After the equipment arrived, I immediately ordered the units to be grouped, and all the troops were divided into seven-person contingents. The advantage of this is that they can cooperate with each other to deal with larger ones. The creatures, after all, we don’t know what else is in the forest.

After arranging the team, I commanded several data command vehicles next to us and parked beside us, and then set up all the monitors inside, and synchronized the visual signals of our ancestors. All are connected to the screen. After finishing these tasks, I called Fayana to my side. "You have seen the situation now. This is our country, and we are the army here."

Fayana nodded. "It can be seen. You are not only well-trained, but also very powerful. We also have a human country there, but no army has such a terrifying battle strength as you. Is it possible that your ordinary persons here are all sword saints and holy demons? The existence of the guide Level 1?"

"I don’t know what level the sword saint you are talking about is the holy wizard, but I know you must have overestimated our ordinary person here. To tell you the truth, We belong to a special force here. We can be said to be an improved special human being. Compared with real humans, we are already very different. Although it looks similar, we are actually much stronger than the ordinary person. So in They are very fragile when facing you aliens. It’s better to be willing to cooperate if you understand the truth like you, if you run into those hard-headed rare beasts or grumpy fires, once you let them enter the civilian population. , It will inevitably cause heavy casualties, so we can’t let them leave here."

"So what do I need to do?" Fayana knew I called her here, there must be something for her to help. .

I pointed to the row of monitor screens next to it. "These things can simultaneously display the pictures our soldiers see, and we have no idea about the creatures in your place. There is a saying here called know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated, which means as long as If you can fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of yourself and the enemy, and give full play to your strengths to restrain the opponent's weaknesses, you can emerge victorious in every battle and never fail. So now I need you to look at these things here, once there are any creatures When it comes out, you must immediately tell us the characteristics of this creature, whether it is offensive, what special abilities it has, where are its weaknesses, etc. Some information that you think is more important."

"This is simple. Fayana said proudly: "We Silver Dragon are very knowledgeable. We can accurately identify at least ninety-half of them on the devil beast on the continent. Some unimportant low-level biological branches."

"That's good. Don't worry, we will give you the reward you hope after the incident is resolved."

Fayana Although she doesn't know what we can give, she doesn't care about it anyway, she just wants to have a good relationship with us. After all, as a magical dragon with extremely advanced intelligence, Fayana has already seen that our group of people have great rights here, and in an environment that we don’t understand, we must first establish a good relationship with the local ruler. It's no harm.

After getting Fayana’s confirmation, we also prepared a temporary communicator for her, because we couldn’t find the size of her big head, we had to use two free-standing microphones and electronic speakers with a universal Glue is directly glued to Fayana's ears and the edges of her mouth, so that at least it will be convenient for us to maintain communication with her.

After finishing the command here, I sent father and them all to another temporary command post outside the base. This is far from the forest. If there is a monster rushing out again, at least here will come. And escape. After making sure that there was no problem outside, I started to search the forest with my familiars and Ringtone Knight.

Our plan is actually very simple. Enter from the side of the forest, and then use our electromagnetic induction ability to search for all nearby creatures. The creatures in this world, including plants, have bioelectricity. From the newly captured creatures, the creatures in this forest also have similar characteristics, so we can use the bioelectricity generated by the biomagnetic field to accurately lock the bioelectricity of each creature. Location. The next job is relatively simple, as long as we drive these creatures one by one to the prepared capture field outside the forest, we can easily capture them.

After carefully deepening into the forest, we began to lean towards the location of the nearest bioelectric signal.

"This is No. 1, what's the situation ahead?" I asked in the battlefield network composed of electronic brains.

"This is number 2, and no problems have been found so far."

"This is number 3, and everything is normal at the moment."

"Attention to each queue, The goal is not far ahead, pay attention to your feet, don’t disturb it."


In complete silence, dozens of us walked around from all directions. Going up, Yeyue is walking in the forefront. Just before entering the forest, Nuwa sent Yeyue's original body, which is the body of the human body. The body shape of this body is much larger than that of a human being, so the relative energy index is also a lot higher, and it is perfect for her to take the lead. Xiao Bai and Bai Lang who already possessed entities followed Ye Yue from left to right, and their wolf-shaped bodies were also quite flexible in the jungle. However, compared to our humanoid Dragon Clan members, the weapon backpacks on their wolf-shaped bodies are significantly larger, so their weapons are also larger than ours. In case they run into a monster that is difficult to deal with, both of them One is responsible for cleaning up the target for us.

Yeyue, dragging a long and big tail, coiled forward on the trunk with her flexible body, and soon reached the area near the creature, and then she suddenly turned around and stopped at us. With the forward gesture, everyone around them stopped in place as if they had frozen for a moment, waiting until Ye Yue made a careful forward gesture before we dared to move forward.

After finally moving under the tree, I carefully stripped away the weeds in front of me, and the creature that had been locked by our electromagnetic induction finally revealed its true face.

It is a large animal. It is about 1.8 meters tall. It is about three meters long. It has a tall back and a head that looks like a pig’s head, but it has no hair on its body. Instead, it has a few hairs. The overall structure of the shell-like shell looks a bit like a hybrid monster of an armadillo and a wild boar. This thing didn't seem to notice us when we arrived nearby, because it was busy eating grass at this time, as if it was still eating very proudly.

Fayana was very diligent and immediately provided us with information and guidance. "This is a heavy armored pig, a docile herbivore. It is not a devil beast, but it has a lot of strength. Humans in some areas will use it as a beast, and it can also be used to pull carts and work, but to be honest The meat of this creature is awful."

"Damn, we crawled carefully for a long time before we dared to get close. It turned out to be just an alien version of the cow!" A bell sound Knight couldn't help complaining. He got up, but was glared at by Skod, and there was no sound.

"How do we take it out?" I asked with the communicator.

"Wild heavy armored pigs are somewhat offensive, but their ears are weak. As long as you grab their ears, they will not dare to struggle."

"The whole is a pig !" The two ringtone Knights quickly jumped out of the grass according to the prompts, and then pulled the guy's big ears one by one. Sure enough, as Fayana said, although the heavy-armored pig kept calling, but the ears were pinched, it really didn't dare to move it. As a result, we were dragged out of the forest.

After the first experience, we began to realize that we could not catch them one by one, so we started to disperse, everyone acted alone, first approach the target carefully, and then Fayana provided the monster Information, if there is no danger, it will be done by one person, and if it is difficult, it will wait for reinforcement. This distribution has indeed greatly improved work efficiency. There are really many creatures in this forest, but more than 60% of them are ordinary creatures that are not dangerous, and 20% of the remaining 30% are just one. The ordinary devil beast that humans can handle, except for a large group of golden monkeys that made us mess around for a while, basically there was nothing dangerous. However, this situation began to become abnormal with the advent of night, because we found that the caught creatures seemed to appear in the periphery of the forest, and they did not seem to be discovered by us, but they took the initiative to run out.


"I'm listening."

"Can you feel anything?" I asked, "Why do I I think the creatures here are constantly running to the outside? Many new low-level creatures have appeared in the areas we just cleaned up!"

Fayana said after thinking about it, "Generally encountered In this case, there is probably more powerful existence in the forest, but since these low-level creatures can escape, I think those powerful creatures should have discovered you."


< p>"The devil beast will first expel the weak creatures around him only when it finds danger. That creature drove these weak devil beasts and ordinary creatures out, which shows that he feels danger."

< p>Ling suddenly said: "The danger does not necessarily come from us. Maybe there is more than one powerful devil beast in the forest. Maybe they have discovered each other?"

"There is also this kind of probability." Yana said: "But you'd better be careful, at least now you can be sure that there is at least one strong guy in the central area of ​​the forest."

"Okay, we get it."

< p>A reminder to Fayana that we did not take seriously, because according to Fayana, their Dragon Clan is already a top-notch creature. Since we can even knock down giant dragons, what about other creatures no matter how powerful they are?

Take advantage of the opportunity of the high level creature to expel the low-level creatures. We collected a large group of strange creatures. Later, the trucks sent from the base were too late to transport them, so we could only catch them. Some of the creatures are temporarily placed outside the forest. Anyway, the creatures after anesthesia are very honest, as long as they monitor their brain waves at all times and find that there is a tendency to wake up, they can add some anesthetics.

With the aid of a large circle of temporary lighting equipment, the entire forest's periphery was completely white by bright lights. The creatures inside would never want to see the people behind the lights through the bright lights, but Although these lights provided lighting for everyone, they caused unexpected troubles. At first, when it was just dark, we all didn’t expect to turn on the lights. After all, our Dragon Clan is capable of night vision, so we have the same whether we have lights, but because the group of researchers who came later needed to ship and we caught It is necessary to provide lighting for them, but it is easy to attract monsters if the lights are turned on in this place in the middle of the night, so we surrounded the entire forest with lights. This method was originally used to deal with criminals. Once the police blocked the criminals in a certain building, they would like to light up a circle of headlights and they would not see anything inside, so even if the criminals had a gun, they would not be able to see the target. If you shoot indiscriminately, hitting is a problem. But what we are dealing with now is not criminals, but a large group of alien creatures. Although the light will make the large creatures hide away because they hate the glare, but at the same time it will attract another thing.

"pa." With a not too loud noise, a crustacean Insect the size of a pigeon suddenly landed on one of the bright lights.

"Report." I was resting outside the forest. After all, it was not a small waste to catch so many animals. Suddenly the call of soldiers rang in the communication channel.

"What's the situation?"

"We don't know how to say this, you should watch it yourself!" The soldier directly synchronized his visual signal to me . This is the advantage of Dragon Clan. As long as one person sees it, everyone sees it.

I was shocked when I saw the insects flying all over the sky through the eyes of the Dragon Clan soldier. Not only are these insects very large, but they are all very ugly. Don't worry if you want to get rid of them.

"When did these insects start to gather here?"

"Just a few minutes after we turned on the lights. What should we do?"

"Don't get close to them, everyone stay away from the lights, we will find a way immediately." After instructing the people below to pay attention to safety, I hurriedly told Nuwa about the situation, but Nuwa's first reaction was not how to deal with these insects. Instead, more than 300 protectors were airlifted first.

The protector is one of our Dragon Clan’s special large creature war chariot. Its shape is like a white ball with arthropod-like legs underneath that can move freely. Unlike the general war chariot, the protector is actually a living creature, but its intelligence is not complete. This guy has a human-like brain, able to think, and is quite intelligent, but it has no subjective consciousness at all, which means that if there is no order, it will be completely still, not only will not move, even the brain will completely stop functioning. , It's basically like being in a daze. Inside the protector, there is a cyborg core, which is actually the cockpit. Dragon Clan members can drill into this core and command the protector to move, defend or attack. The protector has no additional limbs to attack. Its main body, the big white ball, is actually a huge electromagnetic controller. Through this thing, it can generate a strong biological electromagnetic force field, which can not only transfer this force The field constitutes a protective cover, which can also be used to attack, but this time we mainly need its protective cover.

Because of the continuous acquisition of so many large biological specimens before, even Nuwa has neglected some things, that is, the ecological system in the forest is out of the problem. Alien creatures are alien species to Earth, just like the water bottle gourd growing in the north becomes a catastrophic species in the south. It is difficult to guarantee that these very ordinary creatures living on the outer planet will not become terrifying existence on Earth. So generally speaking, we should try our best to avoid aliens from directly contacting the Earth’s ecological system, but due to our previous negligence, we even forgot about it. As a result, we didn’t remember until we saw these big insects that there were still a lot of things we didn’t remember. The things you notice may be more dangerous than those big guys.

More than 300 protectors who were urgently airlifted over ten minutes later formed a huge shielding barrier. This powerful barrier composed of a biological force field is like a glass cover. The forest is completely isolated from the outside world, so as long as nothing harmful comes out during the previous period, we can no longer worry about it in the future.

After the shield isolation was completed, we opened a small door on the shield, and my pets and I walked in with a few fully armed scientific researchers. As we enter the protective cover, a temporary isolation research institute is also being established outside the protective cover. The biological specimens we bring out must be sent here for classification and examination before being considered to be sent to other places.

In the protective cover, we cautiously approached the nearest strong light stand. A scientific researcher who followed us suggested that we take a stress response test first, so we first Stopped. I first asked Fayana to help identify these insects, but Fayana said that she hadn’t studied insects at all, and she hadn’t noticed anything except a few devil beast-level insects that she could recognize.

Fayana is not useful. We had to do it ourselves. According to the researcher’s suggestion, we got a small working robot from outside to come in. This thing is actually a remote control car equipped with several robotic arms. With our electronic brain's powerful radio control capabilities, even the remote control can be saved.

The small, weird-looking robot first slowly moved to the bottom of the light stand, then the workbench began to rise slowly, and finally reached a height of more than one meter before stopping. The robotic arm on the workbench slowly unfolded under our remote control, and then grabbed a temporary alloy cage and slowly covered it towards a large insect that was leaning on the lamp. Contrary to what we thought, the insect didn't show any intention to escape. It was directly put into the cage like this, and then the robot used another robotic arm to carefully close the cage and lift it away from the light. The insect was very docile when it was put in the cage before, but it quit as soon as it was lifted up. The insect that was as big as a small watermelon shook its wings in the cage and started flying around. The small metal cage was knocked and swayed. The working robot was not supposed to work hard. The small mechanical arm was powerful. Very small, simply couldn't hold the cage, so it was taken flying with the cage. But what we really care about is not the insect that was caught, but the other insects around.

Insects are different from general large creatures. A single insect is actually easy to deal with. Even the recognized world-class poison insect like Black Widow can be easily dealt with as long as it can be spotted in advance. What we are really afraid of is that this thing is the same as a bee. It is easy for you to pinch a bee to death, but if you let its companions find out your behavior, then you have to be careful, or the whole bee colony will chase you right. When you launch an attack, even if you have a submachine gun, there is only one way to escape. The smallest of these insects here are as big as an adult female’s fist, and the big one can grow to the size of a big cock. If we catch one of them and the remaining insects attack us like crazy, it’s not fun. NS.

Fortunately, the insect flew in the sky with the cage for a while and fell to the ground without any strength, and then we controlled the robot to pull the cage back. But this kind of experiment is not over yet. After the cage was pulled back, we manipulated the robot to draw a long needle from the body and inserted it into the insect in the cage. We wanted to see if the death of our companion would arouse The fighting emotions of these insects proved that these insects are no different from the insects that we wander around the lights in the summer, but they are just a few times bigger. The insect that was caught was pierced with a steel needle by the robot with a dozen holes before it was completely dead, and then we let the robot take it out and dismember it into several pieces on the spot. As a result, the nearby insect is still doing it. , They are not interested in the death of the same clan at all.

It’s easy to make sure that these insects are not harmful. We directly took a big net and opened it under the light, and then another person took a liquid nitrogen sprayer and sprayed it into the air in front of the light. The low-temperature nitrogen instantly froze dozens of insects into ice cubes and dropped them into the net, and then the researchers who came with us quickly picked up the insects in the net with special clamps and put them in a special container for storage. . Using this method to catch insects can be said to be extremely fast. Those insects have no brains at all. They still gather on the lights in front of us when they see the encounters of their companions, and there are batches of deaths, and we have not sprayed them for a long time. See there are signs of decrease in insect. At the beginning, the scientific researchers carefully filled the insect into the jar like a baby, but later found that there were too many, so they didn’t pay much attention at all. They just took the large freezer and poured the piles of insect into it. And sometimes when I find that a certain kind of catch is too much, I just throw it aside and smash it with my foot. It’s as different as heaven and earth as if I just started using the insect as a treasure.

After catching more than N insects, the researchers probably felt that there was no need to catch the living body, so we started to adopt a more exaggerated way of catching, directly using the special nerve poison qi, which instantly fell down. All the insects near the lighting equipment are then brought in by the outside garrison team to load all the dead insects into the large cryogenic box and pull them away all at once.

After solving the problem of insect, we started to protect researchers and started other work. Although we were so excited by those large creatures that we forgot the general rules, we are about to remember now. It must be done all. But the work this time is relatively simple. We first collected soil samples of different depths at several specific locations in the forest according to the instructions of the researchers, and then collected several liters of liquid samples from a small puddle in the forest. After collecting these things, the researchers even asked us to collect plant specimens. Finally, they even asked us to take back a pile of unknowing things we saw on the road.

After collecting all kinds of small plants, the researchers became interested in the big trees. There was no way. This time, even the big guys like the lucky ones were pulled in as coolies. Cut down some of the trees near the representative large trees, then dug out the large pieces of soil under the target trees, and finally wrap up the whole tree with a special sealing film. Shipped back to the base.

Although the things we collected seem to be ordinary, according to the scientific researchers, these things can more comprehensively reflect the characteristics of the local ecological system, so they cannot be less. Of course, the most important thing is those higher creatures. After all, they are not small in size and may be more weaponized. Long Yuan is also a military industry group, and is naturally very interested in these natural biological weapons that grow naturally.

It’s already the second day after collecting all these messy things, but we can’t rest, because there are still one or two big guys in the middle of the forest that haven’t come out. We can’t get these potential threats away. Dare to leave.

After arranging the security work outside, I led the team and started advancing into the depths of the forest. Now my mood can be said to be very contradictory. On the one hand, I hope not to encounter a monster that is too powerful, otherwise the mission may become very dangerous. On the other hand, I hope to encounter a stronger monster because of that monster. The more powerful, the more valuable what we can get from it.

We divided into several small teams in the forest, and then carefully approached the target area. Protectors outside the forest have another function besides being able to forge electromagnetic barriers, that is, detection. With the feedback information they send back, we can easily locate the location of the creatures in the forest. However, in the end we scan The results are surprising. There is not only one creature in the middle of the forest, but a group of monsters.

"How come there are six?" I looked at the data returned in my mind in surprise. "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

The Dragon Clan soldier who operated the protector immediately replied: "There is absolutely nothing wrong. We can even see the magnetic fields of those creatures here. One of them is similar. A certain kind of bird, a spider, a semi-upright walking animal, two of the remaining three are quadrupeds, and the last one is a very small thing. From us, we can only see a blur in the scan. Energy group."

Since the protector has scanned the general shape of the opponent, it should be correct. But at first Fayana said that there are at most two monsters in the forest, but now Suddenly there are so many more, our original plan is not suitable for such a scene at all.

After a little thought, I ordered: "Everyone is on guard, Yeyue, Ling, and Weina follow me to see the situation."


The four of us carefully approached the core area of ​​the forest along the beast trail in the forest. Now let alone the devil beast, we can't even see the insect. When we finally arrived at the most central area, we found that it was not a dense forest, but a large clearing. However, this was not an ordinary forest clearing, but was just cleared out. Obviously there had just been a big battle at the scene. The surrounding ground was full of towering giant trees and broken pieces of meat that were blown up. Obviously, there were not only a few monsters here before, but there should be a big monster. , Or a group of little monsters have had a melee here, because the pile of ground meat on the ground is definitely bigger than a whale. If they all come from one creature, then this must be a big one.

"It looks like these six monsters are injured." Ling reminded me in his mind.

I am nodded. The situation on the field can now be said to be obvious at a glance. The energy patterns scanned by the protector before were very accurate, and the six creatures at the scene were indeed similar to the scan results. There is a huge earth-yellow spider standing closest to us, but because its ass is bigger than its head, we can't see its positive image at all, we only know that this thing is absolutely ugly. A little bit to the left of the spider stands a big bird with emerald green feathers. Although this bird does not look fierce, the red blood on the tip of its beak shows that its image and its behavior are not very reliable. A little bit past the green bird is the monster that walks upright, but unlike what I thought before, this monster is not like a mammal, but rather like a large lizard that walks upright, but this guy’s weight is at least Over ten tons, standing there is like a small high-rise residential building. The creature on the side of the lizard monster is a bit similar to that of a cat. It seems to be very cute, and it has white hair with a black cross on the center of the eyebrows. If this guy can shrink thousands of times to be able to be a domestic cat, but at this size, even if the Vajra in the American movie encounters it, it will only have to escape. Next to the big cat there is a giant beast with hairy all over, but this thing and the cat seem to be a little out of harmony, because this creature looks like a giant rat in every way. The last, and smallest creature is not too far to our right. If we weren't able to rely on electromagnetic induction to confirm the position, we would almost ignore it. The little thing squatted on the trunk of a fallen tree. This guy has a golden coat, a big belly, and a tail that is much longer than his body. At first glance, it looks like a fat squirrel, but this little thing can interact with five others. Just a giant creature confronts, its strength may not be that simple.

"Fayana. Did you see the picture? Tell us what these things are?"

Fayana seems to be confused by the picture until I I hurriedly replied: "Don’t expose the target first. These are not ordinary things. The big guy in front of you is a human face spider. The adult body can even kill the uninitiated in the case of a sneak attack. giant dragon. The carapace on its body is very hard, and ordinary attacks are useless. Its weakness is the abdomen, which is the part facing you now. This place is very soft and easy to get injured. But these guys usually hide in In the cave, just use face-to-face confrontation. I don’t know how to get out today!"

"Ok, I know this. Is there anything else I need to pay attention to?"

"This... human face spiders will spray venom. Their venom is corrosive, and it will be miserable if they touch it. There is also a silk sac on their buttocks, which can spray a lot of white silk. It takes a lot of effort to pull it off. By the way, the human face spider has a strong jumping ability, and they are also very fast. It is best not to think it is too bulky, otherwise it will suffer. The one next to the human face spider The green jasper bird usually does not attack people, but the creatures here seem to be a little abnormal today, so it is best to consider them when they are offensive. The jasper bird is very fast, especially in the air, not only flying very fast , And very flexible. Their feathers can be immune to most of the magic, plus they can fly, so ordinary creatures can hardly defeat it."

"magic immunity?" Magic immunity in the game I am Yes, but the problem is now in reality. As far as Algorithm Yana came from, the world they came from has magic, but this is Earth! We haven't figured out what their magic is until now, and we haven't even seen any animal here letting the magic happen except that the flames really blown out once. So what is the so-called magic immunity of this bird? If I really don’t understand it, I don’t want it at all. What if it’s magic immunity? at worst blast it down with anti-aircraft missiles, I don’t believe it flies faster than missiles. "Okay, continue to introduce the following."

"Okay. The creature on the jasper bird is a dragon monster, a species unique to the demon continent, and it shouldn't have appeared in this forest. In addition, I forgot to tell you, the human face spider is not a creature that this forest should have. They only live in the desert. No one has seen this thing anywhere else before."

Faya I have thought about the situation that Na said before, but I think this is probably caused by the instability of the space swap caused by the accident. Although the forest was switched over on the surface, it was actually chosen randomly. Several discontinuous spatial breakpoints were switched over, so that so many creatures that did not belong to this forest were pulled over. But compared to the creatures thrown to Earth, I am more worried about being thrown to the research institute on the opposite world. According to the statistics from last night, all 326 people in the entire study who failed to escape were thrown into the opposite space. The chance of survival of these people being thrown in the past is infinitely close to zero. Think about those devil beasts. Even Dragon Clan must deal with them carefully. What does the helpless clerical staff in the research institute rely on to fight these things?


That, you may have seen it, these chapters are actually the storm. A connection point used to connect new books. But this is the only connection between the new book and "Starting from Zero". From now on, the two books will go on their own and will not intersperse the plots with each other. In addition, the new book currently only has an outline, and there is no text yet, so comrades who want to read do not have to search in a hurry. (This notice was released on September 24, 2010)

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