Mr Hongdou and I swim to the surface with surprise. Since the water itself was not deep, we soon emerged from the water, but the sight in front of us shocked us even more. Of course, we did not discover the Jurassic Park hidden deep underground. The monster in "Zero" is more worth seeing than the dinosaurs. We would not be so surprised to discover a group of prehistoric creatures. What really surprised us was that we saw... a large vegetable patch.

Yes, we just saw a large vegetable plot, and it was not an ordinary vegetable plot. Just beside the lake where we are, there is a large vegetable plot of neat and tidy. The vegetable plots of square blocks are densely packed and lined up from the lakeside to the bottom of a distant rock wall. It seems that the area is not enough. , It is estimated that this vegetable field will be even more exaggerated. Of course, ordinary vegetable plots will not surprise us so much. After all, the crypt people on Earth can also grow mushrooms. It is not surprising that there are indigenous people who can grow vegetables on the red planet. What really surprises us is these dishes. They are not things like cabbage or potatoes, but slices of people.

Thousands of people are densely packed on the whole vegetable field, and all of these people's bodies are buried underground, and only one head can be seen on the surface. A plant that had never been seen before protruded from their mouths, and then a lush branch grew upwards. These branches were all covered with black jade-like leaves, and between the leaves was a branch. Showy flowers of blossoming scarlet. If you don’t look at the human heads on the ground, just look at these water-drenched petals, it is definitely the most beautiful flower in the world. However, when such flowers grow on human heads, the feeling is not beautiful, but horrible. .

In fact, we would not be so surprised if only flowers grow on human heads. After all, in reality, there is also a kind of Chinese medicine that grows from the mouth of a dead person. There are many kinds of strange things in the game. If you go, it's nothing to grow flowers on your head. The key issue is these heads, they are not dead, but a living person. Seeing me and Hongdou MM climbed ashore, they even twisted their heads desperately and hummed their noses to ask for help. This shows that they are not only alive, but also very awake.

The red bean MM has been hiding behind me since she just climbed ashore and did not dare to come out. The horrible scene on the ground has scared her and wondered what to do. At this time, she almost grew up with her. My body generally follows me moving at the same pace. I didn't say anything about the reaction of red beans. Most girls are more impressed. For example, their reactions to some horrible and disgusting things are generally much larger than those of boys. It is considered good for red beans MM to turn around without being scared.

I walked in front of one of the heads amidst the groaning of those heads. The reason why I chose him for no particular reason is that it looks pleasing to the eye. But I didn't do it right away, but squatted down and asked: "Are you a player?"

"Hmm...!" The guy nodded desperately, tears in his eyes. Anxious came out.

"Okay, don't get excited, I just want to confirm the situation first. Don't worry, I will save you all if possible." The latter sentence I meant to everyone present People listen. Obviously most of these people are NPCs, but there are still many players among them, but these players are not all online, after all, it must be very uncomfortable to be trapped here, unless they are just buried, otherwise most of them will Choose forced offline, after all, players are here to play the game rather than to suffer.

After finishing this sentence, I first comforted everyone, and then I said to the guy in front of me: "Now I have to confirm the situation first, you just need to nodded or shake your head. If you understand, nodded."< /p>

The guy immediately nodded desperately when he heard it, but because of the existence of the flower in his mouth, his nodded range was very small.

After seeing him nodded, I continued: "Since you understand, it's easy to handle. First of all, can this flower be pulled out directly? Nodded if you can, shake your head if it doesn't work."

"Hmm..." The guy shook his head desperately when he heard that I was going to pull it out.

"Can't pull? Then can I dig you out of the ground first?"

This guy is nodded this time.

"Okay, don't move, I'll get you out first."

As soon as I said that, summon came out of rose vine. That guy was scared when he saw the rose vine. A jump, but he soon realized that this was my demon familiar, and he quieted down. I also noticed his reaction, and immediately had a guess in my heart. It is estimated that the thing that uses them as flower fertilizer is also a plant monster, and it is very similar to the rose vine, otherwise he would not see such a big reaction from the rose vine.

With the help of the rose vine, we got the guy out of the ground in a few seconds. As soon as he came out, he tried his best to compare paintings with me. Foggy.

"It's okay." I hurriedly pulled the guy who lived in the dance and said: "Don't compare it to painting, can you just write it to me if you have something to say?" The guy immediately jumped to the sand and started to write by hand, but with a plant growing in his mouth, his vision was restricted, and it was quite hard to write. He was writing there, and I would read it word by word afterwards. "Be careful. There is a plant monster. It shakes its tentacles and throws seeds. The seeds will run, go very fast, drill into the mouth and nose, and become paralyzed when they enter."

"That's how you were caught Live?" I asked after reading this.

"Hmm!" The guy desperately nodded, and after nodding, he wrote on the ground: "You have to be careful, as long as you don’t get the seeds crawling into your nose, the plants are not difficult to deal with. You are ours. Hope, don’t be caught by them, or we will all be here forever!"

"Don’t worry, since I know what to pay attention to, there will be no problem. But you How do you get this thing out of your mouth?"

The guy quickly continued to write: "This plant is afraid of cold, will you use a spell that can cool it down?"

< p>"Cool down?" I snapped my fingers, and Shuangxue immediately appeared next to me. "This is my Familiar Frost and Snow, the Frozen Specialty, how much do you want to cool down to?"

"Below ten degrees, but not below zero degrees." The guy wrote again.

"Small problem."

Shuangxue itself is a snow demon, creating a low temperature is not a trivial matter. She first let the guy squat on the ground, and then stretched out a hand to float above his head, and then saw the white light spots falling continuously down in the palm of Frost and Snow, and the guy on the ground It was frozen curled into a ball, and still trembling there. But although the guy was cold enough, the effect was really good. I saw that the bead plant in his mouth was tarnishing rapidly at the speed that naked eye could see. The original black liquid crystal leaves quickly withered and turned into burnt. It was in a state of burnt plastic, and the beautiful flowers all fell off the plants, and as soon as they fell to the ground, they melted into red liquid and penetrated into the sand. When the plant withered completely, the guy immediately grabbed the fallen plant and pulled it out. Accompanied by his violent vomiting, the plant was finally pulled out of his stomach, and it was at the root of the plant. There was a large object like a potato growing at the end, and I don't know how he pulled it out.

"Huh, finally saved!" After the guy pulled the plant out, he stepped on it excitedly to vent his anger, but this guy knew it was not completely safe yet. He only bounced for a while, then stopped, and then grabbed me and said, "Um, please get everyone out of your familiar first! I'll go over there to show you the wind." He said that he ran to this stone. The hole's exit position stretched out his head and began to look around.

Actually, when I first came out of the water, I sent out a large number of ghost worms to search for suspicious targets, and I also sent darts out to explore the way, but the ghost worms are compared with darts. The speed of hiding the other one was too fast, so he didn't notice it.

After knowing the rescue method, things are much simpler. I first summon a large number of Qilin warriors to dig out all the people on the scene, and then gather together to let Frost use a large area The cooling spell got all the plants in one go. Of course, the summon creatures are busy, and I am not free. In fact, I am busier than them now, because I am hanging upside down on the top of the hole trying to get close to the big Fireball above my head.

at first, we were shocked by the big Fireball before we surfaced, but later we saw a large swath of scarier flowers that made us temporarily divert our attention. Now that the flower head has been resolved, it is natural to study the Fireball above the head. However, this thing is very different from what I thought before. Originally I thought the thing was hanging on the top of the cave, but after I climbed to the top of the cave, I realized that it was actually three or four meters away from the top of the cave, and the energy emitted by the thing did not seem to be as expected. Powerful, I have been close to it only a few meters away, but it just feels a little bit hot, there is no such terrible heat as I imagined.

The big Fireball in front of me is at least ten meters in diameter. It is said to be so big, even if it is a bonfire made of piles of wood, it should be hot, not to mention its brightness is so amazing, but The reality is that this thing has no temperature at all. Obviously, it radiates not only heat energy, or heat energy is just a by-product of it. This thing should be radiating energy that we don't understand.


I was studying the big Fireball there, and suddenly I heard someone shouting below. I looked up and saw that it was the guy who had volunteered to look out for the wind before. He was standing on the ground and leaping desperately to call me. Seeing him in a hurry, I took control of the grappling hook under my feet and immediately fell from the top of the hole. The scared guy cry out in surprise, but I didn’t fall straight to the ground, but in midair. Turned around lightly, and then stood firmly on the ground with a boom, but there was only a bunker under his feet.

"Why did you ask me to come down?"

"Oh, that's it. Now that we are all out of trouble now, we naturally hope to go back. That, we Are you leaving now?"

I stretched out two fingers. "First, it's the way to save you. You have to go by yourself. I have no obligation to send you back. Second, I don't know the location of the star array. It's useless for you to pull me up."

"Ah? Then what should we do?"

"This can only depend on you. If I save you, it doesn't mean that you can rely on me. Okay, is there anything else? If not, I I'm going to work on my own business." As I said this, I planned to go back and study the big Fireball again, but as soon as I stretched out my wings, I was stopped by a clear cry.

"Purple Moon President."

"en? belong to our guild?" I suddenly found that the chest of the MM who called me was hanging from our guild. The sign, is this obviously a member of our guild? "How did you get caught here? Didn't you report it to the people in the meeting? If you know your current situation, the meeting should send someone to rescue you?"

The girl immediately heard it. Weeping and said: "It’s not that I don’t want to report, but that I can’t do anything! My large and trumpet are all stuck here, and I don’t have the contact information of the people in the meeting in reality. Even if I go offline, I don’t know how. Let me inform you that I thought I would never be able to leave again! Didn't expect President, you are here!"

"Okay, okay, no more crying. You are really stupid! You If your account is stuck here, won’t you ask someone to help you be notified at the club? There are so many people playing "Zero" now, don’t you know none of them? Even if he is not from our guild, report it A letter is always okay, right?"

"I didn't expect for a while!"

"Okay, okay, don't cry. You stay with that red bean for a while , I will take you with me after I have studied the big Fireball above my head."

The girl immediately said happily: "Very good, I can finally leave this damn place." After she finished speaking, she said again. He asked in a low voice: "By the way, the president, I also know a friend here, can I bring him with me?"

"That guy won't have other friends, right?" In fact, bringing one or two more people out has no effect on me, but the problem is that they will bring one by one and eventually pull everyone up. There are one or two hundred players here. If you count NPCs, I will be a god. I can't take so many people out!

"No, no." The girl understood that I didn't want to bring more people, and quickly denied it, and then pulled her friend to her side. "It's him. Just take the two of us out."

This is a long, gentle youngster. If you put on a casual suit and put on a pair of eyes, it's definitely that. This kind of standard Academy school guy, at first glance, is the kind of very temperamental type. Judging from the mage robe on his body, this guy is a mage, and his level is not low, so it is in line with his Academy school image.

"Hello, I am Shuihe. I really didn't expect to be the number one in the world battle strength list in this place!"

"Is Shuihe? "I shook hands with him, then pointed to the big Fireball on the top of my head and said, "Do you know what it is? You have been caught here for so long, how much should you know about something?"

Shuihe nodded said: "I can't understand it, but somehow I always find some special places." As he said, suddenly stretched out a hand, and then shook slightly, a big red Fireball suddenly appeared in On the palm of his hand. The diameter of this Fireball is about half a meter, and it feels very large when held in the hand, but it is extremely stable, and the flame in it does not even shake. "Look, this is my skill burst Fireball, but my strength shouldn't be so great, and I can't control this Fireball in other places. Once it is formed, it must be thrown out as soon as possible, otherwise it will get out of control. It explodes, but now I can not only hold it so easily and chat with you, but I can even do this." He said that the Fireball in his hand started to shrink slowly, and finally went out completely. "You have also seen that I am not only stable, but I can also reversely decompose this Fireball. You must know that this is Fire Element, the most violent and unstable element. In theory, unless my strength reaches more than ten times the requirement of this skill, otherwise It’s absolutely impossible to play Fireball so do as one pleases."

After listening to Shuihe’s words, I thought for a while, and then suddenly wanted to understand something, I quickly extended the hand to spread out my five fingers. Then I saw a ball of flames suddenly rose on my thumb, followed by a layer of frost on my index finger, and immediately above my middle finger, a ball of white electric ball jumped up and down. Suddenly, a white ball of light appeared on the ring finger, and a black ball of light appeared on the little finger simultaneously.

"Wow... the president, you are so amazing, can you use the five-series spell together?" The MM of our guild is obviously not very flexible and has not found the problem yet, but the one next to him Shuihe showed a satisfied smile.

"That thing must be taken away." I suddenly removed the five elements of magic in my hand and looked up at the big Fireball and said. That thing is too powerful. I felt that the surrounding environment seemed a bit strange before, but I didn't really notice the problem until Shuihe reminded me. It turned out that the strangeness I felt before was a peaceful feeling. The real ability of that ball of light is not to glow and heat, but to magically stabilize. That's right, that thing can stabilize any magic element, and it does not affect the formidable power of the magic itself, and even has an enhancement effect. You must know that magic stability and magic enhancement are just like light and dark, they are two completely opposite attributes. Among them, the strongest representative of magical stability is forbidden magic. In this attribute state, the magical power does not disappear, but completely loses its activity. The stable is like a stone, no matter how you toss it, it is inactive, so the magic is invalid. . The extreme performance of the attribute of magic enhancement is the element tide. Where there is element tide, if you use a Fireball Technique at will, it may fly out as a sun light ball. Not your magic power has increased, but under the element tide. All the magic power is activated, they are like a pile of prepared high explosives, just waiting for you to ignite. Imagine, if such two terrifying characteristics can be perfectly integrated together, what will it be like?

Magic formidable power is doubled, powerful magic is used in leapfrogging, magic casting speed is increased, low-level spell is instantaneously released, multiple spells are released at the same time, spell is released in half, temporarily changed another spell, arbitrarily terminated or retracted Completed spells, mana recovery acceleration, etc. etc. With this ball of light, all of the above is difficult to do, and even the fundamentally impossible things will become easy. This thing is simply the super Guardian God of the wizards. As long as there is this pseudo-sun, a mage can easily kill seven or eight warrior players of the same level. As long as I can take this thing back and divide it into smaller pieces, the wizards will definitely break their heads.

"That, I want to ask." Shuihe cautiously said: "How are you going to take that thing away?"

"I'm thinking about it!" According to the general theory Since this Fireball is so useful, someone will want to get it just like me. According to the system custom task convention, there must be no unsolvable tasks, which means that things can definitely be taken away, but You need to use your brain. "Hey, everyone listen." I suddenly turned around and said to the people who had just been saved: "I just saved you, but I don't expect you to repay me, but I'm also impossible to take you out of here for free, so if you Who can figure out a way to help me take that thing away, I can take him with him, and can specify up to three companions."

When I leave the field, whether it is an NPC or Players started to think about it. After all, in such a dangerous place, if there is no expert like me, it is easy to encounter danger again. When the time comes, you may not be able to meet someone like me this time. They were rescued, so everyone was thinking about how to win this opportunity to go with me.

One person has one kind of thinking, one person has an opportunity, there are so many people here, things that may be difficult for me to do may not necessarily be difficult for others, no matter how strong you are, you will always be bad at it. No matter how weak those ordinary persons are, there are always things they can do but you can’t. Now, even if I fully mobilized the wisdom of the people, some people raised their hands and shouted in less than two seconds. "I have a way!"

"Come and say." I waved to the player.

This guy quickly squeezed the crowd and ran in front of me, and then took out a transparent crystal chip the size of a playing card from his body. "This is a time-space crystal card. It can seal any non-living matter with a volume of no more than 100,000 cubic meters, and it can be released at any time. Just use this to seal the big Fireball in, and then take this card back and put it back. You can meet your requirements if you release it."

"Really didn't expect that you still have such a good thing. OK, I will use this thing once, and I will return it after I bring the Fireball back. You, I’m responsible for bringing you back to Earth. You can bring up to three more companions, do you want to bring people?"

"Yes, but not so many, I will be a companion." That youngster Speaking of pulling out a beautiful MM from the crowd, but I knew from a glance that they have only met for a while, and I have to say that being beautiful is to take advantage, and this kind of place is given away for free.

"OK, then you quickly seal Fireball in, and I will take you away."

"Ah, you can't do this!" When we heard that we were leaving, others were also anxious NS. Without me taking them, their probability of survival is infinitely close to zero, so no one would give up such an opportunity.

The people around just started shouting, and found that our emotions became more and more uncontrollable after remaining unmoved. NPCs are okay, because of my deterrent attribute, they don't dare to be too impudent, but the players are not affected by that at all, almost all of them surround me, and they won't let me out unless I take them away.

"Get out of the way." I suddenly turned on the damage mode, and a shock blasted all the people around for more than one meter, and many people on the periphery fell all four feet into the sky. "Don't think that you are too many and I am afraid of you. It is the best to save you. Don't be unsatisfied."

"But if you took four people out, you should take us out. "A guy hiding behind the crowd called.

"Yes, I want to take the four of them away, but this one is going to help me take the Fireball away. We are helping each other. As for his female companion, that is also part of the deal. We are a cooperative relationship and have nothing to do with you at all. As for the remaining two, this is a member of our guild. As the return leader, I naturally want to take my own person out. The next one is her companion. Look at her. I have to take it for the sake of face. You and I have never known each other. I simply have no obligation to help you. It is already a righteous act to rescue you. Don’t expect to rely on me. This trick is useless for me. .Which one of you will make trouble in a while, don’t blame me for killing the world."

"Wait a minute!" An NPC suddenly squeezed out of the crowd, and I immediately assumed a pose to attack. Was frightened and waved quickly. "Don't, I'm not relying on you, I think since you can trade with him, I can also trade with you." Seeing that I did not stop, the NPCold man continued, "I have a map here. It marked a very important treasure. I was caught here just to find this treasure. As long as you can take me out, I am willing to use Treasure Map as a reward. If you don’t believe me, we can sign magic Contract."

"Okay, count you." Anyway, a sheep is a flock of sheep, as long as it does not exceed the upper limit of ability, there is not much difference between bringing one person and ten people. Zhang Treasure Map, maybe you can really get something good. After all, red planet can be regarded as a high level danger zone. The tasks received in this place are relatively difficult, and the rewards are definitely not rubbish.

When the rest of the people saw that the old man also got the right to follow, they all began to calculate what they could buy their lives, but I didn’t wait for them to come up with a result, but I was slightly paused. "Attention everyone, immediately spread out and find a place to hide. The plant monsters are here."

Shortly after I finished shouting, the guy who had been watching the wind ran back. "Quickly, those monsters are back, everyone is hiding." Everyone was taken aback when they heard this guy's words. The gatekeeper discovered the monster. How did I know? And it was earlier than the lookout. However, although everyone was very puzzled, there was no time to think about this issue. Everyone quickly found a place to hide and hid.

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