With a strange sound of jijigu gu, two plants suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave. These are not ordinary plants, but two very special plants. They look a bit like vegetal poison eye monsters, with dozens of rattan-like tentacles supporting the ground in a mess. On top of them is a huge mouth full of sharp teeth, and there is another on top of this huge mouth. A pile of things like leaves rolled together.

Two monsters moved in slowly while making weird sounds, but when they entered the cave, one of the monsters made a very sharp sound, and the other monster stopped. At the entrance of the cave. Although they do not have a human face, their behavior is unusually human. They were obviously frightened by the situation before them. This is their vegetable field. There were piles of head flowers planted before, but now there are only withered flower stems and large pits all over the floor. This change has greatly stimulated both monsters.

After a short stupefaction, one of the two monsters suddenly said something to the other jijigu gu, but we really don’t understand this language, but the other monster listens After that, they immediately turned around and ran to the road, and this action has already told us what they were talking about before. The talking monster apparently asked his companions to notify the other monsters that they had gone, of course I would not let them call a lot of monsters.

"Hands." With my order, the gravel on the ground suddenly exploded, and dozens of rattans that were ten times thicker than those on the monster's body suddenly broke out of the ground. Rolled the two monsters back together, followed the cane with a fierce looseness, and threw the two monsters directly at Xiaofeng's feet. After the two monsters were thrown at Xiaofeng's feet, they immediately struggled to get up, and Xiaofeng didn't care about them, so she let them get up. The two monsters who stood up again immediately opened their huge mouths at Xiaofeng to make a deterrent action, and then Xiaofeng just casually snapped his fingers at them, and then the two monsters instantly became two burning ones. Great Fireball.

"Okay, let's leave here right away. If we stay for too long, we may know how many more monsters will come."

Listen to me that the people hiding nearby rushed out again , I got together and wanted to keep us, but the rewards they shouted out really made me uninterested. In the end, I didn't take one more person. Instead, I took out five diving helmets and handed them to the five newly joined personnel so that they could quickly put on the helmets and go into the water. As soon as the other people saw that we were leaving, they yelled and wanted to stop us. I snapped my fingers and Xiaofeng suddenly returned to his physical form. The temperature of the entire cave suddenly soared, and the strong heat wave forced everyone to retreat obediently.

"Hurry up." Four of the five new recruits jumped into the water first. I let Red Bean lead them in front, and finally the young man sealed the big Fireball in him. The crystal card, then turned around and jumped into the water. Although a huge light source was lost due to the disappearance of the Fireball, Xiaofeng’s flames can still take over the lighting work, but after confirming that the people to take are gone, I took back all the summon objects that I had released and jumped in. In the water.

As soon as I walked through the hole, the environment was completely messed up, because there was no light source, the rest of the people began to panic even more. Some people wanted to follow me out, so they chose to jump into the lake. Some people touched the entrance of the cave with memory and planned to leave, but more people stood in the middle of the cave and completely not knowing what to do. Of course, No matter how they choose, it has nothing to do with me.

I followed the original path of the underwater passage back to the previous river, closed my eyes and sensed Ling's position, and I was slightly puzzled. Hong Dou saw that I didn't take them to the cliff immediately, so he gave me a strange look. "How did you stop?"

"When I left the team, I left one of my familiars in the team, so I can feel their position. Although we got down from above before, But they are already not in there now."

"Then what shall we do?"

I pointed forward. "Follow the river down, they are in the direction of the river."

Maybe it’s because my strength makes everyone feel at ease, so everyone is not worried about the direction I am pointing at. I said there They immediately agreed to abandon the road above and move directly to that side. Because I am the only one here who has dark vision, I also gave the ghost lights and colored balls to summon. These two familiars are pure auxiliary class creatures, but I don't want them to assist in the battle, but temporarily use their characteristics. The race of the colored ball is the shining spirit. As the name suggests, it can shine. Although the weak red light is not very strong, it can finally shine a shadow in front of it. The ghost lamp itself is a lamp, and it will naturally emit light. Of course, the ghost lamp and ghost lamp are ghost-like lamps. The brightness is not expected, and the blue rays of light can definitely scare little girls away in the middle of the night. There is also a shining spirit next to it. After the red light and blue light are mixed, it is not so scary at all, and the two light sources at least produce enough brightness.

With the lighting, everyone feels relieved, and in order to speed up, I simply gave the steel claws to summon. Because I am a double number one, Purple Moon and Yinyue each have a guarding steel claw. Two steel claws can just bring six people besides me together, but as for myself, I just flew up and followed everyone in the air. Due to the fact that it is downstream and the swimming ability of Steel Claws is also quite good, we quickly passed through this area sandwiched by towering cliffs and entered a huge open cave.

"Wow, it's so big here!" The MM in our guild screamed as soon as he saw the cave.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... "There's a situation ahead, I'll go ahead, you ride on the steel claws, don't get off, they will take you to my side." After saying these, I didn't care about their reaction, and I tried to fan my wings and flew forward, because I learned from the spiritual contact that Ling was fighting, and it was not far in front of us.

The gun god crouched behind a big rock while shooting outwards and said to Ling who was recovering his magic power beside him: "Didn't you say that Purple Moon has rushed over? Why is it not yet?"< /p>

"Who said I didn't arrive?" As the Gunmaster finished asking, I appeared on the rock where he was hiding.

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