When we returned to the area where the remaining creatures were fighting, the battle was almost at an end, but the only one who died was the at first jasper bird That magic cat is just that. When we rushed to the scene, the devil cat was already dead, and the human face spider was confronting the dragon monster, and the rock rat didn't know where it was going.

"What shall we do now?" Ling asked me back.

"Recover the corpses of the jasper bird and the devil cat first."


When the human face spider and the dragon monster are not paying attention Here, we quickly dragged the corpses of the two dead creatures out and sent them outside the forest. When we returned, we also brought back an underground echolocation device by the way, because the rock rat still doesn’t know where it is. Woolen cloth!

Because I don’t want to directly conflict with the two monsters, I decided to search for rock mice first, but the result was more unexpected. The guy didn’t run away, but died, and the body is here. Not far below the ground. Looking at the position, it seems to be right under the feet of the dragon monster.

Now that we have determined the location of the rock rat, our attention has shifted back again. The dragon monster and the human face spider have been facing each other for a long time. No one dared to move. Although it seems that the dragon monster should dominate in the imposing manner, the human face spider is not so easy to hold. Both sides are somewhat dreaded each other. And because of instincts, they were unwilling to coexist with the creatures in front of them, so the two sides protested against each other on the other side.

We waited for a long time to see that they were still screaming and not fighting. We were so anxious that we had no choice but to plan to challenge the tactics again. Because the defensive power of the dragon monster and the human face spider are very scary, the blowing needle is definitely not good. This time we plan to use the rifle to shoot directly, of course, the silencer must be used. Under my command, Skye found a suitable place and climbed onto the tree, and then aimed his gun at one of the dragon monster's eyes. The reason for this is because the dragon monsters seem to be a bit more powerful than the human face spiders. In order to ensure that they will be comparable in the end, we plan to weaken the dragon monster’s battle strength first, but we didn’t expect this plan. Caused trouble for ourselves.

We are too low on the hearing of those two big guys. Although the silencer can greatly reduce the volume of the bullet when it is launched, it is not completely silent. In fact, the sound of a real large-caliber rifle is quite loud even if it is equipped with a silencer. At the moment when Skott fired, the dragon monster and the human face spider found Skott at the same time, and then the dragon monster turned his head slightly. Just listen to peng sound, the bullet that should have hit its eye directly hit the scales on the side of the dragon monster’s nose, and scraped the dragon monster’s slightly protruding eyes after wiping out the fire star, just because of the angle. , The bullet did not explode this eyeball, but only scratched a red blood mark on it, and the hurting dragon monster immediately roared.

"Oops!" When we found the dragon monsters turned their heads, we realized it was not good, but the reaction speeds of the two giant beasts were significantly higher than the average. As the dragon monster roared, the human face spider suddenly turned and rushed towards us, and I quickly reminded everyone to disperse in my mind. And shortly after we ran out of the original hiding position, the human face spider jumped up violently. I saw it retracted several of its huge legs in the air, so that it hugged its body into a ball and easily passed through the not-so-wide gap between the two big trees, and then stretched out its limbs and feet flexibly. It fell where we just stood.

As soon as the human face spider hit the ground, it immediately spotted us who hadn’t had time to hide after moving, and then immediately jumped up again, and this time it was Ling and Weina evacuating Direction.

"Reinforcement, reinforcement! We have been exposed!" Since it has been discovered, there is no need to hide it again. I directly called the reinforcements, and then ordered: "Ring tone Knight, go and entangle that A big lizard, the others follow me to catch the face spider first. Fortunately, you move faster, these two things are too big, we are not rivals!"

"I will be there soon!" Because before Afraid of being discovered, fortunately, these larger creatures did not follow up. Now it takes a little time to reinforce them. Fortunately, we are not ordinary people. It's okay to deal with these guys in a short time.

While the face spider was chasing Ling and Weina, Chili suddenly launched a lightning ball from a large tree on the side, but was dodged by the face spider, but The Human Face Spider changed his target and rushed directly to Chili.

"Pull the tripwire!" I yelled and listened to the puff puff puff several times. A dozen tripwires flew out and shot onto the opposite tree, jumping into the air. The Human Face Spider didn't have time to react, and the tangled trip cord brought a big somersault to the ground.

When it turned over, Xiaochun raised his gun and fired a shot at its abdomen. As a result, the bullet hit the soft fur on the body and slipped out. It seems Fayana said before That’s right, the defensive power of the Human Face Spider is much stronger than expected.

"Quickly, quickly, it's going to get up again!" I yelled immediately after tripping the Human Face Spider. Amenis and the others rushed over quickly, and then moved their hands to When the human face spider's body was pressed, the human face spider's body immediately flashed an arc, accompanied by the crackling sound of crackle.

The human face spider who was smashed by the electric limbs made a scream like a baby crying while struggling desperately to turn over, but as Vina and Ling came back to join the discharge In the ranks, the Human Face Spider was completely depressed. The strong current seriously interfered with its limb control signals, and all the muscles on its body were contracting violently and irregularly. It simply didn't listen to it, and even if it wanted to bite, it couldn't aim at the target at all.

"Get out of the way." With a loud roar from the air, we quickly collectively closed our hands and then turned around and ran out to all directions, just when we were just a few meters away. , Saw a huge black shadow hit the human face spider with a bang and stepped back on the human face spider who wanted to take the opportunity to get up.

Immediately after the face spider was knocked over, his huge fangs bit the dragon riding on him, but it didn't expect that the dragon had a helper. The plague blasted to the ground within a second, and at the same time his two front claws slammed the two big fangs of the human face spider and pulled it to the sides, and then luckily held it in his hand. One of the steel cylinders was turned upside down and inserted into its mouth while unscrewing the valve at the mouth of the bottle. I saw a cloud of yellow-green smoke floating, and the human face spider suddenly struggled violently. Eight huge long legs smashed on Lucky to kick it away, but it was a pity that Lucky's weight was heavier than it. Its power simply cannot be kicked. The futile struggle only lasted for a few seconds before it began to gradually weaken. After ten seconds, when lucky to throw away the empty cylinder, the face spider was completely motionless. After trying a few times to confirm that this guy really didn't respond, Lucky and Plague let it go.

"Huh, this thing is really resistant to anesthetics. I filled a bottle of it to get it done!"

I glanced at the cylinder that was lucky to be thrown away. As a result, I was shocked. There was a skull sign on that thing. Everyone knows that the skull logo represents the meaning of chemical agents, and anesthetics generally do not need to use this logo. However, I know that Longyuan has a kind of anesthetic that is not an anesthetic. It is actually an anesthetic, but it is too powerful. If it is not diluted, normal people can sleep for three days by just smelling it. If you accidentally swallow a drop, Make sure you fall asleep and will not wake up. Just now, the human face spider swallowed a whole bottle and then completely calmed down. It can be seen how strong this guy's resistance to anesthetics is.

"Why do you think of using this anesthetic?" Ling also saw the sign, so he asked in confusion.

The plague explained: “It’s Fayana who said that the human face spider is particularly resistant to poisons, and ordinary poisons do not respond to it, so we thought that ordinary anesthetics might not be useful, so directly I asked the research institute to prepare a few bottles of the most powerful anesthetic. Didn’t expect really used it."

"Okay, you two, crystal and silver, help transport this guy outside. Fortunately, Plague, Xiaosan, you come with us and put that big lizard down."

At this time, in another place in the forest, the dragon monster was pulling the tree there like crazy. The Ringtone Knights took full advantage of their small size and flexibility compared to the dragon monsters in the woods to harass them. The dragon monsters went crazy and destroyed the trees in general, hoping to clear a clearing so that they could play their own battle strength. , It’s just that the Ringtone Knights are not stupid. They know the intentions of the dragon monsters, so they always use long-range attacks to lure this big guy to move around. This kind of weapon is very painful. But to be honest, although the dragon monster is the dumbest among so many monsters just caught, its defensive power and attack power are definitely the highest. For a while, this guy has been hit by no less than 3,000 bullets and a dozen rockets, but it doesn’t appear to be injured except for the black and white scales. It’s still a lively dragon and animated tiger. Pull up trees there. Those towering giant trees tens of meters high seem to be weightless in this guy's hands. Seeing that it pulls trees faster than we pull weeds.

"So big!"

Although the dragon monster is not 100 meters tall, it is actually much bigger than the lucky ones who are 100 meters long. . This is not to say that the dragon monsters are relatively long, but fortunately their body length is the length of the headband and the tail, and the dragon monsters’ necks and legs are very short, which makes it invisibly shorter. If you make it look like The real giant dragon landed on all fours, and added the forty-meter-long tail behind it. This guy is actually one third bigger than the giant dragon. It feels like it stands with them. Together, it's like a basketball player and an ordinary person standing together. At first glance, I feel lucky that they are so delicate. The strong feeling I used to be can't be seen at all.

In the face of such a big guy, they dare not move. Although from the situation of the creatures before, lucky, their strength may be much greater than this guy, but its size is too big, even if it takes advantage of its strength, you must be careful, otherwise the injury will be minor and the death will be Not impossible.

"Listen well." I said to the lucky them: "For a while, let us use the rocket to attract its attention, and then the plague and Xiaosan are responsible for rushing up from both sides to restrain the guy. Move your arms. Fortunately, you are responsible for controlling that guy’s head from behind. Silver, your task is to pour anesthetic into that guy’s mouth."


Assignment After the mission was completed, everyone immediately took action. Weina and I set up the individual rockets we carried with them, and then waited for the lucky ones to send a prepared signal and launched them together one by one.

The dragon monster was entangled with the ring tone Knight, when suddenly he saw seven or eight pillars of smoke rising up in the forest. The dragon monster, who has been bombed by individual rockets several times before, naturally knows what it is. It’s just that so many rockets are launched together and they don’t know where they are going. They can only watch a row of rockets. assaults the senses. Fortunately, this guy reacted at the end and protected his head. In the end, many rockets only exploded black spots on his body. However, taking advantage of the chance of protecting its head, luckily they finally rushed up.

The dragon monster who just recovered from the explosion just put down his claws and saw three guys not much younger than him rush up, and then its two claws were given by two of the giant dragons. Hugged tightly. Although he wanted to struggle very much, the strength of the two dragons seemed to be greater than him, no matter how he moved, he couldn't break free. The dragon monster couldn't move his arm and started to think about using his mouth. I saw this guy suddenly opened his mouth to the plague that was holding his left arm, and then saw a large number of disordered and in a mess golden arcs flashing in his mouth. At the same time, a golden ball of light gradually formed in this guy's mouth and began to grow rapidly. After a few seconds, the ball of light turned into a huge light ball with a diameter of more than eight meters, and the golden arc on it was still jumping. All fools knew how terrifying the energy contained in that thing. However, just as the golden electric ball in the dragon monster’s mouth began to move out of his mouth, luck suddenly landed on his back, and then the two front paws grabbed the two horns on the dragon monster’s head. Horn forcibly pulled the dragon monster's head over. With only a chick, the electric ball in the dragon monster's mouth suddenly escaped from its huge mouth and flew forward.

Vina and I only saw the golden light flashed and felt the hairs all over their bodies stood up. This is not a physiological reaction caused by fear or cold, but a rejection reaction caused by static electricity. And just as we felt the strong static electricity, the golden light ball had flown over our heads, and then flew into the forest behind us at a relatively flat angle. There is no sound at all when the ball of light hits an object. Anything that is hit by the ball of light, whether it is a tree or soil or rock, instantly turns into steam. When we look back, we only see a straight hole. Extending to the distance, nothing was seen in this straight line. The remaining trees and the edges of the soil on the ground were all red, as if they were swept out by a laser cannon.

We were all shocked when we saw this formidable power. Fortunately, we finally got lucky to open its head, otherwise everyone would be finished with this sweep.

"Damn, don't let it make a second shot!" The people who reacted almost yelled together. Fortunately, they desperately pulled the guy's head to the sky, thinking So even if you make another shot, as long as you don't face people, can you still shoot the satellite down?

Looking at this situation, Silver didn’t wait for the signal, so he rushed forward, grabbed the dragon monster’s shoulder with his two hind paws, and twisted the valve with his front paws holding a big pot. Tucked the guy's mouth in. The dragon monster opened his mouth and planned to continue spraying people. Who knew that there was something in his mouth suddenly, and he instinctively wanted to vomit out. Who knew that after filling the bottle with silver, he hugged its mouth and then squeezed it tightly. It makes it feel like vomiting and can't vomit it anymore. The bottle in his mouth continued to exude a very strong abnormal smell. The smoked dragon monster was almost crying, but after a few seconds it found that the discomfort seemed to gradually disappear, and even the body It has become particularly light, as if there is a feeling of flying.

Obviously feel that the dragon monster is falling down, the several dragons surrounding him quickly flapped their wings and flew away, while the dragon monster is a drunk with yellow smoke in his mouth. Generally, I walked forward two steps staggeringly, and then tripped under the fallen tree trunk and suddenly fell forward. With a bang of The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the huge body of the dragon monster finally fell to the ground without moving.

"Huh, I finally got another one!" Lucky landed and sighed.

The plague then landed next to us, and sighed there, "I was really scared to death just now. Fortunately, you opened its head, otherwise I will become a pile of rotten meat. That’s it!"

"At least it means that we got a very good specimen." Wei Na said: "Did you feel the energy in the light ball just now? The degree of energy accumulation is really exaggerated, if we You can also have that level of output capability and you can definitely single out the defense power of any base."

Ling shook his head and said: "I think even if it is researched out, only lucky people can use it. That guy probably It depends on our size to gather such strong energy. Even if we have that ability, the output at this time will squeeze all the energy out of our body. Unless you have an external power supply, would you dare to use it?"

< p>"That's what I said!"

"Okay, don't talk about it, get this guy out first before talking. Xiaochun, sit on it and pay attention to its brain. The electric wave changes. If it wakes up, just fill it with an anesthesia bottle."

"I see."

After commanding everyone to carry the dragon monster outside, I let it The Dragon Clan soldiers on the periphery began to enter the forest to search for creatures that might slip through the net, while the defense on the periphery was taken over by the Dragon Edge security forces. After all, most of the creatures were caught, and even if there were not many slipping through the net, there should not be many.

After arranging the work here, we are planning to return to the base first. Who knows that Nuwa's communication is suddenly accepted. "You can't rest yet!"


"Because the previous specimen was a little troublesome."

"What's the trouble?"< /p>

"Remember the Griffin and Knight on the biped wyvern?"


"The two of them ran away."

"Can you run away even after anesthesia?"

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