"I want you to help me kill Sun Wukong."

"Kill Sun Wukong? Did you say it wrong or I heard it wrong? Are you okay? "

"No, we are all right. I think you have that ability."

I suddenly put Eternal Dance into a combat stance. "Unfortunately to inform you that the relationship between Sun Wukong and me is pretty good. Even if I can kill him, I will not help you. Besides, I may not have beaten him yet."

"Then There is no way!" The Golden Haired Great Ape suddenly jumped at me, but what made him strange was that I didn't even mean to hide. Almost for an instant, the Golden Haired Great Ape pounced on me, but the Golden Haired Great Ape did not feel the sensation of hitting someone. On the contrary, he felt like he had hit a pile of mud. In, and then plunged in.

Golden Haired Great Ape, who thought he had successfully threw me down, rolled out more than ten meters before getting up from the ground, but then he realized that his body was actually covered with a thick layer of cream , And I, who was supposed to be the target, have disappeared. Looking at the place where I stood before, now there is only a pile of smashed cake mud, nothing else.

"hahahaha, get fooled." The jelly baby jumped out from behind a big tree. "I have said that this is the world of the baby adult, and the rules here are set by the baby adult. Even if you are a Big Monkey, don't even think about fighting the baby adult."

"Hoo... "Golden Haired Great Ape was completely irritated by the baby. He screamed and rushed towards the baby. However, when he ran, he found that the ground suddenly became abnormally soft, and this state was gradually intensifying. The Golden Haired Great Ape, who had not run two steps, found that his feet had sunk deep into the ground. After pulling them out, he found that there was still a thick black paste under his feet, and these pastes were accelerating to soften. But its stickiness is constantly improving.

"hahahaha." The baby laughed at the gorilla while doing a twisting dance on the tree. "If you have the ability, come here? Why don't you move? I haven't tried my best! The hot chocolate trap of the baby adult is amazing, right?"

Seeing that the ground under your feet is gradually turning into soft and sticky Hot chocolate, that Golden Haired Great Ape's eyes are flushed red but it is impossible to move. As soon as this guy was transformed, I guessed that his battle method is probably good at strength, so I specifically asked the baby to deal with him. It is the most strenuous to deal with a force-type enemy and his reckless power, because the opponent is least afraid of fighting power. On the contrary, if it is a special type of battle method, it can restrain a force-type enemy very well. For example, it’s obvious now that the sticky hot chocolate won’t play a big role against flying or agile monsters, but this Golden Haired Great Ape seems to have encountered a natural enemy. It's too big, and I can't get any effect when I am stuck in the hot chocolate. I can only helplessly watch my little by little sink into the hot chocolate.

After screaming for a long time, the Golden Haired Great Ape finally realized that it would be over if this continues, so he suddenly stretched out a fist and swung it at the baby from a distance, and then he saw him. A large group of golden spots of light flew out, and then sprinkled the baby all over his head and face. This time the baby and the Golden Haired Great Ape were both stunned. The baby didn't expect that the Golden Haired Great Ape was trapped and could still touch him, but the Golden Haired Great Ape was wondering why his long-range attack turned into a bunch of golden powder. The Golden Haired Great Ape originally played something similar to a magical skill. The effect should be a state of remote strikes. It stands to reason that the baby should be blown up. But now, besides making the baby a big face It didn't play any role at all.

The baby froze for a while, then reached out and touched the top of his head, then put his hand in his mouth and tasted it. "en. It turned out to be mango-flavored jelly powder. No wonder it will be golden powder."

"What did you say? Why did my attack become that jelly powder?" Golden Haired Great Ape said Questioned loudly in the hot chocolate.

I have been in the invisible state at this time and suddenly emerged from the invisible state. "The reason why your attack turns into jelly powder is because this is the rule here. The world we are now in is a sweet space created by a baby. You can understand it as a child’s dream world. There is no cruelty here. The natural environment is full of desserts. The magic of killing will turn into various jams. As for you enemies......!"

"What will happen?" Golden Haired Great Ape asked anxiously: "How will we do?"

"Don't you feel it yourself?"

"Feeling?" I reminded Golden Haired Great Ape to finally notice his abnormality . "Why is my strength getting smaller and smaller?"

"Because you are about to become my ragdoll." The baby exclaimed excitedly: "Any overall strength is not more than three times that of the baby adult The above creatures will become ragdolls in a very short time after entering the baby adult’s world. Although your strength is strong, it has not reached three times the baby adult’s. Your lack of energy is just the 1st Step reaction, and then Your body will become softer and softer, and then gradually become a doll."

"hmph, just kill you before you become a doll." Golden Haired Great Ape said suddenly and fiercely. A shot of the surface of the hot chocolate quagmire, the huge sudden impact pulled his whole body out of the hot chocolate, but he just flew less than two meters, he was suddenly hit back by a huge fist. In the chocolate quagmire.

"I forgot to introduce you. This is my control spirit, Vajra. Don't think you look the same, but you are not of the same kind. Vajra is a mechanical lifeform, just looks like a gorilla. But I have to tell you one thing. Unlike you, Vajra is a regional guard, strong enough to be perverted, and he is my summon, which is regarded as an ally of the baby here, and will not be restricted by the rules."

The Golden Haired Great Ape originally wanted to fight back, but when I heard it, it was completely softened. Although he doesn't know the strength of the area guard, he knows that he is getting weaker and the opponent is completely unaffected by this rule. The longer he delays, the weaker he will become. Failure in this way is simply the doomed result. "Really didn't expect, my generation of Monkey King will actually fall into your hands!" Golden Haired Great Ape said and wept depressed.

In fact, that guy is really wrong. According to my observation, his own strength is at least two thousand level or above. However, the sweet world of the baby belongs to the law space. His strength is simply not displayed here. Today is equivalent to being played alive.

"Give up?" I asked aloud looking at Golden Haired Great Ape, who had given up struggling. Seeing that the other party didn't answer, I added another sentence. "As long as you can answer me a few questions, I can consider letting you go. How about? Would you like to do this with me?"

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