Seeing that monster was suddenly swept away by mysterious tentacles, I dare not stay here for long. Although I am not afraid of those monsters, Red Bean is just a normal player. I have no problem with something, but she is finished. Taking advantage of the lobster-like monster being caught, I quickly summoned the white waves, and then threw the red bean MM on his back. "Hurry up."

Hearing my prompt, Hongdou MM quickly hugged Bailang's neck, and Bailang quickly rushed back along the way we came. I was planning to run with the white waves, but after thinking about it, I deliberately fell behind a little bit to block behind them to prevent the monster who just grabbed the big lobster from reaching out and attacking us.

Run along the passage all the way back to the cave where the plague beast was hidden. When passing by the pile of plague beast corpses, Hongdou MM was stunned obviously, but because the white waves are very fast, she quickly watched The corpses are not gone, but she still cast a surprised look at me. In her opinion, the plague beast is already a very difficult monster. If she is not lucky enough to be sneak attacked like she was just now, she may even be killed directly, and even if it is not caught by the sneak attack, the plague beast’s attributes are used to cooperate with the flight advantage. As long as there are three, it is enough to kill an ordinary player. But there are more than three corpses just now? More than thirty! Being able to kill such a large group of monsters, and in such a short time, Hongdou thinks that none of the experts he has seen can do this. She didn't really understand what the real battle strength list is until now.

In fact, there are so many people in the game who don’t take battle strength experts seriously, like Red Beans, this is simply not an isolated phenomenon, but a common phenomenon. Most players think that everyone is a player. At most, you can upgrade to a little good luck and have good equipment plus High Rank, but after all, it is within the game limit, so the expert is just a little bit better than the average person. It can be said that this cognition cannot be calculated wrong. In fact, compared with ordinary players, expert is indeed a higher level and better equipment. Of course, there is another difference that everyone knows but is unwilling to admit, that is, expert battle awareness is much better than ordinary players. However, although the expert only has these three specialties than the average person, it is far stronger than the average player, because the battle is not addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, not the reduction of large numbers. Ten is one year older than nine, but on the battlefield, the difference between this point turns out to be nine dead and ten is fine. And the dead nine can't do anything, but ten can kill more nines, so the final result is that ten can beat nine plus nine plus nine and add to the Nth nine. Of course, you can say that a group of nines are taken together, and the total is nine to the Nth power, which is definitely bigger than ten, but the problem is a game, not a math test. Ten kills nine does not mean ten or ten. There are rewards in the game. After ten kills nine, it becomes eleven. If eleven kills another nine, it becomes twelve or even thirteen, and the nines are impossible at first. Thinking of going to gang fights with the ten, the only way to make the ten grow stronger, when everyone realizes the union, the ten has become a hundred million, although the nines form the Nth power of nine, there is still no one hundred million. It is the accumulation of gaps.

What most players think now is that the expert is also one head and two hands, and the level should be level 1 and level 1. So although they know that they are only nine, they think that the experts are just It’s only ten. I don’t know that the expert, with his own efforts and luck, became ten when everyone was nine in Early-Stage, and in the later stage, nine became nine hundred, and ten became one hundred thousand. The gap has been enlarged unconsciously. To the point of insurmountability.

In fact, nine and ten are just representatives. The real player strength is divided into very fine points. Among them, there are middle elements such as 9.1, 9.12 and even 9.131. Of course, the greater the gap between their Early-Stage, the greater the distance between them in the later stage. Not to mention the top existences like me and the Gunslinger, it is no exaggeration to say that the top 200 players in the world battle strength list can easily kill seven in the encirclement of hundreds of ordinary players. Seven out, and those who are in the top fifty like us, as long as they don’t run into the top 1,000 experts in the battle strength list, they can completely ignore the number of ordinary players. After the strength is strong to a certain extent, the human sea tactics also lose their meaning. After all, we are not stupid standing there and letting people cut. Once we move, it is a matter of time to kill a large number of ordinary players.

Bai Lang carried the red beans and ran to the entrance of the cave and stopped. He is just more comfortable with the tunnel environment and can’t fly. The cliff goes straight up and down, and there is no place to take advantage of it. Even the white waves certainly cannot climb . After I ran to the entrance of the cave, I took the white waves back, hugged the red beans and planned to fly up. Who knew that as soon as I opened my wings, I saw a red light ball suddenly appear in front of me, and then it came straight at me.

"Holy Shield." Jingjing appeared in front of me instantly, and the opened holy shield perfectly blocked the magical attack. However, we are very strong, but the rock under our feet is strong. Can't help it. With a bang, the platform that protruded from the rock wall suddenly broke and rolled down the cliff, and Hongdou and Jingjing, me, and I immediately fell down with the platform. But we just fell a few meters before spreading our wings and flying again, but what made us didn’t expect is that a red light group suddenly appeared on top of our head, and this time its target was not us, but our head. A rock wall tens of meters away. That section of the rock wall was obviously similar to the platform, and it was very fragile. A magical strike broke the rock wall in an instant, and countless broken stones smashed down like a torrential rain. When Jingjing saw that the situation was not right, she flew to me and hugged me and Red Bean, and then her wings and mine were folded and rolled together to form a huge egg-shaped structure. At the same time, Jingjing returned Putting the Holy Shield on the head, covering the only gap, then she activated her super skills. "Absolute barrier."

Different from my absolute barrier, Jingjing's absolute barrier is not a skill on the equipment, but her own skill. It can be said that both have their own strengths. My absolute barrier is only 30 seconds, the time is a little shorter, but the effect is perfect. Saying that it is an absolute barrier is really an absolute barrier, even if there is a great collision between Heaven and Earth, I happened to stand between the meteorite and the Earth. At the point of impact, as long as thirty seconds are not over, I will definitely be fine. Relatively speaking, Jingjing's absolute barrier is not so abnormal. Her skill is said to be an absolute barrier, but in fact it is not absolute. Its defense needs to be based on Jingjing’s magic value. If this absolute barrier is not hit, it’s okay to support it with Jingjing’s magic power for ten or eight hours, but once it is hit hard , It will accelerate the consumption of Jingjing’s charm, and the greater the strength of the attack, the faster it will consume. As long as your attack power is high enough, it can theoretically be destroyed at one time, but the required value will be astronomical. I don't know who has such a big damage output.

These are just broken stones, the attack power is not too strong, Jingjing’s defense can be perfectly supported, just because the stones are not small, and Jingjing and I both put their wings on When the shield was used, we also temporarily lost the ability to fly. The egg-shaped structure that we formed is like a bomb moved towards the bottom of the crack and falls straight down.

A few minutes later...with a bang, Jingjing and Hongdou and I fell into a rushing river. The huge impact and our egg-shaped structure made us form this sphere. From a blockbuster to a depth bomb, a fierce man smashed into the bottom of a big river. Had it not been for an absolute barrier, the huge impact alone would be enough to kill us. But the situation is okay now. The impact only consumes the absolute barrier, and then Jingjing and I are separated by the river. Fortunately, the impact is not big at this time, and we have not separated much.

After my body stabilized, I immediately began to look around under the water surface. Due to my dark vision and my short distance, I saw Jingjing at a glance. She is quite calm, after all, Angel Race is very strong, and there is not much major event in the water. After finding the target, I stretched out my hand to retract her into the training space, then turned and swam towards the red bean. Originally, the red bean was always protected by Jingjing and I. She did not react after falling into the water suddenly. As a result, she choked on her mouth. In addition, she was in a dark environment, and she was shocked by falling into the water from such a high place. All these factors made Hongdou MM completely lose the ability to think and sense of direction. While struggling desperately to breathe, she slammed her feet to the bottom of the river.

Many people may say that red beans are not stupid. Why do they have to go downstream even if they know the choking water? In fact, this situation is very normal. If you stand on the ground well, of course you can know which is up and down according to the direction of gravity, but in water, especially in deep water with great pressure, the body's gravity induction will drop. Of course, if you pay attention, you can still tell the difference, but what if you are nervous? Like now. Once a person chokes on water, there is basically no longer a sense of calmness, and when the gravity sensor is not strong, the sense of direction will be completely lost if the calmness is lost. In this case, you may feel that you are going upstream, but in fact you are diving down. This is the situation with Hongdou MM now.

Because I have wings, my speed in the water is much faster than normal people. Although my wings are not designed to swim in the water, they conform to the principles of fluid mechanics, at least better than human hands and feet. More suitable for paddling. I flapped my wings a few times down to Adzuki beans, and from behind, I circled Adzuki beans' necks. Adzuki beans immediately waved their hands and struggled violently to hug me. This is the instinctive reaction of ordinary people, but because I was trapped by me. I got my neck and I went up from the back, so the red beans couldn't hold me at all. I took out the crystal bubble from my body and pressed it on the red bean. A crystal bubble immediately appeared and encased the red bean. This thing was originally used to trap an enemy first when there were more enemies, but now it has played a role in saving people. Although the crystal bubble cannot drain the water, it can completely isolate the internal and external environment. After the crystal bubble took effect, I summoned the phoenix dragon space in the bubble immediately. Although the phoenix dragon space cannot be used to hold people, you can put all the water in the bubble in, and then introduce some air into the bubble. , So you can support breathing.

After reentering the air, Hongdou immediately began to cough violently. She sprayed a few large saliva from her nose and mouth before it was better, but her face was still very bad. I patted the crystal bubble and shouted in it: "How do you feel? If it is really uncomfortable, I will let the pet help you recover?" It’s already much better. Huh, I’ve been afraid of water since I was a child, so I don’t usually dare to go to the swimming pool. I didn’t expect to get into the game and choked on the water, which really scared me to death!"

"sorry, I didn't expect you to be afraid of water."

"No, we were smashed down. It's not to blame you."

Actually, Hongdou made a mistake. The situation is indeed the same now. I have a certain relationship. Although before I fell into the water to resist falling rocks, I actually didn't need to fall into the water. In fact, after blocking the falling rock at first, we can spread our wings and fly again, without falling into the water at all, but when I found out that there is a river below, I wanted to be lazy and slow down with the surface of the water. After all, I was in the air. It’s too hard to slow down purely by opening the wings. It’s better to dive first and then resurface more easily. It’s a pity that I didn’t expect Hongdou MM to be afraid of water.

"By the way, are you scared in this bubble now?"

The red bean was taken aback first, and then shook the head. "Why are you asking about this?"

"When we first fell, I found a hole in the bottom of the water. You send it up and forget it."

"You won't burst this bubble, right?"

"Don't worry, this thing is used to trap the enemy in battle. It's normal. Experts won’t be able to wear them for more than ten minutes. A little water will definitely not be a problem."

"Oh, then I'll go down with you and have a look."

Seeing the red bean MMNodded, I pulled the crystal bubble and started diving, and soon I arrived near the hole I found before. At first, I don’t feel that the distance is far away. After getting closer, I found that the light in the cave is very strong. It is obviously not the brightness that fluorescence can achieve. Although it still can’t compare with the sunlight on the ground, it has exceeded the brightness of the brightest moon. It can be said that under this brightness, the vision of an ordinary person has basically no mobility impairments.

"Purple Moon." Hongdou suddenly stopped me.


"The hole seems to be too small. Can this crystal bubble go in?"

Because the crystal bubble is a regular sphere, So the width is relatively large. The entrance in front of you is on the river bed. The length is enough, but the width is much different. This entrance is narrow and long as a whole, looking like a ham sausage, at least three meters in length, but less than one meter in width. People can definitely enter, and there is no hope for the crystal bubble.

I thought about it, and I turned a helmet over and said to Red Bean: "I will remove this bubble in a while, hold your breath, and I will give you the helmet as soon as the bubble disappears. This helmet can breathe underwater, and you can breathe normally."

"Okay, but you have to be fast, I am afraid of choking."

"Don't worry, at most In two seconds, you will definitely stand up even if you suck in a big mouthful of air."

I counted one, two, three and instantly recovered the bubbles, and then stuffed the helmet into Red Bean’s hand, and Red Bean immediately put the helmet on. Set on the head. She immediately relaxed as soon as she resumed her breathing. "Didn't expect this helmet to work so well!"

"This is an ordinary helmet. Many fully enclosed helmets in the game have diving functions. If you are so afraid of water, you should buy a Water Repelling Bead. Bring things like that. Okay, you follow me, let's go in and see what is shining."

Red bean nodded followed my back and crawled into the hole. Although red beans can't swim, they can reach the walls on both sides in the cave, so you don't need to swim, just crawl.

Go down the channel, stealth a few meters away and then the channel suddenly turned around and started to extend upwards, we continued to crawl for a while after the channel became horizontal, and then it began to turn all the way Stretching forward.

After climbing behind me for a while, Adzuki started to worry. "Purple Moon, the passage is so long, what should we do if we are trapped in it? This place is resurrected in situ. If we are trapped in it, our number will be abandoned!"

"Don't worry, even if you are buried, I will have a way to let you out." I'm definitely not a big talk, if the passage really collapses, my absolute barrier can completely withstand the initial collapse time, and then wait until the passage collapses. I can let the Blazers dig out. Even if the Blazers can't dig, I can still use the Black Tortoise Armor film to transform into Sacred Beast Black Tortoise. With the strength of Black Tortoise, even if Mount Tai is pressed on top of our heads, I can’t get out. ? Step back ten thousand steps and say, even if Black Tortoise can't lift the rock formation above my head, I transform into Vermilion Bird and burn the rock to melt the channel out of the head office, right?

Probably because the pile of plague beast corpses that I saw before played an important role, Hongdou actually believed my words and continued to follow me and began to climb forward. The brightness of the light in the channel is gradually increasing as we deepen, and now it has basically reached the intensity of the light under the street lights at night, let alone action, reading is enough. Continued to advance more than ten meters, the passage suddenly began to climb upwards at a large angle, and then continued to extend for more than a hundred meters. After that, the passage suddenly ended. We appeared directly in an open area of ​​water, and we could already see through the water. The huge light source above my head is gone.

"The sun?" Adzuki beans followed me out of the cave and was taken aback. Obviously, it is impossible to reach the surface at the distance we have just moved forward, but what is the huge light source above? Except for the sun, I really can't think of anything that can generate such a huge amount of light and heat. Nuclear weapons may be possible, but that is just a flash in the pan, but the big Fireball above my head is very stable. It is obviously not a fire from an explosion.

"No, that is not the sun. We are impossible to reach the surface, it should be something else."

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