"What the hell is going on? Why are everyone running around?" A woman suddenly walked out of the guarded gate. Of course, she didn't walk out of that special space, but walked in through the external corridor actually connected by the door, but it didn't matter, what was important was the identity of the woman.

"Natasha?" All the women in the Snow Demon House screamed, and a few seconds later they suddenly reacted and collectively took a step back and made me, the Spear God and the Frozen Banshee. Let it out.

As the crowd retreated, the counterfeit pair of Gun God and I immediately matched the two original products. The real Natasha who just came in from the outside was stunned after seeing the other one herself and the two ice-bound Banshees. Obviously she didn’t know what happened before, but she reacted pretty well and quickly figured it out. After finishing the matter, he probably quickly stood beside the frozen Banshee who was standing alone. "President, what's the situation now?"

Frozen Banshee first looked at Natasha who walked in front of him in surprise, and then suddenly reacted and pointed at the gun god and said, "Don’t be deceived. Now, that Natasha is disguised by the American gun god, and the guy who pretends to be me, he is actually Purple Moon!"

All the players were stunned by the ice-bound Banshee shouting so. Click, and then the eyes began to shift back and forth between us. It is now clear that one of the two teams must be fake, but the problem is that there is no direct evidence to prove who is the real one, so they don't know who to trust.

Seeing that everyone is still hesitating, Banshee suddenly quick witted in an emergency, pointing to the door and shouting: "By the way, I just saw them emptied our equipment, and they cheated. You said that I wanted to sabotage the equipment. As long as everyone goes in and takes a look, you can prove who is lying."

When I heard her words, Gunner and I knew it was bad. "No, I can't open the door now." I stood in front of the door and said, "They want to take the opportunity to destroy our equipment. Once the door is opened to let them in, our equipment will not be able to keep it."

"hmph, it's obviously you Be a guilty conscience yourself. Since you said I would destroy the machine, then I won’t go in. Can you just assign two people to come in and take a look?"

I wanted to say that since there are two imposters coming in. There may be more pretenders, but you can't say that when you think about it, after all, this is too far-fetched. Even if there are many pretenders sneaking in, the number can't be more than the people in the guild, right? Therefore, if you just refer to a person, even if it is possible to refer to the pretender, it is more likely to refer to the person in the real Snow Demon House, so this method of speaking of which is too far-fetched. However, I was not asked by the other party, but made a decisive decision. "No, since you said that, I will let you give up." I said suddenly pointing to the two players who had been sent to guard the gate before: "You follow me in, and the others who stayed outside help me keep an eye on the counterfeit. Don't let her rush in while we open the door and sabotage."

Because of the strict terms I said, and there were no loopholes in the content, the surrounding players started to trust me again. , So they all carefully stared at the frozen Banshee and the real Natasha.

The people outside stared at the ice-bound Banshee and they, and I entered the space with the two girls who were guarding the gate. Of course, the space has been emptied by us, and it is naturally one You can see who is lying when you come in. The two girls almost realized that they had been fooled when they came in, but I knew how they would react from outside. They naturally moved much faster than them. Before the two of them opened their mouths, I rushed forward one by one. Both palms slashed to the back of the two people's necks at the same time, stunned them instantly.

The player will be resurrected after death, but if they are unconscious, they can only be forced to log off if they want to notify the outsiders, and then use real-life telephone and other tools to contact them. I did this to let them I can't tell the people outside right away that they have an accident, at least until I leave the Snow Demon Castle with the Gunslinger.

After stunned the two, I immediately summoned Emménis and Princess, and then asked Emménes to disguise herself and Princess as the two girls with illusions and walked out with me. . The people outside didn't know what happened in the room, they only saw us walk in after ten seconds. As soon as Eminice walked out of the room, she pointed to the frozen Banshee and shouted: "She is a pretender, there is nothing wrong with it, everything is in place, and simply hasn't moved. The two of them are the pretenders."

Frozen Banshee was silly when she heard this answer. Her first reaction was that these two were also pretenders, but to be honest, even she herself didn't quite believe it was true. It’s shameful to be sneaked into by outsiders in your own guild. You even sneaked into four at a time, and you also got yourself, the true guild leader, being chased by people in your guild. The guild leader became this. There is nothing to say on the failure.

Although Frozen Banshee could not be beaten because of local words, the other guild members were not as emotional as her, they just suddenly attacked the Frozen Banshee after hearing the confirmation news. Although he dared not attack, Banshee and Natasha still had to defend themselves, and the two sides quickly fought together. In fact, there is a very simple way to distinguish between true and false, and that is to check the battle record. The latest system change in "Zero" restored the battle information, but it cannot be viewed in the game. It can only be seen when the attribute panel is called out in the wait-for-login mode. Although it is a little troublesome, it is the easiest way. But now that the situation is so urgent, no one would have thought that this time, they would patronize and fight there.

Seeing that the people in the Snow Demon House started fighting on their own, I quickly winked at the Spear God. Although I don't know why I asked him to leave, the gun god quickly touched the door and opened the door and ran out, and I also hurriedly sneaked out with Emiennes and Princess. As soon as he left the door, the gunman asked in a low voice: "What's the matter with them?"

I didn't speak, but snapped my fingers. Eminis and Princess immediately cancelled the illusion and returned. In the training space, the Gunslinger knew everything at a glance. Since these two are both impersonation, it means that the person who followed me in before must have been subdued by me, but it is impossible to trap the player, so exposure is only a matter of time. Anyway, now that the things are in hand, it doesn't make much sense to stay here, and it's justified to run away right away.

As soon as we left the frozen Banshee, we discovered our actions. Then, based on her and Natasha’s explanations, we added the already not in trouble between me and the gun god. In front of the huge evidence, those members finally believed the words of Banshee Frozen, and by asking some little things that outsiders impossible knew to prove that the two were indeed true, but the process took ten minutes to end, and at this time we It's already far near the Russian border.

"I said Purple Moon, you brat's pet is really useful!" The gun god and I sighed on Asuka's back against the wind.

"Come on! It's a bit reliable when others say this, and the taste will all change when you say it."

"Okay, I won't laugh with you." Gun God With a straight look, he said, "Let's talk about it. From the United States to Russia, how do you want to cooperate with me?" At this point, the gun god paused deliberately before continuing: "Especially with the current set of things." < /p>

"I want to jointly develop the magic crystal steam weapon system with several major guilds in the world that can talk to us."

"The related technology of the magic crystal steam weapon system is very complicated , The only way to achieve results in a short period of time depends on our union. But how do you plan to unite?"

I will talk about the methods of monetary cooperation and technical cooperation that I said in the guild. I said separately, and then said: "For your holy gun league, I prefer technical cooperation."

"Then which part do you want us to be responsible for?"

" I hope that the Holy Lance League can be responsible for the design of the magic crystal steam weapon."

"You will be able to use people." Although not all players of the Holy Lance League use muskets, they have to admit that The Gun League has the best gang of musketeers in the world, and matched with it is the gunpowder weapon design and development capabilities of the Holy Gun League Peak. It can be said that the Holy Lance League basically has a weapon design and practical system similar to that of an arms company. If the final carrying weapon of the magic crystal steam weapon can be taken care of by the Holy Lance League, it can at least be done without changing other things. Improve 30% of formidable power.

I didn’t deny the gun god’s jokes, but took the initiative to admit: “Assigning the most suitable tasks to the best people, isn’t this the basic ability that a president should possess? Although now It is to assign tasks to various guilds, but the general meaning is the same."

"So which guilds have you contacted?"

I submitted the list one by one Gun God, then said: "These all are relatively large guilds, and it doesn’t matter even if the strength is insufficient. Anyway, the technical subcontracting is done by the large guilds, and the small guilds only pay for it. By the way, if you agree Join our plan, then you'd better give me the two sets of equipment in your hand. You should know that we will have an advantage in technical disassembly."

"Joining is affirmative, but the final result The distribution should be discussed carefully."

I also relaxed after the gun god agreed to join the joint system. No matter what bargaining chip the gun god wants in the end, as long as he is willing to join, everything is easy. . After returning to Isengard with four sets of equipment, I immediately handed the things to the research institute for disassembly and research, and I rushed to the special conference hall with Hong Yue with roses. Although this special Conference Hall is in Isengard, it is just like the United Nations Headquarters. It is not for our own use, but for external meetings. At this time, there has been a circle of people sitting here, and all of them are great characters. They are the heads of the guild who participated in the magic crystal steam weapon technology decomposition contracting plan. Here we need to discuss the specific technical subcontracting and the interest ratio of each guild after a one-time discussion, otherwise it will be troublesome to talk to each other in the future. . Of course, the most important point is that we have to sign a guarantee agreement. The content is that when friction occurs between these guilds here, magic crystal steam weapons will be included in the category of prohibited weapons. This agreement will be guaranteed by the system. Make sure that the weapons we make will not hurt ourselves.

Because we signed a framework agreement with each other during the first meeting with these guilds, this meeting was not as complicated as we imagined. Most of the general inter-organizational meetings will evolve into a battle of interests, but because we initially limited the framework to the dead, so there is not much to eat between everyone, and in the end it only took one night to get the final agreement. come out. According to the agreement, the total research and development cost of the magic crystal steam weapon will be as high as 1.3 billion crystal coins. Among them, the three guilds of the Frost Rose League, the Iron Crusade and the Holy Gun League will be responsible for all the technical development work. The next guild only pays for it. However, our three guilds do not only produce technology. In fact, out of the 1.3 billion, our four guilds have to solve more than 700 million, and all the remaining guilds together are responsible for more than 500 million. Of course, less money will eventually be distributed with less benefits. The three guilds responsible for the research will finally share the technology with each other to ensure that all three will get all the technical data. When we use the magic crystal steam weapon, we can produce it ourselves, and those guilds that pay can only get a part of simple peripheral technology. , The core materials will be sold to them by our three guilds at a slightly higher price than the cost price. Of course, this price will also be different due to the difference in the capital they invest now. The materials bought later will be cheaper if they pay more. . But in any case, they only need to buy the core materials after all, which is definitely much cheaper than buying the finished product directly. As for the finished products of magic crystal steam weapons, our rule is that all guilds have the right to sell them, but they must be notified when selling them, so as not to be bought by our enemies and beat us back.

After the signing of this cooperation agreement, we signed an agreement to prevent the proliferation of magic crystal steam technology and a memorandum of understanding between the guilds. It can be regarded as a temporary peace agreement with a slight binding force, but if it is really going to be broken It will not be too severely punished, after all, it is just a memorandum of understanding and not a mandatory agreement.

In this agreement, our guild accounted for the largest proportion. Half of the entire technology research and development project was undertaken by our guild, but in contrast, more than 700 million belonging to our three companies Our guild only contributes 100 million yuan in funding. The Iron Crusade and the Holy Gun League will jointly invest more than 600 million yuan. After all, we have invested a lot of technology, let alone our core technology.

After the signing of the agreement, the guilds were dispersed immediately, the guilds that paid the money went to transfer money, and the guilds who provided the technology began to subcontract research projects. Of course, there is a technical department for research, so the presidents of our three guilds naturally don't have to do it personally. After all the guild members left, Ashford, the Gunner and I sat in another secret Conference Hall and started a secret conversation about a new agreement.

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