"Say. What did you guys do?"

My sudden attack frightened two people.

"No, we didn't do anything!" The guy I lifted up was scared and didn't know what to say, but the guy on the ground quickly explained it.

It's okay for him not to speak. I feel even more angry when he speaks. I go up and knock him down with one foot on his chest. "Can you tell me? It's up to you. What exactly did you do?"

"No, we Aiya...forgive me..." The guy felt his chest as soon as he said a few words. The pressure suddenly increased, and the following words immediately became begging for mercy.

"Are you an idiot?" I gradually increased the strength on my feet and said, "Do you think that my battle strength list is the number one martial artist? Don’t forget, the battle strength list is number one. It’s just a title. My true identity is the president of the Frost Rose League. I manage nearly 100,000 members and hundreds of millions of NPC troops. Your little trick is not even a kindergarten level in front of me. .Well, I don’t want to say more nonsense, tell me what you did?"


"Hmm..." The other party only said one I suddenly increased my strength and interrupted his follow-up content. "It seems that you are planning to die or deny it?"

"What are you doing?" A sudden shout drew our attention. I turned my head and looked towards the back, it turned out that the people who took the other side roads were all found back. The shouting was Shuaizhu, and several other guides followed him. A group of people hurried over when they saw me lifting two of their companions in the air and stepping on the other.

A group of people were blocked by the guns that the guns stretched out before they rushed in front of me. "Don't get excited. Although I haven't figured out what happened, these two must have made a mistake. Although you are our guide, I must make it clear to you that we have the right to dispose of it at will if we violate the guide agreement. Oh."

I didn’t look at them anymore when I saw the gun god stopped the other people. I turned my head to the guy who was raised in the air and said, "Your companion is obviously not willing to cooperate. , Then do you think about it? I give you two choices. One, tell me what you did, I can treat it as if it didn’t happen. Two, you continue to pretend to be confused with me, and I will send you all back to Xinshou Village , And then find out the reason for yourself. If you want to understand, just nodded."

The guy I held up nodded desperately after I finished talking.

"Yes, there seems to be someone who understands."

Seeing the companions seemed to be talking, the guides who were stopped suddenly became angry, and they desperately wanted to rush over. , But was blocked by the gun god. Although Black Widow didn't intervene, she obviously helped us. After all, she belongs to our mercenary. The guide and the owner fell out. There is no reason for the mercenary to help the guide, right?

"Purple Moon, we are only responsible for showing you the way, you can't insult our personality." The handsome pig changed his cowardice before yelling to me.

"Very well, you finally can't help it." I waved my hand to beckon the Gunner to let them come, but the guys just rushed to my side. Even if there is no gun god to stop them, they still don't dare to make a haste.

"Purple Moon, what's the matter with you?" The team that was left behind by me finally caught up. When Hongdou saw the situation with swords drawn and bows bent, he rushed over nervously. , As for the others, nothing happened. They were only rescued by me, this matter has nothing to do with them.

I still controlled the two guys and said: "It just so happens that everyone is here, I think things should be clarified?"

"What do you want us to say?"

?" Shuai Zhu asked anxiously.

"You know it yourself."

"But the point is that we don't know it!"

"no no no, you know it very well." I suddenly again After adding the strength to the feet, the guy on the ground immediately screamed. Seeing the people around me trying to move, I immediately stretched out a finger and shook it at them. "Oh oh oh, don't move. I think you know your own strength very well. Even if I strip off my equipment, you will not be my opponent if you add one piece. Besides, your weapons may simply not be able to break my defense." /p>

"We didn't mean that."

"I didn't say that you guys mean that." I looked at the handsome pig and said playfully, "Okay, now let us Be frank. You." I pointed at the handsome pig. "From the first time we met in Isengard, you have been pretending to be pure, but you are not pure at all, you are really stupid. On the surface, you have a very arrogant big brother, and in order to make this play Like, in the end you even made up such a touching story, you don’t know how many mistakes you said. That idiot is simply not your boss, he is just a marginal person in this team, your group of talents is the core, he should be the team The one with the lowest status in the middle. As for that story, I can only say that it was too touching. Unfortunately, I have always had no emotional cells. After removing those tangled emotional factors, the only thing left is can be seen everywhere. There is a loophole!"

"You are talking nonsense!" The handsome pig yelled, fly into a rage out of humiliation.

"No, I'm telling the truth. You see for yourself what you are now. Where is the cowardly handsome pig who can be bullied by Isengard before? Isn't your current behavior? Like what a cowardly little follower who is often bullied can do. How do you say that? The country is easy to change, and its nature is difficult to change. What makes a cowardly handsome pig daring to fight with an eagle in a blink of an eye The old hen? But in this way, the previous story may not be completely false or maybe, but it is different from the content in the story. You are the big brother who dropped out, and what you learned in society is not It’s not a gangster habit, but the kind of cunning that is easy to do among the crowd."

"It is indeed the president of the Frost Rose League. It really is not something that ordinary people like us can contend!" With this sentence, Shuai Zhu's temperament completely changed, and the temperament of the underworld boss gradually released. Unlike the little hooligan who deliberately pretended to be fierce, Shuai Zhu really carried a kind of cruelty on his body, and even I didn't have that kind of temperament. Yes, I killed people in reality, but it was a mission, and we Dragon Clan are naturally indifferent, so even if we kill people, what we leave behind is not very ruthless but a cold feeling. But the guy in front of him is different. His very ruthless has a crazy temperament, and it makes people know at a glance that this guy is a person who has really seen blood, and he is not a professional murderer who sees blood in a calm state like us. It is a murderous aura that is a mixture of impulse and tyranny.

After the handsome pig confessed, the pretended tension in the expressions of other people around also disappeared. What is left is just a kind of alert, a mixture of madness and reason. The two are completely opposite. State of alert.

"Well, since you are willing to take off that layer of disguise, then we should be able to talk frankly and frankly?" I said, putting the guy holding my hand down, and then loosening my feet. Yi Hook kicked the guy I stepped on, and a few people next to him immediately helped him behind him.

The handsome pig stood before their group and said: "Okay, what do you want to know?"

"First of all, I want to confirm first, do you really know purple clay? The position of our mission this time is very important. I can ignore the losses caused before, but the mission must be completed. I don’t mind telling you the truth, the mission objective this time is related to the international strategic balance in the entire game. 》 For a game like this that can be exchanged for real money, I think you don’t know what it means? If you don’t know, it’s okay, I can tell you. It means money, a lot of money, as much as you This group of people won’t make money in their entire lives, and they don’t even have seen so much money in the movies. If there is money, there will be benefits, and if there are benefits, there will be motivation. For such grand competition money, let alone the game, hire It is also a small problem for people to kill you all in reality. "Since the other party is obviously a gangster, I don't need to say that it is so implicit.

The handsome pig is nodded. "I have long guessed that your such a large guild is impossible only a little bit of in-game strength, but didn't expect that your capital flow will be so large."

Of course he couldn't guess. "Zero" itself is a financial bomb, which is specially used to bomb the economic systems of other countries. It can deceive so many economics. If even his underworld can't deceive it, wouldn't it be useless?

"It's good if you know. Then tell me, can you take us to complete the task?"

"Yes." Handsome pig nodded. "What you want is indeed what we brought back here last time. We also remember that place, and even the current direction is correct."

"Then why are there so many fortresses this time? People come in? And, what's the matter with that thing?" I pointed to the strange giant dragon.

The handsome pig glanced at the giant dragon that was crushed unable to move even a little bit and said, "He is our purpose." Seeing the look I was waiting for, the handsome pig continued. : "There is a lot of forks on the front side. One of them leads to your destination, and the other is connected to that guy’s lair. The last time we passed by here, we happened to see him and a group of very powerful The monster was fighting together. At that time, we were all shocked by his strength. After that, we secretly observed his situation and found that there were still a few unhatched eggs in this guy’s nest."

"So you guys are thinking about stealing the eggs at this opportunity?"

The handsome pig is nodded. "Originally, when we found out that this guy had an egg last time, we wanted to steal it, but no matter how we planned it, we would definitely alarm him in the end, and with our strength, we definitely couldn't escape safely in front of him. In the end, not only would we Hang them all here, and the eggs will be snatched back by him. So we were forced to give up this plan. The people who knew you suddenly found us again, let us take you to find the purple clay."

"So you thought of this plan again, and planned to use us as a shield?"

Although Shuai Zhu didn't directly admit it, it was obvious from his expression that this was the case. Before, they said that figuring out the route was simply false. They took the opportunity to disperse the team so that someone could steal the eggs, and the thing like stealing the eggs itself does not require too many people, two people are enough to handle it. As for those of us, they are naturally planned to be their helpers. Once they succeed in stealing the egg, then this crystalized giant dragon will chase it out. When the time comes, they just run, with the gun god and Ling blocking behind, just to help them escape.

"I have to say that your plan is not bad, but at the expense of us to exchange that egg, you are really wicked!"

"No, we were expecting You can kill the dragon." Shuai Zhu said: "We immediately studied your various abilities after receiving the notice from your guild, and then saw the Gunner and Black Widow in Isengard. We made this plan even more firm. We were just thinking about hiding the egg when the time comes. You would only think that we went the wrong way and led to the monster. After you kill the dragon, we will get the dragon egg. , We have no plan to sacrifice you at all."

"That's not the point, the point is that we were plotted against." I said extend the hand. "Where's the egg?" The guy I stepped on before tried to hide behind him as soon as he heard it. Needless to say, I knew it was on him. "Why? Do you still expect to have that egg? I control the monster, and I am paid for your guide work. I don’t want to ask you to trouble us for private work during the employment assignment. Don’t you guys? unable to tell good from bad."

"That thing belongs to us!" Although the guy holding the egg hid in fear, his mouth yelled.

"Today I understand what it means to ask for money without life." As I said, I stretched out my hand and took Eternity in my hand, and the gun god Black Widow also took the weapon.

"No, wait a minute." Shuai Zhu suddenly shouted: "That dragon is not just an egg, you can take the others."

"Other natural It's also ours, but the eggs in your hands don't belong to you either."

"How can you be so greedy?" Hongdou suddenly shouted.

"No, this is not greed. I am just taking back what belongs to me. If it were the dragon you subdued, I would never steal your things, but the dragon was my subjugation That is to say, the eggs in your hands are actually the fruits of my labor. Isn’t it greedy to get back the fruits of your labor?"

"But you can already get the remaining ones, there is no need to connect this Don't let it go, right?" Red Bean said unwillingly.

"no no no, you are wrong again. No matter how high a person's salary is, it is the result of his labor. You can't take others to share because of the high salary, right? The same thing. Regardless of that How many eggs a dragon lays, those are all spoils of war I got. No matter how many eggs there are, I have no reason to share with you. Besides, your motives from the very beginning are impure. I didn't take revenge on you. Okay, now hand over the egg."

"hmph, I won’t give it to you if I smashed it." Shuai pig’s eyes suddenly flashed fiercely, and he turned from the belt of the guy holding the egg. The red dragon egg that is only the size of an egg will be smashed into the ground.

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