Rose looked at everyone and concluded: "The key to defending the city lies in the use of magic crystal steam weapons. As long as we have weapons that use the magic crystal steam principle, then the magic crystal steam The imbalance of power brought about by weapons will return to the previous situation again."

"But how can our guild have magic crystal steam weapons?" Cauldron Fan turned his head and looked towards Woma: "You are in charge of the technical department of our guild. How much has been researched on this magic crystal steam weapon? I heard that it has not been a day or two for the president to give you samples."

Freowned Woma explained : "We have got the samples for a long time, and there are a lot of equipment, but the most critical stabilizer synthesis formula is missing. You all know that the magic crystal vapor bomb made by the Japanese is very unstable and will explode if you don’t pay attention. In fact, that’s pretty good. In the magic crystal steam experiment we did ourselves, the steam started to react violently as soon as it was generated. Simply can’t be used, so we can’t do it either!"

"Is there anything wrong? There is no reason why the guild can invest so much money in something that Little Japan can make?"

"Hey, are you mocking our technical department?" "Woma asked angrily at Cauldron.

"So what? It was originally..."

There was a loud sound, and I slapped a palm print on the marble table in front of me. "Be on time for the big pot of rice, you shut up. What are the three rules of our guild?"

"I...!" The big pot of rice wanted to explain.

I glared at the cauldron and slapped the table again. "What are the three rules of conduct for our guild?"

"Yes...Use your brain when you do, and don't panic when things happen."

"What else?"

"Use more guns in your free time, and don't worry in wartime."


"Never engage in internal fighting, the muzzle is only for the outside."

"What were you doing just now?"


"This time, remember first, and next time I will let you go to the Guild Guardian Beast Clean up the stool." After scolding the big pot of rice, I continued: "The slow progress in the research of the magic crystal steam weapon is mainly because the scientific research funds are concentrated on the development of the mobile angel for Divine Race, which slows down the magic crystal steam weapon. The research speed, this is not Woma’s fault, but I decided after discussing with Ying and Hong Yue. However, from now on, the research on the magic crystal steam weapon must be put on the main agenda immediately, besides..." At this point I There was a sudden pause. "Rose, how much do we have disposable funds?"

"About 2.3 billion crystal coins, plus or minus no more than 10 million."

I nodded said: " In that case, immediately allocate one billion crystal coins to the research institute."

"What? One billion?" Rose was taken aback. "Are you crazy?"

"No, I'm not crazy." I looked at everyone and said, "Ghost Nobunaga has been suppressed by us for so long, and now I finally have a hand to counter us The weapons, naturally impossible, disappear, and the loss we cause will be immeasurable. On the surface, we are now investing a lot of money in researching magic crystal steam weapons, but magic crystal steam weapons are not only aimed at the Japanese. In the future, we Conflicts with any guild or individual can come in handy, so it is necessary to research it in advance."

Rose nodded said: "It is indeed reasonable to say this, but I I think it can be modified a bit."

"How to modify?"

"Very simple." Rose said with a smile: "Sooner or later, magic crystal steam weapons will appear in various countries. It’s in the sight of the guild, and the Japanese can’t beat us, so naturally they will unite with others to beat us. The so-called gunshots, our guild is not the world’s largest guild, but it is the world’s largest guild, so it’s like a gun god. Guilds such as the Holy Lance League would rather cooperate with the Japanese than with us, because we are far more threatening to them than the Japanese, but that was after the large-scale appearance of magic crystal steam weapons. After all, that At that time, these guilds without magic crystal steam weapons became a vulnerable group. As long as the Japanese are willing to sell the related technology of magic crystal steam weapons, they will unite with the Japanese to deal with us."

" So you mean we will find them to join in advance?" I asked unsurely.

Rose nodded said: "Yes, as long as we take out some of the technology now, coupled with our own research and development capabilities, I believe it can attract many people. And now there is one that is most beneficial to us. "The conditions of the situation." Rose said here deliberately paused, until our interest was raised, she continued: "That is compared to the Japanese who have used magic crystal steam weapons on a large scale in war. At present, we who have not yet mastered the magic crystal steam weapons and the guilds we intend to unite are all disadvantaged groups without magic crystal steam weapons. Although the technology possessed by the Japanese now makes them stronger, but at the same time They also isolated themselves."

Hong Yue nodded and said: "It’s no wonder that after the Russians came up with magic crystal steam weapons, they didn’t use them but gave them to the Japanese first. According to Rose’s explanation, Those Russians must be aware of the problem, so let the Japanese be the first bird."

I said with a smile: "Yes, polar bears have very developed limbs, but their minds are a little bit better. It’s not simple, but luckily we’re not dumb gooses either. Then we’ll find a partner right away, and then we will study the magic crystal steam weapon together. By the way, Woma, you belong to the technical department, and you know how to divide the cooperation method. Is it better?"

"As far as the magic crystal steam weapon technology is concerned, there are currently two better ways of cooperation. One is direct investment. The research institute of our guild belongs to the system building. If you drop the money, the research progress will be greatly improved, so the guilds can directly pay the money, and then we can take them to share after we release the technology. Another method is technical subcontracting. Magic crystal steam weapons involve a lot of things, The first is the safe liquefaction technology of the magic crystal. We need absolutely safe and cheap liquefaction technology. It cannot be produced if it is not safe, and mass production is impossible if it is not cheap. Both must be achieved to produce magic crystal steam weapons. Of course, except for the magic crystal Crystal liquefaction also has the purification technology of liquid magic crystal, the vaporization technology of liquid magic crystal, and then the safe storage and transportation technology of magic crystal steam, the detonation technology of magic crystal steam, the stabilization technology of magic crystal steam, and the energy accumulation of magic crystal steam. A series of technologies such as blasting or large-area detonation technology. Of course, there is also a practical launch technology of magic crystal steam weapons that the Japanese have not yet mastered. These things can be studied separately."

Rose immediately said after listening: "So, Purple Moon, you can contact some large guilds that can cooperate. If you have research ability, use their research ability to subcontract technology for them to research, but you don't have research ability. Let them pay, but they can’t get the technology for nothing. Of course, there must be an agreement in the end to ensure that the guild masters the technology will not leak the technology, and every guild with a relatively small investment will have to use the magic crystal steam weapon every time. Paying money to a guild with a relatively large investment is regarded as a royalties, otherwise we would be too at a loss."

I thought about it for a while and said: "In this case, one billion investment seems a bit too much, and then we will reduce it depending on the situation. You first set aside 800 million for me to prevent accidents. "

"That's okay, but are you thinking about which guilds to cooperate with?" "

"The Iron Crusaders will definitely not be able to escape. Except for ourselves, they must have a big head. I think it is necessary to bring in the holy gun league of the gun god. Anyway, he is the second in the battle strength list. Although the personal relationship between the two of us is not very good, it is not a deadly enemy. A strong man like him can pull it in. pull. The Sea God Temple will also be brought in. The Hot Blood League, the Northern Alliance, and the Anti-Japanese Federation cannot pull down any of the large guilds in the country. You can also recommend any guilds. "

Rose said: "I think I must bring the Rainbow Alliance. As for the other guilds, I don't think there is any need to pull in." By the way, those Indian guilds can think about it. "

"Why take them? "Hong Yue asked in surprise.

"Because the Indian guilds are not very aggressive, and even with magic crystal steam weapons, they can’t make waves, but one thing is very important. They can bring us a lot of money. The research power of Indian guilds is weak, so they can only participate in the cooperation plan by means of capital investment, so that our economic pressure can be much less. "

"This is a good idea. "

After confirming the cooperation plan, we immediately began to negotiate separately. All domestic guilds are handed over to Hong Yue. Anyway, she is Vice-President, Feng Yin Miomao is her brother again, and her identity is Absolutely enough. In Germany, the Eagle is in charge. Although he doesn't go abroad much, he still holds the title of Vice-President. In addition, the relationship between the Iron Crusade and our guild is relatively strong, and the negotiation does not require much. Skills, so he is enough. In India, Somei, Zhenhong, and gold coin are in charge. After all, the Indians are not very important here. We don’t care that we can’t talk about it, let alone use Sumei’s eloquence. It’s possible to sell Huyou, and we don’t worry about it. The last and most troublesome thing is naturally the U.S. side. Fortunately, Terry is not stupid after all, but after all, he is more outspoken and straightforward. , It should be easy to handle. The key is the Rainbow League and the Holy Gun League. Although Usina is also a female hero, she is a woman after all. Her gender is destined to be much stronger than men in bargaining, so she is relatively The side is more troublesome. The problem of the Holy Lance League is different from the Rainbow Alliance. The gun god is not as troublesome as Usina. The key is that the Holy Lance League is too strong. I am worried that the gun god will want to take the big mouth. This is the most troublesome. Yousina will bargain again. After all, the strength is there. Really speaking, she will not have too many hole cards to abuse us. On the contrary, the most indispensable thing is the hole cards. This is what we worry about most. Yes.

Worrying about negotiations, Rose and I set foot on the United States together. The most troublesome place is naturally only our husband and wife. Rose’s mouth and my fist, This is called an invincible combination.

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