In fact, the three of our discussions are nothing more than the future distribution of benefits. On the surface, the magic crystal steam technology is just a weapon, but it is the result of wild guesses by people who don't know how to do it. The Japanese made the magic crystal steam bomb, which is actually using gold as bricks. It is possible that the Japanese themselves do not know its actual value, or they know it but cannot use it, or the Russians are technically stuck with the Japanese and intentionally not Let them make full use of the magic crystal steam technology. In short, the magic crystal steam technology can not only be used to make bombs, as if petroleum can be processed into weapons such as napalm, but its real significance lies in its powerful energy and chemical applications. The process of steaming the magic crystal solid is actually a bit like the cracking process of petroleum. Although the magic crystal finally produces only one product, that is, the magic crystal steam, its scope of application is not much smaller than that of petroleum products. The previous agreement with those guilds was to weaponize the magic crystal steam in the shortest time. It was a temporary agreement to deal with the Japanese magic crystal steam weapons, but as a research and development organization, our three guilds finally It will inevitably embark on the road of popularization of magic crystal steam technology, and once this powerful technology is mastered by us, the entire world will also undergo major changes. In order to cope with the upcoming changes, we need to reach an agreement in advance. , So as to avoid friction between our three major guilds and lose strength to each other.

In fact, the content of this agreement is very simple, and it is only a framework agreement, there are not many specific clauses, the binding force is not too great, it is just a product of compromise. However, because this thing is not very binding, and the three of us have our own fixed spheres of influence, there is no excessive wrangling between us. After all, everyone understands our own strengths and we didn’t take anything that shouldn’t be taken. bump.

The final agreement roughly stipulated that Asia belongs to our Frost Rose League, the Holy Gun League has control of the entire North America, and the Iron Crusade will gain actual rule of Europe. As for the remaining continents, then It depends on everyone's strength. Only meat that can be eaten in your mouth is called meat.

After we reached an agreement, everyone began to sign the agreement, but we were writing well, and suddenly the whole room was shaking after hearing a loud explosion sound. At this time, we can see that the strengths of the three of us are different. The guy Ashford slipped directly from the seat to under the table, while the Gunslinger turned the chair over, and the whole person followed the chair to the back. , I was the only one who didn’t fall, but unfortunately I broke the pen in my hand.

"What kind of plane?" I stood up and walked to the wall and patted the crystal stone on the wall. "Military god, what's the matter?"

"Did the Japanese come here?" Asked Ashford, who had just gotten up from the ground.

"No. I just detected an explosion in the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute, the only city inside, not an external attack."

"Sorry two, I must go first Look at the situation. Now that the agreement has been reached, it will be the same when you sign it. Do you want to sign after I finish processing it or leave first to find another time?"

"Let’s go and see what’s going on first. Come on!" Ashford said, and the gun god also agreed with nodded.

As soon as we walked out of the room in Isinger’s Ground City, we saw that a place in the Isinger Sky City hanging upside down was billowing thick smoke, and several areas nearby were still There was a serious fire. It seems that the formidable power of the explosion just now was very large, otherwise it would not even explode in the Sky City and even the ground city would feel.

After arriving at Isengard Sky City with the Gunmaster and Ashford, we discovered that the actual damage was much more serious than expected. Many buildings here have varying degrees of damage, but thanks to Because Isinger’s architectural style is mainly tall and majestic, the buildings are relatively heavy. Most of the large fortress-like buildings have only the decorations and windows on the outer walls destroyed, and the main structure is basically unaffected. What's the impact, but just because the damage is the exterior wall, the damage looks very serious.

The gun god saw the bombed messed up building and laughed at me and said: "I thought that only us Americans would be attacked by terrorists. Didn't expect you to be worse than me!"

"Go, who told you that this was a terrorist attack?"

The so-called terrorist attacks are generally performed in public using the Supervision Section to monitor the ordinary commoner. This is relatively weak. An attack launched by a loophole, and this kind of attack generally has a main feature, that is, the location of the attack is always a place with a large flow of people and a complex environment, but now it is the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute of our guild that is bombed. That's a scientific research unit, let alone outsiders, because irrelevant players in the guild can't get in, so how can they be attacked? Besides, the entire Issinger Sky City is only open to laymen in one third area, and other areas are forbidden to laymen. And this Magic Crystal Power Research Institute happens to be in a non-open area. Doesn't this make sense!

"President!" We were rushing towards the explosion, and suddenly we ran into a player who was bombed covered in dirt, and there was only one arm left, and the other It's gone.

"Do you know what's going on here?" I asked while summon asked Xiaochun to treat him.

The player suddenly knelt down with a crying expression on his face. "President, kill me!"

"What are you doing? Why did the explosion happen?"

"It's all my fault!" The guy finished. This sentence fell on the ground and started crying.

"Don't cry! What's the matter? The best way for you to atone for your sins is to let us solve the problem as soon as possible, otherwise the losses caused by you will get bigger and bigger!"

When I said that, the guy recovered immediately. He cried and said what happened. After listening to it, Ashford and I both looked surprised. As for Gun god, that guy is in a cold sweat now, not for anything else, just because of the blueprints we got in the Snow Demon's House before.

At that time, we were robbing others on the site, so there was no time to identify what those blueprints painted. At that time, the gun god and I just determined that the things were blueprints of some kind of technology and then put them away, and didn't look at them carefully. After that, to save time, we threw the blueprints directly to the research institute as soon as we came back. But what makes people didn't expect is that the research exploded when we only had a meeting, and the reason turned out to be the blueprint. When I returned from Russia before, I reached an agreement with the Gunners. Our guild was responsible for the research on blueprint, mainly because our guild’s technical analysis capabilities were much better than those of the Holy Gunners, so the Gunners didn’t grab it with me. Besides, we are all under this technical system anyway, and the final data will be shared, and there is no big difference between who studies it. Only now did the gun god lament that it was thanks to him that he didn't have to take a copy back to study, otherwise it is estimated that his guild would have become a ruin now.

The magic crystal power research institute of our guild itself has a protective cover to protect the internal research institute from being damaged by external attacks, and secondly, it is to prevent accidents. Although today's explosion has caused a certain impact, it is also due to this protective cover, otherwise the damage will definitely be even more serious. However, the Holy Lance League of the Gun God does not have such protective measures, and compared with our guild, the Holy Lance League is piled with gunpowder everywhere. If there is a serial explosion, it will definitely raze the entire city to the ground. The thought of the gun god here makes his forehead sweaty.

According to that member’s statement, the things recorded on the blueprints we got back were not the design drawings of the stabilizer processing equipment we had previously thought, but a kind of technical equipment that we were discussing just now. ——The design drawing of the magic crystal steam energy equipment. Our Guild Magic Crystal Power Research Institute quickly figured out the principle of this production equipment after getting this blueprint, but it takes time to build the production equipment, so they wondered if it could be done through laboratory methods. Get some finished products to see the effect, and the result naturally directly caused the explosion. Originally, in accordance with the rules and regulations established by our guild, such unidentified energy substances need to be tested in a special laboratory before they can be brought to the research institute for further research, but the player in charge of this project was too excited at the time. And everyone is anxious to know the result, so they ignored the safety operation specifications and experimented with some finished products. Who knew that although the thing was used as a power raw material, it also needed to add a stabilizer for safe storage. As a result, they exploded as soon as they produced the thing, and the formidable power was so big that the entire Magic Crystal Power Research Institute collapsed in half. If it weren’t for the energy restraint equipment and the protective shield outside, most of the explosion energy was suppressed. , It is estimated that the research institute and a large area nearby will have to be reimbursed as a whole.

"Okay, we know the situation, now is not the time to cry, you should go to the medical unit for treatment first, and I will take care of it here."

This explosion is not only Destroyed half of the Magic Crystal Dynamics Research Institute, and also killed and injured a large number of high level researchers. The players among these people are no problem, but the NPC is impossible to resurrect. This loss is absolutely terrifying, but angry. It's useless, things have already happened, and all we can do is try our best to deal with the aftermath.

Under the command of the military god, the nearby NPC troops and engineering NPC rushed over and began to clear the ruins and rebuild the research institute. Now is the time for the magic crystal steam weapon to be tackled, and the research work of the magic crystal power research institute must be resumed immediately. In addition... the dangerous substance that caused the explosion must also be sent to a special research institute for analysis immediately. This thing is said to be an energy substance, which is even larger than the formidable power of the magic crystal steam bomb. According to the researcher, they extracted a drop of that substance at the time, and the result was such a great destruction. How mighty it is? If this thing can be turned into a bomb, then there is a ballpoint pen that sinks a battleship, and a glass of beer can level a city. Thinking about it, I feel too terrifying!

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