"What do you want to ask?" The Golden Haired Great Ape finally softened.

"Why did you kill Sun Wukong?"

"Because he blocked my path of growth." Golden Haired Great Ape began to introduce his race and growth style. After listening for a long time, I finally figured out why he wanted to kill Sun Wukong. According to him, the stone monkey is actually not an independent creature, but a race, which means that Sun Wukong actually has the same kind, and these are his kind in front of him. However, the problem lies in this similar problem. According to the origin of Sun Wukong in our mythology, Sun Wukong should have popped out of a rock, but the actual situation is that the rock that popped out of Monkey Sun is not an aborigines of Earth, it is a meteorite. , Belongs to alien visitors, and its source is this red planet, which is the material star.

The stone that produced Sun Wukong was originally an embryo of the stone monkey family, or it can be said that it is actually an egg, but it looks like a stone. However, if Sun Wukong is just an alien creature, it will be fine. The key is that his identity is also very special. In the stone monkey tribe, there is a biological balance system similar to that of the bee tribe. Just as a bee colony only has one queen bee, there is only one monkey king in a rock monkey colony. As long as the monkey king does not die, all males born in the entire rock monkey population will become infertile soldiers, and Sun Wukong is exactly the monkey king. The guy in front of him is pressed by Sun Wukong, so he basically Going up is equivalent to a Court Eunuch, and simply has no ability to reproduce.

After listening to this guy’s explanation, I was also very surprised, that guy didn’t expect Sun Wukong to be really the Monkey King. He used to call himself Monkey King. I thought it was just his own nickname, didn't expect this guy is really the Monkey King. However, according to the Golden Haired Great Ape in front of him, Sun Wukong does not seem to know that he belongs to the rock monkey community, because he flew to Earth in the egg state, and he did not have any results of the same kind after he was born, so he didn’t. Know your life experience.

"Although what you said is pitiful, your wish may not be realized in this life." I looked at the Golden Haired Great Ape and said, "The strength of Sun Wukong is not something you can contend with. Yes, even if I am willing to help, I will definitely not be able to beat him. As for your strength growth, he can’t be blamed for this! This is the natural characteristic of your race. Even if you kill Sun Wukong, there will still be other stone monkeys. Monkey King, in the end, only one Monkey King can guarantee normal reproduction ability. No matter how you kill it, there is no way to change this fact."

"hmph, since I have been defeated by you now, I have nothing to do. Having said that, if you want to kill it, you have to scrape it!"

The Golden Haired Great Ape is now very frustrated under the extreme loss, it looks like he doesn't care about anything.

"Actually, you don't have to be so pessimistic."

"Turn you into Court Eunuch, can you be optimistic and upward?"

"Of course this is not possible. , But if I know there’s a chance to change back, then there’s nothing to worry about."

"What do you mean?" That Golden Haired Great Ape is quite intelligent and just heard what I said. I immediately realized that I The words mean more than they say.

"You can't reproduce. This is your racial trait. There are only two ways to get rid of this situation." I said and held out a finger. "One, just kill Sun Wukong as you first thought. But this method is not easy to succeed. Secondly, in the end, only one stone monkey will take over as the monkey king. For the other stone monkeys, it is basically a change of soup. If you don’t change the medicine, it’s just a monkey king. They didn’t get any benefits."

"What about the other method?"

"The other method is also more troublesome. , But once it succeeds, it can completely solve your troubles once and for all."

"Hurry up and listen."

"This method is to find a way to block you and the Monkey King Instinctive induction between."

When I heard my words, the Golden Haired Great Ape blinked and asked with a confused face: "What is shielding instinct?"

" You cannot reproduce because of the existence of the Monkey King, right?"

Golden Haired Great Ape nodded. "That's for sure."

After seeing him confirm, I continued: "That's why you thought of killing the Monkey King to solve the monkey King's suppression of your reproductive ability. From here on It can be seen that there should be a special connection between you and the monkey king. As long as your body can sense this connection, your ability to reproduce will be suppressed. As long as the monkey king dies, this connection will be It will be interrupted, your body will regain the ability to reproduce, but at the same time a new monkey king will be produced, and this connection will be restored again, so eliminating the monkey king is actually useless. What we need to do is to find this connection to the end How does it take effect? ​​Then we can destroy the Monkey King’s ability to produce suppressed signals, or destroy your body’s ability to receive such signals to block them from taking effect. When this connection is completely destroyed, each of you Monkeys will no longer be able to receive the monkey king’s information, so your body will think that the monkey king no longer exists, and then you will evolve into the monkey king, so that you can all gain the ability to reproduce."

< p>After hearing my explanation, the Golden Haired Great Ape finally figured out what I meant, but he still did not immediately agree to my suggestion. "How are you sure that this connection can be blocked?"

"I can't be sure, but which one do you want to choose between giving up or taking a gamble?"

"Okay! I was told by you." The Golden Haired Great Ape asked very calmly: "So what do we need to pay for helping us?"

Look at this guy so good Tao, I immediately said with a smile: "It's very simple, you can all move to my guild to work for me." Although these guys are not as good as Sun Wukong, they are of the same family after all. As long as you train a little, even in the future Not as good as Sun Wukong, as long as half of his strength is enough for me to have fun.

"Working for you?"

"Why? Don't you want to?"

"What are we going to do?"

"In addition to fighting, what do you think you are good at? But don't worry, I will not let you be cannon fodder. My guild follows an elite line and does not engage in crowded tactics, so the battle damage rate is very low. "

"Okay, then." Golden Haired Great Ape finally couldn't resist the temptation to gain fertility and agreed. Think about it. As a male, he turned out to be a Court Eunuch. Now suddenly I heard that there is a way to stop being a Court Eunuch. The fool disagrees.

After successfully abducting the Golden Haired Great Ape, I asked the baby to remove the phantom space, and everyone reappeared in the previous underground forest. The Gun God is both envious and jealous of me being able to subdue such a powerful group, but he is not as good as my abduction skills, so he can only get angry.

I borrowed a place from Mother Earth to temporarily place the monkeys in the gate of the earth, and I left the Golden Haired Great Ape outside to act as a guide. Although we brought a guide this time, no matter how good the guide is, it is not familiar with the aboriginal people. The reorganization of the team is over, we are planning to find Stargate to leave here, who knew that the Golden Haired Great Ape who had just joined us suddenly stopped us.

"Why didn't you go?" I looked at the gorilla suspiciously and asked. Golden Haired Great Ape didn't answer my question, but stared in one direction with horror and kept moving back, making us even more nervous. "You are talking! What do you feel?"

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