After we arrived in the United States, we first went to the Sea God Temple, Terry’s fair and reasonable character plus the rose’s lips and this matter itself is a good type for everyone, so in the end we It only took an hour to complete the agreement. After leaving the Sea God Temple, we set the second stop in the Rainbow Alliance. Originally we thought that there would be a lot of resistance here, but to our surprise, Usina seemed so urgent for this cooperation, that the big rhetoric we prepared didn't come in handy at all. After we put forward the initial primordial agreement, Yusina eagerly signed it. We thought she would bargain with us. Who knew it was so easy to get it done? Even straight people like Terry asked us to modify a piece of content. , Usina is actually still refreshed by Bitterre, it is really the sun coming out of the west!

Leaving the Rainbow Alliance, this time the task will be completed. The last thing left is the Holy Lance League, but I guess the probability of the gun god and Yusina’s head having a problem is minimal, so the gun god will definitely be a hard fight on the gun god’s side, but what we didn’t expect is The gun god is not in the holy gun league.

"Where did he go?"

"Here." The person in charge of receiving us from the Holy Gun League pointed to the map on the wall and said.

"What did he do in Russia?"

The man was shrugged. "Only he knows this. The gun god guy has always liked to deal with things alone, and he rarely greets us in advance."

"Then when can he come back?" Rose asked.

The man still shook his head. "I don't know this either. Or he doesn't know it himself, maybe he will come back when the matter is finished."


The gun god is not in the Holy Lance League, This time, it was not easy to discuss with the general members, so I had to find the gunman. After thinking about it, I finally decided to go to Russia to find the gunman.

Rose also agrees with my proposal, but her opinion is that if I go to Russia alone, she will go back to the guild to take care of the resale job in Dingyuan City, so as not to be caught by ghosts again. Nobunaga was disturbed.

I separated from Rose after discussing what they were responsible for. After several transfers and air flights, I finally entered Russian territory. In fact, if it weren't for Buddhism, I would have come here a long time ago. Last time it was found out that the Japanese magic crystal steam weapon technology originated from Russia, so I planned to come here, but unfortunately the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes. After that, things kept going on. I didn’t come to Russia until now, and I still couldn’t. Go directly to the research and development organization of the magic crystal steam weapon, after all, finding the gun god is the most important thing now.

According to the clues provided by the Holy Lance League, the first target of the gun god is a small city called Sauer, and according to the map of our guild, this small city has stretched into the Arctic Circle. Fortunately, my armor is waterproof and anti-virus and it also comes with a permanent constant temperature, otherwise I would not dare to come over in such a cold place.

Riding the night shadow on the road into the city, the pedestrians on both sides, whether they are players or NPCs, are constantly pointing fingers to me. I know that they react so much because of my equipment and mounts. After all, this is already within the Arctic Circle. Except for players with high level equipment, most people have to wear a thick coat, so like me Those who don't wear a coat are definitely wearing high level equipment, and the gorgeous appearance of the Divine Dragon suit also proves its extraordinary. Of course, in addition to equipment, Night Shadow is also one of the key points that attracts attention. Not only because of Ye Ying's body color in this Snow and Ice World, but also because of Ye Ying's magic trick without a trace of snow. You must know that this is the Arctic Circle, and in order to increase the local characteristics, the game has deliberately strengthened the cold characteristics of the whole of Russia, and this Schott is even more cold and messy, even the main road of people coming, people going is covered with a With a layer of more than one meter thick snow, with Yeying’s untreated hoof, it should not be able to walk in a single step under normal circumstances, but Yeying walks on the snow with no weight at all. Along the way, I didn't even leave a hoof print. How could this not be eye-catching?

"Excuse me, have you seen this person?" I found that the people on the road are always staring at me, and I don't try to avoid it. Projected out.

"I haven't seen it." After seeing the image, everyone in the vicinity shook their heads like a rattle. A relatively young player looked at Ye Ying curiously and asked: "What kind of horse is your mount? Why won't you sink in the snow?"

"He is a nightmare "Walking in the void is his instinct. Don’t look at him on the ground. In fact, his hoofs simply didn’t touch the ground, but were always suspended in the air." I said casually and drove Ye Ying to run forward, because the front Sauter City can already be seen. The passers-by were very surprised that Ye Ying could sprint through the snow and stepped on the snow without a trace, but because we were too fast, they had no time to marvel at us and rushed over.

When I saw Sauter City from a distance, I felt that the blue color of the city was very strange. When I got closer, I discovered the true origin of the blue. It turns out that the city wall of this city is all piled up with ice cubes. At this temperature, ice is harder than iron plates, and at the temperature of this place, this thing of ice is almost like soil everywhere. There is nothing more economical and stronger than building a city with ice. And this kind of ice city wall is convenient to repair if it breaks. Simply boil a pot of hot water and pour it into the damaged area. The hot water will instantly turn into a large block of ice to refill the damaged area.

Looking at the unique city wall, I arrived at the city unconsciously. The NPC guarding the gate started to sweat when they saw me. Although they hadn't seen me before, the deterrent attribute wouldn't work because they didn't know me.

"Have you seen this person?" I am not so polite to the players to these NPCs. City defense NPCs are all combat units, no matter how good it is for them, it is useless. If ordinary free NPCs may be able to set up some related tasks, relatively speaking, it is the least polite to be opposite to the city defense NPC.

After seeing the image of the gun god, the NPC guards kept shaking their heads, but when I was about to put away the crystal ball, a sexy voice suddenly appeared behind me. "I know, President Purple Moon."

"en?" I thought I would see a beautiful woman, but after turning around, I was taken aback, because the snowman that appeared before my eyes turned out to be. Not the kind of gorilla with white hair, but a real snowman, a person entirely made of snow.

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