"This is...giant dragon? Is there a wild dragon on Earth?" Everyone couldn't help but cried. The giant dragon may be magical for an ordinary person, but it is not so exaggerated for us. After all, we have a few dragons ourselves. However, the dragon's giant dragon is artificially manufactured according to the direction of the biological weapon. Although it refers to the giant dragon in Myths and Legends in many aspects, it is an artificial creature after all. In our consciousness, the dragon should be a legend, but now this photo directly gives us a negative answer.

"Does the base also manufacture dragon-shaped biochemical beasts?"

"No, that is not part of our dragon fate. The ninety-two one research institute does not have any production of giant dragons. There are only two possibilities for the plan: 1. This dragon was made by some other organization, and it happened to be brought over when the space shift occurred; 2. That guy is an aboriginal on Earth, a wild giant dragon."< /p>

"Wild giant dragon? Is there really a wild dragon on Earth?"

Nuwa said very positively: "Although I also think the probability is very low, but judging the dragon based on the current situation It should be the aboriginal people in this forest, and your task is to enter here and capture it. We need to know if he is a wild giant dragon or not. If it is made in another country, then I think we are in big trouble! "

Nuwa is right. until now Our Dragon is proud of its huge advantages in biotechnology, and giant dragon is a symbol of reaching a certain level of biotechnology. If this dragon is really made in another country, it means that Dragon Fate has encountered an opponent, which is not good news for us.

"Our mission is to go to this forest to catch the dragon?"

"For the time being, I am not sure whether you need to enter the forest. The president and the main leaders of the company should have been there. It’s up to them to decide on the specific situation. At present, your task is to lock down the scene and don’t care about the others."

"Why let us lock down the scene? We should just go in right?"

"Preliminary monitoring showed that there are a variety of unknown microorganisms and poisonous Insects in the forest, and beware that the dragon inside will run out at any time. General troops cannot intercept such big guys. So in order to prevent ordinary person from being exposed to possible existence The high-risk microbes and the dragon’s damage have to be sent to you. At least we can guarantee that the genetic viruses in your body can eliminate any invading microbes that do not belong to your body."

Scott said with a smile: "It sounds like we are all heroes of Hundred Venoms Immunity."

Nuwa said: "No matter what is in the forest, you just need to complete the task well. Okay, The plane will enter the airborne area after 3 minutes, you are ready to airborne."

"Damn, let me tell you, the equipment is not worn yet!" In the chaos, everyone panicked and started looking for equipment. Fortunately, everyone's equipment is ready, and they can be worn quickly.

The personal equipment this time is roughly the same as the one used in the United States before. It is still a magical armor, and my suit still looks exactly the same as my Divine Dragon suit. After putting on the armor, I tested it briefly. The performance is similar to the previous one, but the electronic system has been slightly improved. It seems that there are more sets of joint command systems. In terms of weapons, all hot and cold weapons are still equipped. The hot weapons are multi-purpose rifles, large pistols and some special mines, and the cold weapons are a hybrid plasma vibrating sword and a plasma dagger. Of course, everyone’s weapons are different, and some people have something similar to a rocket launcher.

3 minutes later the plane descended below the clouds, and then opened the rear door, we jumped out directly from the back door. At this height, we can land directly without the aid of a parachute and rely on the auxiliary propeller on the armor. Of course, landing will be relatively violent. After the transport fleet threw all of us down, we immediately turned around and returned. We smashed a large hole in the ground. Fortunately, this is a military restricted area and will not hit farmland and houses. Since it was not a parachute landing, our landing positions were relatively concentrated, and we quickly completed the entire team, and then quickly ran to the accident site.

After passing through a mountain col, we finally saw the Science City ahead, but at this time the Science City has been replaced by a large forest. If it weren’t for some artificial green belts and watchtowers around, I would simply It is impossible to believe that this was once a large-scale human city.

According to the data, the 9421 Institute should have the scale of a medium-sized city. In addition to the core scientific research buildings and underground bunkers, the periphery is also equipped with a large-scale weapons test field, a small nuclear power plant, The garrison barracks and the family area, of which the weapons testing field and the family area are the two largest areas. The family area alone can be comparable to the scale of a small and medium-sized city. But what we can see now is a large lush primitive forest. The concrete road leading to the city suddenly ends as if cut by a knife not far in front of us, and if you look closely, you can find the dirt at the foot of the forest. There is a clear dividing line from the soil of the outer circle area. Outside the boundary line is relatively barren loess, while inside the line is fertile reddish-brown soil.

There are still many people gathered outside the Science City. I saw father and the group of subsidiary executives and military representatives. Outside are their bodyguards and a large number of soldiers, but because of the research on site The family members of the institute and other miscellaneous personnel were present, so I turned around and ordered the members who used non-human bodies to find a place to hide first, and the less people knew about their existence, the better.

When I explained the precautions and planned to take everyone out, the father was also directing his bodyguards to enter the forest for reconnaissance, but when they reached the edge of the forest, I suddenly felt the forest There is a strong electromagnetic aggregation reaction. The bodyguard Captain was also from the biochemical unit, and the reaction was astonishing. A rollover and flashed to the side, and the place where he was standing was blown by the clod of some kind of force. I immediately pulled out the long sword on my waist and rushed out, but before I reached the father and them, a creature about the size of a baby buffalo suddenly jumped out of the forest.

This animal looks like a wolf, but it is much larger than a wolf, about the size of an adult Siberian tiger. As soon as this thing came out, he was baring fangs and brandishing claws to demonstrate to the people around him, and then he suddenly crawled down and took a half step back. This was obviously a preparatory action before the attack, and now only my father and the gang of soldiers are in front of him. Leader, it doesn't matter if you hurt anything. It was definitely too late to rush over now. The giant wolf flew up when I hesitated. Seeing the emergency, I just threw the long sword in my hand as a dart. The long sword thrown out with my power spun at the giant wolf’s forehead at three times the speed of sound, and pu chi hit the giant wolf’s forehead with a sound Half of the hilt was still exposed. The giant wolf lost consciousness without a snort, plopped beside them and slid out a long way before stopping. Only now did the people nearby realized that they gathered around, holding guns, and guarding them carefully for fear. The dead wolf suddenly jumped up again.

After smashing the sword and killing the dragon, I quickly rushed to the father and they blocked them behind, and then ordered the others who arrived later: "Scatter to both sides with me as the center, and surround the forest. Get up, there are still a lot of this thing in it."

"What?" Father was relieved to see that we arrived, but suddenly he heard that there were a lot of this thing in it, and immediately became nervous again. "How do you know there is still a lot inside?"

I pointed to my head. "I felt that there were a lot of strange electrical signals in it before, but I never knew what it was. The one I killed just now was one of them. There are many creatures in the forest that have similar EEG characteristics. In addition, I still I found some other creatures. Judging from the energy level, it may be even more dangerous than this animal." I just said that the edge of the forest was shaking again, and seven or eight giant wolves that were exactly the same as the previous one jumped out. One of the companions who fell to the ground glanced at him, then roared and rushed over.

Boom! A loud noise came from behind me, and the giant wolf flew out sideways when the gunfire reached my ears. After landing, he slid down a section of the body before stopping. Its head has been blasted completely, leaving only a pile of rotten meat. The giant wolves next to him were obviously shocked by the sudden blow, but they quickly reacted from their fear, and the bloodthirsty rays of light rekindled in their eyes and immediately launched an attack on the nearby crowd, but I took The people who came quickly surrounded them to isolate them from the crowd.

After seeing everyone surrounding the giant wolves, I was planning to go and help. Suddenly a giant wolf that was significantly larger than the previous ones jumped out of the forest. This giant wolf is larger than an adult water buffalo, and looks much stronger than a water buffalo. This guy’s white hair, a small black diamond-shaped crystal on his forehead, is embedded in the middle of his forehead like a third eye, and the fangs in his mouth are obviously much longer than other giant wolves. The existence of the leader.

As soon as this guy appeared, he immediately rushed towards me. I shot at the gun, but his speed was surprisingly fast. He turned around in the air and flashed the bullet and continued to rush towards me. Come. Seeing that the giant wolf had rushed in front of me, I could only throw away the rifle and reached out to catch it, and firmly grasped its jaw with both hands and pushed it up. Wolves are generally not used to attacking the enemy with their claws. Although I'm not sure if this thing is considered a wolf-like creature, obviously my trick still worked.

The huge impact caused the giant wolf to take me out together, and then he slid into the researchers who had not had time to evacuate before stopping. When the crowd saw us falling near them, they immediately began to flee. Fortunately, this big guy was just struggling desperately trying to open his mouth and bite me and didn't bother other people. I can feel that the biological power in front of me is not as great as mine, so I am not too worried about my safety. But from the perspective of others, my appearance is indeed dangerous, so they are very anxious.

My loyal dog Xiaobai was the first to rush out. The speed is unbelievable. He leaped forward and bit the giant wolf's shoulder in one bite. The giant wolf hurt, and turned over with a howl and threw Xiao Bai down. I took the opportunity to ran out from under the giant wolf, and pulled out the large-caliber pistol hung behind my waist and fired more than ten shots against the jaw of the giant wolf. The giant wolf finally fell down with a bang.

"What kind of monsters are these?" After I got up, I looked around. The team members have also completed their tasks, and there were no casualties.

These things are larger in size, their reaction speed is not as fast as ours, and their strength is a lot worse, but they are definitely top killers compared to the native animals on Earth. It's also us. If ordinary people or even ordinary special forces encounter these things, there is absolutely no chance of winning one-on-one.

The father’s bodyguard walked to the giant wolf I killed and kicked it, and then said: "This thing is definitely not a wolf. No matter how terrifying the evolution of the creatures on Earth, there will be no such battle. strength."

I also nodded and said, "Yes! This battle strength has caught up with the standard battle beasts!"

This was originally the Science City, and all those who escaped Scientists, among them, there is no shortage of biological talents. Several researchers ran over and turned over the mouth, eyes and nose of the dead wolf, and then said: "If there were such creatures in the ancient Earth era, I promise that the absolute development of mankind does not raise. "

" Look at this guy's teeth." A researcher opened the wolf's mouth.

I leaned over to take a look. The shape of the tooth is like a dagger, sharp and scary. I didn't think there was anything, but I suddenly noticed that the reflection on the teeth was abnormal, so I immediately got closer and took a closer look. "Damn, how come this guy's teeth look like metal?"

"Are they artificial?" The researcher next to him held his chin in thought.

"Be careful." There was a sudden commotion in the crowd behind. I followed their fingers and saw a giant bird flying above the forest. It looked almost the size of a rhinoceros, even It might be bigger. My electronic eyes made visual adjustments immediately, and quickly saw the full picture of this creature, but this surprised me even more.


"What?" The team members next to me heard what I said and didn't respond. Father they immediately picked up the telescope they passed to and watched. Up.

What we saw was a griffin-like monster. This guy’s body is almost exactly the same as the griffon in the game. My first reaction was whether the biochemical monster from our laboratory came out, but it was not correct after a closer look. The defense in places like the laboratory is very tight. It is actually very difficult for the experimental creatures to escape in science fiction films. Besides, the entire city is gone now. Isn't it reasonable to leave the biochemical beasts alone?

With the appearance of the Griffin, something that shocked us even more appeared.

"Biped wyvern?"

A dark, ugly creature chased the griffin and flew up. This guy's wings are like a bat, completely composed of a layer of fleshy membrane and skeleton, and his head is more like the work of a master of post-modern painting. Apart from horror and ugliness, I can really find more suitable adjectives.

With the help of superhuman vision, we suddenly noticed that neither of these two creatures are wild, because they have saddles on them, and there are people sitting on them. The two creatures are obviously fighting. The two-footed wyvern seems to have a slight advantage, while the griffon is relatively weaker.

Since such a large monster has appeared, it is meaningless to hide it. I yelled to the bushes behind me: "Come out! Lucky and Silver go up and bring those two guys back. It’s best to catch them alive. If the two big guys can’t catch them, they’ll put them on their backs first. People caught it back."

"Don't worry!" Lucky suddenly flew up from behind the hidden hillside, and the researchers near us were all stunned on the spot.

My conversation with Lucky has shown that these giant beasts are our own, but the researchers were shocked when they saw such a huge supernatural creature for the first time. Although the previous giant wolf was very impactful, its appearance was still a creature that everyone had seen before. It was nothing more than a bit larger in size, and it could also be understood as a huge variant. Although the Griffin and the bipedal wyvern in the distance are a little beyond the scope of knowledge, they are still far away. Researchers don't have the perverted vision like ours. They can only vaguely see that they are two big guys, and they can't distinguish the specific appearance. But now it's different. Although Lucky and Silver flew away, the Plague and Crystal are still by my side. Basically all of my large familiars have acquired their own real bodies, and their looks are like the arrival of Demon God in the eyes of these researchers who have never seen giant beasts. Fortunately, these big guys are obviously working for us now, so they didn't cause panic among researchers.

Lucky and Silver just flew together, and there was a commotion in the forest, and then two dark shadows rose into the sky, making us all froze there.

"giant dragon?" We actually saw two more dragons, and they were of a type we had never seen before. Although I knew that there were dragons in the forest, seeing it with my own eyes was very different from seeing the photos before. These two giant dragons are obviously not the products of our Dragon Fate, but they are almost the same in appearance from Lucky and Silver, and they are the same type of creatures at first glance.

The two giant dragons didn't seem to come for the lucky ones, but were fighting each other, but they just happened to fly at the same time as the lucky ones. The two dragons were also stunned when they suddenly discovered Lucky and Silver, so they quickly retreated from each other. It is a wiser decision not to be busy killing before you can't figure out the situation of the enemy and ourselves. Judging from their reaction, the IQs of these two dragons are not low, at least they cannot be treated as ordinary wild beasts.

I sent an electronic command to Plague and Crystal, and the two of them immediately flew up and stopped beside Lucky and Silver, four-to-two. At least we should take advantage of the number first. As for the battle strength of both sides, currently Can't judge yet. Fortunately, they are man-made species under artificial genetic manipulation, and we don't know the origin of the two dragons. Therefore, it is not yet clear who is strong and who is weak.

"☆ ※☆★#&→№△……" The giant dragon, which is long like silver, has a smaller body and a silvery white body, suddenly spoke. The voice he uttered has obvious ups and downs, basically it can be concluded that it is a language, but my electronic brain has checked the languages ​​of most countries on Earth and failed to find a right number. Obviously, she didn't speak the Earth language, or it could be said that it was not a human language, but her voice was so sweet that she knew it was a female as soon as she heard it.

"What did you say? We don't understand. Can you speak Chinese? English is fine? Or Russian?" Lucky asked tentatively.

"◎▲§△#……" The other party still speaks a bunch of languages ​​that we don't understand at all.

Fortunately, I looked back and looked towards I wanted to find a way, but this third type of contact was the first time I met. He couldn't help it, and I couldn't help it! After thinking about it, I still pointed to the two creatures riding people on them and said: "Go and grab those two guys first."

"Understand." Lucky and Shirogane immediately shifted their targets towards there. Two creatures flew over, and the plague and crystal that had just gained their bodies stared at the two dragons. Because they didn’t know the situation, the two dragons didn’t dare to move, they just flew outside the forest to find a clearing and landed. Our people immediately surrounded them, but it seemed that the two dragons were facing us. Very disdainful, but more afraid of the plague and crystals.

On the other side, Lucky and Silver each aimed at an empty knight and rushed up. Fortunately, I chose the larger biped wyvern, while Silver chose the griffon. Although the two-footed wyvern was more afraid of luck, he was driven by Knight on his back to meet him, but the huge gap in size and strength could not be filled by bravery. After the two collided in the air, fortunately, they immediately grabbed Wyvern's wings with their front paws, and bit Wyvern's neck with their mouths, and immediately the blood of reddish-brown spilled like rain. Wyvern met Lucky and was brought down. The Knight on the dragon's back wanted to help. However, he couldn't get in the fight between giant beasts. He could only hold on to his saddle and prevent himself from being threw away.

Different from the lucky side, the griffon is obviously not as bold as wyvern, or it is smarter than wyvern. In short, when the guy saw Silver pounced, he immediately turned around and tried to escape, but it was probably She was frightened by Bai Yin, and flew towards me in a panic, but naturally there was no good end. As soon as the griffon flew to me not far in front, it was swept in by two large nets that suddenly flew up on the ground, and then the silver flew up from behind and grabbed the net rope and carried it up before it fell to the ground.

After the two creatures were brought back to the ground, Knight on top of them immediately jumped down and each took up their weapons and confronted our people, but with the help of the two dragons, the two of them had not had time to get out. The move was knocked out. The crowd rushed to stand up the two Knights, and then I don’t know who brought them up with two sets of handcuffs. We gave them a sedative. It is estimated that the two of them will not be able to wake up for a while. .

The griffin has been very docile since the owner was subdued. It feels like a trained horse. It can be ridden by an individual, but the wyvern will be more violent and lucky. After pressing a thermos bottle on the ground, he fell asleep obediently.

After the two flying creatures were subdued, I took the others and walked in front of the two dragons. Compared with those creatures, these two are the key points.

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