"Boss, is there any way you can do it?" King Chuang became anxious when he saw that I was silent there.

"I can do everything, but the investment may be a bit big!"

"Quickly talk about it, what should I do?" Chuangwang is just the navy chief, and he doesn't care if he invests in this part. , As soon as I heard that there was a way to deal with the Japanese aircraft carrier, I immediately became excited.

"In fact, the aircraft carrier in the game has many shortcomings compared to the actual aircraft carrier. Besides, even the actual aircraft carrier is not invincible?"

" Saying that, it’s not so easy to deal with these big guys!"

"I think it’s actually very easy to deal with these guys. The advantage of aircraft carriers is that they can be launched outside the enemy’s strike range. Attack, and the speed of flying units is very fast compared to ships, so as long as the problem of ammunition formidable power is solved, battleship will hardly be the opponent of flying devil beast."

"Then how do we fight? "When King Chuang heard that I was talking about the advantages of aircraft carriers, he immediately became anxious. "How about we build aircraft carriers?"

"No, we don't build aircraft carriers, because that thing is useless. Input and output are not proportional." I refused the request of Chuangwang. , And then before he continued to speak: "Don’t worry. Although we don’t build aircraft carriers, we can build other things. Military god, give me the thought connector." I took the connector from the military god. , And then began to use thinking to manipulate the imager to display the picture according to my idea. I saw the picture on the imager instantly turned into a blue background color, and then some simple lines outlined the appearance of a submarine.

"What is this? A submarine?"

"No, it is a special ship." I explained while controlling the screen changes. "This kind of ship doesn't need to be too big, but it must have submarine capabilities. It is equipped with launching cabins in the front, and a mobile angel is parked in each cabin, and then..."

"You shouldn't Do you want to use mobile angels to launch a close-range assault on the aircraft carrier?" Rose was the first to see my intention.

"Yes, it is to use mobile angels. No matter how powerful the aircraft carrier is, there is currently no good underwater combat capability among countries. This is the status quo. So the diving battleship can easily approach the Japanese. Aircraft carriers, and once the mobile angels board the ship, their magic crystal vapor bombs will no longer be usable."

"Wait for Purple Moon." Hong Yue stepped up and asked, "You have such a great idea. Creative, but the problem is that there are too many intermediate links. First of all, the mobile angel itself is a high-end martial power, and our guild is currently unable to mass produce it. If the special attack ship is equipped, it will inevitably need to deploy mobile angel troops on the ground to fill in the blanks. It’s no different from tearing down the east wall to fill the west wall. Secondly, even if you have such mobile angels, where do their fuel come from? High level magic crystals are used in mobile days, and high level magic crystals are all If there is no fixed output, how do we make up if there is a loss? Third, the diving battleship itself has a lot of technical problems. If you need to surface to release the mobile angel, this process will inevitably be very dangerous, in case there is no time to release the maneuver Angel, the submarine ship was sunk first, what should we do?"

"As for the production of mobile angels, I don’t think this is a problem. After all, we don’t have the production capacity because we didn’t plan to There are so many productions. If necessary, the steel city can start mass production of mobile angels within two days. As for the magic crystal problem, I don’t think we need to worry about this for the time being." I said and took out a crystal. A bottle with a red liquid suspended in it. "What you see now is the red matter produced by our guild’s latest technology blueprint. Its characteristics are very close to the colorful magic crystal, but because it cannot be charged, the energy core must be replaced after each battle. This is a little bit Trouble. But the advantage of red matter is that it can be produced artificially. As long as it is willing to invest, it can be completely free from resource constraints. As for the safety issue of releasing mobile angels, I think this is also simple. As long as the mobile angels are waterproofed, they can be placed in the water. After completing the release process, the mobile angel mothership simply does not need to be out of the water. Isn't it completely safe?"

"I always feel that this is still a lot of problems." Hong Yue said uneasy.

Woma suddenly stood up and said: "According to what the president said, it is not impossible. The technology is readily available. It is nothing more than the final design and put them together."


"Since it is feasible, let's follow this method first." Rose said.

I threw the controller back to the military god, and then asked: "How many Japanese aircraft carriers are there now?"

"I have seen this one at the moment. The shipyard saw two ships under construction. It is estimated that they will be launched in two days."

"That means there are not many battleships in Little Japan, right?"

"It should be."

"Damn, what else am I worried about? Isn't there a divine arrow system on top of Isengard? It's really impossible to use long-range strikes to send all the aircraft carriers of Little Japan to seabed. That’s the coral reef. By the way, Woma, when repairing those battleships in the harbor, be careful not to install large-caliber artillery."

"Ah? Why?" This is not Woma. It was called by King Chuang. After all, he was using it when the battleship was repaired, so he was more concerned about the battleship situation than Woma.

I patted King Chuang’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, I’m not planning to abandon the fleet, but with the use of magic crystal steam weapons in the future, the large-caliber main gun is not very useful. With the explosive formidable power of magic crystal steam, the caliber of future naval guns can be controlled below 200 mm. The space saved can be equipped with a few more guns, such as a seven-unit turret. In that case, the hit rate and The density of artillery fire will increase significantly, which will increase the combat capability of the battleship. Also, once a large number of mechanical angels using red matter as energy are put into use, the battle method of the fleet may also change. The mobile angel carrier will become the core of the fleet. Gunships can only exist as frigates of mobile angel carrier ships. You'd better adapt to this strategic change as soon as possible, or else our fleet may suffer a loss in future battles."

Nodded. "Don't worry! I'm not a dead brain. When the weapon changes, the moves will naturally change."

After dealing with the Japanese aircraft carrier problem, I started to work between the various research institutes of the guild. Ran back and forth. According to the previously signed multi-party joint agreement, our guild accounted for the absolute majority of the magic crystal steam weapon research project, so we had to activate all the major research institutes to tackle key problems, and I am also doing these researches. The institute ran back and forth to help them deal with some questions about the research direction.

In this way, time spent two days in busy technical research, but when our guilds were busy technical research, Nobunaga on the other side was not idle. Taking advantage of the time when we had not developed the magic crystal steam weapon, the Japanese relied on the formidable power of the magic crystal steam bomb to almost snatch back all the land occupied by Chinese and Korean players in Japan. The influence of Korean players in Japan can be said to have been wiped out. The Chinese players are a little bit better here. There are still a few small offshore islands still in our hands. As for the Japanese mainland, currently only our guild’s fulcrum city is still available. Hold it there.

Isn’t the Japanese wanting to stop the Fulcrum City in a spurt of energy, but they don’t have the ability for the time being. After all, our guilds still do a lot of dealing with magic crystal steam weapons. Before the city was too busy, now there is only one city that is naturally guarded like an iron barrel, and the magic crystal steam bomb alone cannot be defeated by any means.

In addition, in addition to the fun of Oni Shou Nobunaga's two days of playing, Masaga Matsumoto has also gained a lot. Onitsuka nobunaga relied on the magic crystal steam bomb to rush all the way, but Matsumoto Masaka relied on our "combination of inside and outside" to gradually grow. Although Masaga Matsumoto can’t compete with Nobunaga oni in terms of speed, these Heavenly Ghost souvenirs are good, but they spend more. On the contrary, Masaga Matsumoto doesn’t have this problem. To the city of Masaga Matsumoto, so Nobunaga Onitou wins tragically every time, but Masaga Matsumoto beats more people and more money.

Different from the lively situation in Japan, these two days in other countries of the world have been exceptionally quiet. After all, "Zero" is an unlimited battle game, so each one of the large guilds is all hard-played. Now that our large guilds are busy doing research, the war will naturally decrease.

Three days later, at the steel city experimental base of our guild, experts from our guild, the Holy Gun League and the Iron Crusade, as well as the leaders of the guilds participating in the agreement, finally gathered again, and When the agreement was signed last time, the worries were different. All the representatives of the guilds attending the meeting all looked happy, because today is the time for the final assembly of the magic crystal steam weapon.

"Well, although we have invested a lot of manpower and financial resources, our efforts have not been in vain. We will have our own magic crystal steam weapons soon." I stood in the temporary set-up gift A brief summary was made on the stage, and then the test was announced.

When we subcontracted the technology three days ago, we have specified the corresponding data in advance, so although the technology we are experimenting today comes from three different guilds, because they are all in the same frame The results below, so there is no need to worry about technical nesting. But although we all know this truth, everyone is still a little worried before things are put together.

After I announced the start of the test, the technicians of the three main guilds immediately got together and merged the equipment and technical information they brought. The first is the industrial production transformation of magic crystal steam equipment. This is the part of the iron crusade. Their task is to enable us to produce magic crystal steam in large quantities, and our guild is responsible for the explosive formidable power and stability research of magic crystal steam. , And finally is the practical weapon technology of the Holy Lance League.

Looking at the thousands of scientific researchers in front of me, burrowing through the jungle-like giant equipment like ants, Ashford and I couldn't help feeling nervous. This is a multi-billion investment. If it fails, it will definitely be a big trouble. But now is the time for the technicians to play. No matter how strong the battle strength of the three of us is, we can only pray on one side!

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