After I stood in front of the two giant dragons, fortunately, they all automatically stood behind me, and the two dragons that didn’t react to me at all realized that I seemed to It is the person in charge here, their eyes focused on me for the first time. I waited for them to look at me for a while before I started trying to communicate with them. I first pointed to myself, and then said: "Shen Lin." After I finished speaking, I pointed to the luck around me. "Lucky." After I finished speaking, I pointed to the silver white giant dragon.

“№§■▲△” Silver Dragon is obviously very smart, at least she has an understanding that is no less than human. After reading my expression, she immediately pointed her front paw to her mouth and uttered a strange syllable. The pronunciation of this syllable is very special. Although we can imitate and record it, normal human vocal cords can never produce this kind of sound. The other party looked at us with a confused look and seemed to react, and then pointed at himself again and slowed down and said: "Fayana...Fayana."

Although it was very difficult, we at least figured it out. The name of a creature, and it has proved that these two dragons have an intelligence level that is not inferior to that of humans.

"Fayana?" I tentatively repeated it, and the other party immediately nodded and repeated his name again. Obviously this is her name. Next, I looked towards the giant dragon next to the red, and then tried to ask the other person’s name again with an action, but the red dragon did not react to us at all, and I don’t know if it is disdain to communicate with us or The intelligence is not as good as that of the Silver Dragon.

After trying to get a response from the Red Dragon, I had to turn back again to communicate with the Silver Dragon. On the one hand, I wanted to clarify the situation of the two dragons, on the other hand. It is also trying to parse the language of the other party. Although there are many languages ​​on Earth, in fact, in all languages, the frequency of some commonly used words is actually the same. As long as the two parties continue to talk, even if the language is not communicated, just count the appearance of various words in the other language. With frequency and some body language to figure out the meaning of some of the nouns, you can quickly sort out the language structure of the other party and carry out simple communication. After that, you can gradually improve the language system by repeatedly communicating through the vocabulary you have mastered, and finally completely decipher the language. . What I am doing with this Silver Dragon is a similar thing, and Nuwa is in charge of language statistics. Although she is not at the scene, she has a signal connection with us, and she can see the situation at the scene.

Nuwa’s computing power is very powerful, and I and the Silver Dragon’s intelligence are both good. During the exchange, we quickly figured out the general definitions of some basic words, and then I started to give them based on Nuwa I tried to add the pronunciation of the other party’s vocabulary to our language. Silver Dragon Fayana was stunned when she heard my first mixed-language sentence, but she quickly understood that I was learning her language, so she started to be very excited. This kind of complimentary tone complimented me, but I don't know what she was complimenting me on. I only know that it means compliment. After the compliment, Fayana began to repeat some of the things that I said before, because there were a lot of repeated phrases in the sentence, and after that, with my little knowledge of the language, I finally figured out the general meaning of some words.

Since I found out that I was learning their language, Fayana began to consciously teach my language. Because of her cooperation, our learning progress is getting faster and faster, because the more vocabulary is cracked, the more communication The easier it is, the later learning progress will start to get faster and faster. After nearly an hour of communication, I finally tried to say in Yana's language: " Dragon...very powerful?...In addition... The red...the dragon...the powerful...or you?"

Fayana hesitated a bit due to the grammatical confusion before figuring out what I meant. "Are you asking me or the red dragon who is stronger?"

Although speaking of which is strenuous, I can now basically understand each other's language. Hearing what she said, I quickly nodded. "Yes."

"The red dragon is very strong in hand-to-hand combat, and my spell is very strong. If you fight against it... it depends on luck."

"Will you use magic?" According to the opponent I adjusted the sentence again and it sounded much smoother this time.

"It’s not magic, it’s magic. Among Dragon Clan, except for the fairy dragon, our Silver Dragon has the strongest magic power."

When I heard that the other party actually knows magic, I immediately stopped Excited. Although those of us Dragon Clan transformants can also use special abilities similar to magic, it is actually only a high level application of electromagnetic induction, which is actually quite different from the real legendary magic. Now there is a dragon saying that she can magic, how can I not be excited? Magic! For most people, it is just a gorgeous attack effect, but for us it is simply a brand new energy system. The value of this thing is definitely not just the formidable power of magic itself.

"Can you demonstrate it?"

"If I show it to you, can you help me beat him in a while?" Fayana suddenly asked for this. And before I answered, she took the lead and said: "I don’t know why, I suddenly didn’t feel the existence of the magic net from just now, so in a short period of time, my magic power was used a little less. Duel, if I show you magic, it will weaken my own battle strength, so..."

"hmph, Silver Dragon will only find a helper." Standing on the other side and raising his head to the sky The red dragon that went there suddenly said such a sentence.

"You are jealous." Fayana immediately countered: "Our Silver Dragon has a good relationship with other creatures. If we have the ability, you should also find a helper!"

" Well, can I ask you why you are fighting?" I asked tentatively.

Fayana immediately replied at my request: "Oh, that's it. That guy and I saw a mountain in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains area at the same time, intending to use it as a temporary shelter, but although There are two caves on that mountain, but we don’t like other dragons living near our lair, so we decided to have a duel. The winner will own the entire mountain, and the loser must move out."

It sounds like the problem is not very serious. "That...just another small question. May I ask how much your fight should be? Do you want to kill or injure each other, or just a friendly test?"

After I said that, not only Fayana looked at me in surprise, but even the red dragon called Lihuo turned his head in surprise. After holding back for a long time, Fayana suddenly asked: "Have you never gone out? How come you don’t even know this?"

"That...I don’t know much, please Please explain.” The two dragons can now be basically concluded that they are not the aboriginals of Earth, because they said that they are simply not on the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains Earth. Although it may be due to linguistic naming differences, but with the size of the giant dragon, what they can call the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains must be a large mountain area, but there seems to be no area that meets the requirements on Earth, so it does not appear. In case of accident, these two dragons are simply not Earth creatures. If we continue to develop according to this inference, I will be even more impossible to know their common sense on the planet.

It seems that I really don’t know. Fayana explained patiently: “According to the rules of the Dragon Clan Supreme Council, all giant dragons in the world are not allowed to kill each other. Violators They will be hunted down by the guards directly under the Dragon Clan Council. So far, only two dragons have violated this rule, and they were killed by the Dragon Guards within a month after killing the same clan."

"There is such a rule? So what if there is a contradiction between you?"

"It's like this now." Fayana said as it should be by rights Appearance replied: "If you are not in a hurry, you can submit the reason for the conflict to the council, and the council will make a ruling. If you have trouble duel like us, there is no problem in injuring other than killing the other party." < /p>

"Enlightened management." After I finished speaking, I looked at the red dragon and said to Fayana: "I wonder if I can act as a middleman to mediate this conflict for you?"< /p>

"Generally speaking, we Dragon Clan won't fight each other, so we don't mind someone mediating, but I don't think this time the horror will work." Fayana finished speaking and looked at the red dragon Said: "Our dispute originated from our nest dispute, and for Dragon Clan, except for husband and wife, even children cannot live near their parents' cave, so one of us must leave."

"That...!" I carefully reminded: "I don't know if you noticed it, a little accident happened here. I think the mountain that was the cause of your dispute probably no longer exists. ."

"Huh? What do you mean?" It was the red dragon who asked this.

"I think the two of you should have noticed. Except for the jungle behind you, is the surrounding environment very different from your original area?"

As soon as I finished talking, the two dragons looked at each other, and then they leaped into the air with great tacit understanding. Seeing the people near them took off, they thought they were going to escape. A soldier even took out the rockets on his shoulders, but I stopped them. Sure enough, the two dragons did not escape, they just kept flying upwards, and when they reached a high altitude, they stopped and began to circle in a small area. After spinning for more than ten minutes, the two suddenly dived down together, and finally landed in the previous position again.

"Quickly, what's the matter?" The red dragon was obviously more violent than Fayana, and as soon as he fell, he immediately questioned loudly.

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