Xiaochun have one, and Jingjing and Lingling have one.

After seeing that we have all assigned positions, the Chief-In-Charge said to us: "These three vehicles you are riding in are actually not ordinary motorcycles. Their real names are urban police robots."


"In fact, the main body is still a motorcycle, it is to add a control system, which can drive automatically. When encountering places where the motorcycle cannot be reached, such as the environment inside a building At the time, the police can get out of the car to chase on foot, and this kind of motorcycle will automatically wait downstairs. When you need to use it again, it will immediately appear next to you. Equivalent to the police officer has a partner who specializes in driving. And the motorcycle itself is more adaptable to the road. Don’t look at this motorcycle as it seems to be heavy. In fact, it can be driven up like ordinary stairs, and there is a rocket buffer device under the car. The vertical drop of less than ten meters can be directly rushed down from above without any danger. If necessary, it can also be used. Using rocket engines to assist in jumping, you can easily cross most roadblocks and gullies, and the longest can cross obstacles under 15 meters."

"It sounds amazing."

"For specific things, you can connect to its computer after getting in the car, and then slowly learn about it." Chief-In-Charge hurried us out after saying it. I don’t know what Nuwa told him so anxiously. Coax away.

After we got out of that branch, we hurried all the way to the destination on the location map. Although the number of people decreased, our speed was much faster because of motorcycles. I have to say that the athletic capabilities of these three motorcycles are really exaggerated. To test its speed, we screwed the throttle to the maximum in one breath. As a result, we felt like we were kicked and kicked out. Before the branch building left the line of sight, the speed of the car had soared to 200 kilometers, and the more frightening thing was still behind. As the vehicle speed increased, a progress bar on the electronic display behind the front of the car began to run gradually to the right. When it reached the head, it heard a bang of the motorcycle tail section. Four pillars of fire suddenly spewed out, and the whole car looked like No one kicked again. The acceleration that had gradually subsided suddenly rose again, and the numbers on the speedometer began to jump up frantically just like a stopwatch. A car that was far away from us in front of us was just a snap. When I reached our eyes, I was frightened and quickly turned the front of the car and let it go.

"Which bastard told us that this is a police motorcycle?" Ling's voice appeared directly on our wireless network. "Can ordinary police drive at this speed?" In fact, what Ling said is correct. If you can watch from the air now, you can find that our three motorcycles are like three missiles in the dense traffic. A frantic dash to dodge. This is our Dragon Clan's response nerves. If ordinary people drive this car, unless there is only one car on the road, otherwise they will not run 500 meters and have to crash.

We rode this super motorcycle all the way, and finally we finally caught up with the heavy trailer near the Dagang overpass, but we don’t know how the master drove it, and went around the overpass. Turned to the Kungang Highway, and when we got off the overpass, the guy turned from the Kungang Highway onto Sixian Road, and then accelerated to the east.

"Damn, how can this guy go to densely populated areas?" Ling couldn't help complaining when he saw the car turning on Sixian Road. According to the map, there is a large continuous residential area in front of it, the area is very large, and the time now is exactly 5:10 in the afternoon. Do you know what this time means in China? This means that you will see countless private cars and horrible crowds moving from the Commerce District to the residential area. Simply put, now is the beginning of the rush hour, and the road will remain semi-congested until half past six.

Sure enough, as soon as we turned to Sixian Road, we saw that the heavy trailer in front blasted a Honda SUV out of the road. Compared with ordinary cars, SUVs may be relatively pristine, but in front of this kind of super trailers specially used for large-scale logistics distribution between cities, let alone Honda SUVs, even if you are a military version of Hummer, you have to lie down on the side of the road. To go.

The trailer that overturned the SUV just shook it for a while and continued to rush forward as if it was okay. However, the sacrifice of the SUV at least reminded the people in front of it and saw that one was flying. Towing fools who are still fast after the car knows that the driver must have a problem. At this time, no one will think about whether it is a loss of face to give way to others. All of them quickly flashed the car to the side and gave up the middle. road. Of course, there are also some drivers who are not technically in place. Some drove the car on the sidewalk, some hit someone else's, and some were hung on the ground by the trailer because they didn't give up enough distance. In short, This road can be said to be tumultuous, and we can only helplessly accelerate and rush up while the middle passage has not been blocked again.

"What should I do now? This is a densely populated area, and it is the peak time after work and school. It is very troublesome for us to fight during this time period!" Wei Na reminded.

I helplessly said: "I also know it is troublesome, but the problem is that they must find a way to stop the car! I think the destructive power of that car is bigger than that of the wizard. I still know how many people will be killed if I run down!"

"Hey! I knew that we should fight that guy on the road!"

In fact, we tried this way. Many times I hoped to stop the car, but failed. It is really easy to destroy a car by our means. After all, our electromagnetic control ability is the most effective for machinery. But what surprised us was that the mage didn't know what method he used. In short, he created an energy vacuum area around the car, and our electromagnetic control ability could not touch the car at all. Originally, electromagnetic control could not be used. We also tried to use guns to hit the wheels, or use electromagnetic missiles to burn out the car's control circuit, but they were all blocked by the wizard. It feels like that guy is simply a panacea, there is nothing he can't do at all. If he had limited magic power, I guess he would simply not run away, maybe he would directly meet with us with force.

While we were pursuing the wizard and the warrior, Nuwa was not idle at all. She helped us ask many things from Fayana, one of the more important is that the two people we were chasing were not unknown people.

The warrior is a Legion leader in a very powerful country on their side, probably equivalent to our military commander level. Basically, the Army System except for the king and only in wartime In addition to the marshal who will be appointed, this is already the highest commander. However, although his specialty is not fighting, it is said that his personal strength has reached the level of great swordmaster, and according to Fayana, great swordmaster is actually a very strong level. There are only eight levels of warrior ratings. Among them, there are two levels above the great swordmaster, namely sword saint and Sword God. Among them, Sword God seems to be a legend. Anyway, I just know that there is such a level, but no one Have seen. As for the sword saint, although there is this level, it is rarer than the giant panda. Only some countries with stronger strength will have one or two. As for the great swordmaster level, although it is not as small as the above two levels, there will never be more than one hundred people in a country. Some small countries or even the whole country cannot make up ten great swordmasters. So, although the warrior is very difficult to deal with, it is already considered high-end martial power on their side.

Compared with the identity of the warrior, the mage seems to be more exaggerated. According to Fayana, the old man is a magic saint, and the magic saint is a level of second only to magic god in magician. Just like the sword saint in the warrior category, the saint is also a national treasure. Two Dharma saints, just like we have nuclear weapons, we don't need to send them out at all. As long as they are mentioned during the negotiation, it will be enough to scare those countries without Dharma saints to pee their pants. Of course, the Dharma God is stronger than the Dharma Sage, but that is also the legendary level. Anyway, Fayana said that she has never heard of any country that has a Christmas birth in the seven hundred years since she was born.

According to the strength of these two people, they should be better than what they have shown now, but in fact, only the Legion is the only one who can really display all the strength. The magic sage has been restricted because we don't have magic power. Not only does he dare not use magic indiscriminately, but the spell formidable power has also become much smaller. But even if the formidable power becomes much smaller, the guy's actual destructive power is almost the same as ours.

Actually speaking of which the mage’s battle strength is not as good as ours. As long as we prepare an open space for us, and then have a fair duel, no matter who we send to the field, we can definitely handle him within ten minutes. . The reason why I tossed with him all afternoon was completely because this is our site. We have to protect the innocent citizens and do not want to cause too much economic loss, so we are afraid of being run away by them. If it weren't for a densely populated area and replaced it with a desert, I would just let them go and shoot him and shoot him to death. Why would it take so long to chase him? But it's no use thinking about anything now. If this kind of place pops up fortunately, the news tomorrow will be lively.

Seeing the trailer rampage all the way forward, we followed behind with trepidation. Originally, according to traffic management regulations, trailers like this were not allowed to enter this area, but it was a miracle that the mage could drive the car. To expect him to abide by the traffic laws would be the same as expecting the big bad wolf to say that he loves carrots. .

"This won't work. The car must be stopped." I said.

Ling suddenly reminded: "There is a bridge ahead. Or we will blow it up?"

"No, there are too many people on the bridge. I don’t know how many people are going to die!"

"There is a smaller bridge ahead. If you let the helicopter pass by to disperse the crowd and then blow up the bridge, it might be too late."

< p>I thought for a second and then said: "Let the helicopter disperse the crowd there, but don't rush to blow up the bridge, wait until their car rushes up and then blow up, otherwise he will go to another road ahead of time."


Soon the tow truck crossed the road in front of the Songjiang District Government and continued to fly forward, while the bridge not far in front was already picked up by a helicopter. The people were isolated. At this time, there was no one on the bridge, and the roads turning to both sides were blocked by vehicles. When the trailer drove to the last intersection before getting on the bridge, although the wizard had noticed that the conditions on the bridge were not normal, he had to brace oneself and rush to the bridge because the roads on both sides were blocked. Just as his trailer rushed to the bridge, a missile suddenly swooped down from a high altitude at a near-vertical angle, blasting a large hole nearly four meters in diameter in the middle of the bridge with a bang. Because the speed was too fast, the trailer had no time to brake and rushed into the big hole. However, because the speed was too fast, the car did not fall from the hole, but directly flew through the hole. However, with the driving skills of the wizard, there was naturally no way to control the trailer in this state. The trailer that flew through the big hole slammed on the ground, and then deviated from the road to face the building on the side of the road.

Originally, we thought we would be able to stop the car. Who knows that we still underestimated the technical level of Longyuan Heavy Industry. The heavy trailer returned to the road after hitting a wall, then pushed off a fire hydrant and knocked down a row of barriers, and finally climbed back onto the road. However, this missile is not without results, although the car is back on the road, but its right front wheel obviously punctured.

Even if the heavy trailer is sturdy, it is also designed for normal driving. No one planned to design it as a tank at the beginning, so after the impact and jumping, the wheels finally couldn’t stand it. NS. The Master was not driving his own car and didn't feel distressed anyway, just dragging a burst tire on one side and still rushing forward. After all, the trailer has a lot of power. After a puncture, the speed is only a little slow and the direction is not easy to control. As long as the throttle is not released, it can still run. After reaching the T-junction of Shixian Road and Rongmei Road, the vehicle turned left and turned on Rongmei Road. However, the Master is an amateur driver after all. He has seen the operation, but he does not understand the theoretical knowledge at all. As a result, he turned left when he knew that the right wheel was wrong. Anyone who knows cars knows that the wheels on the outer side of the car are more burdensome when turning. Therefore, when the right wheel punctures the tire, he must not turn left. But the problem is that others know that the Master does He didn't know, so he swiped to the left intuitively, and he didn't slow down at all. I saw the whole trailer twisted forcibly at a very terrifying angle, and then suddenly rolled over in the harsh friction sound. The huge inertia caused the car body to directly break the big tree on the roadside and rush onto the sidewalk, and then all the way. After sliding out for more than ten meters, it stopped completely.

"Quickly, quickly, disperse the crowd."

Although it is a good thing that the mage drove the car over, the place where the car overturned is really not what I want to see. Less than 20 meters away from the tipping point is the gate of the Rongbei branch of Zhongshan Elementary School. It is time for school again. The school gate is crowded with parents who came to pick up the child and students who just finished school, plus the overturned trailer and The passing vehicles, how can the scene be chaotic!

Probably because it was blocked by a tree, the impact was not serious. As soon as the trailer stabilized, the wizard and the warrior jumped out together. I saw the opportunity to make an emergency stop, and then picked up the rifle hanging on the back and took a shot without aiming. The distance is so close, and the other party is such a big target, it is difficult to think of it from my instinct.

As soon as the warrior got out of the overturned car, I felt as if someone had hit his shoulder with a hammer. The whole person instantly broke off the roof of the car and was thrown out, and he was planning to pull it out. The hostage mage saw the warrior flying out before realizing that we had chased it nearby. He gave up and continued to pull the hostages out, but turned around and raised his staff and pointed at us. A Fire Dragon was instantly formed and moved towards us and rushed towards us.

"Fire." Seeing the Fire Dragon, I didn't even hide, but grabbed the opportunity and shouted. Ling and Jingjing and their two cars also stopped quickly. The four people raised their guns at the mage at the same time, which was a burst of intensive bursts. Although the bullets were blocked by the protective cover, the impact could not be offset. The rifle we use has a large caliber, and with enough charge, the kinetic energy of each shot is quite terrifying. Such a dense barrage instantly blasted the Master off the body. As for Vina and I, we didn't suffer any harm. Although we don't know magic, our electromagnetic force field is not a display. The turbulent Fire Dragon is blocked by an invisible wall in front of us, which has no effect at all except the pain of our skin.

The convenience of fighting in the first day of the first year is mutually beneficial, but I think we are cheaper, because the brief exchange of fire just now this time at least made the parents of the students react. I took advantage of the megaphone in the car and shouted at the school: "Don’t mess up, go to the school."

Because they are separated by a road, the parents have nothing to do. Panicked, now listening to my shouting, I dragged my child to start running into the school. After I shouted, I didn't have time to worry about them. I got off the motorcycle and jumped onto the car, while Ling and Jingjing circled past the front and the rear of the car respectively. However, just after we bypassed the car, the situation in front of us was stunned.

"Where is the person?"

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