The so-called nails do not refer to other people, but Masaga Matsumoto. At the beginning we spent so much effort to help him up again, now is the moment for him to play a role. Although all the magic crystal steam bombs are in the hands of Nobunaga Oni Shou, Masaka Matsumoto is also a Japanese. Now he is considered an authentic Japanese anti-China force. As long as he "strikes" our city down, it will be a ghost. There is no excuse for Nobunaga to attack these cities, and for us to hand the city to Matsumoto Masaka's hands is equivalent to the left hand to the right hand for a hand.

"haha, let's not say that we have forgotten, we still have such a nail in Japan!" Eagle laughed and said with a smile: "Then how do we actually switch?"

"We just..."

Next, we discussed with everyone talking at once, and quickly came up with a set of general plans, and then filled this with fantastic ideas The plan is handed over to the military god, who will make the final improvement. Although he is not very good at innovation, he is definitely his strong point to catch leaks.

——One hour later, Japan——

"Hold up, hold on to me..." With an explosion, the entire City Wall section collapsed, and The players who were fighting below were all buried in the rubble.

"No, I can't keep it!" A player said while stepping back.

"We finally got the right to use this city, how can we easily throw it to the Japanese?" The player next to him looked angrily at the Japanese who was rushing forward and shouted: "at worst Falling one or two levels, we must not lose our Chinese face in front of Little Japan, everyone rush to me!"

Following the president’s declaration, a large group of players and the NPC guards have no hesitation. Rushed to the front of the Japanese player team, but unfortunately they saw a can-sized bottle flying from the opponent’s camp before they had any contact with the Japanese, and then listened to a bang. The charging crowd instantly There was a huge gap, and the ground was full of stumps and broken arms.

"Damn it, is our city going to fall like this?"

"That's not necessarily." A sudden voice surprised the president, and then he His expression immediately turned from horror to excitement. "Purple Moon President?"

"The person with you will take care of the wounded first, here is handed over to us." I said that the claws on both arms suddenly slid out automatically and followed me He squatted forward and rushed out.

Seeing someone rushing over, the Japanese on the opposite immediately threw another magic crystal steam grenade again. "I'm not a miscellaneous soldier." I smirked and bounced off the ground fiercely, and kicked the grenade directly back into the Japanese camp with a whirling kick in the air, just listening to a loud explosion sound, Japan A large group of people fell immediately in the player's camp. The remaining few people who were lucky to stand far away and did not hang up just got up from the ground when they saw a whirlwind around them suddenly, and then returned to the resurrection hall unfathomable mystery.

"What's going on in front?" The commander at the rear found that a large group of people had suddenly fallen down in the front line and sent people to ask questions, but as soon as the person finished shouting, he suddenly saw a dark figure suddenly falling on In front of myself.

"Don’t get in the way of miscellaneous fish." After landing, I turned sideways and slid past the guy, and the guy stopped in place as if frozen until I rushed into the crowd behind. He collapsed suddenly, blood spurting from his throat. After rushing into the rear camp, I didn't waste time with the miscellaneous soldiers at all. Instead, I went all the way back and soon let me find a small car guarded by several high level players behind the team. "Oh, I won the lottery."

Seeing that I rushed to the nearby players, they immediately left the car and rushed towards me, but to their surprise, I didn’t mean to slow down at all. , As if they hadn't seen them, but what they didn't notice was that a white lightning had already rushed to the side of the car first.

As soon as the darts landed on the car, they picked up a magic crystal steam grenade, then grabbed the tab with their small paws and gently pulled it, and then threw the grenade into the car again. Among the piles of grenades, it turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the distance.

Boom. The big explosion of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, the formidable power of a whole car of magic crystal steam grenade exploding at the same time, is absolutely shocking. The buildings within 200 meters of the surrounding area are all blown away in an instant, and the players are even more even There is no scum left. After the explosion, a big fire ignited at the scene, and because the place was so close to the city gate that the flame blocked the entrance of the city, the Japanese players behind rushed up to put out the fire. After all, they have to rush into the city as soon as possible. Occupy the city and have no time to wait for the fire to extinguish itself.

The Japanese player who rushed to the side of the flame was planning to put out the fire. Suddenly, he noticed that a humanoid figure appeared in the flame. Accompanied by a burst of banging armor, the figure gradually walked away from the flame. It was only then that they discovered that Sombra was also on fire, but the color of the flame turned out to be purple black, and there were many red arcs jumping in the flame.

"My friends from Japan." I stretched out a hand and shook it fiercely. "Are you ready to go to hell?"

"Ah! It's Purple Moon!"

"Run! It's Purple Moon!"

"Yes That demon...the demon is here again..."

The Japanese players’ camps are instantly chaotic, and even those behind them can’t stop the players’ chaos, and what’s worse is that there are almost one-fifths of it. The NPC troops even started to turn around and run away. This is something that never happened before! Although there are NPC escape settings in "Zero", they are now on the offensive side and their morale is quite high. At this time, there are still a large number of NPCs running away. How can this not make those players panic? In fact, what they don’t know is that they are attacking. With my current level and attribute pressure, if they are not in the offensive position, at least half of the NPCs will just turn around and flee, and the remaining half. NPC will enter a state called out of control. In this state, the soldier's battle strength is only about half of normal, which is equivalent to turning a group of ordinary trash fish into a group of half-dead trash fish.

"Don't be afraid, he's alone, block me..." A commander pointed at me to summon the rest of the players to join him, but he was only halfway through his words and suddenly he never knew where. The flying long sword was nailed to the ground.

I stretched out my hand at that guy's corpse, Long Sword immediately withdrew by itself, and then quickly flew back towards me. After holding the eternity, I threw it into the air, and then rushed into the crowd in front of me again, wherever I passed, patches of blood-colored flowers opened.

"Does it seem that the strategy of the high level player central breakthrough is still very useful." Rose stood on the missing half of the tower and watched the rush of Japanese players facing her side. Said the person.

Somi rode on the back of a pegasus and looked at the situation outside the city, and then responded: "The Purple Moon big brother is special. His strength exceeds the average player too much, even if he doesn’t use any The strategy will also be absolutely deadly, so the key to the central breakthrough warrior depends on whether other people can achieve the intended effect."

Just as Su Mi and Rose were talking about our situation, A similar thing happened in another city in Japan, except that the combat personnel were replaced by top players in the guild.

"Damn trash fish, why are there so many! Since you are not afraid of death, let's die together." Kristina pointed her staff forward: "Black Magic—Life Deprivation." Along with the activation of a spell, a huge circular area suddenly appeared in the area in front of Kristina. The area was as dark as a black hole, but the Japanese looked at the black ground under their feet in horror. When, suddenly there was a white line in the circular area, and then the white line began to separate to the two sides, and a huge scarlet's eye appeared in the center of the black area. When that eye was fully opened, the ground shook violently, and then it was as if rehearsal had been done beforehand. All the people in the black area fell down in an instant, and there was no anger in the gray eyeballs. They were just stunned. Looking forward blankly. "It seems that the new spell works well!" Kristina said to herself, and then snapped her fingers suddenly. "Get up, my slaves, go and devour all the creatures that stand in front of you. Activate-the Great Undead Conversion Array."

With a buzzing sound, a huge green magic array suddenly appeared on the dead Under the people, following those people's hands and feet violently twitched, and then the chest slammed forward like a muscle spasm, but the arms twitched backwards, and it felt like someone was tearing their arms back. However, this condition only lasted for a few seconds, and soon the convulsions of those people disappeared, and they started shaking up from the ground one after another.

"Damn it, it's an undead! She turned our people into a zombie!" a Japanese player outside the line yelled.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a zombie." A Japanese in charge of the command appeased everyone.

"Oh? Is that really the case?" Kristina had a playful smile on her face. "So what about this? Activate the ring of desire."

"Oh..." All the zombies suddenly held their heads at the same time and began to roar up to the sky, and after a few roars, they He put his hands down again, but at this time the zombies' gray eyes without a trace of anger had turned blood red sometime, and the greedy rays of light flashed in those eyes, as if they were hungry. Tens of thousands of years are average. When they looked at their living companions nearby, their eyes were simply looking at a plate of food, and their eyes were even scarier than when the hungry wolves saw blood.

Christina smiled and pointed to the remaining Japanese players in front of her. "What are you waiting for? Do you want me to slice you up and add some condiments?"

Although Kristina's voice is extremely beautiful, it is now as terrifying as the voice of a devil, all the violent zombies Suddenly they moved together. Instead of swaying forward like a normal zombie, they rushed forward frantically on all fours like a running monkey. The Japanese players were thrown down by these terrifying zombies before they could even react. Before they started to fight back, seven or eight zombies immediately rushed forward and opened their mouths to bite. In an instant, hundreds of people were eaten. Seeing that the companions in front were torn alive, the Japanese in the back were almost frightened. At this time, many people even forget that they are playing games. They have been confused by the scene in front of them. A lot of people are sitting on the ground and saying don’t come over while crawling backwards, and some people use both hands and feet while crawling back and crying for mother. It is estimated that many people will have mental illness after today. Bar!

Different from Kristina, the really red battle method is much more straightforward. However, although it does not seem as scary as Kristina, in fact, the speed of Real Red's killing is definitely not slower than Kristina. After completely liberating the formidable power of the True Martial suit, Real Red turned into a human tyrannosaurus. With every punch, she plowed a large ditch seven or eight meters wide and half a kilometer long on the ground. Anyone who dared to approach her People will be shot into the ground or thrown out of the atmosphere by her. The Japanese who fought with her felt like they were fighting with a magical Vajra.

In fact, the high-profile attack of our experts in various cities is not without reason, we are just testifying for Matsumoto Masaga. Oni Shou Nobunaga dare not easily move our city with the magic crystal vapor bomb in his hand. If Matsumoto Masaka could easily get our city, it would be too fake, and if a lot of people and materials are lost for acting, We are not willing. So, in the end we came up with such an idea. Because Nobunaga Onihand does not attack the city of our guild, the experts of our guild have all come out to help other guilds defend, so that our own city will be "empty of forces", and Matsumoto Masaga just caught it. This "opportunity" has taken our city in one fell swoop. Although there will still be a little doubt in this way, but after all, at least most people will believe it. As for those who don't believe it, no matter how good we make up, they will definitely find trouble, so don't worry about them at all.

In fact, the forces used in this plan are not only high level players like us, because with the strength of our guild, even if our high level personnel are not there, they should not be occupied instantly, so for To make the Japanese believe in this plan, we transferred all the other forces of our guild. The low-level arms cooperated with the Shenwu wind chimes to deal with the large Japanese troops. The high-mobility arms searched for the Japanese players' squads and supply lines in the field. As for the long-range weapons of the guild, they naturally went to the opposing headquarters. In short, people in Japan should know that there are no soldiers in our city. It would be more reasonable to be easily beaten down. At most, someone would call Matsumoto Masaga dogshit luck afterwards.

My side is killing Huan, but suddenly I received a communication from Rose.

"What's the matter?"

"We seem to overplay it!"

"en?" I was taken aback for a moment, and then I reacted. "Could it be...?"

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