The weird cannon suddenly a loud explosion sound amidst Nobunaga’s crazy shouts, and then saw its barrel bounce forward from behind. A huge Black Sphere flew towards me. Before, I studied what was so special about that very strange cannon, but it wasn't until it "fired" that I realized that it wasn't a gun at all, the fucking one was a catapult.

Although the magic crystal steam bomb has a large formidable power, it has a very serious problem, that is, the instability of the magic crystal steam. Although the collision problem caused by general transportation is not big, the huge kinetic energy generated as a shell is very likely to cause the shell using magic crystal steam to explode in the barrel, so the magic crystal steam shell can only be produced from a relatively small muzzle velocity. The small-caliber short-barreled artillery fired, so the firing range was relatively short. As for the magic crystal steam grenade and the small rocket I first discovered, because the start speed is not high, it is much safer than the artillery shell. Just now I was wondering why Nobunaga Guishou would use a super artillery with such a long tube to fire magic crystal steam cannonballs. Now I finally understand that it is simply a catapult. The longer the swing arm, the lower the acceleration.

Although I have figured out the characteristics of that "cannon", I am still wondering why Guishou Nobunaga thinks I will be shot. You must know that although the cannon is not a precise weapon, it is at least not too powerful. The hit rate of the trebuchet depends entirely on the character. Nobunaga Guishou wants to hit me with this. It is estimated that it must be at least It is possible for a talented person like Tang Seng for ten generations.

Although I doubt the character of Nobunaga Onitou, the shells thrown by the trebuchet surprised me. I saw the thing stand up high and throw a black sphere over, but the sphere suddenly stretched out in midair and turned into a monster, a monster with wings.

"Ghost Statue?"

Ghost Statue is a relatively common creature in European mythology. Usually you can completely petrify yourself into a sculpture, but you can switch to a creature during battle. state. However, these guys are not high-level, and generally can play the role of a watchdog, not very difficult to deal with. It’s just that the ghost hand Nobunaga solemnly vowed that I would use the magic crystal vapor bomb to bomb me into cannon fodder, so the Ghost Statue in front of me is worth noting. Because Ghost Statue is a relatively special creature, there are no internal organs in their bodies. In other words, their abdominal cavity is actually empty, and now they are clamoring to blow me into cannon fodder. It is not difficult to contact them. Thinking of that Ghost Statue's belly is 80% in stock.

"haha, Purple Moon, let you know the consequences of arrogance today." Nobunaga Guishou looked at the Ghost Statue and yelled at me triumphantly.

"Don't you really think this thing can bring me down?" Although I guessed the secret in the Ghost Statue, my body didn't move at all. I stand here to scare all the Japanese players outside with an imposing manner. If I stop the Ghost Statue by myself, there will be no shocking effect, so I simply didn't move. Of course, I'm also impossible to stand there and let it blow up. Following the command of my mind, one of the thirty-six double-headed swords transformed into eternity suddenly accelerated towards the Ghost Statue, and then collided with the Ghost Statue in midair. Just listening to a loud explosion sound, the Ghost Statue was blown up in the air, and the Japanese people nearby shrank their heads instinctively. I was actually taken aback by the exploded formidable power of the Ghost Statue, mainly because I didn’t expect Nobunaga on the Ghost Statue to put so much magic crystal steam in the stomach of the Ghost Statue. Look at this formidable power at least It takes a piece of magic crystal the size of a liquefied watermelon to make it. In order to deal with my ghost hand Nobunaga, it can be said that he really spared no effort!

Seeing that his proud weapon was exploded in midair, Nobunaga, the ghost hand, was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression became ugly again. "hmph, I don’t know that you can block the whole city." He said and waved forward suddenly: "Boom."

Following the order of Nobunaga Onishu, his Suddenly a row of trebuchets were erected behind me, and dozens of magic crystal vapor bombs leaped into the air and flew towards Dingyuan City behind me. Although it is not the magic crystal vapor bomb that is installed in the stomach of the Ghost Statue this time, even the general magic crystal vapor bomb and the Ghost Statue bomb are only inferior to the guidance ability. They are on formidable power. There is no difference at all. Seeing so many magic crystal steam bombs flying together, I was also a little stunned, and then frowned, the 36 double-headed swords that surrounded me immediately scattered, a cloud of fire burst in the sky, and all flew to the city. All of the magic crystal steam bombs were detonated at almost the same time.

"Okay, Purple Moon is indeed Purple Moon. The battle strength ranking is not the one that came out." With a round of applause, another old acquaintance came out of the camp of Japanese players.

"Who am I! It turns out to be Miss Honglian!"

"It's me, but also not me." I was confused by the words of Honglian Phoenix. But without waiting for me to ask, she took the initiative to say: "Since the last time that the top 20 in the battle strength list of various countries challenged you and failed, I have been hit hard! But... I don’t like to admit failure, so since After that separation, I went to retreat."

"Oh? So now that you appear here, it means that you have left the customs?"

"I know you don’t Put me in your eyes, but today, I will let you know the terrifying of women." Almost when she finished speaking, I felt saw a flash, and the whole person flew up like being hit by a locomotive. After flipping N somersaults in the air, he smashed through a wall and fell into a small building, then quickly smashed through the other wall and flew out from the opposite side, rolling continuously along the open space behind the house. After a dozen or so laps, it hit a wall again, and was buried by falling rubble.

Seeing this amazing scene, not only our people were scared, but the Japanese players were also stunned. Guren Phoenix's strength was originally very strong, but most Japanese players have never played against her, so no one knows how strong she is, but Japanese players know how strong I am. Being able to blast me out with one blow is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

I should have cheered when I saw Guren Phoenix suddenly beat me to the Japanese players, but they temporarily forgot to cheer because they were surprised, but when they reacted to cheering, the rubble in front There was a bang, and I stood up from the rubble unharmed, and the thirty-six double-headed swords that had been flying around in the air since I was hit and flew quickly gathered like a pigeon returning home. To my side.

"Although I don’t know how you retreat during this period of time, this success really surprised me." Looking at the calm Honglian Phoenix in front, I want to see her face I read something on the page, but unfortunately, Honglian Phoenix's concentration is obviously much better than Guishouxin, and my behavior has almost no effect on her. This woman is far more terrifying than Nobunaga Onishou. She has the fierceness of Nobunaga Onishou, and at the same time, there is a calmness that Nobunaga Onishou does not have. The most important point is that she has the same logic as Matsumoto Nobunaga. Thinking and commanding ability, it can be said that in addition to her female identity, Guren Phoenix's basic High Level is an optimized unity of Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitou. In addition, in addition to the advantages of two generations of Japanese leaders, Guren Phoenix also has a characteristic that neither Masaka Matsumoto nor Nobunaga Onishou have—spirituality.

spirituality is not one attribute, but refers to a person’s thinking. Onitsu Nobunaga is basically a martial artist. In addition to being brave or brave, he may be smarter as an ordinary person, but as a leader, his brain capacity is far from enough. Masaka Matsumoto's thinking is meticulous enough, but his shortcomings are also obvious-his behavior is too procedural. One of the main reasons why the former Masaga Matsumoto always suffered from our hands is that his behavior can basically be predicted in advance by me. This is the result of his being too rational. In contrast, Honglian Phoenix’s spirituality is more important. On the basis of rational thinking, she can often come up with many unexpected crooked ideas divine light flashed. Although such crooked ideas cannot be used often, they can definitely be used at critical moments. Become something that turns things around. In layman's terms, Honglian Phoenix's behavior is often outside of reasonable and usual practice, which makes people feel reasonable and unpredictable.

For my question, Honglian Phoenix didn’t mean to answer anything, and she deliberately made a face without any expression, also telling me that she would not let me know that she retreats. What's wrong, in short, that's her secret, she won't let people know, especially she won't let me know. However, the more she didn’t let me know, the more sure I was that there must be some major flaw in her training results, and this flaw should be inferred as long as she knows the content of her special training, otherwise she doesn’t even need special training. The content is also concealed.

"You really want to know my weakness, are you?" Guren Phoenix knew I had guessed something, so he stopped hiding it, and proactively said, "It's useless if you know it. I Acknowledge that my current battle strength is flawed, but that is not something you can find with the sense of battle. As long as I don’t say it, you will never expect to know."

"Okay, let Let me see what you have specially trained to increase battle strength so much in a short period of time. "Just now, it seemed that I was unscathed, but in fact, I knew that I was suffering. In fact, just now, I have already killed nearly one third of my health. Of course, this refers to my personal health. When my blood level drops to a dangerous value, the lives of the familiars will be shared with me. What I don't understand is that with such a high defense, what a terrifying offensive power would it have to kill my one third in an instant? As far as I know, it seems that only a gunman can do this at the moment, and it only counts if he can hit.

While thinking about the possible weakness of Honglian Phoenix in my heart, I walked cautiously to Honglian Phoenix, only the gap in the city wall that was blown up just before I walked. At that time, Honglian Phoenix moved again. All I could see was that she moved, and there was only a red shadow left after that. This was an exaggerated reaction. In the eyes of other players, I simply couldn't even see the shadow, and it felt like Honglian Phoenix had moved instantly. In front of me, then I suddenly fell back with unfathomable mystery spurting blood.

Yes, yes, I was hit. A nearly two-foot-long wound was pulled from the chest to the side of the abdomen, and blood spurted wildly. If it weren’t for my reaction, I had retreated half a step. Now I guess even the internal organs have been spurted out, and the most terrible thing was just how I had even dealt with her. None of the swordsman was seen.

I was slashed on my side and still retreated wildly. Suddenly, I saw Red Lotus Phoenix, who was standing where I was standing, disappeared again. My instinctive scalp was numb, but despite I tried to avoid it, but I was stabbed in the opposite direction without any suspense. This blade is aimed at the knife under the cut just now. The blade directly penetrated the gap in the abdomen of the Divine Dragon suit and penetrated my body and pierced out from behind my back, but at the same time as my blood spurted, Honglian Phoenix didn't catch it either. Just when she stabbed me in a pair, several red light spots in the purple black flame around me suddenly lit up at the same time, and a dazzling red arc instantly passed through these bright spots and hit Honglian. Phoenix's body. Just listening to the explosion of bang electric current, Honglian Phoenix was blown out in an instant, and her long knife got stuck in my body.

I endured the pain in my stomach and looked at Guren Phoenix with a tragic smile and said: "It seems that you are not fast enough to hide from lightning!"

"hmph, as long as it hurts you, it's enough." Honglian Phoenix got up from the ground and said: "Don't be proud, now you hurt more than me."

"no no no, I think you made a mistake. "As soon as I finished talking, a few silhouettes flashed around me. Xiaochun's high level treatment instantly fell on my body, and the wounds that had spurted blood healed quickly at a speed visible to naked eye, and even the knife was pulled out by me. As the wound healed, the automatic repair attribute on the Divine Dragon armor was also in effect. The gap in the armor healed as quickly as my wound, and soon even the traces of the incision were invisible.

Seeing my injury so quickly, Guren Phoenix was also annoyed for a while, but she couldn't help it. Now the most recognized profession in "Zero" is the animal trainer. Firstly, my battle strength ranks first in this profession. Secondly, all animal trainer professions at the later stage are very troublesome. Because there are more familiars than ordinary players, different battle methods can be combined. Among them, the most classic and commonly used familiars are the healing familiars. Almost capable professional trainers will find a healing system for themselves. Many players say that PKsimply can’t kill the opponent with the animal trainer, because the animal trainer has blood supplements when fighting, Early-Stage has pathfinders, and when escaping, there are also queens, not only want to find They are not easy, even if they can block them, it is much more convenient for people to run than ordinary players. The forum also said that in the early stage of the animal trainer, no one wanted to team up with them. In the later stage, they can team up by themselves, which is completely an extreme career from extremely weak to extremely strong. As the leading big brother in the profession of animal trainer, I have naturally exerted the characteristics of animal trainer to the limit. With Xiaochun's healing power, I was almost invincible before her mana was exhausted.

Although Xiaochun has cured my wound, Dahonglian Phoenix is ​​not worried about my injury. After all, at her speed, as long as Xiaochun is killed first and then I can be dealt with. NS. But what made her frown was that there were some familiars beside me that she hated very much.

In addition to bringing my own nurse, I now play another major feature of the trainer-defeating the enemy and winning. This defeat of the enemy is not to overcome the enemy, but to restrain the enemy. That's right, as long as the number and types of familiars are large enough, in theory the trainer can match any enemy with a combination of magic familiars that specifically restrains the opponent, such as my current combination. What Guren Phoenix showed just now was the almost instantaneous movement speed and super high attack power. I can't do anything about attack power, but I can handle it with speed. Now standing in front of me are Thunder, Princess, Yeyue, Darts and Sickles. The dart and the thunder are light and the other is electricity, and the speed is so fast that humans cannot respond. No matter what attribute Honglian Phoenix gets, the body of Honglian Phoenix in reality is still human, as long as the dart and the thunder At the speed of light and electricity, even if Guren Phoenix's attributes can keep up, her reaction nerves will never keep up. Taking a step back, even if the speed of the two of them can't keep up with the speed of Honglian Phoenix, at least it will be okay to block her, so that I will be invincible.

In addition to speed, I also arranged other combat capabilities. Yeyue’s speed is indeed not fast enough, but her Petrified Eye is actually attacking with her gaze, which means that she can reach the speed of light in this attack ability. No matter how fast Honglian Phoenix is, just take her Part of her body becomes stone, and then she is basically finished. As for Princess, although her charm cannot be regarded as an attack method, she can interfere with Honglian Phoenix's actions and suppress her speed. As long as the speed drops, Honglian Phoenix has no terrifying ability. Finally, although the sickle is called a thunder spider, his speed is not very fast, but he has a special ability to deal with high-speed enemies that is very useful, that is-weaving a web. Spiders can weave webs, and sickles are no exception. As long as the thunder and the darts can hold the Red Lotus Phoenix, the sickle can use the spider web to continuously reduce the encircling circle, and finally completely trap the Red Lotus Phoenix in a narrow area. Of course, I think it is more likely that Guren Phoenix hit the Internet during the battle and got stuck. Her speed does not mean that she is also strong. After being entangled in the spider silk of the sickle, it is estimated that she will not be able to get off. After all, the sickle used this spider to drag the giant dragon down from the sky. It can't be stronger than the dragon, right?

As my old opponent, Honglian Phoenix has also done in-depth research on my familiars. Because I am the first in the battle strength list, the analysis of my attributes on various forums is very easy to find, so Honglian Phoenix has a very thorough understanding of the abilities of my monsters. It is precisely because she knows that she is afraid. Faced with these familiars that were almost exclusively for her, her previous self-confidence had completely collapsed.

"Looking at your expression, I probably got it right. How about it? Do you think it is safe to kill me now?"

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