The handsome pig is holding the dragon egg and about to hit the ground, but I watched his movements with a smile. Of course, everyone except me was carrying it. Expression of regret and surprise. Seeing that a sky-high price dragon egg is about to be reimbursed, why am I not nervous at all? Of course I am not the kind of noble person who regards money as dung. On the contrary, I am definitely a realistic thinker with interests first. Under normal circumstances, I would certainly feel distressed to know that such a huge benefit is about to disappear, but if I know that it will not disappear, why should I feel distressed?

In the eyes of everyone's regret and consternation, the handsome pig finally smashed the dragon egg on the ground, but what everyone saw was not the result of the dragon egg breaking the yolk, but just listening to the bang. After hitting the ground, the dragon egg suddenly bounced more than three meters high, and then fell again, like a ping-pong ball on the ground several times before it finally stopped moving.

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, I said with a smile on my face: "It's okay, you can smash it, you can use more strength. If you are afraid that you can't smash it, you can use your strongest Recruit it to strike it, I promise not to stop you."

Although my words were harsh, the handsome pig didn’t move anymore, but looked at me with a more surprised look and didn’t know what to say. NS. When I saw him about to smash the dragon egg just now, the reason why I was not in a hurry was because I knew he simply couldn't smash it. Dragon Clan is also the top-level existence of mass-produced devil beasts. How can the eggs it give birth to be really the same as eggs? Although this egg is only slightly larger than the egg, it has a difference between Heaven and Earth. Not to mention that he is an ordinary player, even if it is me, it is absolutely unbreakable without a weapon. Just like an egg hitting a rock, it will definitely be a broken egg, a dragon egg hitting a rock will definitely be a broken stone. This is still the standard of the average Dragon Clan. The defense of the dragon is obviously abnormal. Since his egg has been crystallized, That means that this thing should have inherited his defensive characteristics, so the actual hardness of the egg may be higher than that of other types of dragon eggs. Such a hard thing is enough to be used as a weapon, how can he break it when he says it is smashed?

"Did you know that?" Shuai Zhu looked at me for a long time before he said such a sentence.

I reached out and pointed at the dragon. "I think you have already seen it. I have four giant dragon familiars. Do you think I have never seen a dragon egg?" I said and took two from the Phoenix Dragon Space in that guy's extremely surprised gaze. An egg the size of a watermelon came out. "The one that looks like a stone is the earth dragon egg, and the colorful one next to it is the Green Dragon egg. Would you like to try to smash these two? I promise you won’t be able to open it if you’re exhausted."

"You, have so many dragon eggs?"

The gun god interjected as it should be by rights: "He has always had a good relationship with Dragon Island. There is a dragon’s nest. What is so strange about how many dragon eggs are there?"

Isinger’s city guardian beast contains a large group of dragons. In order to ensure that Dragon Clan can live and work in peace, we have built a special dragon lair. Of course, that thing is not just a place where the dragon lives, it is a serious urban functional building with a high level product with its own system attribute. The main functions of dragon lair have four points: one is to strengthen the attributes of the city's Dragon Clan, the other is to provide a place for the city's Dragon Clan, the third is to speed up the recovery of the life and magic of the city's Dragon Clan, and the fourth is to breed dragons. Clan. The dragon egg in my hand is the success contributed by the last attribute of dragon lair, and it is not a one-time output. Dragon lair can generate dragon eggs equivalent to one thousandth of the number of Dragon Clan stayed in each week according to the number of Dragon Clan staying. Isinger now has a total of 1,000 giant dragons, which means exactly one egg per week. Although the output does not seem to be high, you must know that it is a dragon egg, not an egg. The players outside can grab a dragon egg for a dragon egg. For the broken head, our guild can get one for free every week, which is definitely a very terrifying reward. Of course, it’s impossible to split evenly, so the dragon eggs generated here are all used as guild rewards, and all are clearly marked. Members of the guild in need can consume their own guild contribution in exchange for dragon eggs. Of course, this consumption value is very scary, and most people will definitely not be able to change it. In addition, our guild itself still has a lot of good equipment and other things that need to consume contribution points to change, so the dragon egg is not not enough, but Often backlog. Like I have three in my hand now, besides the two I took out, there is also a red dragon egg in the Phoenix Dragon space.

"The Frost Rose League is a top guild after all. It is not surprising that there are a few dragon eggs in hand." Black Widow also said.

"hmph, why do you have so many dragon eggs rob us?" the handsome pig asked angrily.

“I’ve said this before, our money does not mean that we have an obligation to share with you, reap without sowing is my most despised behavior. Well, since you have given up, then dragon Leave the egg to me.” I said, suddenly white light flashed next to me. Before the handsome pigs could react, the darts had already grabbed the dragon egg into my hand. After I got the dragon egg, I waved summon out of the king to make him look after those guys, and then I turned around and walked in front of the dragon. "I know you understand our language, so now we can talk."

"hmph, robber." The dragon snorted.

I snapped my fingers, and the familiars who pressed him immediately released him at the same time, and the guy immediately wanted to pounce, but suddenly stopped when he rushed in front of me Living. The reason is of course not that he was suddenly shocked by my arrogance, nor was he moved by me, but because of the dragon egg that I played with in my hand. "Yes, you are not too stupid to be hopeless."

"What do you want to talk about?" The giant dragon's voice resounded above my head like thunder, and the whole cave trembling was a little trembling.

"Before the talk, in order to show my sincerity, I will return him to you." As I said, I passed the dragon egg over, and the dragon stared at me in surprise for a while. In the end, he took the egg cautiously and took a few steps back. "What do you want to talk about?"

Seeing that he took the egg from my hand but did not attack me, I praised again: "Very well, your choice is correct. If you are getting Attack me immediately after the egg, then we have nothing to talk about. Since my familiar can control you once, naturally it can do it again, and what you see now is not all my familiars, so if you Rebelling, the consequences will be very tragic. Now that we have established a preliminary trust relationship, then we can talk about business. First of all, I want to know what dragon you are? To be honest, my relationship with Dragon Clan has always been Very good, as you have seen, there are a lot of giant dragons under me. But I have never heard of Dragon Clan and your existence, and your appearance fully shows that you are indeed a giant dragon. You can tell me What kind of dragon are you?"

"I am simply not a giant dragon."

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