Fayana continued to be introduced: "The cute-looking creature next to the dragon monster is a demon cat, a demonized creature, and its body is an ordinary creature kept as a pet. Because of some special reasons, it was infected by demonic energy to become so big. The demon cat’s specialty is speed and strength, and its weakness is insufficient defensive power. Its fur is very soft, and slightly sharp weapons can easily damage it. The creature next to the magic cat is called a rock mouse, which is very good at burrowing, but it has almost no battle strength except for burrowing and making surprise attacks. As long as you pay attention to it, you can basically ignore it. In general, the strongest of these creatures is the dragon. Monsters, followed by jasper birds, then human face spiders. Don’t worry about magic cats and rock mice, they are easy to deal with."

After Fayana finished speaking, I’m still waiting for her to introduce The last creature, but waited for a long time but didn't hear her talking. "Why didn't you say it?"

Fayana was confused by my question. "What?"

"What about the little one?"

"The little one?" Fayana was visibly stunned. "Where?"

"Just squat on the trunk to the right of the human face spider!" I used my electronic brain to mark the red circle on the picture I saw and placed the golden fat squirrel Similar creatures are marked out. "That's it."

Fayana hadn't noticed this little thing until I marked it out and was surprised to discover the existence of this guy. "Oh my God! It turned out to be a golden lightning! You better be careful about this creature. It is more powerful than the dragon monster. Even a giant dragon will not provoke it!"

"This little thing has So strong?"

"Not strong, but too annoying!" Fayana warned: "Golden lightning is named after its golden coat and its speed as lightning. When it runs, you Only one golden light can be seen, and golden lightning is also very good at space magic. As long as it is willing to space and distance, it simply has no meaning to it, so even if it encounters a creature that cannot be beaten, it will definitely have a way to escape. You'd better Don't mess with it, this little fellow is very vengeful, and the speed is too fast to catch it. As long as you provoke it, it will toss you endlessly, and finally it must drive you crazy."

< p>"So scary?" I said scary, but I didn't worry at all. Is the speed amazing? at worst Find a plane sprayed with pesticides and spray hypnotic gas on a large area. You can't use anesthetic bombs at a long distance, or you can put some delicious traps in it. Anyway, it's just a small animal. sky. "Does that golden lightning have any specialties besides being fast and moving instantaneously?"

"In addition to teleporting, it also releases a dimensional slash that can cut everything, and it activates without warning, very Great. But apart from these, it doesn’t have any characteristics. It is actually similar to ordinary creatures, and its defensive power is very low."

"Okay, I get it." After I got the information about these creatures, I started. Think about how to deal with these things. Judging from the situation on the scene, these monsters are also confronted with each other, so the best choice for us is not to go up and fight against the group of creatures, but to provoke a war between them. As long as they fight, it will be easy for us to handle. The easiest way to provoke a battle is to make one of the creatures move first, and the best target is naturally the opposite cat. After all, it is faster, and it is more reasonable to attack first. After thinking about the countermeasures, I issued the order, and everyone slowly formed an encirclement to surround all the six creatures on the scene.

I carefully took out a blowpipe from my body. This thing was originally intended to deal with small creatures, but I didn't expect it now. After filling the blowpipe with a blowing needle dipped in anesthetic, I immediately aimed at the magic cat and blew the needle out. Under the pressure of my powerful lungs, the thin as a blow needle instantly crossed between us. It shot directly into the furthest part of the left upper arm muscle of the cat, and the sudden tingling made it cry. This call does not matter, the devil beasts who were already in a stalemate suddenly moved together. Probably when they were in a stalemate before, they chose each other's targets. The six creatures on the field were divided into three groups and killed instantly as if they had discussed in advance.

The target of the human face spider closest to us is the opposite magic cat. The two rushed together almost instantly, and then the magic cat played its own speed advantage and started to spin around the human face spider. The human face spider desperately wields its pliers-like forelimbs desperately to block the approach of the demon cat, and at the same time uses huge fangs and spouting spider silk from time to time to try to control the opponent, but the speed of the human face spider is too slow and the demon cat is flexible. It's horrible, the two have been around for a long time, and neither of them can help each other.

Different from the battle between the human face spider and the devil cat, the war between the dragon monster and the rock mouse on the other side is completely chasing and killing side by side, and the rock squirrel keeps drilling on the ground The dragon monster is playing the game of whacking moles with the claws and the tails, but judging from his clumsy skills, it is estimated that they will not be fruitful if they play for two days.

Compared with the previous two pairs, the last team is the battle we are most concerned about. Jasper Bird and Golden Lightning can fly at a speed fast as lightning, and Fayana said that Golden Lightning is the most powerful creature here. We all want to know how strong it is, but after the battle started, we were shocked. Ground glasses. At the beginning of the battle, Jasper Bird spread its wings and kicked the ground fiercely to take off, but the golden lightning on the opposite side was even more exaggerated. When I saw the golden light flashed, I didn’t know what was going on. It reached Jasper Bird’s back, and then We saw Jasper Bird's head suddenly fall off without seeing anything, and then the huge body fell to the ground and took a few strokes before it fell silent.

"Damn, there must be a limit to being strong, right?" Although Fayana had reminded in advance, but we didn't expect this little thing to be so strong, that comprehensive exclusion is not bad. The Jasper Bird at the front was killed in a single encounter. Isn't this too much difference?

"Not good, it noticed us!" We were sighing and saw that the golden lightning who had just killed the Jasper Bird turned his head and stared straight at Yeyue. Obviously he Yeyue has been seen.

Wow. Without a pause, the golden lightning almost instantly traversed a distance of more than ten meters to reach the back of Yeyue, and Yeyue reacted very quickly. She instantly looked towards and flinched away from the original position, but then we I was taken aback, because the laser wire composite high-frequency vibrating blade in Ye Yue’s hand only had a hilt left. We didn’t even know when the blade was cut off. This is really true. It’s too terrifying. You must know that even if the sword is not powered on, the armor of the tank can be cut into pieces like tofu, but just now, that little thing cut it off in the blink of an eye. What a terrifying weapon does this have to be done?

If it missed a hit, the little fellow seemed to be stunned for a while, probably because of its speed, it’s never missed it before. Suddenly it felt a little surprised that it didn’t cut something, but it just made it It froze for only a few tenths of a second, and the little thing soon moved again.

"Open the electromagnetic field!" I screamed when I saw the little thing suddenly activated again. Ye Yue hurriedly unfolded his electromagnetic barrier, and then I heard a little fellow directly. After hitting the barrier, he was bounced back and rolled all the way to the next big tree before stopping. The little fellow was obviously hit hard, and got a little dizzy when he got up from the ground. After shaking his head, he looked at us very humanely and then suddenly started again, but this time its goal is no longer to expose the goal. Ye Yue, but replaced me. Although it first discovered Yeyue, when it first attacked Yeyue, the little thing obviously also found other people nearby, and because my audible reminder made it suffer, the little thing instinctively realized that I was It is the target that needs to be killed first, so it rushes without the slightest hesitation.

I was shocked to see the little things rushing towards me. People nearby were shocked. Ling raised his hand and threw out a plasma ball flashing randomly, but the plasma is actually ionized air, because The mass itself is too small to move fast, and the speed of the small thing is too fast. With the help of a nearby tree trunk, a lightning-shaped reflex jump easily escaped the blow of the electric ball and rushed to my neighborhood. I immediately raised my hand and swung it with a sword, but the little thing jumped on my sword and ran towards me along the edgeless ridge, but then it was violently beaten by an invisible force. After flying out, after landing, the little thing jumped out without any hesitation for several consecutive horizontal jumps, and the position where it landed several times in a row was patronized by bullets. If it weren't for its fighting instinct, it had become A pile of rotten meat.

After pushing back this little thing, we hurriedly searched and defended and got close together. Before, no one didn’t expect those big guys to be easily dealt with, but this little thing is so pierced. In less than five seconds, including me, we almost lost two people. What a terrifying battle strength is this? If this guy can be transformed into a biochemical battle beast, as long as there is such a one thrown into the enemy army, the entire army of the opponent can be destroyed. Unless the opponent dares to use heavy weapons to cover his own army, he can't expect to be wiped out. It, as for those so-called elite special forces who encounter it, it is like a polio patient encounters a jaguar, and the survival probability is infinitely close to zero.

"Fayana. Why is this thing so perverted?"

"I said before that you should be careful because you yourself were accidentally targeted by it. Golden Lightning The defensive instinct is very strong. They can sense the psychological changes of the other party. You can tell at a glance whether you are hostile to it or not. You must have been thinking about dealing with it just now, so it will take the initiative to attack. As long as you are If you don’t want to hurt it, it won’t care about you. But it’s too late now, and since you’ve already handed in, it’s useless if you are friendly again!"

"What should I do?"< /p>

"I can't help it anyway, you said that Golden Lightning is not easy to deal with!"

"What a bad luck!" I cut off the communication angrily and started staring at it intently. A little thing, and that little thing is obviously looking at us right now. It may be because the two previous attacks were blocked and suffered a small loss. Although the little thing had been staring at us, it did not show any gesture of attacking, and we even dared not move. We used to perform tasks like adults and bullying children. Human weapons can’t hurt us with bullets, and missiles and shells can’t hit us. So we simply don’t worry at all, and this is our first time since we became Dragon Clan. Once I felt that my life was out of protection. Since the little thing can cut our sword silently, it can naturally cut our body. Although we won't die as long as our heads are fine, who knows where it will cut us? So we can say that we are not safe and dare to face this little thing. The top devil beast is really terrifying!

"Husband, have you heard?" A rose's voice suddenly sounded in my electronic brain.

"What are you doing?"

"I thought of a way to deal with it."

"Oh? Tell me now."

"In fact, the method is very simple. Just let the troops outside spread the hypnotic gas to this area according to our coordinates. No matter how fast the little thing is, it doesn’t know what the hypnotic gas is, and waits for it to smell. By the time I want to run, it’s too late. This little fellow is so small that he will faint if he smells it."

"Yes! Why didn't I expect it!"

< p>After confirming Rose’s method, I immediately contacted the troops outside to follow suit. After receiving the order, the commander who stayed outside immediately arranged two self-propelled rocket launchers equipped with anesthetic gas missiles with two base numbers. The first batch of missiles was used. An anesthetic gas barrier is formed in an area separated by a certain distance from our periphery. Because there is no wind in the woods, the anesthetic gas should be able to maintain for a long time. After completing this encirclement, the second batch of missiles began to launch at us.

We and the golden lightning were in that big eyes staring at small eyes, and suddenly we heard a series of whistles from wu wu from far and near, and then suddenly we heard a collision from the tree canopy above us Then, something the size of a thermos tumbled down between the branches of the tree, and finally hit the ground with a sound. As soon as the thing hit the ground, eight metal feet suddenly bounced to stand it up, and then it suddenly started to smoke out of the top with a chirp, and soon a large area nearby was completely sprayed out by the thing. The white clouds are covered.

The little thing obviously doesn't know anything about this thing, so now that it sees the smoke spreading, it has no plans to run, but is careful to prevent us from attacking it. After the smoke spreads, the visibility of the surrounding area gradually begins to drop. As more hypnotic smoke generators land, the surrounding area will soon become invisible, but we are not worried, because the first smoke bomb landed as early as At that time, we have already adjusted the helmet display to infrared mode. The body temperature of that little thing is obviously quite high, and it looks very conspicuous in infrared light like a light bulb.

At first, the little fellow didn’t feel anything. After being covered by smoke, it thought for a while to just take advantage of the smoke to perform a sneak attack, so it didn’t move at all when the smoke just dispersed, just waiting Let the smoke thicker to start. Although the smoke itself has a slight strange smell, because it is not too strong, the little fellow didn't care too much. After all, it had never smelled the smell of anesthetic gas before. After the smoke spread, when the little thing was about to start his sneak attack plan, the problem appeared. I’ve been squatting before and I haven’t noticed. As soon as the little thing moved, it noticed that the body was obviously disobedient. It felt as if the limbs were controlled by four people. There was no coordination at all. Not to mention the previous speed. It's difficult to walk.

Seeing the actions of the little fellow swaying like a drunk person, we know that the anesthetic gas has begun to take effect. Longyuan Biological Force uses a kind of neuronal anesthetic hypnotic gas. After inhaling, it will not cause sleepiness immediately. Instead, the limbs will be paralyzed and the balance will be lost. After that, they will gradually lose consciousness and enter a deep sleep state. The way this little thing walks knows that it has entered the 1st stage. And when it saw us walking in front of it, the little thing finally showed fear.

"I knew it was so simple, at first, that the entire forest should be covered with anesthetic gas!" A bell-tone Knight said next to him.

"No, if you use it in advance, it will be easy to catch these guys, but there may be big problems later." Ling pointed to the little thing and said, "For example, this guy, in case we treat it as An ordinary creature is locked in an ordinary cage, and the trouble will be big after that!"

As we were talking, suddenly we heard Fayana’s exclamation from the communicator in our heads. : "Be careful!" As we exclaimed, a black crack suddenly appeared around the little thing that had been struggling to escape, and then the crack flew towards me at lightning speed.

"Damn!" I was shocked to see that thing flying towards me. I lay back and avoided the strange black crack. However, there was a big tree behind me. The tree suddenly tilted to one side after a few seconds, and then slowly fell down under our surprised eyes. "Flash!" As soon as I got up from the ground, my first reaction was to order everyone to run first. Before that little fellow gathered for a second attack, we had already ran far away. I was really careless just now, forgetting that not only was it fast, but it was also proficient in space magic. In fact, we can't blame us for this. After all, there is no magic on Earth, so we can't think of that. Fortunately, the little fellow seemed to be affected by the hypnotic gas and its strength had declined. If it throws a large crack of that kind in its heyday, then I might have to change my body today!

With this lesson, we don’t dare to be careless anymore. We stand at a long distance and wait until the little thing is completely in deep sleep before we dare to lean forward cautiously. Vina carefully used the electromagnetic control to remotely control a bullet with a sword and touched the little thing that was already motionless. We dared to walk over after we were sure that it was really asleep. After repeated verifications confirmed that this guy was really asleep, we quickly took out a special transport box. This thing was just brought from the outside of the forest. Inside, there is a space made according to the volume of a small thing. The outside is covered with a soft impact-resistant material, which can minimize the impact of vibration on the creatures inside. At the same time, the box body will continuously and uniformly release anesthetic gas into the internal space. On the one hand, it suppresses the thinking activities of small things, and on the other hand, it can also prevent the concentration of anesthetic agent from being too high and giving it to poison to death.

After we packed up the little things, we walked to the clearing before. I really want to know how the battle between the four big guys turned out, and the body of the jasper bird that was killed by the little thing is still there. Over there, this can't be wasted.

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