Under our command, the debris removal work was quickly completed. After all, our guild has a lot of engineering personnel, and this is our base camp, so it is natural to work quickly. When everyone was clearing the ruins and repairing the building, I had signed the final agreement with Ashford and the Gunner, but the Gunner and Ashford were gone, but I couldn't get off.

"Does blueprint have a backup?" In a newly built experimental field in the desert near the steel city, I brought a crystal communicator to communicate with the military god, and a large group stood beside me Of researchers.

"Blueprint has been backed up, and I also recorded the data during the experiment."

"Then you send the data here immediately, I will see what it is. My magic crystal power research institute exploded like that."


Through the large crystal communicator, we quickly received all kinds of information from the military god. data. As soon as the researchers around me got the data, they spread out to do their own work, while the huge crystal screen on the other side of the wall showed that more people were analyzing the data.

Actually, the place where I am now is not a laboratory. Strictly speaking, it should be called an experimental site. The previous mysterious substance almost reimbursed the entire Magic Crystal Power Research Institute. I didn't want to happen again, so I used this place for experimentation. Now this place is our guild specially built place for the research of those particularly dangerous materials. There are large energy restrainers under the ground and overhead, which can suppress the explosion energy. Although the destroyed Magic Crystal Power Research Institute also had this kind of equipment, it was a medium-sized one, and its suppressing force was not very strong. The one installed here was a super-large one, and there were two upper and lower ones. The suppressing force was higher than that of the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute. That set of equipment is dozens of times stronger. In addition, for safety, we have also specially reduced the production volume. Last time only one drop was synthesized, the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute was blasted down by half. This time we plan to synthesize only 0.1 gram, so even if it explodes, there should not be much huge might. And even if it really explodes, we are not afraid, because the only thing working here is the player's trumpet, except for the cheap simple remote control magic puppet. The cost of the simple remote control magic doll is very low. Anyway, the experiment does not require too much athletic ability, and the cost is naturally easy to control. Since the players' trumpets are only Level 20, they are not afraid of death at all. As for although I was on the scene, with my defensive power, as long as I was fully armed, the explosive power could not hurt me.

Under the careful operation of a group of experimenters, the substance was quickly extracted. In fact, based on our analysis of the data, we concluded that the simply produced by the machine recorded on the blueprint is magic crystal steam, but a more terrifying thing-concentrated liquid magic crystal. In the end, we used laboratory methods to experiment with the production principle of that machine to come up with a little finished product, but we can only see it with a magnifying glass. After all, this thing will explode. Exploded.

"This is the thing?" I asked when looking at the crystal bottle that the experimenter was holding carefully.

"Yes, the president, this is the thing." The experimenter said excitedly: "We just tested it. The energy density of this substance may have reached the energy level of the colorful magic crystal. Besides being unable to repeatedly charge energy and automatically recover energy, it is almost a liquid colorful magic crystal."

"So awesome?"

The experimenter continued excitedly: "Of course, we must know that we consumed nearly a hundred times the volume of white magic crystal in order to synthesize this point! But if we can mass-produce liquid colorful magic crystals, it would be worthwhile to consume a thousand times the white magic crystal. "

I nodded to express that I understand that, after all, the value of colorful magic crystal is too high. If you can really exchange white magic crystal for colorful magic crystal, even if it is 100:1, it is extremely cost-effective. "By the way, the thing exploded as soon as Isengard synthesized it. Wouldn’t it be okay for you to put it in the bottle?"

When I said this, the experimenter immediately said The face proudly flaunted: "President, don't underestimate this bottle. This is my proud invention. There is a floating magic array under the bottle, and the substance in it is suspended in the center of the bottle without touching the bottle, even if it is of nature. No matter how unstable the substance is, it can’t react with the bottle without touching the bottle body. In addition, I added a gas repelling magic array at the mouth of the bottle, so the inside of the bottle is actually a vacuum, which can also eliminate the occurrence of gas and content. The probability of the reaction. And the bottle can actually change color, if necessary, it can be completely turned into an opaque state, so that it can be used to hold some substances that are easily decomposed by light. Hehe, how? I designed this The small bottle is amazing, right?"

"Yes, it's very useful. But why did the substance in this explode last time?"

"This is temporarily It’s not clear. We just did a little experiment to see if this kind of container can prevent its explosion. Now that it is safe, we plan to produce more, and then use it for various experiments to see what its various properties are. How about it."

"Okay, let's start right away."

At my urging, everyone started to get busy immediately, and the personnel in the remote monitoring center were also there. They are busy doing data calculations. Although they can't go to the scene to operate, it is actually enough to manipulate one or two people. They can also participate in the experiment when they calculate the data in the rear.

After more than half an hour of busy work, we have produced a few kilograms of that substance. If it is put into the bottle, it can be filled with a two-liter Coke bottle. After we had these materials, we began to conduct qualitative tests.

Several remote control magic puppets have launched a device that looks a bit like a large hair dryer. According to the experimenter next to it, this is an atomization device that can atomize liquid substances into extremely tiny particles. Spray out, and it can precisely control the degree of atomization and spray speed. Originally, this thing was used to test the best burning value of liquid combustion products, but because this unnamed substance itself is extremely unstable, we can only use this thing. After all, it is best at blowing out high-explosive substances without hurting itself.

For safety, we finally got the equipment to a place similar to a wind tunnel before we started the experiment. Several remote-controlled magic puppets carefully connected the crystal bottle to the raw material port of the device under the control of the researcher. According to the experimenter’s explanation, this atomizing spraying device and the bottle are matched, so the substance in the bottle will not touch air or other things, and will only be sucked into the atomizing device and atomized by the magic array in a vacuum environment. , And there is absolutely no contact with any substance before spraying out the atomization port, which ensures that even strong corrosive substances can be easily atomized.

After the connection was completed, we immediately hid in a defensive array, and then dared to start the atomizing spray device. According to previous explosions, that kind of thing should explode as long as it touches the air, so I guess that the sprayed out after atomization will probably not be a water mist cloud but a huge pillar of fire. But despite our mental preparation, we were taken aback when the thing actually came out. I saw a loud explosion sound at the nozzle of the atomizer, and a huge fire column nearly 100 meters long was sprayed out. The reason why the fire column was only sprayed so long was not because its formidable power was not enough, but because of the wind. The hole is so long, and there is a big fan on the other end, blocking the flames. But compared to this nearly 100-meter-long pillar of fire, the other side is even more amazing. The ejector was originally fixed on the ground. Who knew that as soon as it started, it easily broke the eight steel wires that fixed it and flew forward like a missile, and then hit the fan at the other end of the wind tunnel. There was a big explosion with a bang.

"Fuck me!" The researcher who had been solemnly vowed before and explained how the device is safe was dumbfounded in an instant, but fortunately, he reacted quickly and hurriedly crushed a remote control crystal, and then saw you A large amount of light blue low-temperature gas was injected into the channel instantly, and within a few seconds the entire channel was frozen into a large ice mound, and the equipment finally stopped.

Seeing that the researcher wanted to review himself, I quickly stopped him. "Now I just want to listen to the research report, you should get that thing out quickly!"

After more than half an hour of busy work, the frozen wind tunnel was finally reopened, and the bottle Special substances were also taken out by us. This time I was lucky, or the big talk of the researcher before was not too fake. Although his ejector did not really guarantee 100% safety, it sealed the crystal bottle at least at the last moment, so in the end, although the ejector itself was blown up, the crystal bottle was preserved, or else once The bottle shattered, and the unidentified substances in it flowed out, and the fun was great.

Because of this accident, we finally had to use a lot of small bottles to disperse the contents of the bottle, otherwise we could not afford another accident. In view of the fact that the previous experiments were too dangerous, all subsequent experiments were changed to ultra-micro experiments. Although it is more difficult to collect data in this way, it is always safer.

After a night of fighting, by the second day of dawn, we finally figured out most of the characteristics of this substance, and because of the external characteristics of this thing and its own attributes, and the super explosives in a movie are very Like, so we named it according to the name in that movie-Red Matter.

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