At first, I was still wondering that the gunman came to Russia so long before me. Why did he run behind me? I walked around in the Snow Demon Castle. When he came out, he unexpectedly went outside the Snow Demon Castle. Now I have to enter the Snow Demon Castle to figure out why he is so slower than me. It turns out that he went to investigate. When I turned into a frozen Banshee, this guy immediately became another woman. This woman is a high level player in the Snow Demon House, but her identity is rather special. She is the operator responsible for managing the internal system of the Snow Demon Castle, which is equivalent to security Captain. This position of our guild is automatically managed by the city tree, and other guilds without the city tree can only find someone to replace it.

Because this woman is a security captain, she can walk around in the snow demon castle without being suspected, but at the same time, because she is in charge of the castle’s defense system, she spends most of her time They all stay in the control room, and most people are not allowed to enter the control room, so the probability of piercing is relatively small. The Gun God guy took a lot of work to get into the Snow Demon House, otherwise it would be impossible to investigate even such a core thing.

Although we intend to pretend to be, we didn’t transform into the castle directly, because the ice-bound Banshee is now inside the castle. If we suddenly ran in from the outside, it would be easy to expose, so we still use it first. My previous method broke into the vicinity of the castle from underwater, and then entered the castle from underground. But this time I also learned my skills. Instead of digging into the basement, I dig directly up the wall, and finally dig up to the upper level of the warehouse before I penetrated the wall and entered the interior of the castle. Although it is more troublesome to excavate in this way, the victory lies in safety, at least it will not be blocked in the basement again.

Compared to the basement with only one exit, the working and living areas on it are much more spacious. Not only are corridors extending in all directions, but the various rooms on both sides of the corridor are also myriad. Although it is easier to meet people in this kind of place, it is relatively easy to hide, not to mention that we have now become the image of the frozen Banshee and the guard Captain, as long as we don’t run into them or meet people who have just met them. Then nothing will happen.

"Hey, you have been investigating for so long, have you investigated the location of the core secret?" I quickly repaired the wall with pre-prepared water while there was no one nearby. By the way Ask the gun god if he knows where our target is.

The gun god helped me pour water on the wall and whispered: "You said it is a core secret. If I can find out, it is still a core secret?"

"Damn, that would be troublesome. I ran a lap here before. The roads extend in all directions, and there are no fewer than thousands of rooms. We can't search one by one, right?"

"Originally, I was planning to get in and ask someone to ask. After all, the two people we are imitating are members of the Snow Demon House with a certain status, but I am worried that I asked the wrong person. After all, my guild If there is this thing, I will not let everyone know where the secret production workshop is. If I ask someone who I don’t know, it will arouse people’s suspicion."

"That’s right!"


I continued to repair the wall while sighing. There is a slight difference in color between the wall that has just been frozen and the wall nearby. I suffered a lot from it the previous time, so this time I have to learn a lesson and polish the ice layer slightly so that it looks like the wall next to it. It's almost up. But I was polishing the wall, and suddenly I heard a shout from behind, which almost didn't scare my soul out.

"President, you are here!" A long and lively girl quickly ran to me and dragged my wrist back, still saying: " The Sith is looking for you everywhere. The raw materials sent by Zhukov were not pure enough last time, and they were full of slag. They almost blocked the machine's feed inlet. Come and see with me!"

Damn, what do you mean by someone giving you a pillow if you want to sleep? Just now, I told the gun god to find someone to ask. If there is no guide, someone will take the initiative to show me the way. It's really a day to help us! But I reacted very quickly. I took the gun god's hand and said, "Natasha, come with me. I'll talk to you later."

"Oh, okay. "The gun god is also a personal spirit, so Lima played the role with me.

The girl who is pulling me seems to have no doubt about bringing one more person to me. It is probably the reason why the identity of Natasha that the gun god pretended to be. The two of us were pulled all the way to the upper floor of the bottom warehouse by the girl. Unlike the bottom floor which is full of warehouses, only half of this floor is the warehouse area, and the other half is some utility rooms. Although it is also a warehouse, the piles of goods are not goods, but sundries. We followed the girl until we reached the door of the utility room at the deepest point, and then the girl grabbed the doorknob and pushed the door open a small slit, and then she closed the door again. Because I don't know the road with the gun god, we didn't say anything to the girl's strange behavior, just watched attentively. After the girl closed the door, she pushed the door open again to a certain angle, and then closed it again. After that, she opened and closed it twice, the angle was different each time. We didn't pay attention when we opened it for the first time. Only now we discovered that there was a copper track under the door, and there were scales on the track. Obviously, it was designed to facilitate the person who opened the door to find the position. As for the number and angle of opening the door, it must be something like a password.

Sure enough, girl pushed the door open for the seventh time after closing the door six times in a row, but this time she opened the door to ninety degrees in one breath, and then she walked in first. Seeing her entering me and the gun god immediately followed in sharply. The girl closed the door and walked to a pile of tables, chairs and benches deep in the room, and then kicked on one of the legs of one of the chairs. That chair leg was kicked down immediately, but the girl’s foot was automatically retracted as soon as the chair leg was retracted. When it bounced, it was obviously a mechanism. After doing all this, the girl walked straight back to the door of the room, and then grabbed the doorknob. The gun god and I were both taken aback, is she going to go out now? However, we soon understood the mystery. When the girl grabbed the doorknob and pulled it aside, what appeared outside was not the corridor we had entered before, but a translucent silver light curtain, which was obviously something like a Transmission Gate. After the girl opened the door, she watched us not move, and immediately urged. "President, what are you doing standing there? Come in now?"

"Oh!" The gun god and I quickly came back to his senses from the astonishment, quickly walked over and followed the girl through that Road silver light curtain.

The space behind the light curtain is not large, only the size of a standard basketball court. However, although the area is small, there are many things here. Half of the space that is not too big is occupied by steel cylinders as high as one person, and on the other side of the space is a row of open wooden boxes, which contain something I am very familiar with— —Scrap magic crystal.

as everyone knows, white magic crystal is basically a one-time consumable. Although waste products can also be used as light bulbs or processed into other things, the characteristics of magic crystal itself basically only need internal energy Depletion is equivalent to scrapping. But at this time, I found that there were at least ten tons of scrapped white magic crystal piled up in this room, and several huge machines in the center of the room were roaring, and a group of beautiful MMs were busy putting boxes of scrapped white magic crystals. The magic crystal is poured into the feeding port of the machine, and a row of dozens of huge steel cylinders are connected to the other side of the machine.

After seeing everything in the room, the gun god and I looked at each other in surprise, because we all didn’t expect that the raw material of the magic crystal steam stabilizer would be scrapped white magic crystal. It is simply a subversive thought. We simply didn't expect this thing to be a stabilizer material.

"President, take a look!" The girl who pulled me over pulled me to one of the boxes. There is no white magic crystal in the box at this time, but there are still a lot of rocks and some residues of unknown things under the box, which seems to be a lot of weight. Seeing me staring at the contents of the box in a daze, the girl immediately complained: "President, do you think Zhukov's gang is impatient? They gave us such a defective product. Look at this piece." She I handed over a large piece of scrapped white magic crystal. As soon as I took it, I immediately found a large piece of impurity in it. After all, magic crystal belongs to natural mines. It is not the same as iron ores that need to be forged again. After the magic crystal is mined, apart from separating the outer rock crust, almost no processing is required, and the non-processing determines the magic crystal. There are bound to be some messy things inside, of course, the most are ordinary rocks. Generally, if there is no requirement for purity, this kind of ore with impurities can also be used directly. Anyway, what the magic crystal needs is the energy in it and not the appearance. Impurities will not affect the energy release of the magic crystal itself. Of course, if there are special needs, such as equipment such as this machine, then it must be cleaned. However, the cleaning operation itself is not easy. After all, the magic crystal itself is not stable. Even if it is scrapped, it may explode if it is shattered. Therefore, the cost of dealing with this kind of impurities is very high, and guilds generally use them directly, without removing them at all.

"The impurity composition of this ore is indeed too much!" Although I know that there are impurities that are natural attributes of the white magic crystal, but now I am disguising the ice-bound Banshee, so I still have to follow the ice-bound Banshee The stand and tone of voice speak.

When the girl heard what I said, she immediately waved her fist and said, "We gave them so much money, and they even used this thing to fool us. President, do you think we need to take Zhukov? Will their guilds be taken away?"

"Although this thing does have a lot of impurities, it won't go to war with them, but it can still teach them a little lesson." I tried to imitate the ice seal. Banshee said in a tone.

At this time, another beauty came over and said to me: "President, I heard that the Japanese have begun to use magic crystal steam weapons against the Chinese. As the war started, when the time comes The demand for magic crystal steam will definitely rise sharply. I think we should prepare more stabilizers in advance, otherwise when the time comes temporary production, I am afraid that I can’t keep up with the consumption rate. If the production is less, the loss will be all It's money!"

"That's right." The girl who pulled me over also said: "And that Zhukov, the ores he gave us are too scumbag, which affects our business. Ask them to lose money and lose them."

As the girl was talking, the door outside suddenly opened. Before anyone walked in, I heard a girl’s excited voice shouting: "Haha, Xiao Xiah quickly give the money, I said I can find the president first?" With that lively voice, a long and very sunny girl The sporty beauty jumped in directly from the door. She had a smile on her face when she first jumped in, but she was stunned when she looked up and saw me. "Huh? President, why did you come in in front of me? Didn't you always follow me?" The girl pointed at me in surprise and didn't know what to say, but then she turned her head back when she heard the footsteps behind me What surprised her even more happened when she went. I saw another ice-bound Banshee walked in from outside, she was taken aback when she saw me standing inside, and I was also nervous. Now it’s troublesome, the true and false ice-bound Banshee hit a piece!

"Hurry up, who are you?" Frozen Banshee asked harshly after a moment of daze. She can’t figure it out if others can’t figure it out. After all, I’m posing as her. Others can’t tell which is real and which is fake. Of course she knows that she is real, so she is also the one who reacts fastest, but I am not much slower than her reaction.

"hmph, let’s talk about who you are first? What do you want to do in our guild pretending to be me?" I immediately pushed back with the ice-sealed Banshee's tone, and engaged the snow demon on the scene. The players in the house are all looking at the left and right, not knowing who to believe in.

Banshee was only slightly angry when I called the imposter, but then she sneered again. "hmph, although I don't know how you pretended to be me, you are definitely not me. As long as we confront each other, you will definitely be exposed. I advise you to admit it yourself."

Hearing what she said, the MMs of the nearby Snow Demon House immediately took a step back neatly and turned my neighborhood into a vacuum zone. Obviously they also think that the frozen Banshee is reasonable, but the frozen Banshee ignores it. A person. I saw the gun god suddenly stood up and said: "hmph, you are a fake guy. I came here with the president. We discussed the repair of the castle in the control room before, except for the real president. No one knows the secrets in the castle. What's more, even if the pretender knows these, why does he come to discuss with me to repair the castle? Is this unclear? That's why you are a fake. Sisters, don’t be fooled, let’s join together. Come, get rid of his disguise."

The paragraph before Banshee Frozen was very persuasive, but now I have an additional witness, and Banshee Frozen is obviously not as persuasive. Me. The people around didn't expect both of us to pretend. After all, in their opinion, there are few people who know Camouflage Technique, and even fewer people who can pretend to be so realistic that they can even deceive the past by detecting spells. , So they all didn’t expect that two counterfeit goods will appear at the same time. After all, in terms of probability, the probability of a single counterfeit product appearing at the same time is much lower than that of two counterfeit goods at the same time.

Frozen Banshee panicked immediately after discovering that people nearby saw that his expressions were all wrong. "Hey, I'm the real one, don't be fooled by him!"

"hmph hum, don't hold on to you as a counterfeit anymore. After all, we are in a guild and we are in each other. But it’s much more familiar than you. It’s useless for you to pretend to be like this. Let’s get rid of the obediently surrender disguise."

"!" Frozen Banshee was angry at me and said What's more, she is the real ice-bound Banshee, but she is compared to me by this fake. The people nearby obviously didn't believe her, which made her feel even more angry. "Natasha, don't believe her, I'm the real Frozen Banshee." I don't know if she was dizzy, and Frozen Banshee actually tried to prove himself to the gun god. In her consciousness, she was misunderstood because of the testimony of the gun god, so she wanted to correct the point of view of Natasha, the gun god. Of course, Gunslinger himself is a participant in our plan, and no matter what Bingfeng Banshee says, he will definitely not help her.

"hmph, just your acting skills, it's okay to deceive outsiders. The people in our guild and the president are very familiar. Even if you pretend to look like an outsider, you still have some weak spots. Yes. You five seconds, when I count to one, if you still don’t surrender, don’t blame us for being polite.” The Gunmaster started counting after speaking, and simply didn’t give Frozen Banshee a chance to explain, and he counted back. It's very fast, it's only five seconds at most three seconds and it's counted. After counting the last count, the gun god immediately shouted: "Everyone, let's catch this pretender."

The members of the surrounding Snow Demon House immediately pounced on the ice-bound Banshee. , After all, it seems that our reliability here is much higher than that on the other side, so they don't hesitate to rush up together. Frozen Banshee was suddenly attacked by people from his guild, feeling angry and anxious in his heart. Explain? No one listens. You can’t fight. If you hurt someone, the other party will definitely be more sure that she is a fake. But you can’t stand and let yourself hack yourself to death, right? The only way now is to run away. Frozen Banshee wanted to understand and immediately turned around and rushed out of the room, and the surrounding MMs immediately chased them out.

Looking at a large group of MM chasing Frozen Banshee and rushing out of this space, the gun god and I almost broke our intestines, but because we were afraid that someone would come back suddenly, we didn’t laugh, and Smile back to laugh, our hands are not slow at all. Gunslinger and I quickly cancelled the disguise state, because in this state we can't use the ability that the other party doesn't have. Now we need to move things quickly, and we must use our respective abilities.

After exiting the camouflage mode, I quickly opened my own Phoenix and Dragon space, and the gun god also threw a crystal ball and turned it into a huge black hole. Following us, each of us released our own magic Pet started to snatch those machines in the room. Although there are a lot of equipment here, there are a total of five sets, so there are enough points. Both Gun God and I only took two sets. The remaining set is not good for anyone to take, so I just don't move. Anyway, one set is enough for dismantling and research. After installing the machine, we divided the completed stabilizer cylinders, and finally we found some blueprints in the room. After taking the blueprint with the crystal recorder, I gave the original image to the gun god. Anyway, the data is this thing, as long as you don't make a mistake, the copy is simply the same as the primordial sample.

After installing these items separately, the room was completely empty. Gunner and I hurriedly took out the coins and planned to continue to impersonate, but we didn’t wait for us to unplug the outer shell of the coin and we saw outside. Suddenly, the door opened again. Frozen Banshee rushed in from the outside with a distorted face, wielding two frost swords in his hand and slashed at me without saying a word.

"Fuck me, you crazy woman!" I held Banshee's Frost Sword with a sword, and only heard a click, the eternal blade cut directly into the Frost Sword. Half an inch deep, and as the ice-bound Banshee continues to press down, it is still gradually deepening. "God of guns, you can block me first."

As I shouted, the gods of guns immediately inserted between me and Frozen Banshee to help me block Frozen Banshee's attack, and I Then he stole the coin and swallowed it. After holding back the extreme nausea and swallowing that pile of things, I immediately joined the battle group again. With the beginning of the transformation, the battle strength of the gun god and I also gradually decreased. After all, after the transformation, the strength is changed according to the target character and the lowest attribute of myself, so the strength will definitely drop significantly, but the gun god and I are both experienced. The character, even if the attribute is not good, will not be killed immediately after two hits. Soon the transformation process ended, and the two of us became the images of frozen Banshee and Natasha again.

"Force her to go out." As soon as the transformation was over, I immediately said to the gun god.

The gun god immediately understood what I meant, and accelerated the attack rhythm with me. Frozen Banshee was slashed by me after a horizontal cut. Her body was already out of balance and she was swept away by the gun god. The whole person immediately flew out and fell out of this space.

After the ice-bound Banshee was forced out, the Gunner and I quickly jumped out. As soon as the Gunner came out, the Gunner quickly changed hands and closed the door. Only then did we discover that there were a large group of people outside. , But at this time Banshee Frozen is trying to convince everyone that she is real.

"Don't believe her, she wants to destroy our equipment, don't let her succeed." I pointed to the frozen Banshee and shouted.

Frozen Banshee immediately retorted: "No, you have to believe me, the contents have been emptied by them, please stop them together!"

"hmph, You don’t want to be there anymore.” The gun god said to the MM who spoke to us before: “Sith, you arrange for two people to guard this door. No one is allowed to open it until this fake is caught, so as to prevent him from opening it again. Disguised as someone else to mix in and destroy."

"Yes." The MM named Sith immediately assigned two people to guard the gate, while the others surrounded the frozen Banshee in the middle.

Ice-bound Banshee saw that no one believed her, and tears of anxiousness came down, but now she is elusive, and can only be anxious there.

"Let’s go up together, get her up quickly." Seeing that the form has been controlled by us, the gun god immediately ordered everyone to go together again, making full use of the ice-bound Banshee’s unwillingness to attack his own people. She is cheap, but before everyone can actually do it, a sudden situation has broken our excellent situation.

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