My commands can be said to be issued very quickly. After all, there is only a central command system like the God of War in the game now, so we have incomparable commands for issuing commands and battlefield commands. Advantage, but this time even if there is an advantage, it is completely useless. Although my response was quick, and the command transmission of the military god was also very fast, the real key problem is that it has been more than three hours since the attack of King Chuang and their return to the port, although the Japanese do not know why. We launched an attack on land cities at the same time our fleet was attacked, but they also launched an attack when our order arrived.

The alliance guild that received our guild notice was still being attacked by the Japanese for our notice. In front of the magic crystal steam bomb, the city wall is simply tofu dregs, and all the cities are guarded. Almost without exception, the guilds were severely hit, and the best of them lasted only a few hours.

Minutes after the Japanese started attacking those of our Union guild, the people in our guild finally learned of the news, and at this time, only twenty minutes have passed since the god of war issued my order. That's it. However, it is strange that all the cities that were attacked this time were all other guild cities, and none of the cities occupied by our Frost Rose League were attacked.

"What's the situation now?" The leaders of our guild have gathered in the Isinger Conference Hall, and the three-dimensional map of Japan is displayed in the huge projector overhead.

The voice of the military god explained the current situation. "As you can see, the white highlights in the map represent the distribution of cities in Japan, the yellow map area is the actual control area of ​​the Japanese before the outbreak of the battle, the green area is our control area, and the red dots are It is the city that has been attacked. I now convert all the city icons controlled by our guild in our control area into guild badges." The map screen changed, and a few cities in the green area became our guild. Will chart. "As you can see, due to the streamlining strategy that our guild has been adopting because of the number of people, there are not many cities that we actually control in Japan, and these cities under our control are all key points, which is the so-called. As long as these key points are not lost, even if other cities are occupied, it is easy to snatch them back, because these key points can completely cut off the contact with the surrounding cities, and we can attack and retreat and defend. Coming and going freely, the other party was trapped and killed in the city. However, this time the Japanese did the opposite. They knocked down all these surrounding cities without touching our strategic location."

Sumi said in a word: "They are worried about the military god."

"Yes, I guessed that." The military god himself said: "Because of my zero delay. Commanding ability, the Japanese hope to make full use of the suddenness of the magic crystal vapor bomb, so they put the city occupied by our guild behind."

"But once they really start attacking us Can we resist this city?" Hong Yue asked.

"Actually, I think your thinking has entered a misunderstanding." Military God said: "Maybe I am not good at pioneering thinking, but I am very good at comparing what has happened. The magic crystal steam bomb is indeed formidable power. The city wall and various defense facilities are almost ineffective in front of it, but it is only an explosive with relatively large formidable power. Even real nuclear weapons can be intercepted and blocked, so I think you It seems to be too worried about its formidable power."

"Yes!" I patted the table and said, "The city wall and other immovable defense facilities cannot withstand the attack of the magic crystal steam bomb, but It is nothing more than the formidable power is relatively large, we don’t need to worry that. The final formidable power of the bomb still has to hit the target to take effect, as long as it doesn’t get hit, can’t it be fine?"

" Not being hit?" After I pointed out the core of the matter, everyone immediately began to think about it. Only Su Mi asked the military Shinto wisely: "Purple Moon big brother said that you are a military expert, and you know how to deal with it in reality. Are these huge might weapons?"

Listening to So Mi’s question, everyone has also responded. In reality, huge might weapons are everywhere. The army must have corresponding countermeasures, so as a military enthusiast The god of war must know some solutions. In fact, I advertised the military enthusiast status of the Army God. After all, the computer identity of the Army God was kept secret, so I had to use this method to perfuse everyone.

“At present, there are three ways to fight against high-explosive weapons. The first is passive defense, such as heavy tanks. Compared with the city wall, the defensive power of tanks is more concentrated, although it cannot defend against a city as big as a city. The area is large, but at a certain point it has a strong anti-strike ability. Of course, this is a passive defense, and the effect is relatively poor. As long as the enemy increases the charge, it can easily destroy the target. The second way is semi-active defense. The so-called semi-active defense is the use of various methods to prevent the enemy from hitting itself. Among them, there are three sub-categories. One is the dodge ability that far exceeds the enemy's attack speed to avoid the attack of high explosives, and the actual self-propelled Artillery is this type of weapon. It moves quickly before the enemy finds its position to avoid the enemy's attack. Another type is the concealment ability similar to stealth technology. After all, high-explosive weapons can't do nuclear weapons, no matter where they are thrown. It works, so as long as you don’t let the enemy find yourself, it doesn’t matter whether you have high explosive or low explosive. As long as you can’t hit it, you don’t have to worry about anything. The third category is active interception, such as the short range that will be installed on battleship. The defense system, after discovering that the enemy has attacked itself, detonates the enemy’s weapon in advance with a fast and accurate strike capability, thereby protecting itself. The Third Type method and the last method is active defense, which is different from semi-active defense. The goal of defense is to destroy the enemy to achieve the purpose of defense. This is also divided into two sub-categories, one is to destroy the opponent with ultra-long-range strikes beyond the enemy’s range, as long as the opponent’s weapon range is not enough. You can ignore it at all. The sniper is the embodiment of this kind of thinking. Compared with the rocket soldier, the absolute lethality of the sniper must be much lower, but in the real war, the rocket soldier will definitely not be able to beat the sniper, because the rocket soldier They will be killed by snipers before they are in range. The second active defense method is high-speed assault weapons, such as commandos in special forces. After special forces and ordinary soldiers meet, the reaction speed of special forces will be much faster than ordinary soldiers. , So no matter what weapon the enemy is holding, as long as he can’t shoot first, he does not pose any threat. The above is all the defense methods in reality."

"It sounds like a lot. Just how do we use it?" Hong Yue asked: "Military god, do you know what kind of defense methods our guild can meet?"

"As far as I know the attack In terms of means, the above three defense methods can actually be used."

"All of them can be used? Do we have so many weapons?" Eagle himself asked a little bit disbelievingly. .

"Magic crystal steam weapons are basically conventional weapons except for the relatively large formidable power. In fact, there are a variety of ultra-conventional weapons in this guild. From the perspective of weapon restraint, as long as they don’t In a head-to-head encounter with the opponent, conventional weapons will definitely not be able to defeat special weapons."

"Then you talk about how to apply the three defense methods?"

"First, passive defense. The city wall can’t stop the magic crystal steam bomb, but the steel plate can."

"What? You don’t want us to wrap the city wall on the steel plate, right? That would take a lot of work. Huh?"

"It’s not necessary. I mean to use steel plates for defense. I mean to cast some large pieces of pure steel modules, and then the giant creatures will hold them for defense. Raise the steel module as a shield for active defense."

Rose nodded and said: "Anyway, it is used to block shells. As long as the volume is large enough, no finishing is required, and it can be recycled later. It’s very cheap. As for giants! Tree Demon should work. You can buy this from Monster Race. It’s a low-level unit and it’s not very valuable. However, the accuracy required to block shells with a large steel mound is too exaggerated. I guess Tree Demon didn’t necessarily react. He simply processed the steel directly into the shape of a fly swatter, and then set the racket net to be replaceable. When you see the shell, you can take the racket and take it off. After the steel net explodes, you can change it again immediately. Putting it into use, it saves money and the effect is a lot better. Okay, let’s talk about other defense methods."

Military God continued: "Next is the semi-active defense mode. Because our city There is no way to move, so avoidance is impossible, but we can combine the Third Type method to let the troops intercept the enemy outside the city. In this process, semi-active defense is used. As far as our guild’s existing resources are concerned, the most appropriate The way is to send a large number of highly mobile units to connect, that is, long spear formations and pegasus air cavalry formations supplemented by mobile angel units to participate in the battle. These three arms can fly, and they are very fast. The most important thing is that they are facing ordinary Arms have an absolutely overwhelming battle strength and will not form an entanglement state. Therefore, the enemy will not have the opportunity to use high-explosive weapons. Even if they launch into the air, they can easily dodge at the speed of these three arms."

Sumi suddenly raised her hand and said, "Since it’s fine as long as it fails to hit, I think our guild guardian beast steel claws are also good. Steel claws are very good at making holes. If they attack from the ground, their high Explosive weapons are useless."

The so-called one method can be used to solve the problem. With the guidance of the military god, all kinds of fantastic ideas have come out after everyone has walked out of ideological misunderstandings. Even Zhen Hong, a barbarian woman who always likes to go straight, said excitedly: "You can also send Jingling and Ghost Soldier insects in the city defense forces together. These two creatures are very low-level and have a large number of magic crystal steam weapons. Although the formidable power is large and the cost is high, we bury them with super cheap low-level units to see if they are used or not. Oh, right, don’t we have a lot of Necromancers in our guild? All summon skeleton soldiers, and then The Platinum Skeleton King is in the team. If they use the magic crystal steam bomb to blow up the little skulls, they can definitely bankrupt them, if they don’t blow up......hehehehe......"

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