With eternal sharpness, one of my heavy splits failed to cut in at all. The strange dragon felt that his head was attacked and immediately shook his head, and the immense force drove me out. After flipping a dozen somersaults in the air, I stretched my limbs and landed steadily on the ground.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Stop complaining, get out of the way!" The gunmaster suddenly yelled. In fact, he didn't tell me to see the claws of the dragon.

A dexterous backflip avoided the fatal blow, and the ground was swept by the giant dragon's sharp claw nearly a foot deep. You must know that this is an underground cave, not the surface. The ground is made up of hard rocks, not mud. It can easily sweep the ground more than a foot deep. This power is definitely not what ordinary giant dragons can do.

"Master, retreat!" Ling saw that I was in danger and immediately commanded the surrounding Nether Soul to rush up. As a result, the dragon shot all the nearby Nether Soul with one claw and two blows. It became the air, but I took the opportunity to get away from him. It’s just that this guy’s characteristics are too terrifying, and even if you get away from it, it’s not necessarily safe.

I just jumped to the gun god and saw that monster suddenly moved towards us and opened his mouth. The scared gun god ran and shouted: "Don't stand with me, I can You will be implicated if you are not as perverted as your dodge speed!"

"Do you think I want to?" I cursed at the two guides in front as I scurried forward. "Damn it, how did you bother him?"

"I...we don't know...!" The two guides in front explained as they ran.

Seeing the giant dragon chasing closer and closer, I can only turn around and block him again, otherwise the two guides in front will definitely not run away. Although I said before I came here that only one person is protected at a critical moment, after all, I haven't really reached the point of making a life or death decision, so I don't plan to abandon these two guides for the time being.

Giant dragon found that I stopped and gave up the beam attack. Instead, he quickly waved his huge front paws and took a photo at me, and his giant claw was about to take a photo in front of me. At that moment, I suddenly pointed at him. "Steel teeth, bite him."

"Roar..." The steel teeth with dazzling golden light all over the body suddenly rushed out of the void and collided with the giant dragon made of crystal. . The two giant beasts hugged each other and rolled all the way forward, and finally stopped with a bang when they broke a stone pillar. Steel Fang jumped up from the dragon's body with a quick response, and the dragon was not too slow. One turned over and stood up again, and followed the body fiercely. The huge tail was like a whip. Swept away. Gangtooth jumped away from the tail easily. Who knew that the giant dragon's head just turned around and bit Gangtoe's front leg in one bite. Creak made a harsh rubbing sound, and Steel Teeth made a painful scream, but from our perspective, the dragon did not actually bite in. The Steel Teeth's defense obviously played a role, but he didn't feel good. After the roar, the steel teeth did not show weakness. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the dragon to bite his forelimb, he lowered his head and bit the opponent's neck, but the result was just another harsh rubbing sound. The teeth of both sides could not bite through the defense of the other side. The steel tooth is Vajra Qilin, natural defense is strengthened, it is almost invincible in physical defense, and the dragon in front of him is obviously not much worse than him, and neither of them can bite. However, I am not the only familiar with Steelfang.

"Victoria, give Steel Jamaica status."

"Observe my master." Victoria suddenly appeared in the air beside me, and the Golden Wheel of Fate suddenly flashed, carrying The lightning bolt of fate hits Vajra. Almost at the same time when the arrow of destiny hit, the steel tooth and the dragon uttered a roar at the same time, accompanied by the pu' sound, the sound of the teeth entering the flesh and the cracking sound similar to crystal cracking. The dragon and the steel tooth broke each other's defenses at the same time, and the steel tooth's uninjured body was actually bitten, and the bitten right front leg was bleeding like a column. Of course, the dragon was not much better. Almost all the teeth of the steel teeth bit into his neck. Even if it was far away, we could see the clear cracks on the dragon's neck.

Seeing this result, I turned my head in surprise and looked towards Victoria. "What attribute did you draw?"

"Master, it's anger!"

"Anger?" Victoria's Arrow of Destiny is just this annoying, and there is no way to control the result. , Otherwise her arrow of destiny might become the second strongest skill in my favorite second only to baby's sweet world, but this uncertainty seriously reduces its effectiveness. But now it’s not bad to get the rage attribute. Although it reduces Steelfang’s defense and health by half, it gives him three times the attack power and agility. This is why Steelfang and the dragon are injured at the same time. s reason.

After I figured out the situation, I immediately started to summon other familiars. The top skill of the trainer is to match the familiars with each other to suppress opponents with perfect coordination. "Xiaochun."


"Help the steel teeth to fill the blood."


"Ling ."


"Give the steel teeth to the state."


Although the dragon He doesn’t eat magic, but he eats physical attacks. Although the defense is exaggerated, it can barely break the defense with steel teeth. As for my magic summon, we can’t weaken it with a negative state and strengthen ourselves with a positive state. Can completely suppress the opponent.

Xiaochun’s comprehensive Recovery Technique instantly rippled on Steel Teeth, the wound stopped bleeding instantly, and at the same time, Steel Teeth only felt that he didn’t seem to feel the pain at all, and then he felt it again after less than a second. When a kind of cool energy suddenly poured into his body and gathered on his paws and teeth, it instantly doubled his attack power again.

Crack. The dragon's defense finally couldn't stand it. In front of the fully strengthened steel teeth, the cracks in his neck were gradually increasing, and his head would definitely be bitten if it was consumed like this. The angry giant dragon suddenly struggled hard. He stepped forward, then twisted vigorously, and rolled out with his steel teeth. The two giant beasts rolled into a ball on the ground again.

"Black Flame, go up and help."

The black flame swam directly out of the training space, and then rushed to the two giant beasts entangled in an instant, huge. His body suddenly rolled up, tied the dragon's wings and legs like a rope, then opened a huge mouth to bite the giant dragon's neck and desperately tightened his body.

The dragon wanted to break free immediately after being entangled, but the scales of Heiyan were also crystallized like him. The physical defense was simply ridiculously high, and the magic attack was fully attributed to resistance. The giant dragon immediately loosened its steel teeth after being entangled, and instead bit Hei Yan's body in one bite, but couldn't bite in no matter how hard he tried. In anger, he suddenly opened his mouth and shot out a terrifying red ray. As a result, the ray hit the scales of Heiyan and was refracted just like hitting a mirror. A nearby rock pillar was sent to the whole with a bang. Blasted into slag.

Gangfang immediately jumped when he found his legs out of trouble, and then took advantage of the chance that the dragon was fighting with Heiyan on the ground and jumped up from behind, crawling to the back of the giant dragon. On the upper side, he grabbed the root of the dragon's wings with a mouthful of his waist and tried desperately to tear it off.

"Lingling, help."

"Go away." As soon as Lingling appeared, she raised holy sword moved towards that dragon rushed over. Gangfang looked up at her, then immediately let go and jumped off the dragon's back. Lingling had already rushed to the giant dragon's back at this time, but even though the dragon saw Lingling rushing over, he couldn't dodge it, and the black flames wrapped around his legs and wings to prevent him from moving at all. "Holy sword-the wound of time." This is the first time Lingling has used this skill. We only saw her suddenly turning into a white light and slipping from the back of the giant dragon, following the rays of light and then in the giant. The rear of the dragon changed back to Lingling's image again, and as Lingling recovered her form, she heard a click, suddenly a crack appeared on the front edge of the dragon's wings, and a large piece of it broke down. Steel Fang saw the opportunity and immediately jumped up again, biting the crack and tearing it down desperately. Accompanied by a zhi zhi crackling sound and the scream of the dragon, the wings made of crystals turned out to be forcibly. It was torn off by steel teeth.

"There is a door." Seeing that this crystal giant dragon was finally injured for the first time, the gun god screamed excitedly.

"Don't stop. Steel teeth, continue to bite him. Jingjing, cover Lingling's retreat. Lucky, plague, mistress, crystal, small dragon girl, pull him away for me."

< p>Four giant dragons and a Divine Dragon surrounded them instantly. The monster dragon saw so many big guys about the same size as it rushing up and immediately realized that it was approaching dangerously. It opened its mouth and it was a red ray, but it was caught by five dragons. It flashed past. Fortunately, he rushed to the dragon body first, and went up and bit the guy’s left front leg and pulled back desperately. The plague followed and bit his left hind leg and pulled back. Xiao San and Crystal jumped to his. Pulling the other two legs on the right, in conjunction with luck and the plague, pulled in four directions, and he forced the dragon to fall to the ground. The dragon found himself in a dangerous situation and wanted to fight back, but Hei Yan wrapped him tighter, causing his mobility to drop drastically. The giant dragon waved its tail and wanted to strike at the plague, but the small dragon girl who arrived just in the middle of the wave was wrapped up in a strong way. Naturally, his tail couldn't fight the small dragon girl's entire body strength, and it was fixed. Completely impossible to move. In the end, the strange dragon desperately twisted the only movable head and turned his head back to spray the line, but the steel teeth jumped up and bit on his head, desperately straightening his neck so that his mouth could only be pointed forward. Even if he fired rays, he couldn't hit people in the open space.

The rogue play of several giant monsters finally completely pressed the dragon to the ground. Although he was still struggling, he could only make small-scale twists, basically no deterrent. . We have Xiaochun’s auxiliary magic to help recover. A few demon familiars that suppress him will not be tired at all. As long as he exhausts his strength, it will be considered a victory. Moreover, my large-scale demon familiars are not the only ones. Live, a few more can go up.

"Huh, I finally trapped him! President Purple Moon, you are really amazing!" The two guides only then left and dared to come back to compliment me, but I suddenly turned around and pinched him. The neck of one of the guys mentioned him in midair.

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