We didn't even ask it out of the gorilla's mouth, so we felt something was wrong. The originally quiet jungle suddenly became lively. All kinds of creatures lurking in the dark began to flee. There were large swaths of unknown birds in the distant jungle, and the soil under our feet was also covered by some strange creatures. Open. However, after these creatures appeared, they all showed a common feature, that is, they all hurriedly ran in the other direction of the crypt when we did not exist.

"No matter what it is, it seems that this is a very difficult to deal with guy." Black Widow directly drew out her double swords to prepare for the upcoming battle, but the fact is that her preparations are completely Waste.

Boom. Accompanied by the violent tremor of the ground, a large hole suddenly appeared on the top of the cave in front of it. Thousands of tons of hot and red lava poured down from the cave and directly ignited the jungle below, while the subsequent lava was still being poured into it.

"It seems that this is not a problem that the sword can solve!" After Black Widow finished speaking, he took the sword and chased the escaped animals and turned around and ran away. Seeing her start to flee, we naturally wouldn't stay and wait for death, so everyone started to run.

"No, it's too slow, we can't run Lava." I shouted to everyone: "You all stand up for me, don't resist." While everyone paused, Rose Vine suddenly It got out from the ground, and then pulled everyone together and wrapped it into a huge sepak takraw ball. Accompanied by a dragon roar, luck and plague appeared together, and then skimmed over the sepak takraw at low altitude. Two vines quickly protruded from the sepak takraw and automatically wrapped the tails of luck and plague, and then they were taken away by two dragons. The ground flew towards the exit at high speed. Seeing everyone being taken away, I also summoned Ye Ying and jumped on it.

Although the flowing speed of the high-temperature lava is quite fast, it still does not exceed the speed of the giant dragon, and it was quickly thrown away by us. But the real trouble is not this section of the road, but the passage in front. The area where we are now is a relatively large crypt in the tunnel network, which means it is very wide. In such an environment, the spread of lava is relatively slow, but once it is filled up, waiting for the lava to enter the pipeline network, that is another matter. Lava, which has nowhere to vent, will push forward in the pipeline in a jet under high pressure. The speed is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary fluids. What's worse, the huge biome system here exacerbates this trouble. According to the Golden Haired Great Ape, there are only four exits in the entire crypt, and two of them are very small, except for some insects and small animals, no creatures can get in. The passage we came in and the exit in the other direction were the only two fairly large passages, and now, those two passages are like the narrow safety exits of a movie theater in the event of a fire. A large number of creatures are vying to pass through the small hole, and disorderly chaos cannot accelerate the speed of passage. On the contrary, the crowded biota will affect the overall speed, and some powerful creatures even begin to wantonly. The creatures that attack the block hope to get out ahead, and the dead creatures will only aggravate this congestion process, and will not increase the efficiency of the exit at all. In fact, judging by the speed at which the lava spreads, even if the animals here can quickly pass through here under a unified command, at most one third creature can leave the cave before the lava flows in, and with the current situation, it can It would be considered a miracle if one-twentieth of the creatures escaped. But it doesn't matter how many animals die here. What really depresses me is that we are also blocked outside the passage.

"Damn, what can I do?" Looking through the gap in the sepak takraw ball, looking at the biota in front of the Roshan, which is usually crowded at the entrance of the hole, the fool also knows how difficult it is to think about the past, and it is even worse. More creatures in the jungle behind are still rushing here, and soon the number of creatures here will turn a few times, let alone when the time comes.

"Damn it, I'm fighting it." I suddenly pointed forward and blasted a way out for me.

The tank suddenly appeared near the passage, and then the magic crystal cannon was set up to face a three-shot burst near the entrance of the cave. Emmenes appeared immediately and turned himself into a tank with a real mirror image. It was also a three-shot. Burst. Six consecutive critical strikes successfully blasted a gap near the entrance, but if it is not stopped, other creatures will soon fill the hole again.

"It's really troublesome, I have to force me to make a big move!" Seeing that the hole is about to be blocked again, I quickly took out the Vermilion Bird fire feather, and then put it in front of my mouth to concentrate all the magic power of my body Go to the arm and then lead into the fire feather, followed by blowing hard against the fire feather. "Nan Mingli Fire." With a bang, a huge flame suddenly ejected from the Vermilion Bird feathers, instantly enveloping all the monsters blocking the entrance of the cave into the flame. After the flame passed, the area around the entrance was already Without any monster, everyone can only see the sky full of black ash flying in the air. The monsters that were blocked there before have all been burnt to fly ash.

The chin that the gun god looked at in the sepak takraw almost fell off. "Purple Moon, you guys are not humans, so a spell of such a huge might can be used!"

"Go, do you think this trick can be used casually? My magic value goes straight down. Most of the time, if the battle is at a critical juncture, I would not dare to use it indiscriminately!"

I was talking on my mouth, and my hand movements were not slow at all. I hurriedly made lucky when the surrounding monsters were emptied. And the plague threw the sepak takraw ball into the channel. Because the internal space of the passage is not large enough, the rose vines automatically spread out to other people. The gun gods knew that they couldn't wait now, and they ran forward together after being threw away the sepak takraw.

"Steel Claws, take them." After seeing everyone entering the cave, I immediately jumped in, retracting the demon pet and releasing the guardian steel claws. Although Steel Claw itself is not a speed mount, it is still much faster than the player's speed. Within two steps, the people were rolled up by the tentacles on the back of the steel claws and ran forward on their backs, while I was summoned and rode on the white waves. The passage here is too short, and I will hit my head when riding Night Shadow, so I can only switch to Bailang. However, although Bailang looks like a wolf, he is relatively large, so it’s okay to carry him personally.

All the way forward, we gradually caught up with some monsters that ran into the hole before, but no matter whether it is a threatening creature or not, there is no threat anymore. The threat from the rear forces them to run desperately. , There was no time to take care of others at all. As for us, the monsters who gathered to the entrance of the cave were squeezing into the cave and fleeing frantically, but because of the crowding, the speed of entry was very slow.

After running down the passage for a while, we suddenly heard a mournful scream sound from the cave, and it did not seem to be made by a creature. The sensitive Golden Haired Great Ape suddenly urged: "Run, the lava has entered the cave."

"This is the fastest speed!"

Suddenly the handsome pig shouted Said: "Hurry up and collapse the roof of the cave to block the lava behind."

"Idiot, this is Underground World. The pressure of lava is very high. Blocking the lava pipes will only connect us to these pipes. Explode." After the gun god scolded the handsome pig, he said to me: "The road ahead is almost at that side. Let's turn around and find your new friend!"

I know the gun god said that. Jewel Dragon, but I am very surprised why he wants me to run over there. "Do you think it is safer over there?"

The gun god explained: "The screams in the cave indicate that the lava has reached the entrance of the cave. After that, its flow rate will rise exponentially. We don't even think about it. Running past it, the flow rate of lava in the underground pipeline is completely different from that on the ground. However, the angle between the fork road and the road we are walking is relatively small, which means that lava needs to flow back into the fork road. Turn a big turn, that will greatly slow down the flow of lava."

"But that dragon's lair is a dead end!" Shuai Zhu said.

"How do you know that there is only one road?"

"I...I...!" The handsome pig wanted to say that he had seen it, but after a closer look, it seemed to be on This time he only went to the edge of the hole, as for what the depth was like, he simply hadn't seen it.

"Hey, it's almost a crossroads, have you decided yet?" I asked aloud.

"Turn around." "Follow the road." Gun God and Shuai Zhu shouted two diametrically opposed opinions, and at this time the fork had arrived.

The steel claws rushing in the front immediately used their front paws to stamp out a large pit on the ground immediately after reaching the fork, and his body and tail were thrown over his forelimbs due to inertia to make the whole adjustment. A direction, like a car flicking. "no!" Seeing Steel Claw turning to the handsome pig and yelling, but he is now tied to Steel Claw's back by the tentacles on the Steel Claw's back. As long as I don't give an order, even if he breaks his throat, it's useless. .

I have seen the red light behind the curve while the steel claws are thrown, just like the gun god said, the speed of lava in the underground pipeline is unexpectedly fast, we ran so The long road lava caught up in a few minutes.

I patted Ye Ying’s neck, Ye Ying immediately stepped on the hole like a Lightweight Art expert and turned a big turn into the passage where the gem dragon’s lair is located, and we turned Soon after it passed, the flames in the rear sprayed like flames from an airplane engine. In fact, it is not lava that has caught up with us, it is just the air heated and pushed by the lava. But apart from me, most people are better not to touch it. Although it is only high-temperature air, the heat wave of thousands of degrees is enough to steam people.

"Why are you here?" When we rushed into the cave, we accidentally discovered that the cave is not only the gem dragon that we have seen. There are actually five dragons opposite him, and their bodies have similar characteristics to the gem dragon in front of them. I instantly recognized that these five are also Golden Dragons, and the level may be higher than this gem dragon.

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