Red matter-a super energy conglomerate.

After a night of hard work, the researchers of our guild finally figured out most of the properties of red matter. This kind of viscous liquid like honey has extremely strong energy, and the energy contained in it is about equivalent to the energy of a colorful magic crystal of the same volume.

In terms of chemical properties, the red substance itself is extremely unstable and is easily oxidized by oxygen in the air. After experiments, we have confirmed that the big explosion that occurred at the Isenger Magic Crystal Power Research Institute was caused by oxidation. However, oxidation is only an inducement, not a direct principle of the explosion. It is the accumulation of energy that actually triggers the explosion. Red matter itself has high energy, and it can conduct energy outwards through energy channels to weaken its own energy, which is similar to ordinary magic crystals. However, unlike ordinary magic crystals, red matter has a more violent reaction when it loses energy and gains energy.

The physical properties of ordinary magic crystals will not change after the loss of energy. For example, scrap white magic crystals and energetic white magic crystals are simply not different except for the color, but red matter different. When it loses energy, it will undergo a decomposition reaction, and the excess substance inside will be released in the form of crystals, and finally a fixed substance similar to a scrapped magic crystal will be formed, and the remaining red substance will be restored to its standard. Energy Density. If the red matter continues to lose energy at this time, it will precipitate a solid again, anyway, it will automatically ensure the energy stability of its liquid part, until its internal energy is completely exhausted and become a solid.

Compared with the loss of energy, the red material is more terrifying when it gains energy. Generally, a magic crystal has two reactions when it receives energy input, one is receiving energy, and the other is directly exploding. The high level magic crystal can be recharged by charging, while the ordinary white magic crystal cannot be recharged. When the high level magic crystal reaches the upper limit, the same as the white magic crystal, it cannot be recharged, and once it continues to be charged Yes, it will explode immediately. At this point, red matter has similar characteristics, but it is completely different from magic crystal. Regardless of whether it is a white magic crystal or a high level magic crystal that is already full, you must input enough strong energy to make it explode. This energy must first break the energy balance of the magic crystal, and then cause an explosion, so whether it is a white magic crystal Crystal is still a high level magic crystal full of energy, and it is not easy to explode. But red matter is different. It only needs a little energy to be excited, which means it is extremely unstable. The aforementioned oxidation causes an explosion because of its characteristics. When the red matter comes into contact with the air, oxygen will oxidize the red matter, and the oxidized product cannot store energy like the red matter itself. However, the energy stored in the oxidized red matter disappears out of thin air, so in the end these excess energy Will be imported into the remaining red matter that has not yet been oxidized. But if this is the case, it is equivalent to charging the remaining red matter, and the result is only one-explosion. This is the main reason why red matter cannot exist in the air.

After an overnight analysis, the researcher at the Institute finally gave me the result that the red matter can basically only be used as a bomb besides being used as jet power. The main problem is that red matter will crystallize after releasing energy, which means that a large amount of solid waste will be formed. The jet engine is okay, anyway, the waste formed at the end is sprayed out together, but this thing is not suitable for general power equipment. However, the researchers of the research team said that this is only temporary. If suitable power extraction equipment can be made, this red material can still be used as a high-efficiency energy source. In addition, our overnight research has produced a more important result, that is, the processing and production of red matter does not necessarily require the use of magic crystal. Although it is also very cost-effective to produce red matter at a ratio of 100:1, it would undoubtedly be a better choice to produce red matter directly without using a white magic crystal, and we have just discovered this method now. In fact, the main component of the red substance is silicon, and there are some other substances, but they are all common things, so the raw material cost is very low. The reason why white magic crystal is needed as the raw material is because of the energy in it, not the ingredients in the magic crystal. Researchers in our guild have now come up with a charged magic array that can absorb heat and light energy and convert it into magic energy to synthesize red matter. The desert where the steel city of our guild is located does not lack these two energies. So we plan to build a large red matter production base near the steel city. This thing is much simpler than the magic crystal steam bomb, and the formidable power is also much larger, so you don't need to use it for nothing.

Building a factory is a big project. Although it is planned, it is impossible to produce results immediately. So in the short term, magic crystal steam weapons are our research direction, but now I have no time to deal with magic crystal steam weapons. The research is progressing, because the account at Celestial Court should also be closed.

Before helping Celestial Court fight Buddhism for so long, our guild can be said to have suffered a heavy loss, although in the end it was finally defeated, the price we paid was not a star and a half. However, Celestial Court at first gave a lot of benefits. At least many building materials and high-level supplies were directly provided by Celestial Court, and Celestial Court also gave many NPC soldiers as compensation. Of course, those are just advance payments, and the real accounts have not yet been calculated. In the past few days, Nobunaga oni was messing with me. I didn’t have much time. In addition, Celestial Court was also dealing with Buddhism’s legacy, so there was no time for a while, so I kept delaying. Now I’m free. Celestial Court should be available too, just in time to collect the bills.

After talking about the red matter with Rose, I teleported to the teleportation point outside South Heaven Gate, and then rushed to South Heaven Gate to collect money. Who knows that I always South Heaven Gate, which was all open, turned out to be closed today.

"Huh? What's the situation?" I walked to the South Heaven Gate in doubt, and then stretched out my hand to pat the door. Who knew that the door opened before the hand was patted, but what happened? Not the guardian of the gate, but a gust of wind. No, I should talk about a silhouette like a gust of wind.

"Stop him!" As the silhouette flashed past me, a shout came from the door, and through the crack of the door I could see that it was Erlang Shen who was calling.

When I found out that it was Erlang Shen calling for interception, I immediately moved, turned around and shook my wrist, eternally instantly turned into a long whip wrapped around the silhouette of the foot, and followed I yanked and banged the man from in midair.

Seeing me holding the man, Erlang Shen hurriedly called out: "Purple Moon, hold on, don’t let go!"

The man who was held by me I was also anxious for a while, suddenly turned around and stared at me and said, "You mortal dare to intervene in the Divine Race matter? If you don't let go, you will not be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!"

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