"Ah...!" I was hesitating, and Zizhu Fairy in my arms suddenly let out a painful moan.

"Damn, the Supreme Taoist guy is too unreliable! Didn't you say that you will wake up in two hours? This is only a few minutes?" I cursed Supreme Taoist and hugged Zizhu Fairy. Arrived at Isengard’s Temple of Chaos and Order, borrowed a guest room from Vina, and put Zizhu Fairy on the bed.

Although she is no longer in a deep coma, Zizhu Fairy just keeps humming. It sounds like she is having a nightmare, but she just stays awake. However, although she did not recover immediately, Supreme Taoist's words are still inaccurate, because it took more than half an hour after Zizhu Fairy was knocked out, she suddenly sat up in bed, much earlier than Supreme Taoist expected. It took an hour and a half.

"No..." Zizhu Fairy probably just woke up from a nightmare and hasn't figured out the current situation. After jumping up from the bed with a scream, she was first stunned by the surrounding environment. The Temple of Chaos and Order belongs to the European god system, so this room is also decorated in European style, which is not in touch with the style of Celestial Court. Zizhu Fairy was taken aback when he saw the surrounding furnishings, and then he spotted me sitting outside.

I’m sitting in the separate living room outside the bedroom, but the sofa I’m sitting on at this time is facing the bedroom, plus the double door of the bedroom is not closed, so directly You can see the situation on the bed. The reason why I sit so far away is that I have cleared my relationship and feared that Zizhu Fairy would be taboo; secondly, I was also worried about my life. If Zizhu Fairy wakes up, I can make a big move and I can't stop it.

"Wake up?"

"Where is this?" Zizhu Fairy glanced around as soon as she sat up, then jumped out of bed and walked out.

"This is Isengard’s temple of chaos and order. Don’t worry, your Divine Race identity has not been erased, and I haven’t turned you into my favorite. After all, we had personally returned it before. Not bad, I won't take advantage of others."

"many thanks." Zizhu Fairy walked towards the gate after speaking.

I sat on the sofa and poured a drink to myself, and said to myself: "If you plan to go back to Celestial Court, I won't stop you, but I hope you understand that there is no point going back now. In the end, even if you are not sent back to me, you will still be sent elsewhere. I am indeed inferior to you in terms of divine force, but if you talk about understanding human nature, you are far worse than me!"< /p>

Zizhu Fairy was planning to go out, but stopped when she put her hand on the doorknob. "Can you help me?"

"Do you know why Celestial Court always comes to me for things that cannot be solved?" I sipped my drink, then leaned on the sofa and continued: "Because of me There is always a solution." Seeing that Zizhu Fairy was about to speak, I suddenly stretched out a hand to stop her from saying something. "Don't worry. Although I can handle most of the problems you can't handle, I am not a caring volunteer for a charity. Yes, I can provide perfect service, but it is based on perfect remuneration. It's on."


Zizhu Fairy only said one word and was interrupted by me again. "No no no, you don't have to rush to promise me anything, all I want is your idea of ​​agreeing to pay." I said, stretching out my hand and gestured to the surrounding environment. "Look, I don’t lack money or resources. I even have Divine Race thugs. So I’m not in a hurry. Celestial Court forced you to me, simply not paying, they’re adding to them. I’m very angry at this point, so since you are willing to pay for my help, then I will definitely help you. Okay, I think we have reached an agreement now, haven’t we?"

Purple Bamboo Fairy nodded. "I will pay, as long as you say it."

I nodded, and when I stretched out my hand, a small white fur ball immediately jumped into Zizhu Fairy’s arms, and Zizhu Fairy instinctively reached out to receive it. I stayed at it, and then looked at me in confusion, not knowing why I gave her such a cute little animal.

"It is one of my guild guards, you can call it a fur ball. Now that we have reached an agreement, I hope you can cooperate with me to act first, so that I can help you think Way."

"Yes. What do you want me to do?"

I smiled and stood up, then walked to a wall and stood there with my back against the wall. "Okay, use your big move to fly me along with the wall behind, and then the little fellow in your arms will take you to a place, where you can adjust it first, and after the things here are handled, I I will go to you. Okay, come on. You don’t have to keep your hands. I am not as fragile as you think. You won’t be able to beat me in one move. As for the damage to the house, I will reimburse Celestial Court."

Zizhu Fairy doesn't know what I'm doing, but now she can only rely on me, so in the end she still took the shot according to my arrangement.

Suddenly there was a big hole on the top floor of the Temple of Isengard, and everyone around saw me flying out of the wall with a lot of rubble, and then a purple glow came from that big hole. Flying out of the middle and disappearing into the sky instantly.

Boom. The rubble on the ground was suddenly lifted up, and I crawled out of it covered in dirt, still cursing: "Damn Zizhu Fairy, damn Celestial Court, do you really take me as an idiot?" I cursed. While turning the teleportation ring, it disappeared instantly, and in the next second I walked out of the Transmission Formation outside South Heaven Gate.

At this time, the South Heaven Gate was closed again, but I didn’t knock on the door at all. I directly used my big move to blast the door three times. The people inside were taken aback and hurriedly beat the door. Got out. "Hey, isn't this the president of Purple Moon? Are you...?" I was still covered in gray, and my image looked unusually embarrassed, so the celestial general who was guarding the goal was also taken aback.

I didn't pay attention to him at all, and rushed into the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace angrily, but there was no one here, only a few gods would guard him outside. Ignoring the dissuasion of the gods, I continued to scream and screamed all the way, and soon found a group of Celestial Court leaders in the Supreme Taoist's Palace.

"en? Purple Moon, why are you back? What's the matter with you?" Seeing me suddenly appearing Supreme Taoist is also a forehead question mark, and seeing my angry look is clearly here Quarreling.

"hmph, I don’t care what happened to your Celestial Court, that’s your internal problem, and my reward must not be less." Seeing Jade Emperor want to speak, I hurriedly yelled: "There is also , Don’t talk to me about Zizhu Fairy, she is not a reward, but a task, you see I was beaten by her! My Isengard temple was blasted by her a big hole, you have to compensate for this. Also. There is you." I pointed to Supreme Taoist and said: "Don't you say that she can't wake up in two hours? How come she wakes up in half an hour?"

"Ah? I don't know about this. Ah!" Supreme Taoist was also very depressed. According to his calculations, two hours was a conservative estimate. Who knew he would wake up in half an hour. But since I am here now, it means that this is true. After all, it is only forty minutes before he stuns Zizhu Fairy, which is too fast.

"We will give you the rewards first. Celestial Court won’t fall back, but you have to give us some time! You see, Celestial Court has not returned to normal. , I’m really too busy for the time being, please wait a few days, okay?"

"Okay, I will believe you again, but if you shirk again when I come next time, please Don't blame me." I said angrily and left Celestial Court.

Actually, I simply didn’t come to pay for this trip. I just told Celestial Court to let them know that Zizhu Fairy is not on my side. Some wrangling. Now this time has not exceeded two hours, so Supreme Taoist's words have a problem. He is not good at blatant denial, so he can only admit it, and as long as they are willing to admit that they owe me, that's enough. Celestial Court is Celestial Court after all. Stingy is a bit stingy, and the promised reward will not be denied.

After returning to Isengard again, repairs have begun on the temple side. I just took a brief look at the situation and was taken away by Woma.

"Okay, okay, don't pull me off." I asked as I ran following Voma: "What the hell have you guys come up with so anxiously pull me to see?"

"It wasn't something that came up, but something was discovered."

"Discovered? What did you find?"

"You will understand when you see it. "

I was dragged by Woma to the monitoring center of the God of War. At this time, the heads of the guild had already reached more than half of them.

"What the hell did you find?"

"Look for yourself." Eagle pointed forward, and I followed his finger and looked over. In the front is a large crystal imager, and a three-dimensional scene is displayed on it at this time. The eagle explained by the side: "This is the real-time signal from the giant mosquito outpost."

When I heard the eagle, I immediately focused my eyes on the screen in surprise. At this time, the imager showed a vast sea surface, and in the center of the sea surface, a huge ship was sailing slowly. This ship is very big, and apart from the Invader Sea Fortress and the Great White Shark Submarine Carrier, there is no mobile ship in our guild that can only catch up with this big guy. Even the current super battleships of the guild are only half the size of this thing. However, it is different from the general large-scale battleship. There is no turret on this ship, and there is not even any external equipment that looks like a cannon. In addition, it has a very important feature, that is-its entire upper deck is flat.

"Aircraft carrier?"

"Yes." The god of war calmly answered my question and played another scene. "This is a scene recorded before you rushed here." In the picture, I saw a huge two-footed wyvern running on the deck, then quickly flew up, and finally disappeared in the sky. "See it?"

I'm nodded. "But...Oh, oh, I understand!"

Combat ships such as aircraft carriers have been proven to be the strongest maritime military forces in the modern battlefield. The battleship represented by the ship theory withdrew from the stage of history. However, although this theory has been confirmed in reality, it is not the case in games. Super battleships like the Eternal and Biling are still the overlords of the sea. Those giant battleships like floating islands are being produced and used by various guilds including our guild, and our battleship is still being built. The larger the gun, the larger the caliber of the main gun. The reason for this phenomenon is not because the players in the game do not understand military knowledge, nor is it because we admire the cannon giant ship, but because of an objective factor-gunpowder.

The reason why aircraft carriers can dominate the oceans is because they can attack others from positions that the enemy’s artillery can’t reach. To do this, they must have aircraft with sufficient range. Must be able to carry enough formidable power weapons, at least to ensure that they can sink the enemy battleship. Only when the above conditions are met, an aircraft carrier can become a maritime hegemon. The reason why there is no aircraft carrier in "Zero" is because the above conditions cannot be achieved.

"Zero" is a magical game, so there are a lot of flying devil beasts in it. Although these guys may not be comparable to modern jet fighters in terms of speed, they have a range and Load capacity, which means that in addition to relatively slow speed, flying devil beasts can completely replace aircraft. But the problem is not flying devil beasts, but bombs. No matter how strong the flying devil beast is, trying to sink the battleship is still a bit whimsical. Except for top creatures such as giant dragons and Phoenix, most flying devil beasts cannot threaten the safety of even small boats such as light destroyers, so the devil beast alone cannot sink the battleship. As for top creatures like giant dragons and Phoenix, they can cross the Pacific by themselves, so what do they need an aircraft carrier to do? Besides, even if there are such things, there will be absolutely no more. Few guilds can afford to use giant dragons as carrier-based aircraft.

Aircraft in modern warfare mainly involves three types of weapons against battleship: anti-ship missiles, aerial bombs, and airborne torpedoes. But the problem is that the special alloys in Zero and some magic materials make the armor of the battleship much stronger than that of the real battleship. On the contrary, the gunpowder this thing has dropped a lot in the game formidable power. The direct result of this is that no matter what weapon it is, it must be large enough to produce proper formidable power to sink the battleship. But the problem is that once the size of the weapon increases, it will inevitably lead to an increase in size and weight, and the most feared by flying units are large and heavy weapons. A torpedo as big as a small boat is not a problem for battleship, but for a flying devil beast, it is definitely a big problem to let it take off with a torpedo larger than two air-conditioned buses put together. As for aerial bombs, although they are slightly smaller than torpedoes, even large flying devil beasts can carry one at most, and the flight distance and speed will be severely reduced. Basically, the flying devil beast that takes off with the bomb is There is no mobility at all, they will be shot down if they can't reach the enemy's battleship. As for reducing the size of the bomb, it will directly lead to a drop in formidable power. If it can’t penetrate the battleship armor, what else do the bombs do? Therefore, the problem facing flying devil beasts is that torpedoes and big bombs are too heavy to fly. Small bombs can drive but basically have no lethality. Let alone missiles, there is no production technology in the game.

Because of the above reasons, the aircraft carrier, which has been proven to be absolutely powerful in reality, has become an auxiliary battleship in the game. In addition to being able to use the flying devil beast carried on it for reconnaissance and Outside of battlefield rescue, there is basically no direct effect. Who else would want a garbage battleship like this?

However, the problem is now resolved. The problem with aircraft carriers is that the flying devil beast does not have suitable strike weapons, but the Japanese now have magic crystal steam technology. With the formidable power of the magic crystal steam bomb, as long as the bomb is the size of a watermelon, it is enough to threaten the safety of any ship below the cruiser. To sink cruisers and battleships, it would be almost enough if two bombs the size of two watermelons hit a dozen in a row. The mainstream flying devil beasts that various guilds can obtain in large numbers are the Griffin, the bipedal wyvern, the Pegasus, and the Thunderhawk. Among the four creatures, the least weight-bearing is the Pegasus, but if it is a bomb as big as two watermelons, Even with a Pegasus, you can still have the minimum air evasion ability in the case of carrying six to eight. As for the big guys like the biped wyvern, even if you make the bomb the size of a winter melon, they can still carry dozens of them. It's easy to fly.

"That means that the Japanese have the ability to strike in the air, right?" I asked, looking at the image on the imager.

"Yes. And it is a very powerful air strike capability."

"Is there a countermeasure?" I continued to ask.

"At present, it is not a big problem for our guild to arrive." Military god said: "Our guild’s guardian long spear has absolute air supremacy. As long as we can find out in advance, we can guarantee that we can reach the sky above the opponent. We defeated all of them before. But the key problem is our alliance guild. They don’t have the air power like ours, and some of our guild’s battleships also use a high NPC configuration structure. A ship may have everything except the captain. NPC, and NPC does not have guardian beasts."

"That means our battleship is weak in air defense, isn't it?"

"I'm afraid it is."

< p>The King Chuang looked at me and said, "Guild Master, if we don’t want to solve this problem, our guild’s battleship will not be able to go to sea! Without air supremacy, battleship can’t do the aircraft carrier at all, and our battleship can’t be strong. Fly!"

I listened to King Chuang complaining there, but in my head I was quickly calculating how to deal with the aircraft carrier of Little Japan. The reason why our guild and the Japanese players under the command of Matsumoto Masaga were able to suppress the Japanese players was because we had sea control, so we could intercept the battleships of Japanese players, and we could find any place to land in Japan. Japan People can't land and harass us on a large scale. However, once the aircraft carrier of Little Japan has obtained the dominance of the sea, our advantage will be completely reversed, and that is something we absolutely cannot accept. Must find a way to abolish the aircraft carrier of Little Japan.

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