"Are you a mortal dare to intervene in Divine Race's affairs? Don't let go and call you scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!" The person who was held by me turned around and uttered cruel words in an attempt Intimidated me to let go, but these words not only failed to scare me, but had a counterproductive effect.

Although I am not at the top level of existence in Divine Race, whether it is friendly or hostile to me, Divine Race has to admit one thing, that is, I am definitely a troublesome character. Although I can't do such great abilities as Hongjun Sect Lord and Tathagata Buddha, I am an authentic Divine Race killer for ordinary Divine Race. The attribute that doubles the Divine Race battle strength is not for nothing.

With my status, who can not sell me a bit of face except those powerful gods in Divine Race? But this guy dared to speak harshly to me, especially under the current situation. I'm not a fool. The group of chasing soldiers in South Heaven Gate has directly explained this guy's current status. I am afraid of you being a ball for this kind of falling water dog?

"I'm going to see how you let me scattered ashes and dispersed smoke?" I said, shaking my wrist fiercely, Eternal immediately retracted and pulled the guy in front of me, and that guy No longer clamoring, but swept back with an azure glow. I instinctively leaned back to let the azure glow, and at the same time pulled my wrist again, I was pulled back in an eternal moment, and the guy was preparing to attack, suddenly the strength on his waist tightened, and the whole figure looked like a spinning top Generally, he turned backwards, and the huge force forced him to turn more than a dozen times in a row to stabilize his figure, but when he just recovered his stability, I found that I had already rushed in front of him.

"Don't be bully intolerably!" The guy shouted furiously.

“You’re an idiot like you!” I cursed the other side without stopping at all. I directly stroked the ears with two peaks, and patted the other’s ears with both palms. The guy blocked his arms. But my movement still didn’t stop. The failure of Shuangfengguaner was immediately kicked flying with a heartfelt kick, but that guy was as slippery as a loach. Although the foot was not light, he didn’t make a place at all. On the contrary, With the help of my foot, I opened the distance and turned and ran. "Damn, do you have a professional ethics? Run if you can't beat it, are you Divine Race?" I put cruel words on my mouth to stimulate the guy to stop and fight back, without stopping, and just chasing up with an acceleration.

Although the guy was very angry by me, he now knows his situation, so he doesn't talk nonsense with me at all. He still runs with his head down, trying to get rid of the chasing soldiers. Seeing that guy runs so fast, I know I can't compare the endurance with him. This guy looks like a Divine Race. Although my attribute has twice the formidable power of Divine Race, it relies on speed when chasing. He can use divine force to accelerate, but I can’t. In a short time, it’s nothing. I must not be able to run him long. But he is a troubled Divine Race. He can only rely on his two legs. I am not as shabby as him.

"Yeying, catch up with that guy for me." Riding on Yeying and strolling all the way to the guy's side, I looked at the guy who was still running said with a playful smile. with a smile: "This man is really amazing! I can run evenly matched with my nightmare divine seed on my own two legs. I don't know what kind of animal the man is?"

I This is of course irritating the guy. In fact, Ye Ying is now trotting at best. It is really necessary to let Ye Ying let go at the speed of this guy’s running speed in a few minutes, but we are not in a race, so I just let Ye Ying keep running at the same speed as him, and the guy who forced him had to accelerate again and again.

Actually, the speed of Divine Race can reach a very terrifying speed. When you really want to reach the limit, let alone Night Shadow, even if I bring out Asuka summon, it will not be an opponent. But Divine Race is different from ours. Their speed is supported by divine force, and the faster they fly, the greater the consumption. Some special acceleration methods are even faster than light, but the side effects are also great. If it's just general acceleration, it's okay to say that the divine force is a bit tired after running, but if some forbidden methods are used, it may cause the mana to be permanently degraded. Of course, there are even more exaggerated ones, such as Heavenly Demon Disintegration, which can even cause the Fleshy body to collapse and lose all mana. But once the forbidden method is used, the speed is absolutely unlimited, basically as long as you Set a goal, and you can immediately appear in that place with a swish, which is more exaggerated than teleportation.

Although the method of speeding up escape is very common in Divine Race, the guy in front of him is afraid to use it because he escaped from Celestial Court. Generally, those who dare to use Heavenly Demon Disintegration spells like Dafa are members of Great Influence, and they basically encounter the situation of the tiger falling into the sun. After using this spell, although they will strengthen great injury, they will escape to their own influence. There is no need to worry about the safety of life, their enemies will definitely not dare to chase after the door. But this guy is different. Although I don’t know which force he is a member of, since Celestial Court sent troops to chase him, he definitely has the ability to chase him to his hometown. He can still go to his home without using that kind of damaging spell. Fight it, once you use it, you really have to wait to die.

"Hehe, why don't you talk, this man? It's not a problem to run like this all the time! Why don't you stop and chat about he he tea?"

That guy heard What I said was when I was deliberately distracting him, so he ignored me at all, but he knew that the trouble was in the next second. I saw a sudden flash of rays of light in front of him, and a sword qi shot the space tearing out of the crack. He forced him to stop his steps and turn around to dodge, but after the sword qi flew by, it was near Space Crack. A crack like a large spider web appeared as if the pierced glass, and the space that just listened to bang was suddenly completely shredded, and a biting sword qi accompanied by a white silhouette was killed out of the Space Crack.

"holy sword ——rays of light ten thousand zhang." Lingling who rushed out of the Space Crack instantly released a big move. The sky suddenly turned into a vast expanse of white, and the guy only felt the surrounding His entire space collapsed, and Wandao sword light was mixed together to surround him from all directions, and it was simply inevitable. In desperation, he had no choice but to support the formidable power of the mana protection. However, unlike what he had imagined, the formidable power of the sword was not too strong. Although it was considered to be a relatively powerful trick, it was absolutely unconvincing. The power of rising is not commensurate.

"Oops!" After discovering that the formidable power was wrong, the guy immediately realized that he had been fooled, and the facts were exactly as he had guessed. When the rays of light were pulled away, he found that another angel was holding a beautiful shield like a work of art and smashing it in his face.

Jingjing's crisp voice sounded above his head. "Shield strike!" When there was a sound, the arrogant guy was photographed by such a simple move, and when he shook his head full of Venus and wanted to restore balance as soon as possible, another crisp 'S voice suddenly sounded.

"In my name-the bondage of darkness."

The bondage of darkness is a very simple low-level spell. Generally speaking, it can only interfere with the action of the opponent, but Ling is not an ordinary person. She was the dark Goddess of the past. Although she can't compare with before, but because of my high level now, her strength has been restored to more than half. This dark bondage is not a simple bondage if she uses it. It's that simple.

The guy originally wanted to restore his balance, but suddenly he felt as if he had an extra chain on his body, and instantly received all his hands and feet together. Although he could still open his arms when he tried hard, he still wanted Use a lot of strength, and if you don't pay attention, you will be gathered together again.

It was even more unlucky to be hit by a dark bondage after being stunned by the shield strike, but that guy's bad luck did not end there. Just as he tried to break free, a ringing bell suddenly rang. He instinctively felt that there was a problem with the ringtone, but he was not under control at all. He felt his eyelids heavier and heavier, and finally fell asleep completely.

After that guy fell asleep completely, luck suddenly flew past him, grabbed his falling body with one claw, and flew back towards South Heaven Gate, while standing at this moment Lucky's back is the little demon that I don't use very often. The little demon is singing Banshee, a kind of ancient seed family that has been extinct in modern times. It can be said that they are the magic dancers in the NPC. They are good at phonological spell, spiritual spell and physical combat. The bell sound just now belongs to the little demon. One of the skills can hypnotize the enemy when it is in poor condition. Although this is the first time I have seen her use it, the effect is surprisingly good, and it succeeded in one shot.

I took back most of the demons and rode my luck to the South Heaven Gate, but only halfway through the flight, I ran into the celestial troops and generals who were chasing me. Erlang Shen was shocked when he saw me returning on a lucky ride from a long distance, and then he found the prisoner held by the lucky paw and felt relieved. at first, he saw me returning alone and thought I hadn't caught up with that goal, so he was worried. Now he is relieved when he sees the captives.

I commanded Lucky to keep the captive into the heavenly soldiers, and then I took him back, and I fell lightly in front of Erlang Shen.

"True Lord Erlang is really dangerous this time!"

"Yes, yeah!" Erlang Shen said with a pleased smile: "If it wasn't for Purple Moon, brother Let the guy run away in time, then our group of Divine Weapons who are performing the task are all in trouble! Fortunately, my brother stopped this guy today."

"Me too." I and Erlang Shen politely asked: "By the way, who is this guy?"

"This...I think you should go back with me! When you get to the great hall, you will understand."< /p>

Although I am puzzled why Erlang Shen told me to go back, I still followed him back to Celestial Court. Anyway, I plan to check out. But after entering South Heaven Gate, I found out that Celestial Court is now a mess. Fairies and fairies are cleaning up the beaten up messy buildings. On the other side, there are some high level Divine Immortal. Fix things like Formation. The entire Celestial Court looked like a battlefield where a melee had just happened, and both sides of the battle had been bombarded with rockets.

"Damn, I haven't been here for a few days? Why did it happen?"

"Don't say you haven't been here for a few days, even if you came yesterday afternoon That's not the case!" Erlang Shen complained: "Anyway, this time the matter has gotten bigger, the boss is very angry, and we are all involved. But you don't need to worry, you are not a regular establishment of Celestial Court, even if the boss asks for trouble. I’ll blame you. On the contrary, you might be able to win a lot of votes this time."

"Oh? There is such a thing?"

I was originally I was very confused about the prisoner I caught before. Now I am even more confused when I hear Erlang Shen say this, but since he said that someone will explain to me before, then I am not in a hurry.

Follow Erlang Shen all the way to Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace. The situation here is better than the outside, but there is a clear palm print on a pillar as soon as you enter the door. It seems that this is also one of the battlefields! With my head full of question marks, I finally met the heads of Celestial Court, but it was the Jade Emperor that made me almost laugh. The guy didn’t bring his Golden Crown today, but was wrapped around his forehead. There was a circle of white cloth, and there was a red bus in the middle. If it weren't obvious that the shape of the red bus was irregular, I would have thought that Jade Emperor had joined the ranks of Japanese Ronin!

"Jade Emperor, what's wrong with you?" After finally suppressing the smile, I quickly and diligently asked.

Jade Emperor covered his head with one hand and said angrily: "Oh...don't mention it! Buddhism guys are really a bunch of unfamiliar wild wolves!"

I The monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out. He glanced at Taibai Jinxing next to him, and wanted him to come out to answer. Who knew that Taibai Jinxing pointed at the Tathagata Avatar sitting next to him. After I turned my gaze over, the Tathagata Avatar was helplessly sighed and said, "Purple Moon, don't ask anymore. Anyway, I am embarrassed this time! You only need to know that some of the people who have surrendered Buddhism in India have regretted it. That’s it, if you want to know the other details, just ask Taibai!"

Erlang Shen originally said that I would know the situation when I got here. Who knows that the Celestial Court gang is there, one or two of them are there. I played Tai Chi with me, and after asking about it, I still didn't figure out what happened, but I finally knew that something was wrong with the Buddhism group of surrendering people.

Supreme Taoist who stood aside suddenly intervened at this time and said: "Purple Moon! This time the matter is more complicated and has a lot of implications. For Celestial Court, it is a family shame, so don't ask too much. . But now we have some things we need to ask you to do."

"Huh? I want to do things again? Did you still not settle the account of Tianzhu last time?"

"This is not a problem, just go to Treasure Cave with Taibai to collect it when you leave. However, you must make sure to help us complete this task as soon as possible."

"Let’s talk about the task first. . If it’s too hard and it’s beyond my abilities, then I won’t be able to help."

"It may be troublesome for others, but it’s absolutely simple for you." Supreme Taoist said: "I heard that you just caught a prisoner who escaped, but what you don't know is that more than 30 people ran out before you got here."

"You don’t want me to go. Catch people?" I instantly guessed the intentions of the people in Celestial Court.

"Yes." Supreme Taoist said: "This time the incident is very oolong, it is too embarrassing to say it, anyway, Celestial Court is now in a mess, and internal problems must be adjusted, so in a short time There is no way to concentrate on catching people."

"So you think of me?"

"Don't you happen to have a Divine Race killer attribute?"

"That's right, it's just that I, the Divine Race killer, is not omnipotent! At least you have to let me know who I am chasing after? I can say it first, the highest cannot exceed True Lord Erlang this level, if there is a monkey like Sun Wukong, please invite brilliant! It’s okay to say that you can’t find a monkey at that level. If you really run into it, you can still decide who will catch whom!"

"Don't worry about this, Celestial Court won't let you go to death." Supreme Taoist said, took out a Supreme Absolute Eight Divinatory mirror and threw it to me. "This is the mirror of returning to the sky. After encountering the target, you can temporarily block the opponent's spell by reflecting the sunlight on him. With your melee fighting ability, as long as you can't use the spell, even Monkey Sun hits you. I have to stumble, not to mention that there is not such a strong presence among those guys."

"Things are good, but is there anything else?"

"Of course." Supreme Taoist said With a wink, a god next to him immediately walked up with a tray.

After the god will walk in front of me, I stretched out my hand and lifted the red cloth on the tray, and saw a white mist bead and an iron ruler on it. "What is this?"

"The bead is called the Sleepy Fairy Bead. A special array can be activated with only a weak force to pull all the high level lifeforms within the range of the magic bead into one space. The person holding the magic orb can set the environment of the world in the orb according to their own wishes when starting. When you find the target, you can activate it to pull that person into it, so that you are not afraid of the other party running away. Of course. After activation, you will be trapped in it. Unless you can control the opponent, you can’t get out. As for the other treasure, it is a fixed ruler. When you encounter an enemy, you can use this ruler to attack. Opponent, it can shape your opponent in a certain form."


"Well, it is stereotyped. Because this time there is a different kind of existence in your target. , Once he restores his physical form, it will be very troublesome, so you'd better fix him while he is still in human form, so that there is no danger."

"Everything is good, but all are for this character. Special items are of little use to me except for hunting down. You have to give me some reward, right?"

Supreme Taoist and Jade Emperor, they scolded me for being greedy, and took so many things. Not satisfied, but pretending to be as it should be by rights, restrained his temper as much as possible. "This remuneration... To be honest, Celestial Court has been really difficult recently. The last time we supported you to fight Tianzhu has already spent almost all our savings. We will have nothing left after paying the balance later, so..."

"Hey, you guys can't be rascal! I'm a small business and can't afford to be in arrears!"

When I say that, Jade Emperor and Supreme Taoist are also helpless, two people The eyes turned around, and then Jade Emperor's gaze suddenly stopped at one place, and Taibai Jinxing's gaze was also locked there. I saw that they had been looking in that direction and turned their heads in confusion, and then their jaws almost fell off in shock. "Aren't you going to use her as a reward?"

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