"no no no." The gun god leaned on a tree and said leisurely: "You think of the frozen Banshee too simply. The shell we found, indeed It is used to cover, but not to cover the Snow Demon’s house, but to cover a guild organization called Yuri’s Revenge Association. The magic crystal steam weapons you see in Japan are all assembled in Japan, and most The raw materials are all sourced from Japan, and the only thing that is really transported from here is the magic crystal steam stabilizer. This thing is the key to making magic crystal steam weapons, and the polar bears are impossible to give this technology to Japan. People, so they can only produce by themselves, but this Yuri’s Revenge Association is only responsible for the final formulation of the stabilizer, but they do not have the final formulation of the stabilizer. They only hold the final mixing ratio and most of the stabilizer. The composition of the materials, one of the most critical materials was all shipped from there." The gun god said and pointed in the direction of the Snow Demon Castle.

"That means that the real core technology of the magic crystal steam weapon is in the hands of the Snow Demon House?"

"Otherwise, what do you think I am here for?"

"OK, even if we are sure that they have the core technology now, how do you plan to get in? I have just been chased out from inside. I have already understood the situation there. In this state, I probably don’t expect to get in anymore."

"I really didn’t expect dignified Purple Moon, the president will have trouble." The gun god proudly took out seven or eight from his body. A coin with a strange shape was handed over.

I took the coin and looked at it repeatedly. This is not a currency recognized by the system, and the symbols on the surface look more like magic arrays than ordinary patterns. "What is this?"

"Pretender coin. It allows users to copy all the external features of any lifeform except behavior and habits. You can easily fool any spell that detects camouflage, as long as your If you don’t show your feet in your behavior, you will never be discovered."

"There is still such a great equipment?"

"Of course, impossible is so great, and there are no restrictions on this thing. Less. First, this thing has a time limit. Each coin can only support the transformation for ten minutes, but you can continue to consume coins to ensure that there is no interruption in the transformation. Second, the transformation process of this thing takes nearly two minutes , Cannot be used in emergency situations. Third, once you use this thing to disguise, unless you exit the disguise state, you can only use the abilities of the disguised target, and all the abilities that exceed its upper limit or the opponent does not have you You can't use it. Of course, you can't use the ability that the other party knows you don't. The last problem is that the use of this thing is very different, and it is more annoying."

"Although there are many problems , But it’s enough to mix in.” I said, holding the coins in my hand and asked: “How do I use this?”

“Like this.” The gun god directly took the coin. A small seam on the side of the coin was torn, and then pulled hard, the shell on both sides of the coin suddenly bounced, exposing the black core inside.

"Chocolate?" This coin is actually the same as a coin chocolate that can often be seen before. It is only covered with a layer of tinfoil, and the inside is full of chocolate.

The gun god handed the coin that was pushed aside with a smirk to my hand. "Eat it, and then think about the person you are going to be."

I took the coin in doubt, but didn't eat it right away. Looking at the gun god’s smile is obviously planning to see me ugly, but I am very puzzled about the mystery of this thing that makes the gun god look at me with that kind of eyes. Although not quite clear what the gun god is doing, I lifted it up and smelled it. It smelled very strange. There was a smell that was very irritating to the nose, a bit like garlic, and it also had a smelly smell. After thinking about it, I clenched the teeth and stuffed the whole thing into my mouth. Before I started chewing, I immediately felt a strong terrifying stench filling my entire mouth. When the smell was rushing, I instantly burst into tears and nose. Going out together, it feels more uncomfortable than death.

"You bastard, deliberately hurt me!" I scolded at the gun god while holding a bottle of water to gargle there.

"hahahaha, don’t blame me for this. This thing smells like this, and I can’t help it. You are pretty good, I almost vomited out the overnight meal when I tried it for the first time. Okay. Don’t be too busy to rinse your mouth, quickly imagine what a person looks like, and experiment with the effect."

Hearing the reminder of the gun god, I immediately began to imagine the appearance of the gun god, and then I felt suddenly A faint layer of black smoke began to entangle me up and down, and my body began to transform into the shape of a gun god like melted chocolate. At the end of two minutes, the smoke surrounding me just disappeared, and my image at this time turned out to be exactly the same as the gun god. I took the mirror and said while shining in the mirror, "It really is exactly the same!" I realized that my voice had also become the voice of a gun god. Except for the tone, the tone was simply the same.

"How? This thing works well, right?"

I fisted a few times out of thin air, and then tried various skills, then frowned said: "The camouflage effect is so effective. It’s not bad, but the physical strength and agility attributes are restricted a lot, and the skills can’t be used anymore. The worst thing is that even the pets can’t be summoned."

"I said, After transforming, you can only use the power that does not exceed the strength of the target, and you can’t use the abilities that the opponent does not possess, including the armor set on you. Although it looks exactly the same as the one on mine, it’s a disguised entity. It's still your armor, so the actual attribute is actually calculated based on the weakest value of our two armors. Basically, the transformation ability of this transformation coin follows the bucket principle, and all data is based on you and your target. The lowest data calculation between time. If you are deaf and the target is blind, then you will be deaf and blind after you transform. Because you are deaf, even if you transform, you still can’t hear the sound, and the target does not have eyesight, you become If he succeeds, he will lose his eyesight."

"Fuck me, then I have become so powerful that you are all restricted. Wouldn't it be okay for the women in the Snow Demon's house to become weak? "

"This...I don't want to lose too much strength, can you become the ice-bound Banshee himself! Anyway, she is not much weaker than you."

"Okay, that's it It's settled, I'll become Banshee frozen. If you want to transform yourself into a goal, we will get in right away."

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