Because the strength of the guides is really weak compared to the three of us, so we always put the guides in the middle of the team. Black Widow and I are in charge of the front, and the gun god is in charge of the back. Now we are walking through this big crack in the same way. Who knew that when the guide team walked to the middle of the crack, an accident happened suddenly.

Following a stern cry, everyone saw a dark figure flashing past the center of the team, and immediately after we heard a person screaming out of Black Flame’s back towards the crack Falling into the depths of the valley.

"Red Bean!" A guide rushed to the edge of Hei Yan's back and yelled at the bottom, but he couldn't fly and couldn't pursue it at all. However, just when he was about to call us for help, he found that the gun god was half kneeling on the ground and raising his gun to aim. A loud explosion sound reverberated in the enclosed space. Along with the loud noise, a group of black shadows plopped on Hei Yan's back, and then slid out from the other side and fell into the deep valley.

"Run." I yelled at the other people who were still stunned in the middle, and at the same time waved summon to block out a large group of candle bees to block the side of the crowd. Almost as soon as the candle bees were in their positions, they heard a loud explosion sound. A candle bee exploded in the air. The suddenly lit fire light instantly illuminated the dark Underground World and made everyone see the attacker clearly. The true face of. It was a monster with a pig face. It looked a bit like a bat and a Ghost Statue. Under ash-gray's skin is a body that is more skin-tight than a skull, and a pair of huge orange-yellow eyeballs grow on that huge head. A protruding long mouth is full of dagger-like sharp fangs, and the dropping saliva shows that these guys are extremely hungry.

"Damn it, it's a plague beast."

The plague beast is not a species unique to the red planet, and there are these things on Earth. They only live in deep crypts, have a habit a bit like bats, feed on any meat they can find, and even kill each other when they are extremely hungry. These guys have a bat-like echolocation system, and the large pair of eyeballs also provide them with good low-light vision, and they have good adaptability in environments with little light sources or total darkness. However, although the plague beasts behave like bats, the bloodline of these guys has nothing to do with bats. Their real race is a demon. The plague beast belongs to a branch of the little devil, has wisdom beyond ordinary creatures, and behaves cunningly. In addition to not being able to use tools, it can basically be regarded as a highly intelligent creature. Of course, the reason they are annoying is not entirely because of their carnivorous attributes, but because of their plague. The plague beast is called the plague beast because these guys carry the most deadly plague virus in the game. As long as they are injured by their minions, they will continue to lose their physical strength until they are completely dead. This kind of plague is simply unsolvable. As long as you are recruited, whether you ask the priest to disperse it or take an antidote, it can only be temporarily suppressed and cannot be eradicated. Unless you die and resurrect, you will do nothing. Of course, if you don't bother to worry about it, you usually carry ten bundles of eight bundles of antidote every half an hour, and then you can guarantee that you won't be able to die. It's just that no one will do it like that.

Although the identity of the monster has been confirmed, the current situation has made us more passive. Before they knew it was a plague beast, everyone dared to resist, but now they discovered that it was this thing. Everyone began to dodge desperately. They didn't dare to touch these things at all, and the only ones who can really fight are our three battle strength rankings. The first three. Both the armor of Black Widow and I are fully covered. Although the plague of the plague beast is powerful, it is useless if there is no wound, and our defense is too high. It is not the plague beast that we want to penetrate the armor and hurt us. It can be done. As for the gun god, his armor is not as good as ours, but this guy is a long-range attacker, he simply does not need to touch the plague beast to be able to fight, so he is more confident than us in comparison.

"It's all messed up, all of you go to the cave for me." I pointed to the entrance of the cave on the opposite side and shouted.

Everyone who was a little confused heard my command and immediately moved instinctively. In addition, the candle bee swarm I summoned out was densely packed and blocked them in front of them to make shields. The next process Almost no one was injured, and the remaining members of the guide team escaped safely into the cave.

"Well, Black Widow, you and the gun god also retreat into the cave." I said again after the looked towards guides entered.

"Be careful yourself." After Black Widow finished speaking, he turned and went into the cave, and the gunman quickly jumped in after her. The hole on the cliff is only one meter wide and less than two meters high. With the shape of a plague beast, you can enter at most one at a time. There is a gunman, a long-range attacker, guarding the entrance of the cave. No matter how many plague beasts come, don’t even try Go in.

"You go first, I will find the person who fell, and I will catch up with you in a while." I said summon and asked her to follow the team instead of me. Because of the relationship of loyalty, Ling can replace me in command and the Summon Familiar, so as long as she is there, except that I cannot participate in the war, it is exactly the same as having me. In addition, Ling is also my favorite after all, because of the induction between us, I can know their location at any time, so I don't have to worry about not being able to find them.

I finished my account and was about to turn around and leave. One of the guys in the guide suddenly called to me: "She is Hongdou. You can call her name when you look for her."

I am nodded. "I heard you yell once before, don't worry, the plague beast can't hurt me at all, and she will be able to get her back soon." I didn't wait for the other party to answer and jumped off the cliff, Zhang He opened his wings and slid down, chasing him all the way in the direction where the sound had disappeared.

As I left, the candle bee at the entrance of the cave flew away with me, and Heiyan was taken back by me. The plague beasts outside discovered that we were divided into two groups and then we were divided into two parts. Some of the larger heads knew that they could not enter such a narrow hole, so they chased me and flew out, while the remaining plague beasts looked like crazy. He desperately rushed to the entrance of the cave, but it was a pity that the gun god squatted a few meters away from the entrance of the cave, holding the gun, waiting for them to line up to die. The plague beast in such a narrow place has no place to hide, as long as the gun god shoots it, it will definitely hit, and the plague beast simply has no possibility of rushing in.

On the other side, I have been falling continuously for a long time, but it is still far from the bottom of the hole. After continuing to fall for a certain distance, I suddenly rushed towards the cliff, and then accurately landed on a platform slightly protruding from the cliff. This is the exit of a natural passage, and the woman named Hongdou was caught from here. Although it has been several points of minutes since she was captured, I had released a small group of ghost worms to track her at the same time as she was captured. Now one of the ghost worms is waiting at the entrance of this cave. With these guidelines, I don’t have to worry about losing them.

Following this natural tunnel all the way deep, I feel as if I have entered a black heart slaughterhouse. The entire passage can be seen everywhere. There are various white forest animal bones, and there are many of them. Obviously it has the characteristics of a human skeleton, but because the skull has not been seen, it is temporarily uncertain whether it is a human bone.

After running for a while in this horrible passage, the front suddenly became wide. The huge cave was full of inverted stalactites, and there was a large area of ​​shallow water under the feet. Unlike the situation where it is completely dark outside, the walls and ceiling of this cave are covered with a kind of green fluorescent plants, which illuminates the whole thing with a terrible green. In such a place, let alone a monster, suddenly seeing an individual can scare people to death.

Although the puddle under your feet is not deep, walking inside will cause a lot of movement, and the ground under the water does not know whether it is the result of water washing or other reasons, it always feels very slippery , Had it not been for the self-retracting cleats on the bottom of the boots of the Divine Dragon suit, Ben and I would have had a hard time standing up.

As I moved forward cautiously step by step, suddenly there was a rapid and slight noise from the upper back and above, and it was obvious that something ran over from the top of the cave.

"hmph!" Those monsters are obviously intimidating me, just like the springbok on the prairie jumping tells the lion that I am healthy and difficult to be caught. This monster is using this fast movement Come to scare me and make me feel that I am not its opponent at all. However, I am not one of those timid and weak. I know the plague beast very well, so I am not afraid of it.

After the first sound, the plague beasts started scurrying around the top of the cave, but I didn't care about them at all, and I just walked forward on my own. Seeing me remain unmoved, the plague beast is a little bit unbearable. A courageous plague beast swiftly climbed in front of me along the top of the cave, and then started to crawl down along a thicker stalactite, planning to launch a surprise attack when I passed below.

Although I have never reacted to the behavior of the plague beast, I know the location of the plague beast nearby. After all, I also have dark vision. This low-light environment is for me. There is simply no visual barrier. With the size of the plague beast, I can’t see the ghosts!

When I moved carefully below the largest stalactite, the plague monster above my head suddenly leaped against the top of the hole, and I quickly reacted with a slippery step, my wrist Flip. Hearing a sound, followed by a thump, the body of the plague monster fell heavily into the water and there was no more movement. There was a commotion at the top of the cave nearby, and the bloody smell that spread quickly seriously irritated the hungry guys. Although the plague monsters have intelligence, their intelligence is not comparable to that of humans after all, and they are heavily controlled by instinct. They could still play tricks when nothing happened before, but as soon as the smell of blood spread, all the plague monsters were completely crazy. They never hide their bodies anymore, all dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety, rushing out of the hiding place and rushing towards the corpse of my companion under my feet. This is the plague monster. Although they will act collectively, they don't have the concept of a companion. For them, a companion is something that can help them obtain meat. Once the companion dies, it is not a companion but meat.

I didn’t panic at all when I saw the plague beasts swarming around. I stretched out my hand from behind and pulled out the ring of commandments and shook it gently. The two and a half moons were automatically separated from the ring of commandments, and then rotated towards Shooting out from both sides instantly cut several plague beasts blocking the way into pieces of meat, and the nearby plague beasts immediately stopped rushing towards me and started fighting for the corpse of the companion who had just been killed.

A plague beast probably because it is far away from the two newly dead plague beasts, so instead of running towards the two plague beast corpses, it continued to rush in front of me. A few feet away, the guy suddenly jumped up and rushed towards me. I stretched out my left hand and firmly pressed the head of the plague beast, then pressed it down sharply, pressing it to the ground, and following The right hand is a sword facing the back of its neck forever, and the plague beast will not move in an instant.

After I killed this plague beast, other plague monsters have eaten up the plague beast that had just been divided, and the only meat left is the two corpses under my feet. The uneaten plague beasts quickly dispersed, some climbed to the top of the cave, some rushed along the ground, but I still stood there and didn't move.

A plague beast that ran the fastest climbed above me from the top of the cave, and then rushed down, but a half-moon roared from a distance, and instantly cut that fellow into Two halves, and then disappeared into the distant darkness again. The surrounding plague beasts didn't know if they were not so hungry after eating something to the bottom, or if they found something. In short, they didn't pounce on the corpse of their companion again, but rushed towards me.

"courting death." Facing the first plague beast that pounced on it, I took a relaxed step to get away from its front, and at the same time, I gently lifted my hand from the bottom to the top. A line of blood suddenly appeared on the centerline of the plague beast's body, and then it plunged into the puddle behind me without a sound.

After I picked the first plague beast to death, I quickly turned sideways, and the eternity that I had just provoked cut down. The head of the second plague beast was immediately separated from the body and followed me up. Kicked the headless corpse sideways with one leg and kick and knocked over a few plague beasts that rushed up, then suddenly turned around and slashed a plague beast that had just fallen from the top of the cave into two halves sideways.

If someone is watching in the vicinity at this time, they will find that the surrounding groups of plague beasts are gathering together with me as the center, and I am surrounded by plague beasts in a seemingly slow The action was turning around in a small area, but with such a simple dodge and attack, the surrounding plague beasts quickly turned into corpses at a terrifying speed.

"Huh, finally killed!" I flicked Eternally to shake off the blood stained on the sword, and then I jumped from the pile of corpses under my feet. A total of one hundred and seventy-three plague beasts piled up into a hill under my feet, if the average person has not known how many times they have died. And my loss is just a little bit of stamina. Yes, I didn’t spend any blood. It’s not because my defense is so high that I won’t get hurt at all. After all, there is a minimum standard for mandatory deduction of blood in the system, unless you A shield or weapon can be used to block the opponent's attack, otherwise no matter how high your defense is, this mandatory blood deduction is unavoidable. The reason why I didn’t waste my blood at all is because no plague beast has ever touched my body from the beginning. The soles and heels of the feet. Of course, these places are not touched by the monsters, but the locations I used to attack them.

After killing these monsters, I started to follow the signals returned by the ghost worms sent out to track before. The plague beast that caught the red beans was not among the monsters at the scene. In fact, it died before I got here. The other plague beasts attacked the guy, of course, the purpose is to snatch its prey, which is our guide, but in the end a dozen plague beasts were killed because of this robbery, but in the end another monster snatched the red bean.

Actually, it was not the plague beast who snatched the red beans last, but another underground creature, but I didn't know what it was. The thing that I saw from the vision of the ghost worm felt a lot like a large lobster, but it seemed that the guy had more legs than a lobster, and it was obviously not an aquatic animal.

Following the marks left by the ghost worm, I moved quickly all the way, and soon caught up with the strange creature in a passage. The female player named Hongdou was so smart that she didn't call when she saw me approaching. She just pretended to be calm and let the monster run forward with her pliers.

Due to her outstanding performance, my rescue plan has also become much easier. The lobster-like monster has strong battle strength, but its perception ability is obviously much worse than that of the plague beast. I ran behind it and it didn't even notice me.

Now the red bean is clamped by the monster with a big pliers, and a rash attack may cause the guy to cut the red bean in half, so you must fix the big pliers before saving people. After thinking about it, I divided Eternity into two halves, turning one half into a round metal rod, and the other half into the shape of a machete. After the eternal change was completed, I rushed up with a stick and a knife. The monster found something had reached him and had to act immediately. However, I inserted the stick in my hand before the monster could react. In the middle of the monster's big pliers, now that monster needs to cut the eternity first if it wants to tighten the pliers, but is eternity so simple that it can be cut off?

Just after I inserted the stick in, the monster tightened its pliers tightly, but it stuck its pliers forever. It was useless after a try. The machete in my other hand had arrived when I was about to try the second time. With a click, the sharp eternal and easy removal of the big tongs that the monster was holding the red bean in. The pliers that were separated from the body immediately tightened instinctively. However, the delay monster has already reacted. It lifted the remaining pair of pliers to clamp me, and I greeted me with a knife without fear. However, just as my eternity and its pliers were about to collide with each other, a hu hu tentacle suddenly shot from the passage ahead, grabbed the monster, and instantly pulled it back.

"I rely on? What is it?"

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