"Can you kill it before you try it." Honglian Phoenix suddenly disappeared from the place after she said, and when she disappeared, there was a bang beside me. The electric shock and thunder were also in Honglian. Phoenix disappeared in the same place instantly after starting, and then a few meters away in front of me there was a sudden bang sound, Honglian Phoenix and Lei appeared there at the same time, and then I saw Honglian Phoenix wielding two red long knives like howling Wind and torrential rain usually slashed towards Thunder, but Thunder's reaction was faster than her. When Honglian Phoenix's first knife was cut out, Lei had once again turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared in front of Honglian Phoenix, and after banging again, he appeared behind Honglian Phoenix again, and then before Honglian Phoenix could react. A bomb shot on Honglian Phoenix's back, only to hear a scream, Honglian Phoenix was photographed by him from in midair, and he hit the ground and fell very embarrassed.

"Miss Guren, do you still think you have a chance?" I asked, looking at Hongren Phoenix who was lying on the ground. In order to increase the oppression force for me, Lei also appeared by Honglian Phoenix's side as a flash, and stepped directly on the back of Honglian Phoenix and pressed her back to the ground again.

"humph." Honglian Phoenix did not answer my words, but a cruel color flashed from the corner of her eyes, and then she saw the ground where she was lying on her stomach with a sudden bang, and the whole ground sank. , And Honglian Phoenix and the thunder stepping on her disappeared in place, but less than a second later, in midair suddenly banged, thunder actually clutched his chest a mouthful of blood blasted from in midair Fell off. Guren Phoenix immediately pursued it with one move and decided to decide the victory or defeat in one fell swoop, but mine is not the only one on my side. Just as Honglian Phoenix dived down, a white spider's silk suddenly flew up from the side, entangled the thunder, and then pulled him out in an instant, while the red lot Phoenix who was going to pursue was caught by a white light. It is impossible to attack at all.

The rescued Lei was quickly healed by Xiaochun, but now he looks very angry, after all, this is the first time he has been injured since he became a familiar. Thunder’s race is the King of Thunder. This is a creature that can turn the body into lightning, which means that Thunder can turn himself into a bolt of lightning. In theory, he can move at the speed of light. He will lose all external perception and attack capabilities, so he can only spot a target and rush there instantly and then stop to determine the next moving target, otherwise he must rush forward at his speed and hit himself to death. Despite a lot of restrictions, Lei's light-speed movement ability is true anyway. Guren Phoenix can damage him in front of thunder at such a speed. This attack speed is really terrifying. However, there seem to be some problems.

After Lei was rescued, the darts completely entangled her, but to her surprise, Guren Phoenix, who was able to shoot down the thunder with the speed of light, could not hit the dart. Although the size of the darts is much smaller than that of Ray, their speed is actually the same. At the speed of light, the size is not very important. However, no matter how hard Guren Phoenix works, she can't hit the darts.

"Did you see anything?" After observing the battle between Darts and Honglian Phoenix for a while, I asked Lei, who stared at Honglian Phoenix with blood-red eyes angrily.

Lei turned his head to look at me suspiciously, then shook the head.

I thought about it for a moment and said: "In terms of speed, you and darts are actually the same, but the key problem is that you will stop. Your speed is not always the speed of light, and whenever you stop, you The speed will slow down. Just now when Guren Phoenix hit you, it was because you stepped on her and stopped. The key reason why the darts won’t be hit is that he simply keeps going. That Guren Phoenix’s attack speed is indeed It's exaggerated, but her reaction speed can't keep up with her own attack speed, so she always thinks about the attack route and what action to do next before she moves explosively. You see, the darts are dodge the attack Sometimes it was obviously not in the attack route of Honglian Phoenix, but she still made continuous attacks on the air, which showed that she simply couldn’t see the movement of herself and the enemy during the attack, she was just pressing The series of attack actions previously formulated were mechanically doing various attack actions."

Lei immediately followed my words and stared at the actions of Guren Phoenix, and then it seemed that he had nodded. . In fact, it’s not difficult to find the action mode of Honglian Phoenix as long as you look at it for a while. Her actions are almost as if there is a script. As long as she starts to move, even if the enemy is already not in her attack route, she will still do nothing. Pausing to finish the whole set of actions, this shows that she simply can't completely control her speed, or even if she is stupid, it is impossible to play in the air, right?

Now that you know the characteristics of Honglian Phoenix's actions, it's much simpler. Ray rushed out from me again, but the attack was unexpectedly interrupted. Just when Lei jumped up, a small rocket with tail flames suddenly flew up. Although the opponent could not follow the path of the mine, they could guess the destination of the mine, so the rocket was directly facing the red. Lotus Phoenix flew away. After seeing the rocket, Guren Phoenix didn't panic, and directly abandoned the breakthrough darts defensive circle plan and stepped away for a while.

Lei had just switched from the speed of light state and found the flying rocket, but he did not panic again and entered a thunder and lightning state. The rocket did not hit any target, and went straight through the area to continue. They flew forward, and it was clear that Nobunaga's little rocket was not equipped with a timed blasting device, and would only explode when it hits the target.

"Guishou Nobunaga, your character is getting worse and worse?" I looked at the Onizou Nobunaga who had just launched the rocket and said sarcastically.

"hmph, if you allow you to besiege Honglian Phoenix alone, don’t you allow me to help?"

"If you have to count my pet as a player, you It’s not wrong, it’s just that shameless people like you are really rare."

"You know the advantage of the tongue, we are fighting now, not in a duel, what's the fairness? Unfair?" Guishou Nobunaga said so confidently, but he didn't know that I was laughing a long time ago.

I just received the notice from Masaka Matsumoto that Oni Shou Nobunaga had attacked Dingyuan City in front of him, we immediately decided to return the aid, but even if our guild’s Transmission Formation system is relatively developed, The returning troops still need time to assemble the whole team, so I will stand alone and deliberately spend time there with Nobunaga Ghosts, in order to buy time for the troops behind. Ghost Nobunaga is really stupid. He actually took a large army there and waited for us to prepare. Until Guren Phoenix was almost unable to withstand him, he gave up the duel-style high-end duel and planned to send ordinary players to attack. . In fact, I know the mind of Nobunaga Guishou very well. He should have guessed that our people are gathering, but he didn't expect it to be so fast, but even if he knew it, he would not care, because in his thoughts the magic crystal Steam bombs are invincible against miscellaneous soldiers. On the contrary, my high-end martial power is more difficult, because once the troops launch an attack, their command system will inevitably not be able to fully coordinate the troops. They are not like our guilds that have crystal communication machines and military gods. Such a battlefield command computer. Once the troops start to attack, the damage I caused to their team by myself in the chaos will be terrifying, so Nobunaga oni is planning to take a gamble. He wants to bet that the results of the Guren Phoenix special training can counter my super strength. , But now he finally realized that the special training of Honglian Phoenix did not have the expected effect at all, so he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to let Honglian Phoenix and I fight and intends to start attacking. After all, the longer the time delay, the better our preparations will be. Full, but what he didn’t expect is that our guild troops have been assembled within five minutes because of the command of the military gods. Now the large troops are behind the city wall. As long as I give an order, they can charge ahead. Fight with the people of Nobunaga Onitou.

"Since you don't like duels, let's let your subordinates try their skills." I waved forward, and a row of mobile angels appeared on the city wall behind them, following these maneuvers. The angels quickly jumped off the city wall and lined up in a neat phalanx behind me, and behind the army of mechanical angels there were a large number of pegasus air cavalry. This huge lineup made Nobunaga and the Japanese players behind. Frozen for a moment.

"hmph, Purple Moon, it seems I still looked down on you!" Nobunaga Guishou saw this large group of high level arms and knew it was going to be bad, but now the two armies are fighting, not a hooligan fight. , Ran away before fighting, and he wouldn't have to hang around in Japan after that. However, if there is a fight, then the result is definitely not what Onizuke Nobunaga wants to see. When the Japanese first started using the magic crystal vapor bomb, they deliberately avoided the city of our guild. This shows that Nobunaga knew that even if there is a magic crystal vapor bomb, confronting us will not take much advantage. It is better to use it first. The surrounding cities are all shot down, and finally we will slowly grind. Later, the reason they changed their minds and attacked Dingyuan City was entirely because our play was over-acted, so that everyone knew that there was no one in our city to defend, so Nobunaga Guishou brought people to kill. But now I have run into our big army again, and the reaction speed is obviously the most elite high level unit. Ordinary players have no knowledge and dare to fight against our high level units. Nobunaga Guishou has a lot of knowledge. He has seen the pegasus air cavalry in our guild before and knows how their battle strength is. He has never seen the mobile angel, but this does not prevent him from correctly guessing the battle strength of the mobile angel. After all, there are tens of thousands of air cavalry outside but there are less than 500 mobile angels in total. According to normal conditions, the number is inferred. Fewer units are definitely higher level than more units, so mobile angels are definitely better than air cavalry. Nobunaga Guishou knew who he brought, and knew their battle strength, the killing move of getting rid of the magic crystal steam bomb, these people simply didn't look at it enough.

The dilemma Guishou Nobunaga looked at the troops behind me, then at the Japanese players behind me, after thinking about it, clenched the teeth finally waved his hand forward. "Come with me, you will win if you get in."

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