Seeing that Nobunaga Onishu finally ordered his troops to attack, I waved forward and simply commanded: "Attack."

After the order was issued, the troops on both sides quickly entered the attack state, but only our side charged, and no one on the Japanese side ran forward. In the past, Japanese players in siege wars wanted to move to the city wall and play close combat with us, but this time the Japanese players hope to never contact us, because now they have the magic crystal vapor bomb, which can strike at a long distance. Shanghai has already surpassed us, so close combat has become more disadvantaged for them.

In fact, the melee level of Japanese players has always been inferior to the soldiers of our guild. The reason why we have always wanted to fight close combat with us is purely because our guild’s artillery is too powerful to engage in close combat. If it is not good, we can fight a zero casualty war, so they know that the strength is not as good as ours and they must fight close. Now that we have the magic crystal steam bomb that stabilizes our head, they will naturally not be so stupid to play melee with us anymore. If it weren’t because they were the offensive side, maybe they simply wouldn’t attack, but kept defending until ours. Everyone was killed by the magic crystal steam bomb before shooting.

No matter what Japanese players think, our side will not let them take advantage of it anyway. After my order was given, the mobile angels in the first row immediately took a wing, and then squatted slightly, followed by a blast of fire from their backs, spewing out a flame of more than two meters long, and kicking their legs to the ground instantly and flew up. After jumping high into the sky, the mobile angels immediately turned their directions and began to dive down into the Japanese team. Before they were about to crash into the Japanese player's camp, all the mobile angels suddenly took out the shields hanging on their backs neatly and uniformly. hand also drew the super long two-handed sword from his waist. However, just as the first mobile angel was about to rush into the camp, a magic crystal steam rocket suddenly took off with a sharp whistle and flew to meet the mobile angel.

Seeing that the rocket is about to come into contact with the mobile angel, the faces of the Japanese players below have shown a triumphant smile in advance, but before the smile is fully unfolded, the corners of their mouths suddenly pulled down. Because the mobile angel that was about to be hit suddenly rolled over in the air and passed the small rocket, while the mobile angels behind seemed to have been commanded by a unified command, and at the same time gave way to let the rocket pass through. The rocket missed anything and passed straight through the group of mobile angels.

The Japanese players went from excited to stunned. Before the expression conversion was completely completed, they saw the first mobile angel crashing into the crowd with a bang, and this time they landed two Japanese players at the same time. Stepped on a rotten persimmon, the blood mixed with internal organs sprayed the faces of the surrounding NPC soldiers and blocked their sight. The mobile angel suddenly swept out with a huge two-handed sword in the flower of blood that suddenly exploded. Although some people thought of blocking it, the huge power of the mobile angel and the weight of the two-handed sword were no less than the weight of a battle axe. Not one or two people can stop it. As long as the super heavy sword is swung up, all its enemies can do is to dodge. Any attempt to block this heavy weapon is likely to result in being directly knocked into the air. Although the name of the sword is called a sword, the mobile angel has always used it as a hammer, which shows how terrifying the weight of this thing is.

As the first mobile angel landed, nearby Japanese players and NPCs were immediately beaten and flew around. Mobile angels, war weapons, simply don’t consider their own defenses. Unless they find a strong enough enemy, they will consider using shields. Otherwise, they simply won’t care about the weapons that attack them. Anyway, with their nearly two-inch thick alloy armor, Except for tomahawks and heavy hammers, general weapons rarely cause effective damage. Even assassins can do nothing with these big guys who have no weakness. After all, they can also pick unprotected vital areas such as necks for high-defense enemies. But the mobile angels are not critical at all. Their only critical point is the power core in their chest, and that thing is tightly wrapped under three layers of alloy plates totaling nearly six inches thick, even if it is directly hit by a cannon at close range. It may not be able to hurt that thing, let alone the knives of the assassins.

Looking at the mobile angel Guishou Nobunaga who was rampaging through the crowd, his teeth were almost crushed, but he couldn't do anything about it. He had expected this to be the case before the start of the fight, and now it is nothing more than turning predictions into reality. The mobile angel has no critical area, its agility is more than three times that of ordinary players, and its power is equivalent to more than 30 times that of ordinary players. The whole body armor is made of alloy forging, and even the seams are not found. The defensive power is close to the city wall of a small city. The most terrible thing is that these guys can fly, and they are also immune to mental spells. Simply are a group of monsters that can't be killed. In fact, what Guishou Nobunaga doesn't know is that even if the outer shell of the mobile angel is destroyed, it will not be completely scrapped. Adhering to the guild’s unique golem production technology, the mobile angel also has an inner skeleton structure like other golems that have been mass-produced before. That is, when the outer shell and limbs are destroyed, the mobile angel can completely separate the outer shell, and then keep it The core part protected by the chest cavity expands and becomes a skeleton-shaped magic puppet without defensive equipment. Because there is no shell, the defensive power of this skeleton golem is much lower than that of the mobile angel, but also because there is no shell, their speed can reach more than ten times that of the mobile angel. At this attack speed, almost no one can Survive. Of course, if even this core is crippled, Mobile Angel still has one final skill-self-destruct. The main function of this trick is to ensure that the guild’s technology will not leak, and at the same time, it can slightly deter those who attempt to destroy the mobile angel. After all, in order to completely blast the pure metal mobile angel, we have installed a formidable power. The horrible bomb is inside.

"Attention, everyone, don't get entangled with those large golems, they can't break it. Concentrate the firepower to blast the city wall." The ghost hand Nobunaga who knows that I can't entangle with the mobile angels finally finally He called out a correct decision, but it was a pity that his command failed to respond.

According to Nobunaga’s plan, someone in the team who carried the magic crystal steam bomb used the magic crystal steam rocket to attack the city wall, and then others swarmed into the city to destroy the core of the city. Even if they can't occupy Dingyuan City, the city will definitely not be able to do so in a short time, and this will buy them enough time to launch a second attack. But just after he yelled this sentence, although the Japanese players all launched the rocket according to his command, it was a pity that there was an accident midway. When the first rocket that was thrown out just appeared, there was a sudden blast on the battlefield with the sound of drums jumping along with people's hearts, but the rocket suddenly exploded in the air. At that time, the rocket had just been thrown out, and before flying out of the camp of the Japanese players, it suddenly exploded like this in the middle of the crowd. The consequences can be imagined. Several mobile angels close by were all tilted by the shock wave. After all, they weigh several tons. As long as they are not hit directly, the blast wind will not blow them so heavy together, but the nearby ones The Japanese players are not as heavy as the mobile angels. Those who are closer are blown into pieces on the spot, and those who are slightly farther away are blown away directly, and a large chunk of the battlefield is instantly vacant.

The sudden explosion caused the Japanese players to be stunned, but Nobunaga Onihand realized the problem in an instant. Unlike ordinary players, he knows that our guild will have a group of phonological professionals, and our guild is also the only guild in the world that uses phonological professions together.

Just when Onihand Nobunaga suspected that there were phonological professionals around, the city gate in front of him suddenly opened. A group of NPCs walked out of the city gate carrying a huge drum that could be used as a stage for performances, and on that drum stood a girl in gorgeous dance clothes. At first glance, the girl's face looks only fifteen or sixteen years old, but if you observe by yourself, you will find that she should actually be in her twenties, but because she has a baby face, it is difficult to determine her age. Although this girl looks very young, her figure is not small at all. It can be said to be abnormally fierce, let alone a girl, even a mature woman in her thirties who sees her body will sigh . This double S-curve figure and the innocent baby face make the girl on the drum look like a combination of an angel and a devil. The so-called angel face and the devil's figure are probably hers.

"Qunrui? Why are you here?" I was also taken aback when I saw the big drum and the girl on the drum lifted out of the door.

"I heard that we need help here, so I came over. Didn't expect really caught up!" Qun Rui smiled and looked at the blank area that was blasted out in the battle formation. . "I heard that the formidable power of this kind of bomb made of magic crystal is very big. Didn't expect the stability to be so bad that a strong sound will blow up. Speaking of which I can completely overcome this thing."

As soon as Nobunaga saw our guild's troops arrived in time, he knew that the battle would not be won, and now he heard Qunrui's words even more emboldened. The biggest problem with the magic crystal steam bomb is its instability, and the sound system is characterized by a large-scale attack. As long as the group core has a few strong sounds, let alone the ones that are launched, they may even be carried on the body or mounted in the transport vehicle. Crystal steam bombs will all be detonated directly, and by then, let alone hit, there will be no chance of running.

Although Oninote Nobunaga knows that the withdrawal of the troops will seriously affect the confidence of Japanese players, but if you do not withdraw, you will have to explain it here. Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, Oninote Nobunaga gritted his teeth and shouted out the order to retreat. . In fact, Japanese players also know that this battle is not very likely to win, but Oninote Nobunaga did not call to retreat. Running first will definitely be looked down upon. Therefore, he has persisted until now. Now that Oninote Nobunaga has shouted to retreat, those Japanese players also No longer hesitating, they turned around and ran back. Some people from the scattered guilds even threw out the scroll of returning to the city.

I didn't intend to chase after watching Japanese players retreat. It's not that I don't want to kill a few more Japanese people, mainly because of the loss. In fact, it hasn't been a few minutes since Nobunaga and I ordered the attack. For the two armies, the equivalent to was just a bit of a wipe, and simply didn't really fight. Oni Shou Nobunaga took the initiative to retreat because he found that his hole cards were restrained, so he didn't want to make unnecessary sacrifices. I didn't chase after it, and I had the same idea as him. After all, the magic crystal steam bomb had too much formidable power, so he really caught up to us. It can't be fished well, and it looks the best now.

After the retreat of Nobunaga's troops, I gathered all the troops of the guild, but I did not immediately start the restoration of the city. Now that the Japanese have begun to let go of the restrictions on the use of magic crystal steam weapons, it means that they can already mass produce magic crystal steam weapons. This time, it was because Nobunaga Onihand had no intention of attacking the city of our guild. Later, I came to see that Masaka Matsumoto picked up the ready-made cheap and jealous before starting the idea of ​​Dingyuan City. As a result, we gave it to us because of insufficient preparation. Rushed back. But next time they come again, there will definitely not be so few people. Therefore, before our guild completely solves the problem of magic crystal steam weapons, Dingyuan City simply has no need to defend. It's not that we can't keep it, but that the input-output ratio is too large, with more input and less output, which is very uneconomical.

When the leaders of our guild all regrouped in Isengard’s Conference Hall, I expressed my thoughts. "The above are my thoughts, so I don't plan to repair Dingyuan City. It will be useless anyway."

"But if we don't repair it, won't our defense become more difficult next time the Japanese come back? "Asura purple clothed asked.

Somi helped me replied: "Purple Moon big brother means to transfer the city to Matsumoto Masaka, and then Matsumoto Masaka will repair it. Anyway, it completely solves the dangerous former ghosts of our Chinese. Nobunaga does not dare to blatantly direct Japanese players to attack Masaga Matsumoto, who is also a Japanese. If he does it, it will help us a lot. With the Japanese national plot, he dares to openly act on his own people. People will never end well. So the city can only be considered safe if it is placed in the hands of Matsumoto Masaka, and Dingyuan Castle is not repaired, just as Matsumoto Masaka’s excuse for occupying the city. Otherwise, the ghost hand Nobunaga will have the magic crystal vapor bomb. It’s a bit unreasonable to be easily occupied by Matsumoto Masaka who was not defeated. But if Matsumoto Masaka used the perimeter defense of Dingyuan City to be destroyed, he took advantage of our relaxation after the war to make a time difference as an excuse, then it’s nothing. There is a problem."

"Well, this is a good idea."

Hong Yue knocked on the table suddenly and said, "In fact, it is only a stopgap to transfer the city to Matsumoto Masaga. In this way, we are impossible to touch the Japanese territory. Although we have reached an agreement to let Matsumoto Masakah help us control Japan, we still bear the name of the first guild in China. If we can't establish a foothold in Japan at all, we will definitely suffer. Criticism, so even if we don’t need to completely defeat Japanese players, at least we have to have a certain military presence in Japan, just like the Americans repairing military bases in Japan."

"But it’s easy to occupy cities in Japan. With the magic crystal steam weapon technology mastered by Oni Shou Nobunaga, it can be troublesome to guard! Is there any way to solve the problem of urban defense?"

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