"Can you run away even after anesthesia?" I asked in surprise.

"Maybe because they are not Earth creatures, their physiological characteristics are not the same as ours. The anesthetic seems to have a very short time in their bodies. As a result, the two people woke up and injured the guard and ran away. ."

"Do you know where they are now?"

"I don't know!" Nuwa replied a little frustrated: "But they shouldn’t be far away. Those two people treat us The environment and social conditions here are not well understood, and they have such weird clothes on them. They should be easy to find."

"You should tell us where they ran first! at worst we just follow the smell tracking, at most it is troublesome."

While we were exchanging information with Nuwa, a sleeper bus sent from Mount Huang to Hangzhou was on the Hangzhou-Huizhou Expressway. A highway service station was resting, but when the bus was slowly starting to leave the service station, two strangely dressed uninvited passengers suddenly jumped into the car.

"What are you doing..." The flight attendant sitting on the edge of the car door saw the two people jump into the car and immediately blocked the aisle to prevent them from boarding the car. Who knows that the first one will say anything Not to mention raising the hand is to fly the whole person back by the flight attendant in a circle. When the driver saw that someone was beating someone, he immediately thought that these two were hijackers, and immediately wanted to stand up and push them out of the car so that they could close the door and escape. Who knew he would listen before he got up from his seat. With a loud cry, a cold light gleaming long sword was already on his throat.

"※▲&#№§☆★……" The man behind opened his mouth and said a lot, but no one in the car could understand it. These days there are frequent exchanges between countries, even if you don’t understand, everyone can tell whether the other person is speaking English or Japanese. But even though the two people in front of you have the image of a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes, what they say is nothing. It's not like English at all. As for French and Russian, although everyone listens less, they don't feel like it.

"CanyouspeakEnglish?" A youngster who looked like a professional white-collar worker stood up and asked.


It's another language that is completely incomprehensible. Everyone guesses that these two are either deliberately joking with you or they really don't speak English. , But the two seemed very anxious. The guy who held the driver with the sword before saw the language barrier and repeatedly yelled something with a finger on the road ahead. Seeing that the driver was still unresponsive, he patted the car with his hand and pointed forward desperately. Although he still didn't understand, the driver guessed that this guy wanted him to drive. The driver was not stupid at all. He knew that the car would be difficult to handle when driving, and stopping at this service station might attract the attention of others. When the police arrived, it would be easy to handle, so he began to pretend to be confused and talk to that guy. Even if I interrupted what I said on the tape, I thought you wouldn't understand it anyway, so we were just consuming it. You two foreigners went to China to make trouble. Do you think this is the United States? Make trouble if you want to make trouble?

The driver thinks very well, but unfortunately the guy in front of him is really impatient. He just doesn't move when he sees the driver compare with him, his anger is gradually rising. "※▲△※" The guy suddenly yelled a sentence that no one understood, and then violently swung the sword to the side, only to hear a click, the automatic water dispenser placed behind the driver was instantly cut off by one third. The pure water inside was spilled all over the place. After cutting the sword, the man pushed the driver to the seat again, then put the sword on the driver's neck again and repeated the previous sentence.

Seeing this, the driver also knew that the sword was not a toy. Although the costumes of the two men in front of them look like props in a magic movie, at least this sword can definitely hack someone to death. Anyway, this can be considered armed kidnapping. However, the driver then noticed that someone outside the car was facing pointing fingers. It seemed that someone was going out to make a phone call. Obviously someone had already noticed the situation here. Knowing that if you keep going any longer, you might get a knife. The driver has to start the car obediently and honestly and drive on the highway, but he still keeps an eye on him. Although the car starts to drive, his speed is controlled by him. It looks like about ten kilometers. This speed is basically relatively slow on the highway, and he deliberately left the door open and not closed, planning to make a sharp turn to threw away the two people if he had the opportunity.

The two people looked at the car finally moving and their expressions relaxed a little, and then the two began to communicate with each other in that incomprehensible language. After driving a section of the road in this way, a traffic sign appeared in front of it, which said the ramp deceleration zone in Qingshan Lake Scenic Area. The driver had a clever idea and suddenly looked up towards the gangster who was holding his sword and looked towards the gangster with his face full of faces. He smiled and said, "You fucking bastard." Although this was cursing, the expression on the driver didn't seem to be cursing at all. The guy with the sword obviously didn’t know what the driver was talking about, so he opened his mouth to say something, but the driver definitely couldn’t understand it. It’s just that the other person obviously didn’t understand that he was scolding him at all from the facial expressions. In other words, this guy doesn't understand Chinese at all. After clarifying the situation, the driver slowed down and drew the road ahead and the ramp on the left. It was obvious that he was asking which way to go. But even though he draws like this, he says loudly in his mouth: "Call the police immediately. These two foreigners don't understand Chinese. Just be careful not to let them see."

Listen to the driver. Everyone also reacted to this, so the people in the back of the car all started to secretly call their phones. Anyway, the beds in the sleeper car are divided into upper and lower levels, and there are also bedside curtains. Many people hide their phones behind the curtains and start making calls. Anyway, the two foreigners can’t understand Chinese, as long as they talk to each other and listen. People who don't understand Chinese think they are chatting.

The driver was relieved a lot when he saw someone on the phone in the rearview mirror, at least it was certain that the police would be there in a while. Sure enough, a more clever young man suddenly got off the bed slowly. Of course, this action immediately attracted the attention of the two foreigners. The guy with the sword couldn't move because he pressed the driver, and the other one immediately ran over and yelled something. The young man was not nervous enough. He took out an empty bottle from the bed, then Bi drew a drink and pointed to the second drinking fountain in the middle of the car, but what he said was: "The policeman said They have tracked the GPS of this car, let us stay calm and don’t confront the culprits. They are arranging police in front to find a way to rescue us."

When I heard this, the driver couldn’t fight with those positions in the front. The person with the mobile phone immediately relaxed a lot. As for the guy who ran over because he didn’t understand what they were talking about, he thought he was going to drink water, so he stood there watching the youth pick up the water and climb back on the bed. Then he turned and walked back.

Less than twenty minutes after the call was made, a taxi suddenly chased up from behind at high speed, then overtook the bus and ran to the front of the bus, maintaining a speed similar to that of the bus, and began to stabilize the situation. Because the driver drove very slowly, there were many cars overtaking the bus on this road, and the two foreigners in the car didn’t care too much. They were both nervous and hehe watching the life in the car, fearing that someone would resist, but only occasionally raised their heads to the front of the car. Have a look.

The speed of the taxi stabilized after it drove to the front of the bus, and then a person in the car turned around and knelt down and sat down and looked at the inside of the bus. After a few seconds, the electronic sign on the rear window of the taxi that was used for rolling advertisements suddenly lit up. The Chinese characters composed of the red tube were so conspicuous that the driver of the bus immediately noticed the characters. "We are the police, please flash the headlights twice when you see it."

The driver was slightly happy, but he didn't dare to show it. He flashed the headlights twice, and then the typeface disappeared immediately. Scroll out one again. "Don't be nervous, keep the speed. When you see the light flashing once, after reading each message, the light flashes once."

The driver flashes the light again, and the information immediately changes. "Are there only two gangsters in the car?" The lights flashed, and the message changed again. "Does the culprit have a gun? I don't know how to flash once, but I saw the flash twice, but didn't see the flash three times." Seeing the information car lights flashed three times immediately. The electronic display card changes the information again. "We will create a fake traffic accident in front of you. Be prepared, stop the car first, pretend to be blocked, and we will rescue." The lights flashed again, and the information ahead changed again. "Accelerate over us, and then maintain the speed. Let's stop all the cars behind to prevent accidents. You continue forward." After this message is displayed, the sign will go out again after the driver flashes the lights again, and then the taxi will go It started to slow down, and the driver immediately accelerated and passed.

The driver informed the passengers in the car before getting there, so that everyone was ready, and then drove the car obediently and honestly. Soon I saw two large trucks crossing at a highway exit ahead, and a few small cars were blocked next to them. A large group of people were pushing and shoving there as if they were going to fight. The driver knew that this must be the fake traffic accident arranged by the police, so he started to slow down, and at the same time he drew forward with his hands and the road was blocked, but he said: "Attention, everyone, this is it."

After seeing that the road ahead was blocked, the two foreigners were obviously nervous. After the car stopped, the man without the sword jumped out of the car and found that the front was indeed unable to pass. He went back to the car and said something to another person. The driver thought they would make a U-turn, but who knew that the man with the sword would actually put away the weapon in his hand and get out of the car with that man. The driver was in a daze, and suddenly felt that his arm was slapped, and when he looked down, he found that someone was under his car door. The man saw the driver turned his head and quickly asked, "Are there any criminals in the car?"

The driver immediately shook the head. "Just those two."

"You immediately close the door and reverse the car."

The driver pressed the door close switch without answering and quickly put the reverse gear on Stomping the accelerator pedal to the end, the bus roared out of the congested area, but the two foreigners let them retreat as if they hadn't seen it at all. Just after the bus left the scene, the group of people who were pushing each other suddenly turned around. Everyone took out a pistol from their bodies and aimed them at the two white people. At the same time, a police siren suddenly sounded under the highway approach bridge. A few police cars drove out from the hiding place under the viaduct. A police officer in a police uniform took a megaphone and shouted in English to the two people on the opposite side: "Listen to the people on the other side. You are already surrounded, immediately put down your weapons and lie on the ground."

The two people were originally going to walk around the accident site on foot. Who knew they were suddenly surrounded by a group of people holding things they hadn’t seen before. The two immediately became nervous. Among them, the guy in a robe faced the other. The people babbled and said something, then the two immediately leaned together and shrank to the opposite side of the road, but before they could climb the barrier, they saw that the opposite side of the road suddenly climbed up a group of fully armed people holding the same. Something pointed at them and yelled. Although the two had never seen a pistol, they also knew that it must be some kind of weapon.

After a large group of police surrounded the two people, they did not rush upwards, but gradually reduced their range of activities and used microphones to shout. Anyway, these two gangsters have no hostages and no guns. There are no major events. Not to mention that the top teams of foreigners also do boxing or close combat skills, even if they are martial arts expert? Isn't such a sentence circulating on the Internet? No matter how good martial arts is, it fell down with one shot. Look at these two people. One is holding a long sword and wearing a set of medieval armor. The other is wearing a robe with a wooden stick in his hand. It is probably not a martial arts expert. If you say that they are mental disorder, they look a bit like. However, although the police thought the two men were in no danger, it was not the case. As they gradually compressed the encirclement, the guy with the sword suddenly loudly roared rushed towards the nearest policeman.

Ping pong. The two sounds almost overlapped. Almost as soon as the bullet came out of the chamber, the sword-holding warrior unexpectedly stopped in front of him with a magical cross-sword, followed by a pounding sound accompanied by a fire star flashing by, bullets He was knocked off by the sword. It's not over yet. After blocking the bullet, the guy rushed towards the policeman who opened the gun again, and the policeman was completely frightened at this time. Compared with foreign countries, our country has relatively good law and order. Usually, police rarely use guns. Today, we have encountered a master who can block bullets. How can ordinary policemen be stupid? But fortunately, although a lot of people are scared, there are still no fools.

Pangdang Pang Pang Pang Pang Pang Pang. With four consecutive shots and four impacts, an old policeman next to him fired four shots in a row, but the warrior actually blocked all four shots in a row, but at any rate the actions of this old policeman made others stunned. Zhong was pulled back. The police officer with a megaphone in the back yelled directly with the megaphone: "Shoot and shoot."

Order it, and even the people who didn’t react also reacted. Suddenly, there were all short and long guns nearby. Qi breathed fire, but at this time the warrior suddenly jumped from the ground to the police officer who was calling. However, as soon as he took off, he was forced to make dozens of consecutive swings in the air to block a dense burst of bullets. However, although he blocked the bullet, his body was hit back by the impact of the bullet. After landing, the warrior wanted to do it again, but it was a pity that the intensive rain of bullets followed up like a shadow, and he could only fight back because he was tired of parrying.

"Catch the net." The police officer shouted suddenly, and two police officers with a very thick gun walked to the front of the crowd and pulled the trigger at the warrior. They only heard two dull bang bangs. The two groups of white objects were sprayed out. The warrior saw that two objects were flying towards him and immediately slashed with his sword, but the objects were extremely flexible, and they didn’t cut off with a single sword. Instead, they let the first object. The sword was entangled. Before he could react, the second catching net followed and instantly wrapped the warrior into a mummy. The surrounding police saw that he was entangled, and they just wanted to rush up but saw that the warrior in the net suddenly flashed golden light on his body. He only heard a chick, the thick nylon net of chopsticks was broken by him, and he was frightened. The surrounding police hurried back. A quick-reacting policeman took advantage of the opportunity that the guy had just broken the net and hadn't recovered, and raised his hand with a shot. Even though the warrior saw him shooting, he couldn't stop it in time because the sword was still entangled. However, the situation made the police officers stunned again, because everyone thought that the guy was wearing a prop armor, but who knew it was the real guy, and the thickness was obviously not low. With only one sound, the bullet hit the guy's thigh and was flew away. The only result was that the guy was brought down and left an obvious dent in the thigh of the armor.

Although they could not defeat the enemy with a single blow, the people nearby also reacted. Large and small guns fired together. The guy immediately flashed endlessly like firecrackers, although he was afraid of accidental injury. The reason is that the formidable power of police pistols is relatively small, but such continuous blows are not blocked by ordinary things. After contacting the attack for ten seconds, the originally gorgeous armor on the guy turned into a set of extremely abstract equipment. Although no bullets have really penetrated the armor so far, it is certain that the thing has been separated. Not far away. However, just as the surrounding police were enjoying the fight, they saw that the guy who had been standing by and muttering something suddenly slammed the staff in his hand to the ground, only to hear a thump of flames. It spread out from under his feet without warning, and the surrounding policemen were smashed out dozens of meters away in an instant, each of them fell and confused.

After one blow got the police around, the guy with the staff rushed over to help the warrior and rushed to the side of the road. The people around originally thought they were going to jump down. Who knew that a gem on the wizard suddenly lit up, and then he took off with the warrior moved towards the forest beside the highway and flew over. The warrior was able to block bullets before, which can be explained quickly by his reaction, but now he actually saw two people flying, which confuses the police. After waiting for a long time, the police reacted and fired a few shots, but the distance was too far and they didn't seem to hit.

The bizarre hijacking of the intercity bus came to an end temporarily because of the escape of the two main criminals. However, everyone who witnessed the whole process felt like they were dreaming, and these people have not yet followed When we woke up in confusion, Vina and I were already on our way to this place.

"What's the situation now?"

Nuwa's voice said: "The target has just had an exchange of fire with local police officers. One of the warriors seems to be able to block bullets with a sword, and the other One was probably a mage. During the battle, he released something similar to a ring of flame and knocked out all the police officers who surrounded them at the time. Then he took the warrior and took off into the mountain area beside the highway. Now in the Several areas in the vicinity have been monitored by our people. I have asked the local police not to intervene. The battle strength of these two people is too strong. It is too dangerous for ordinary police officers to run into them. And I guess they are just aimless Normally, it won’t hurt civilians."

I was a little surprised and asked: "Do they really use magic?"

"Is it still uncertain whether it is magic? , But according to the description of the police officers present and the law enforcement video they uploaded, it is likely to be true."

"Didn’t Fayana say that we can’t sense magical energy here?" Before coming here, I have listened to Fayana's introduction. After all, we are going to catch people from their world, so we must at least know what they have. At that time Fayana said that there seemed to be no magical energy on our side, and then she said a lot of magical theories that we didn't understand at all. However, according to our words here, it probably means that there is something equivalent to magic battery in her body called magic core. Just like batteries can store electricity, this thing can store magic. The reason why Fayana can still use magic now is because her magic core still has remaining magic power, but because there is no way to replenish it, this one uses a little less. According to her, the humans in their place should have no magic core. Since that mage can use magic now, it means that he can get magic power. The question is how did he get it?

"I also just learned from Fayana. The reason that the mage can use magic is probably because he has a magic core dug out from another devil beast, but that is only equivalent to external The battery is only, as long as there is no way to replenish it, it will run out sooner or later. So if you can’t get him in a short period of time after you encounter him, then simply force him to use magic continuously, just use the magic core in his hand. He won’t be able to use his magic if he runs out."

"I see, please keep me informed about the latest news."

"Speaking of the latest news, I just paid I really received one."


"A resident called the police in Azure Mountain Town just now, saying that the dog in his nursing home didn’t know who killed him. I lost two sets of clothes, and the leftovers on the table at home are gone."

"It seems that our guests are hungry." It has passed since being sent to Earth. It has been twenty-four hours. It's unclear how long they haven't eaten before, but according to Fayana, the humans over there should also eat three meals a day, so these two guys must be hungry. But speaking of which their crisis awareness is very strong, so soon they realized that their clothes are too different from the locals, so they stole their clothes, but they didn’t know that the communication network on Earth was too dense. Yes, they knew the news when they left us after committing crimes. If they knew that they would immediately reveal their whereabouts by doing so, they would not steal the clothes if they were killed.

As our helicopter flew towards the target location, our two foreign visitors were hiding in the attic of a family home and desperately stuffing their mouths with food. Actually speaking of which twenty-four hours without food, although you will be hungry, but also not really unbearable. The reason why these two people eat like a hungry ghost reborn is completely because they have never eaten something so delicious. food. In the past, there was a saying in the folks called "separate pot rice fragrant", which means that other people's food always tastes better. In fact, this is mainly because I am tired of eating too much food, and suddenly I change my taste. As long as the food is not too bad, I will feel better. The two people in front of them suddenly changed their tastes and tasted fresh, and the taste of Chinese food itself was better. In addition, the two people had been hungry for a day. The so-called hunger and a hundred flavours naturally tasted special.

After finishing the meal with their hands, the two of them casually wiped their hands with a piece of stolen clothes that could not be worn as a rag, and then the two visitors from other worlds got together and began to discuss What to do next.

Speaking of which These two people originally had a bit of an antagonism. Although they have not yet reached the point of death or death, they are definitely happy to see each other's bad luck. But now they have to put all their previous hatreds aside, because just a day ago, since they got to this weird place by unfathomable mystery, everything turned out to be wrong. The air here is very dirty. The two of them were fine in the forest at first, and they felt that breathing became harder as soon as they left the forest. If they have studied natural science, they must know that this is because the oxygen content in Earth’s atmosphere is much lower than that of their planet, but unfortunately they have never studied natural science, and they don’t know what oxygen is. They just know that the air here is. problem. In addition to the problem of air, the two also discovered that there was no magic element at all. For the Swordsman, it's okay. At any rate, he doesn't rely on magic to eat, that is, the formidable power of the magic equipment on his body has dropped, and the number of times has changed. Another mage is miserable. The lack of magic elements means that all his magic has become a display. Although there are still a few magic cores in his hand to supplement magic power, it will be used up sooner or later, and once When the magic power is exhausted, no matter how powerful a magician is, he can't do a commoner who often does physical work. Of course, the trouble for two people is more than this. Language barriers, ignorance of the environment, cultural differences, all these make them feel so helpless. The devil beasts here are much stronger than theirs (in fact, the devil beasts they said refer to lucky them), and the individual strengths of the advanced warriors here are extremely powerful. The city guards (police) I met on the road before were ordinary persons, but they had a very difficult to deal with long-range weapon. The launch speed was amazing, not to mention the formidable power, even the famous set of magic on Swordsman. The heavy armor was beaten into a pile of rotten iron. If the other party didn't seem to have seen magic, it is estimated that the two people would have to explain there at the time.

While sighing the horror of this world, the two of them are planning what to do for a while. However, the two people had originally had an antagonism, and although they were forced to cooperate temporarily, there was no tacit agreement at all. The warrior insisted that it was a place for others, and it was safer to hide in the mountains where no one was there, while the wizard believed that the most dangerous place was the safest, and it was safer to hide in a civilian’s house than to hide in the mountain. The two people were arguing, and suddenly heard a low and rapid dong dong dong boom from outside, and the sound was getting louder and louder. The two people immediately ended their quarrel and rushed to the window to look out, only to see nothing at first sight. Then they realized that the sound seemed to be coming from above their heads, so they cast their eyes into the air again.

"Run!" As soon as the mage looked up, he found that a pair of eyes met his gaze, so he hurriedly pulled up the warrior and ran away.

Sitting on the external pylon of the armed helicopter, I saw the target in the attic window of the small building at a glance, and the other party also found me at the same time. Of course, I am not afraid of him running away. . What if you are faster? Can you fly the helicopter faster?

At this time, the two of them didn't care about their way, they broke through the wall from the other side of the small building, and the warrior carried the mage and jumped down. Although knowing that the magic power is used a little less now, the wizard still gritted his teeth and added two bonus spells to the warrior: strong and quick. These two spells have very low consumption, but their effect is obvious. In this case, it is definitely low investment and high return.

The warrior assisted by the spell feels that he has become more powerful, and as soon as he jumped off the ground, he lifted the bar again, stepped across the courtyard wall and jumped into the back alley, and then followed The trail runs straight ahead. However, when they rushed out of the small road and turned onto the road, they suddenly heard a harsh scream. The warrior suddenly turned around and saw an iron-clad car that had been seen a lot on the road before rushing towards him. . Although the speed has been added, the speed of the car was too fast, and the two collided together without giving him any reaction time. Fortunately, the mage activated a protective spell on the staff at the moment of crisis.

With a loud bang, the car seemed to hit the wall. The entire front of the car instantly turned into an accordion shape, while the warrior and the wizard turned into two balls and flew out. It took more than ten yards to land.

I saw that the two hapless guys were knocked into the air, and Skye's ridicule sounded immediately in my head. "It seems that the traffic situation on Earth has to be improved a bit. Finally, the two aliens who came to Earth were hit by a car and killed them. Who would dare to come here after entering the cosmic age?"

"Go, don't be stubborn. Work quickly."

"OK, work and work." Skeet yelled as he jumped from the rear cabin of the helicopter, and the other bells were also heard by Knight. They jumped down one after another. But what surprised us was that the two hapless guys didn’t react slowly. As soon as they saw the bell sound, Knight jumped down and immediately opened the door of a van that had stopped to avoid them, got in and hijacked the car smoothly. vehicle. "Damn, you ran as soon as I got down, and you deliberately made trouble for us!"

Looking at the other person getting in the car and running, I immediately said to Skeet and the others: "You find a car to catch up. Okay, let's follow." When I finished speaking, I patted the cockpit glass, and the pilot knew how to speed up and chased the van.

Probably it was scared by those two fools. The van driver did not dare to let go of the accelerator all the way. As a result, he ran a Great Wall van out of the speed of a Lamborghini two-seater, and they were not on the road. Ran, but ran on the gravel belt on the side of the road. I have to admit that the domestic car is really tossing. If the imported car is estimated to be either the chassis jammed or the broken frame, at least I know what Ferraris and Porsches must not dare to run at this speed on this washboard-like dirt road. Unless they plan to report to Yan Wang and his elders on the results of their life's work as soon as possible.

The van ran all the way along Provincial Highway No. 02 and turned on the Hangzhou-Huizhou Expressway. Our helicopter tried to approach several times but was forced away by the magic ball launched by the opponent, but found that the opponent would launch magic to block it. After we got closer, we started to get closer to them more frequently, of course the purpose was to drain their magic power. Anyway, that Swordsman poses no threat to us, but that mage is too annoying. There is that guy who is equivalent to them. They carry a bazooka with them, and it's the kind that can be launched multiple times. Now, taking advantage of running out of his magic power in the suburbs, even if the damage caused by the fight will be small for a while.

Because of the very fast speed, the van quickly passed the ring road in Hangzhou city and went east along Xixi Road, and then there was a densely populated area. We had to find a way to park the car first . After a simple calculation of the risk factor, we decided to leak the car’s fuel tank first. At least in case of an overturn, there is no fuel in the car to be relatively safe.

Although the opponent is very fast, our Dragon Clan's excellent control ability is not a blow out. Ling, who was in the best position, fired a shot first, and there was an obvious oil trail behind the van. Although I do

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