The two dragons didn't really intend to ask me what happened. In fact, they knew what happened when they hovered in the air. Judging by the size of the eyes of the two dragons, their eyesight should be quite good, and they should have roughly seen the surrounding situation clearly when they hovered in the air before. Even if they didn't look carefully, the huge changes in the topography were enough for them to judge the current situation.

"I think you probably understand what happened. That's right, this is not where you live. This is called Earth, and you live in a different world."

"You mean we are in another world now?"

"I'm afraid we are!"

"But how could this happen?" Fayana was very surprised "We didn’t enter any Transmission Gate, how could we be sent to another world? And the forest behind us is obviously from the world we were in. Even if we send spells, we won’t send all the forests together. Are you leaving?"

"This reason is very responsible, and I can't explain it for a while. All I can tell you is that there was a little accident."

"Little accident? We got this place that we don't understand at all. You said it was just a little accident?" The red dragon yelled angrily: "You must send us back to our original place immediately. We want to return to our world!" < /p>

"Please forgive me for nothing I can do!"

"What?" When the red dragon heard that I couldn't do it, he immediately froze, but he just rushed out two steps and saw two. The black shadow sandwiched it from left to right. Although the red dragon looks very powerful, I don't know if the naturally evolved dragon does not have the fighting skills of man-made creatures. Plague and luck are like an adult hitting a child, and the red dragon is pressed to the ground with ease. But the guy obviously didn't intend to give in, he yelled desperately while struggling to climb forward. Probably it was anger that strengthened his strength, and the red dragon struggling to take a step forward, and then he suddenly made a move.

"Damn, get out of the way!" I knew it was going to be bad when I saw that dragon began to inhale fiercely. As soon as I turned around, I slapped Father, who was standing not far behind us, on my body three times. I jumped out in just two clicks. Other company officials and military observers were all followed by other Dragon Clan members and they ran away. In a blink of an eye, there was almost no one within 300 meters of the red dragon’s head. As for the farther place, there are many survivors who ran out of the research institute. Although they are also in the attack direction, we don’t think that the dragon can spray more than three hundred meters, and we didn’t. That ability protects them. After all, because everyone was watching me talking with the two dragons before, the crowd gathered together. No matter how fast our people move, we can’t save them all in a short time, we can only pray. The red dragon can't spray 300 meters!

Speaking of which is slow. Actually, only a few seconds have passed. The red dragon took a big breath and suddenly opened his mouth and stretched his neck forward, a small cloud of white mist. It was sprayed out first, and just after that, a blue arc flashed from the dragon’s mouth. When the arc passed through the white mist, it immediately triggered a fatal chain reaction, and the entire white air mass was instantly exploded. It turned into a huge Fireball, and at this time, a large, more terrifying white mist was ejected from dragon's mouth. After the mist penetrated into the cloud, it was immediately exploded and turned into a large fireball, but their speed was faster than The previous Fireball was much faster, and the white mist sprayed quickly turned into a violent Fire Dragon that instantly swept the red dragon about two hundred meters in front of it. The huge pillar of fire instantly heated the air to produce a huge rumbling sound similar to the ignition of a rocket engine. Up ahead, the crowd standing far away from dragon's mouth more than three hundred meters was overwhelmed by the blast, but they followed those people. Suddenly he jumped up and started screaming and running around. The entire crowd was in chaos. All of a sudden, stampede incidents continued to occur, and the number of casualties was rising in a straight line.

Fortunately, seeing the situation of the crowd in front of him immediately used electromagnetic waves to signal the plague to suppress the target, and he straightened up violently, clasping his two front paws together, and slammed the dragon's head down. "Shut up." The red dragon who was breathing fire with a booming sound turned his head and let go of the punch miraculously when it was about to be hit. Fortunately, a heavy hammer that concentrated his whole body's strength completely deviated from the target and hit it all. On the ground, the mud that was blasted from the ground flew all over the sky in an instant.

The red dragon that escaped the fatal blow immediately turned his head and aimed at Lucky with the flame that was still jetting. The Fire Dragon immediately swept over like a whip and swept Lucky directly, and Lucky was also burned. Screamed.

"Lucky!" My eyes immediately became fiery-red when I saw that luck was burnt, and whole body blood kept rushing up my head. As soon as I put my father on the ground, I turned around and rushed back. At the same time, I loudly shouted at the silver and crystal that was rushing forward like me on the side: "You guys don't come near yet." The two dragons were stunned when they heard the order. But I didn’t have time to explain, and I turned my head to Loudly shouted at the other side, who was standing on the other side: "Shock the bullet, aim at the mouth."

The multi-purpose rifle in his hand was held up, and his left hand held the grenade launcher casing under the gun, pulled it back and then sent it forward, and then immediately pulled the trigger. Just listening to the muffled sound of the tom, a small white dot suddenly flew out and shot into the mouth of the red dragon, but it was different from the slight sound when it was launched. When the ammunition entered the dragon's mouth, it was With a loud explosion sound, the jetting fire pillar was instantly blasted away, and the red dragon's head also slammed backwards, and then fell straight down. However, the crisis has not been resolved. The flames on Lucky's body seem to have the ability to burn. Although there is no follow-up fuel, it continues to burn. Lucky can only helplessly roll on the ground hoping to extinguish the flames on his body.

"Don't move." Shuangxue suddenly rushed to Lucky's side to calm him down, and then she raised her hand fiercely, and only heard a chick that all the flames on Lucky's body instantly condensed into a flame shape. The ice cubes fell off Lucky's body one after another and shattered, but the ice melted and burned as soon as it hit the ground. But this time we already don't care, as long as they don't burn on Lucky's body. After completing the freeze, Frost and Snow fell weakly, but the other Dragon Clan members who rushed to the vicinity quickly caught her.

"You damn bastard!" The plague saw that luck was finally safe before turning his attention back to the red dragon body. There were a few heavy hammers against him, and the guy who hit him wailed. , But wailing wailing, this guy can't protest now. The shock bomb just exploded in dragon's mouth and dislocated his upper and lower jaws. Now his mouth simply can't be closed, and he can't even talk.

"Lucky, are you okay?" I rushed to Lucky and asked.

Fortunately, I checked my body for a while and said, "It seems that there is nothing wrong with me. I felt very hot at the time, but it seems that the scales have played a very good protective role, but unfortunately the surface of the scales seems to melt. Signs!"

I glanced at Lucky's scales. After switching to the infrared mode, I found that the temperatures in several areas of Lucky's body were obviously above the standard, it was like a ball of flames. "Your scales are very hot right now, and in some places they have risen to seven or eight hundred degrees. You'd better not move around and wait for them to cool naturally, otherwise they may fall off."

"I see!" After being lucky and nodded, he looked towards the red dragon and said: "What about that guy?"

"This kind of violent doesn't seem to be suitable for negotiation anymore, so I can't send it to Dissection for analysis. Come on!"

"Is it too wasteful?" Ling walked over and asked: "That's a living specimen!"

"Isn't there another Silver Dragon? I guess the difference is Not too big, and that Silver Dragon is obviously much easier to communicate than this guy. By the way, how is the crowd over there?"

Ling shook the head. "More than 20 people died, but they were all caused by stepping on each other."

"Why did they run around?"

"Because of the high temperature." Ling said, "Although the fire It hasn't sprayed that far, but the heat wave that has blown is close to Baidu. Many people have burns of different degrees. Those in the front have the most severe burns, and they may not be able to persist in the hospital!"

"This damn bastard!" I gave the red dragon a hateful look, then looked at the other people on the scene and said: "Attention everyone, immediately form a defensive circle to completely surround the forest, I don't want to see anything more Running out of the woods and hurting people."

Probably because I was afraid that the Red Dragon’s behavior would affect me, Fayana took the initiative to come over after listening to me, but it caused my pets nearby. She quickly waved her front paws to indicate that she was not malicious. "I just want to tell you that you don't need to be so careful." After saying this, I found that I did not make any reaction but looked straight at her, Fayana realized that I was waiting for an explanation. "I and Agni were preparing to fight there before, so we did not restrain aura. Most devil beasts can sense our Dragon's Might from a long distance and start to escape, unless it is a low-level animal below Level 1. Otherwise, it must have run out early."

I pointed to the giant wolf body that was being packed into a sealed box by a group of people in the distance and asked: "If what you said is true, then the thing should be considered Level 1 The following devil beast?"

Fayana hadn’t noticed before, and now she found the body over there, so she immediately muttered to herself in surprise: "How is this possible?"

"There is nothing impossible. We have encountered and killed a group of these creatures. I would like to know if there is a problem with your so-called grading system."

"no no no." Fayana said anxiously: "The devil beasts in our place have clear classifications. Except for deliberate restraining aura for fear of scaring away the prey when making up hunts, generally low-level devil beasts will run away immediately when they find the breath of high-level devil beasts. . For example, our Giant Dragon Race is the king of the sky and invincible. It is said that the devil beast of demon wolf should be very impressed with our breath!"

We are talking here. Suddenly heard a creak of a tree trunk breaking in a nearby forest. Looking along the sound, you could see two big trees falling to both sides, and then I saw a head of six meters tall. The creature with the size of a cow, but with armor-like skin on its head and a huge T-shaped horn on its head, suddenly rushed out of the forest. The people around the thing were shocked when they saw the thing. A group of B1 troops quickly fired anesthesia bombs at it, but the large anesthesia bullets that can easily penetrate rhino leather hit the skin of this thing, but it seemed to hit the armor of the tank. The same bounced.

The anesthesia bomb failed to bring down the rare beast, but it angered this guy. It suddenly made a cry like a cow, and then violently lowered its head and placed the huge bump on the up ahead. A nearby wheeled armored transport vehicle that escaped from the institute ran into it. Don't look at that thing's huge body, but it's not slow at all when it runs, and every step of its huge pace is like an earthquake. Thanks to this thing, if there is a group of tanks, it is estimated that they can disperse them.

The huge monster rushed straight towards the armored vehicle at a speed of nearly 130 kilometers per hour, and the armored vehicle quickly began to reverse, intending to run first, but before the front of the car turned, the monster had already rushed there. Next to the armored vehicle, it hit the side of the body, and then saw it suddenly raised its head and lifted up. The armored vehicle weighing six and a half tons was like a children's cradle hit by a rhinoceros. It rolled and flew up seven or eight meters. After sliding out a beautiful parabola in the air, it slammed into a clearing more than 50 meters away and rolled out more than ten meters before it completely stabilized. As for the people inside, it is estimated that most of them are hopeless.

The monstrous that crashed into the armored vehicle was almost very excited, and screamed again at the other people as if showing off. Then he lowered his head and moved towards a nearby ambulance rushed over, scared I quickly ordered: "Shoot and shoot."

There was a dense burst of gunfire around me as I ordered, but what made us stunned was that the bullet hit the guy but it seemed to hit the concrete wall. , I saw that guy's body was white and gray but no bullet was shot in, because until now we haven't seen a drop of blood flow out.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this? Heavy resistance? Put it down!"

A Dragon Clan soldier realized by my Qilin warrior quickly moved The special sniper rifle in his hand was raised and pressed firmly on his shoulders, and at the same time he was also issuing voiceprint commands in his mouth. "Replace the corkscrew type III gun to shoot armor-piercing incendiary bombs." As his voice commanded the gun, there was a sound of mechanical movement quickly, followed by a beep sound, and that sound represented the completion of the command. At the same time that the soldier had pulled the trigger. A loud explosion sound, I saw the bull-like monster in the distance suddenly tilted his head and his whole body seemed to be smashed by a heavy hammer and flew out laterally with his own head, and then fell to the ground because of himself. The running inertia slid more than ten meters forward before it completely stopped. At this time, he was less than five meters away from the ambulance, but now there is no need to worry about it anymore, because this guy has both eye sockets. It burst into flames, and the moment the armor-piercing projectile passed through its eyes, its brain was already burnt to a pile of ashes by the burning agent in the armor-piercing projectile.

"This... how is this possible?" Fayana said in disbelief after seeing the thing falling to the ground.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" I found something wrong with Fayana.

Fayana first organized some language before she said: "Although I don’t know what you did to get us here, it’s definitely not as simple as this forest. . You guys should have pulled over several things in different spatial locations."

"How do you know?"

"Because that forest is part of an endless mountain range, And although the demon wolf you killed before is distributed here, it doesn’t grow so big. That kind of large demon wolf is only found in the north. As for the creature you just killed is actually an immature mo More giant beasts."

"Huh? You said that the six-meter-high guy hasn't grown up yet?" a soldier next to me asked in surprise.

Fayana nodded affirmatively replied: "Modo giant beast is half of the height when it was born. According to the length unit of your side, the largest one can often grow to one hundred and twenty. One hundred and fifty meters long and over eighty meters tall. Even if we Giant Dragon Race don’t dare to compete with them, if it’s not for their low intelligence, these guys might be the kings of the ground! Of course, unless they can fly , Otherwise the king of the sky is still our Dragon Clan."

"Can this thing grow so big?"

"That is the largest individual, but the big one is not strong." Fayana explained: "The Modo giant beast will diverge after adulthood. Some of them will continue to grow and become the kind of large Modo giant beast, while the other branch stops growing and the body stabilizes at about 30 meters high. It is sixty or seventy meters long. However, this small Modo giant beast will grow a second horn on the top of its head, and their innate talent magic will be fully awakened. This Modo giant beast who has awakened the innate talent is called Ke Modo war giant beast, although its size is nearly half smaller than the large Modo giant beast, a Komodo war giant beast can easily knock down a group of Modo giant beasts. Their Thunder Element magic is really too strong. , Even our Giant Dragon Race will try not to mess with them. Fortunately, these guys eat plants, and they are not as aggressive as they were when they were young. As long as they don’t provoke him, he generally won’t attack other creatures."< /p>

"Your planet is really abnormal!" Because of the synchronous learning ability of the electronic brain, all Dragon Clan members at the scene learned the language of the other party after I learned the language of the other party, and now Fayana said In this case, everyone understands it naturally, and it is normal to have such an evaluation, but according to Fayana’s statement, their planet is indeed scary. Thanks to the fact that there are no such scary creatures on Earth, otherwise humans may simply not develop. . The technology we have now wants to kill a few rare beasts, of course it is with no difficulty, but if the creatures on a planet are too strong, primordial humans must be unable to settle down, and being unable to settle means that there is no way to develop technology. Just like the nomads in the steppe, they have not developed any decent technology until now, because they do not have a fixed place of residence, and their life is unstable, and they must have no intention of thinking about other things. Fortunately, the dinosaurs were all extinct when Earth humans appeared, otherwise we might still be living in caves now!

"Okay, the end of science popularization." I clapped my hands and said, "It seems that there are many monsters in this forest. Everyone should be careful." I finished speaking and connected. Nuwa's newsletter. "I said the eldest sister, you can see the state here, our weapons are not easy to use here!"

Nuwa's voice seemed quite flat. "I saw it. The special equipment was on the road a few minutes ago, and it will be there in a while."

"That's good."

Long Yuan is a military industry group anyway, if the demand is If it's not too big, we can make any special equipment, so Nuwa can send us targeted weapons so quickly. Within the next half an hour, we began to sort out the survivors who escaped from the nearby scientific research institute and send the injured to the hospital directly under the Longyuan Group. This is done for two reasons. One is that they are afraid that they will spread what they see. Although the employees of Longyuan have learned the confidentiality regulations, it is not only the employees here, but also many of the family members of the employees. They are not like that. High consciousness. On the other hand, we are also worried about what unknown bacteria and viruses are here. This experimental accident suddenly sent such a large area of ​​forest over. The ghost knew whether there were any microorganisms harmful to the human body on the other party's planet. You must know that it was an extraterrestrial germ, and 80% of humans did not have corresponding antibodies. It is better for Dragon Clan to have a super virus. If someone finds out that it is a highly lethal virus after the infection, it will be fatal.

When we sent the survivors away from the mountainside, a huge convoy suddenly drove up, and the rumbling sound in the sky followed. The planes in the sky are air-dropped materials. As for the fleet, except for a small number of engineering vehicles, almost all are sealed box-type heavy trucks. When I look at the huge biological pollution warning sign on the front of the car, I know that it must be pulling corpses or living catches. of. There are so many creatures here, and almost all of them have not been seen on Earth, and the research direction of Dragon Fate is impossible and will not be brought back to study.

After the convoy arrived, a few soldiers from the Longyuan Security Force came over. After they reported to me, they were officially under my command. Of course, their missions did not actually require my command. The corpses were all loaded into the car.

While the convoy was loading the corpses and the few captured living creatures, our airborne supplies also arrived. Unlike the things I brought before, the equipment this time is obviously much rougher, most of which are net guns and anaesthetic bombs for catching creatures. Because anesthesia bullets could not penetrate the animal's epidermis before, a batch of special anesthesia bombs were sent this time, including inhaled anesthesia grenades, which exploded and spread a large amount of anesthetic aerosol, as long as the opponent inhaled the body. It can play a strong anesthetic effect, but I don't know how effective the anesthetics on Earth are on alien creatures, but looking at the griffon and bipedal wyvern captured before, they will sleep like a dead pig. It is probably still very effective.

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