The really red idea listens to us with a chill. White skull mixed with platinum skull? White Skeletons are the miscellaneous soldiers among the miscellaneous soldiers, ranging from Level 20 to 100. With the current average level of 800 or more players, even a mage can take out a dozen White Skeletons with his fists off his equipment. However, low level also has the benefits of low level. For example, summon is relatively simple. If an 800-level Necromancer specializes in skeleton summon and is equipped with equipment above the average level, he can easily summon tens of thousands of white skeletons, and this number is only due to skill limitations and cannot summon more, no The player's mana can't keep up, so once these white skeletons lose, the mages in charge of summon can immediately make up the number again. If it weren't for the fact that White Skeleton is too casual, it is estimated that many players will change jobs to become Necromancer, and take a few Myriad Treasures out to hang around, it feels absolutely fascinating. But true red means to mix the platinum skull king in the white skull. What is the concept? The level of the platinum skeleton starts from 800 level, the highest is more than 900, and the platinum skeleton king is the 1,000-level boss. Although a platinum skeleton king can easily kill hundreds of thousands of bone skeletons, there is a very serious problem. The platinum skeleton and the bone skeleton are almost poured out of the same mold. Except for the platinum skeleton, the skeleton looks slightly better reflective. There is almost no difference between these two kinds of skeletons. The way players identify these two types of skeletons is generally based on the number. If there is only one, and there are a bunch of other colored skeletons around, it must be platinum; if it is a large group, there are several other colored skeletons. Skeletons, it must be bone skulls, but if a small amount of platinum skulls are mixed into a pile of bone skulls, it is definitely the same as throwing a diamond into a pile of glass of the same shape, although you know they are different, but It's definitely not easy to separate them. Besides, Skeleton Soldiers are not glass, they can move. When you see millions of white-and-flowered bone racks running in front of you, even if you have a pair of eagle eyes, you can never find the hidden Platinum Skeleton King.

"True Red, your trick is really poisonous!" I looked at True Red and exclaimed.

Zhenhong smiled triumphantly. "Don't think I'm savage, in fact, my brain is very smart."

Hong Yue interrupted Zhenhong's proud boast and said: "Military god, you can tell me what else is there."

< p>"The semi-active defense method is nothing more than not being hit. In addition to the first high-speed evasion, second is the stealth technology. As long as the enemy is not discovered by the enemy, you can unilaterally attack the enemy and avoid your own harm."

"But now the anti-stealth spell is very developed, and we can't make a large number of people invisible? If only individual personnel with stealth skills are allowed to fight, is it too few?" Rose questioned.

"No, the examples I gave before are just real methods. In fact, the key to the second method is not to be discovered. Stealth technology is just one of the means of realization. As far as the resources we currently have in our guild, You can use Shenwu Wind Chimes to achieve this goal easily."

Shenwu Wind Chimes is a Magical Artifact for city use. There are five bells in total, four of which are child bells and one is mother bell. The area enclosed by the four child bells is its scope of action, and the person holding the mother bell can freely control the water vapor in this area to form a thick fog that cannot be dissipated, and this fog will not affect their vision. It’s just that the thing has always been on Isinger Mobile Fortress, because this battle is not suitable for dispatching Isinger Mobile Fortress, so we all forgot about it for a while.

"Yes!" Hearing the reminder from the military god, everyone finally reacted. Hong Yue exclaimed even more excitedly: "As long as we use the god fog wind chimes to produce a thick fog to envelop all the Japanese offensive forces, I see how they can fight. The magic crystal steam bomb formidable power is too big to be used at close range. , In the thick fog, the line of sight is restricted, they simply dare not use the magic crystal vapor bomb, which is equivalent to sealing their magic crystal vapor bomb. But we only have a set of mist wind chimes in total, and the Japanese troops don’t It will all be gathered together, how do we operate it?"

"This is the only flaw of Shenmist Wind Chimes, but only one battle is enough to cover the entire battlefield. Besides, we don’t need to be completely Relying on this piece of equipment, after all, this is just one of the options."

"So what else do we have to deal with?"

"Of course." The military god continued, "Except In addition to interfering with the opponent’s line of sight, another technique in semi-active defense is to actively intercept attacks."

"Although you say that, we don't have short-range interception weapons?"

"No, we have." The military god suddenly said to Hong Yue: "Hong Yue Vice-President, please put your pet on the table as a sample."

"Pet? Oh, you Speaking of balls!" As Hong Yue said, he put the small animal in his arms on the table. This thing is actually no stranger to us, because it is one of our guild guardian beasts, and every player in the guild has one. The appearance of this creature can be roughly understood from its name "Snowball". Snowball is a kind of demonic beast, with a pair of rabbit ears, round body like a ball, short limbs are almost invisible, and the whole body is covered with long white fluff. It is the favorite pet of female players in the guild. Although these guys are usually only the size of a volleyball, they don't seem to be any threatening. But in fact, they eat everything and can digest everything. As long as they are swallowed in, even giant dragons can't get out. In addition, this little thing has an extremely abnormal ability-split. Although their defensive power is amazing, compared to this special ability, their defensive power is simply not worth mentioning. Because when the snowball beast is attacked beyond its endurance limit, it will split, and it will be cut into a few pieces like earthworms. If you keep attacking them, the end result will be a bunch of fluffy ones. Little things, that is definitely a very scary thing.

When Hong Yue put the snowball on the table, the military god began to introduce: "Because the appearance of this creature looks so cute that all the players in the guild ignore that it is actually A creature with defensive ability, especially the infinite split ability, is definitely a Heaven Defying Level ability. Therefore, my suggestion is to let each player release the snowball beasts around them, and they will help us intercept them. Attack your own magic crystal steam bomb. Once you find the magic crystal steam bomb, you can make the snowball beast pounce on it and swallow it. If the magic crystal steam bomb explodes in the snowball beast’s stomach, then you can get a large group of snowball beasts. And as the number of snowball beasts gradually increases, we will become more and more safe."

"Yes, I have forgotten that these little cuties are actually very difficult to deal with!" gold While coin said, he released his snowball beast and kept teasing.

"Very well, now that we even have a near defense system, do we have the corresponding conditions of use for the last method?" I continued to ask.

"The last method is active defense. We also have conditions for using this method, but compared to the previous two, this is actually the least important plan."


"Because active defense requires a striking distance beyond the enemy or faster than the enemy's reaction speed, and only elite players can do this, and since it can be called elite inevitable It is very small, so it is the most useless in such a large-scale war."

I nodded. What the military god said is indeed very reasonable. After all, elite players are a minority. Although it can be guaranteed to kill the opponent before the opponent uses the huge might magic crystal vapor bomb, because the number of people is too small, it is impossible to play a big role, so this is not expected at all. However, when I was weighing various tactics, Rose suddenly said: "Although there are many defense methods we can use, they are all tactical applications. I think we have made the strategic direction wrong."

"What do you mean?" Hong Yue looked at Rose curiously asked.

Rose said: "The Japanese people rely on the magic crystal steam bomb to defeat our goal is to take the city, and they actually have many ways to reach the vicinity of the city. I don't think the Japanese will be stupid enough to be with us. Regular warfare in the wild, so the above methods can only take effect when a battle occurs. When the Japanese use infiltration attacks, these methods actually have little effect."

"Then what do you mean... …?"

"Since the Japanese are going to attack, we just cede the city to them."

"What?" Hong Yue and Zhenhong almost didn’t know how to do it. The table jumped up, but I reacted.

"Yes, Rose is right."

The eagle stretched out his hand to touch my forehead, still muttering in his mouth: "Hey, you husband and wife shouldn’t have a fever and brain fever Confused?"

I fended off the eagle's hand and said, "We are not kidding. You have never seen the formidable power of the magic crystal steam bomb. That kind of formidable power is absolutely terrifying, provided by the god of war. The plan is just a no-brainer, and it cannot completely offset the strong pressure brought by the magic crystal steam, so instead of fighting with the Japanese, it is better to take the initiative to give up the city.” Seeing the eagle is about to speak, I quickly stopped. He said first: "Of course, I'm not really trying to make money for the Japanese, but just hand over the treasure we caught on the right hand to the left hand." I stopped here on purpose, and then motioned to them with my eyes. explain.

Rose smiled and watched the reaction of the crowd, and finally smiled after everyone was almost frizzy and reminded: "Did you forget that we still have a nail in Japan?"< /p>

"Nails?" Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly reacted together. "Yes! How can I forget him!"

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