"no no no." Jade Emperor shook his head and said, "How can we use fairy friends as reward! We mean let Zizhu come to you to help you do things, and you You don’t need to pay her, even if you use her pay to offset your pay."

After listening to Jade Emperor’s words, I immediately cursed in my heart: "Damn, that’s not the same thing? What is the difference between remuneration and self-selling? Besides, the remuneration is for me alone, not for the Frost Rose League. Zizhu Fairy can join our guild and become a guild Divine Race, but cannot become my personal Guardian God. So if you want Zizhu Fairy to follow me, the only way is to use the pet contract. Is there any freedom to become a pet?” Although I have scolded Jade Emperor and the others all over, I can’t face it. Show it. Besides, for their decision, I just think that Jade Emperor is more shameless, but in fact, I am still very happy. After all, I haven't heard of anyone who can have a Divine Immortal as a favorite. Of course, I still have a few Divine Race favorites, but I have never had a genuine Divine Immortal. After all, Celestial Court is not like the Western Divine Race. The management is more chaotic. It is much easier to pull a Western Divine Race than to catch Divine Immortal. At least the Western Divine Race may not necessarily kill you for a Divine Race member, but the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court is definitely a wasp, and one move can attract a group.

Although Jade Emperor and I winked at the bargaining, we obviously ignored the feelings of a key person.

"Jade Emperor, how can you do this? I'm not the Divine Beast, how can I give it away casually?" Zizhu Fairy heard that Lima was going to pay her and stopped doing it. Yes, she did have a good personal relationship with me, and she also felt that I was really strong, but that was just friendship. If someone suddenly gave you a good friend as a slave, you would definitely not do it.

"Zizhu." Supreme Taoist yelled in a rather stern voice. As a result, Zizhu Fairy dared not speak out immediately. However, although I dare not speak out, Zizhu Fairy's eyes kept glaring at me. She didn't dare to confront Supreme Taoist, but it didn't mean he didn't dare to confront me. The relationship was good before. Now suddenly I heard that I was going to give her as a reward. Zizhu Fairy immediately suspected that this was my premeditated plan. It just so happens that she doesn't dare to get angry at Supreme Taoist now, so she can only use me as an outlaw.

Looking at this posture, if I don't say anything for a while, Zizhu Fairy will have to fight me. "Then what... Jade Emperor, can you change your reward? Zizhu Fairy is also Divine Immortal, and I am too wronged to follow me. Besides, I am now..."

I was just halfway through. Supreme Taoist waved his hand to stop him, but he did not immediately communicate, but waved away the nearby Divine Immortal and generals. In the end, Jade Emperor, Tathagata Avatar, Zizhu Fairy and me were left in the great hall. Five people with Supreme Taoist. Supreme Taoist said, "Purple Moon! It is said that Zizhu is my 1/4/2021 discipline, and she is extremely talented. To be honest, I am not willing to send her out!"

"Damn, I'm not willing to give it to you? Be an idiot?" Although I scolded like this in my heart, what I said was: "Since you are so unwilling to give up, why do you want to give it to Zizhu? Fairy is following me?"

At this time, the Tathagata Avatar sighed and said, "Oh...there are hard-to-read sutras in every family! Purple Moon! Tell you the truth! Celestial Court is also not here. It’s not a monolithic piece. Celestial Court did this because there was a civil strife and someone tried to rebel. As a result, we both fought. Although the situation was temporarily controlled, there were more troubles afterwards. As for Zizhu..." At this point, Tathagata Avatar paused, and then said: "Zizhu's identity is quite special. You don't need to know too much about this. Anyway, keeping her in Celestial Court will only make things more troublesome, so..."

" So you don’t actually want to pay me. Are you tying bombs on me?"

"Aiya, how can it be as exaggerated as you said?" Jade Emperor thought for a while and said, "Although this It’s about Zizhu Fairy, but she won’t be hunted down, so you don’t have to worry about taking her with her. Her problem is mainly with her Divine Immortal status, as long as she gets her to the lower bounds and cuts her off. Xianji, that's all right. So this matter is good for you and us."

"No, I don't want to become a mortal!" Zizhu Fairy suddenly cried out. "You say this is to protect me, but you are actually afraid of things. Heavenspan Church's anger is not because of my identity at all. Don't ignore me and deceive me."

"impudent." Supreme Taoist shouted angrily. The Zizhu Fairy dare not speak out again.

"Everyone, I think so." I said: "Zizhu Fairy is still the lower bound, but for the time being, I won't cut off the fairy book. How about this?"

"No way. "The other four people present besides me actually yelled together.

Supreme Taoist said: "Although this incident was actually caused by the change in the relationship caused by the addition of Buddhism soldiers, the excuse on the surface lies in Zizhu’s immortal book, so this immortal book must Cut."

"I won't do it." Zizhu Fairy said again: "Why should I take care of the trouble they caused?"

"Zizhu, we are Protecting you!" Supreme Taoist earnest and well-meant advised.

"hmph, that's not protection, it's simply giving me a scapegoat!" Zizhu Fairy rebelled.

Zizhu Fairy's resistance to the three above also became popular. Supreme Taoist directly shouted angrily: "You have to agree or you have to agree or disagree, and you have to agree. This is an order, not a request."


"I just don't..." Zizhu Fairy was hit on the forehead by an azure glow thrown by Supreme Taoist before she finished her words. She fainted at the time. I reacted quickly and caught her in one hand.

"Aiya, too good, why is this?"

"Disciple, there is no way!" Supreme Taoist sighed and said to me: "Purple Moon, let us owe you a debt this time! You will take Zizhu away as soon as possible, and we have to deal with internal disputes. We don’t have the energy to deal with Zizhu’s affairs for the time being. I just knocked her out with a biqing bracelet, two hours She will be in a state of extreme weakness. You can sign a contract with her as soon as possible, so that she won't be able to control her wake up. Okay, you can leave quickly! Celestial Court is now a place of right and wrong, and you shouldn't stay for long. "

A few minutes later, I was standing next to Isinger’s Transmission Formation and still in a daze. I originally went to the Celestial Court to check out this time. Didn’t expect first helped catch a prisoner, and then the unfathomable mystery stuffed a political asylum Zizhu Fairy, and I also heard a lot of unfathomable mystery secrets. , I am getting more and more confused. However, although the Jade Emperor has always been vague, I at least grasped one key point-Buddhism's uneven distribution of prisoners. Inferring from this situation, the Celestial Court might have to reshuffle the cards, and Zizhu Fairy is obviously an important figure. Now Jade Emperor forced her to give me, it was tantamount to giving me a big trouble, but no matter what, Zizhu Fairy is a powerful battle strength after all. To be honest, this temptation is still quite big. But once Zizhu Fairy becomes a favorite, he might have to face a counterattack from another faction in Celestial Court. Do I want this Zizhu Fairy or not?

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