After sighed, Shuai Zhu said: "In fact, Brother Jun is not as bad as you think. I know you must think that he is a worthless fool. I admit that he is really annoying sometimes. Especially for you outsiders. But if you understand our past, you will understand my feelings for Brother Jun."

After listening to the handsome pig, I looked at him in doubt and said, "What greatness is he Where?"

Suddenly handsome pig smiled faintly. "Compared to you, he is indeed not great at all, but for us he is the greatest. You may not know that the members of our small team were all orphans before, and we did not grow up in an orphanage. Yes. We grew up under the care of a teacher, and Brother Jun is the first child he adopted. The salary of the teacher is enough to support the spending of so many of us, but you also know that now Prices are rising rapidly, but everyone’s wages can’t keep up with the rate of price increases. Teacher’s wages have gradually been unable to support our lives. At that time, Brother Jun stood up. He only went to elementary school. Can’t you think of it? In such an era when basic university education is universal, there are still people who only study elementary school students. Isn’t it incredible? But Brother Jun did just that. He left the school, and then began to pick up the tatters and set up various ways to make money. He was relieved until we all grew up and were able to rely on our own work-study programs to support our lives. However, because of not receiving higher education and having been in the society for so many years, he was more or less contaminated with a lot of hooliganism. The reason why you think Brother Jun is unpopular."

I didn’t expect a little rascal guy to have such a past, which is even more exaggerated than the dog-blooded Hong Kong and Taiwan TV series, but the reality is It's cruel. This kind of thing actually exists in all ages, let alone just encounter one, even if there are ten such "brothers", it is less than one-tenth of the total number of people in the world who have such experiences. I don’t know what to say to someone like Junjun. He burned his life ahead of time and brought up other "brother sisters", but he consumed his life excessively. If nothing else, Junjun’s life is doomed. It will be a tragedy. There is no filial son before the so-called long hospital bed. What's more, these brother sisters raised by him have no blood relationship with him. Once they get married in the future, their opinions will inevitably be influenced by their significant other. Even if they will still take care of Junge, their wives or husbands are still impossible to maintain their feelings for Junge. Therefore, as they get older, Junge's life will become more and more miserable, which makes me more embarrassed. It is all of this that there are still our factors in it.

Brother Jun dropped out of school early to make money because the teacher couldn’t support so many of them. The reason why the original sufficient salary was not enough to feed so many people was the rise in prices, but the rise in prices It is caused by our reasons. In order to avoid the terminator planet that is bound to end the solar system, the immigration plan has been underway in secret, and news can be blocked. The consumption of a large number of human resources and materials will inevitably lead to changes in social order, of which price increases are only the slightest Early-Stage said that various problems will continue to appear in the society in the future. All we can do is to maintain social stability as much as possible until it can no longer be suppressed, and that moment will be when the immigration plan starts.

I was sighing for the huge social impact of the immigration plan when I suddenly heard cry out in surprise from behind, and I instantly recovered from my thinking state. After turning around abruptly, I saw that the gun god was climbing on a large rock next to him. Black Widow was holding a fiery-red monster rolling around on the ground, and there were three big toads walking upright on the side of the hillside. The same creature is rapidly approaching the female player at the back of the team.

"Get down." With my roar, the crowd in front of me immediately squatted down instinctively, followed by a flaming knife wheel spinning over their heads. , The fastest monster was nailed to the ground with a bang.

One of the three monsters was killed instantly, but the remaining two rushed towards the female player with the help of the sloping hill without stopping at all. Just when the people in the team thought that the last female player was unsaved, they saw a dark shadow flashing past them. They just felt that I saw a flash and I was already there by the girl, and At this time, the fastest monster has jumped to in midair, and using its current trajectory to calculate when it hits the ground, it will just drop the female player to the ground. Judging from the monster's bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and the female player's shooter career, once she is thrown down, the probability of surviving is definitely less than 10%.

However, the expected situation did not happen. When I rushed to the girl’s side, I slammed a big rock next to it and jumped up with strength, and then on a larger rock on the other side, the whole person immediately turned in the air, in high-speed rotation. The blade on the armor even brought the wind of wu wu.

The bang sounded loudly. I was spinning and collided with the monster in the air, and a beautiful elbow hit the monster sideways, but it was not over yet. I was right after me again. One turned around and slashed on the spot, and the heel of the second monster that was jumping after the first monster directly hit the ground. While the person was still falling, I stretched out my hand from a distance to the Eternal that was thrown out, and the Eternal inserted in the monster's corpse swayed twice before it automatically shot into my hand. The monster that was missed by me just got up from the ground at this time, and before it recovered its sense of direction, I fell from the sky and chopped off the monster's head with the falling inertial sword. I swung out a beautiful sword flower and threw off the blood stains on the sword. I raised my sword and turned around, facing the monster who had just climbed up from the ground and was about to slash at me, but suddenly I heard a loud peng sound, the monster in front of me. It flew out in an instant, and the huge inertia forced it to roll on the ground and slide out a long way before it fell to the ground without a sound.

"Damn, don't bring such a monster!" I cursed the spear god who was squatting on the boulder.

The Gunslinger took his spear and jumped down from the rock to counterattack: "You have killed two, so you have to save one for me?"

"I like to eat alone, Why should I keep it for you?"

"You two will help me get this thing down if you have time." Black Widow said angrily.

I turned my head and looked at the Black Widow, who was still twisted with the monster, and then I walked over to hold the monster’s head with one hand, and the other hand took Eternal to the front of the monster’s neck. Along the way, I cut off the monster's big head with a bang.

Black Widow kicked off the corpse and got up from the ground, then looked at the surrounding environment and said: "According to the characteristics of species on the red planet, this thing is estimated to have a lot more, we better not Stay here for a long time."

"Handsome pig. How far are we from the destination?"

"not quite clear. The destination is in Underground World, and the roads are all tunnels. The distance is not easy to calculate."

The surface of Red Planet is entirely a desert composed of iron oxide, and the real life basically lives under the ground. Although creatures like the one just now can prey on the surface, they don’t actually live on the surface. They only crawl to the surface when they hunt. Their nests are still in the Underground World, so they are still considered underground. biology.

"I can't calculate the distance to the destination, the entrance to the crypt can always be calculated, right?" Gun God asked.

"Just ahead, turn around the Taniguchi."

"Then everyone, run faster, let's enter the crypt first. The surface of the red planet is really not a safe zone. ." I urge everyone to move forward quickly.

Black Widow said while wiping the blood on his body: "Actually, entering Underground World is similar to the surface. I don’t think the underground is much safer than the surface."

"No, in We will be safer underground." I said looked towards the back finger, and everyone looked back along my finger and turned around and started running without saying anything. They are so obedient not because my words are very convincing, but because they have seen the sandstorm approaching at high speed behind them. If they have not entered the Underground World before the thing arrives, they must be prepared to be scratched. NS. Being blown to death by a sandstorm is definitely the most tragic way to die. It is the same as using sandpaper to frustrate your skin and flesh, which is worse than Ling Chi.

With the spur of the sandstorm, everyone's speed was obviously faster. The fastest runners reached the Taniguchi in front of them in a blink of an eye, but they did not rush in immediately, but just arrived at Taniguchi. Just stopped. I just glanced at it and knew that they must be in trouble, otherwise no one would stop for no reason at this time.

As soon as I made my judgment, I saw the two fastest runners suddenly turned around and ran back. I don’t have to think about it. There are monsters in 80% of the valleys, and they are definitely not ordinary goods, otherwise they too He wouldn't run back without turning around even resisting. Generally speaking, even cowards will brace oneself and dash forward when they know that there is a dust storm behind them, but they ran back. What is it that keeps them even the dust storm?

"The gunman." I suddenly speeded up and swept forward, and at the same time reminded the gunman.

After the gun god replied complied, he immediately jumped onto the hillside and set up the gun, while Black Widow flew past me all the way. Due to the relative running, we and the people who ran back quickly passed each other, and the silhouette of a monster finally appeared at the mouth of the valley ahead.

Boom. We heard a gunshot before we got in touch with the monster. At first, a monster was instantly blasted back into the valley mouth, but within half a second, another monster appeared at the valley mouth. The gun god pulled the bolt and was reloading , But the monster jumped out of Taniguchi first, and then our actions were frozen. I saw the densely packed group of monsters behind the monster that burst out of the valley mouth seemed to swarm out like a blowout, instantly covering the entire valley mouth, and the subsequent monsters were still running out continuously.

"Damn! I ran into the monster's nest!"

The handsome pig was shocked when he saw the situation in front of him. "Purple Moon boss, let's run! There are too many of these things. I heard that an expedition that came to Red Planet encountered these things and all personnel were hung back to Level 20 and sent back to Novice Village. We still Run now? Red planets are all resurrected in situ. If we fall into the monster pile, it will be really helpless! We recoil in the sandstorm area behind us, and die dozens of times at most. It is better than falling back to Level 20. Right?"

I didn't pay attention to him at all, but asked the two guys who ran back: "How much is there in the valley?"

Both of them are one His face shook his head in horror. "I don't know. The entire valley is full of two football fields. There is an entrance to the underground in the middle of the valley. I don't know how many there are below!"

"That means you only saw nearly 10,000 in fact?" These monsters are the red toads that attacked us just now. They are slightly larger than people. If there are only two football fields, it shouldn't be considered too big. Too many, after all, we have tried it during the fight just now. These things are just a bunch of cannon fodder with greater strength. They are not good at defense, agility is not high enough, and there is no spell resistance at all. No matter how many monsters like this come, it is useless.

Listening to my tone, it was obvious that these monsters were not at ease. The two people quickly persuaded: "Don't be aggressive, if you get caught in the monster, you will be completely helpless!"

"Okay, we see. You all retreat behind the Gunner. Gunner, you are responsible for long-range fire support. Black Widow, the two of us go into the valley and kill all those things."

< p>"What? Kill them all? That's tens of thousands?" The guides all looked at us in surprise and thought that our brains were short-circuited.

A guy beside the gun god patted his side and said, "Don’t be so courageous! We are the top three in the world battle strength list. This is only tens of thousands of monsters. Don’t use your low-level monsters. The player’s strength is used to measure us. We will let you see what is called the top three in battle strength. Okay, all stand behind me. As long as you don’t rush forward, I will make sure that you are all right. By the way, Purple Moon you two action Hurry up, the sandstorm will be here in a while. Don’t let the monster dry up in the end and let the sandstorm take us all in one pot!"

"Make a bet." I stretched out Two fingers. "Two minutes."

The gun god thought for a while and said: "I won't bet with you! Unless you dare to bet on one minute."

"Okay, you two, get started Right. Usually in the guild, it's so serious, why do you become children when you come out?" After Black Widow taught us a lesson, she took out her double swords and rushed up to meet the monster group first.

"It seems I can't bet!" I helplessly pulled out Eternal, and then shouted to others: "Let's stay behind, I'm going to make a trick."

< p>I heard that I was going to make a trick. The guides immediately retreated far away and stared at me unblinkingly. They wanted to see what the world number one expert can do, but next The scene stunned them all. I saw that Summon took out a mount and rode it on, then suddenly raised my sword and pointed at the sky: "Brothers copy guys." With my shout, a densely packed spot of light suddenly flashed around me. The entire area outside the valley was completely filled with cavalry almost instantly, and there was a row of big guys at the forefront of the cavalry formation, among them there was a Divine Dragon.

"Damn, this trick is really tough!" Shuai Zhu looked shocked and watched me rushing into the valley with a large group of summon creatures, and the form in the valley came in an instant After a big reversal, all the monsters that rushed out excitedly after seeing the prey were all an emergency stop, and then they all turned around and ran back together. The previous imposing manner disappeared, and the offensive and defensive sides completely reversed and became I am chasing, the monster is running away. Although there are tens of thousands of monsters in the valley, they are not as high as the Qilin warrior. In addition, there is a row of thousands of big guys standing in front of me. The monster is not the head of the monster being pinched by the door panel. No matter how stupid it is, I know What should I do at this time.

The gun god said with nothing to do with the gun: "Although this is not a skill, Purple Moon is right. This is his most powerful trick. You don’t know that when you face When his summon was in the army, he really wanted to cry without tears! I don’t have enough bullets for his summon creatures, do you think this guy is abnormal?"

"Next time you say bad things about me, remember not to Let me hear." I suddenly appeared in the middle of the crowd and gave them a shock.

"Damn, why are you back?"

I pointed to the back with my thumb. "There are too many little brothers, I didn't squeeze in!"

"Damn!" The people around raised up a row of middle fingers at me.

The melee ended in just over a minute. Although Black Widow was the first to rush in, it didn’t catch a few enemies from start to finish, because she killed it. A few monsters were squeezed by my pets unable to move even a little bit. The first to rush into the valley was the tank. Relying on the defensive metamorphosis, the tank really served as a tank within the valley like his name, but I think he is more like a road roller. Those monster teeth simply can’t chew on the tank. The carapace, and the tank can trample a pile of monsters to death by running back and forth without listening. That efficiency is simply abnormal. Following the tank were my four dragons and Xiaofeng. After they entered, they set fire everywhere, and then the monster group completely collapsed. In fact, the follow-up troops simply didn’t do anything. At most, some people had good luck and killed a few crippled monsters that were still half-sighed. More Qilin warriors just ran with everyone and didn’t even see what the monster looked like. .

Because the sandstorm is approaching, we don't have time to clean up the corpses. As soon as the battle was over, I quickly recovered the summon creature, and then led everyone to the cave entrance in the center of the valley. Looking at the corpses of covering the mountains and plains along the way, the guides understood for the first time what a top player is.

After entering the cave, the guide team finally showed a little what a guide should be, although it is completely useless. They first took out a bunch of torch and then wanted to send it to us, but the three of us shook our heads together. The gun god pointed to the goggles on his eyes. "This thing has night vision and can also be used as a telescope, so I don't need torch."

Black Widow also shook the head. "I have dark vision. It doesn't matter whether there is light or not."

The handsome pig took the torch and looked at it for the last time, and then said before I could say: "Stop it, I know you must use it too. No."

I nodded, and then took out nine sticks from my body. "You still use this. It's farther than the torch."

The thing I gave them is actually a flashlight, but it's not electricity, but a magic crystal, which is a research of our guild. When the staff were idle and bored, they used the scrap magic crystal to make it out. Later it proved to be very useful. So our guild gave everyone a bundle to save the time to buy a torch.

Holding the magic flashlight made by our guild, our team walked all the way to the depths of the cave. The guides did a pretty good job. Every time they reached a fork, they would take out a map and compare them before proceeding further. Soon we left the downward passage and entered a horizontal cave, but the passage came to an abrupt end after a short walk. Horizontally in front of us is a huge fault with a width of one hundred meters. The bottom is said to be bottomless, and there is a small hole opposite us, that is where we are going.

"Wow, it's a big ditch!" The gun god stood on the edge of the passage and threw a stone down, but simply couldn't hear the sound of the stone falling to the ground. It can be seen that its depth is absolutely terrifying.

I looked at the passage opposite, and then said: "How did you get there last time?"

"It depends on that thing." The handsome pig used the magic flashlight to go around. I took the photo, and finally found a big rock floating in midair.

"Pumice stone?"

"Yes." Shuaizhu explained, "There are a lot of pumice stones here. Just grab it with a flying claw and pull it to this side, and then you can sit down. Go up. As long as you look at the direction and push the wall on this side, you can fly directly to the opposite hole, but it is best to prepare more small stones on the big rock. You can modify the direction. As long as the first person passes, you can use the rope to guide the people behind."

"Although it is a bit slower, it is indeed a good way for people who can’t fly. "

The gun god said with a smirk: "You are the only one who can fly here, so we can trouble you to pick you up and go."

"Don't be so troublesome. "When I waved my hand, a space opening suddenly appeared beside me. Hei Yan flew out from the space channel, and the huge snake head crashed into the opposite cliff with a bang. The snake body just formed a wide bridge. , Let alone leaving, no problem driving past. With the length of Heiyanwu more than a hundred meters, this crack of more than a hundred meters is just a small ditch to him. "Okay, everyone. Hurry up. My demon is very tired to hold on like this."

The guides recovered from their dumbfoundedness when they heard my words. They all felt that they suffered today. The stimulation is more than the previous several decades plus one piece. The entire group stepped on Black Flame's back and quickly ran to the opposite passage. The first Black Widow entered the passage first and turned around and made a safe gesture. The others speeded up their pace when they saw that there was no problem. However, just when we thought it was okay, the danger came suddenly.

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