After handling the work in the guild, I came to the liaison office agreed by the Indian guild. This so-called liaison office is actually a conference hall, which is said to be a place set up by Indian guilds to deal with disputes between the parties. But speaking of which can see such a place exists, I am really surprised. You should know that "Zero" is a combat-oriented game. Although there are various entertainment methods to cater to the preferences of different groups of people, it is generally a fighting game, especially for groups of guilds. Said that all kinds of conflicts are definitely inevitable. However, although there are conflicts in "Zero", there are no courts and peacekeeping forces. Therefore, in most cases, interest groups speak with strength, unless there are enough think tank talents in a large guild. Will occasionally consider negotiation and other methods. However, in India, it is surprising that guild battles between their player guilds rarely break out. Disputes are generally resolved in this coordinated way, which is simply unthinkable in other countries. However, thinking about the Buddhism of cutting meat and feeding eagles invented by the Indians and the historical non-violent non-cooperative movement can also roughly understand this behavior of the Indians.

"Is anyone here?" I thought that the arbitration between guilds must have at least basic martial power protection. Within the four wide open doors is a huge Conference Hall. If it weren't for a circle of tables and a lot of stationery in the center, this structure could be used as a small Colosseum. I didn't get any response to my shouts except for a round of echoes in Dating Ting. In desperation, I had to shout a few more times, but the result was still the same. "Damn it, are those gangs playing tricks on me? What kind of liaison office is this? Why don't they even have personal hair?" After reluctantly turning around the hall for two times, I still didn't see anyone who could pant. I had no choice but to summon. A large number of Qilin warriors were sent out and they were separated to find someone. After waiting for a long time, all Qilin warriors reported that the building was simply empty. "Damn, are they really playing tricks on me?" After thinking about it, I still feel wrong. The completion of the agreement between me and the Indian is a transaction, just like a normal commercial agreement. It doesn't make sense that the other party sent the goods but left you with a fake bank account so that your money can't be sent out, right? Indians are just not interested in war, IQ is absolutely no problem, it is absolutely impossible to do such a stupid thing! After thinking about it, I took back the Qilin warrior, exited the building, and then came to the opposite building. The building opposite to the arbitration conference hall is an Auction House. Two NPC guards stand at the door. It looks more majestic than the arbitration hall opposite, which makes me even more awkward. Imagine you go to the city government building and find that there is no one inside, only to find that there are two guards standing outside a newspaper hall in front of the city government building. What is it like? However, even though I felt awkward, I leaned forward and asked. "I'll ask you something."

"You ask. You ask." My deterrent attribute is excellent for non-hostile NPCs. Two reserved NPC guards saw me and met the mouse. Like a cat, his legs are still shaking when he speaks.

"I want to know why there is no one in the opposite building?"

"That building has always been unoccupied!" One of the guards replied a little uncertain, but He quickly added: "By the way, there is a magic array in the center of the arbitration conference hall. If you have something to do, you can stand on it, and then you can talk to the specialized personnel set up in various guilds."

"Oh, so that's how it is, many thanks."

I didn't know until the NPC's commentary. It turns out that this place is usually nobody's, only when there is something that needs arbitration. When someone comes to the meeting, usually only one NPC responsible for cleaning will come every few times. Originally, it’s amazing enough that Indians can concoct such an arbitration conference. Didn’t expect it is not a permanent institution. The cultural difference between Indians and our Chinese is really big enough, which is a very reasonable thing in their opinion. In my opinion, it is simply a fantasy story!

Back to the conference hall, I found the magic array surrounded by a circle of tables, and then I stood directly on it. The activation method of this magic array is auto-sensing, and it will activate as long as someone stands up, without any operation at all. I just felt a sudden light around me, and then a circle of people around me, of course, I can clearly feel that these are just projections.

"Purple Moon?" I don't know any of the people who appeared in the circle, and I can be sure that none of them are guild leaders. Fortunately, most of these people know me.

"I have reached an agreement with your Indian guild alliance before, and now I am here to fulfill my obligations, but why is there no one at this contact office?"

"Oh , I know the agreement.” One of them said: “This liaison office will only have people when it is useful. It is usually empty. As for the agreement you reached before, because it is a secret agreement, not many people know it. Our president has said hello to me. If you show up, we will contact the respective presidents. Please wait a while and I will call our president."

The person finished. His silhouette went dark, and everyone else went to the president of his guild for the same reason, and I experienced a long wait. These people said they were looking for their own president, but they just left me there for more than half an hour before they found everyone. I almost went mad with anger.

After finally waiting for the silhouettes to light up, one of the people who had participated in the war talks came out and said, "Hello, Purple Moon. I really didn't expect you to come so soon."< /p>

"I have promised you anyway. Sooner or later, I have to deal with it. I will finish it quickly while there is nothing at hand. Okay, what am I going to do now? Can you show me your offensive plan? "

"This..." When I asked about the offensive plan, the expressions of those people were dark. In the end, the guy who spoke before said somewhat sorry: "In fact, we still have the plan. No plan!"

"What? No plan?"

"This...mainly because there was a problem with the distribution of benefits in the division of Bangladesh this time. We are only recently. The negotiation is good, and we rarely have such large-scale combat experience before, so we don’t know how to plan. In fact, to talk about the actual situation that is not embarrassing, we did not plan for one battle before."

"Don't plan?" I originally wanted to question the presidents of these Indian guilds, but then I thought of a situation. In order to search for Chinese national equipment, I had entered India. At that time, I was chased and killed by people from various guilds in India and ran back to China. At that time, it seemed that I did not see any organization and strategy of the Indians. This shows that India. People’s battle method is like this, they have never planned. "Okay! Since you don't make a plan, how do you plan to fight this time? Just like this, the whole country will flood into Bangladesh?"

"Is there any other way?" This long sentence left me speechless, not because there really is no other way, but because his words are really ridiculous!

"Forget it, it seems that you are not in a hurry to invade Bangladesh, so I don't want to push it for a few more days?"


Before the other party finished speaking, I raised my hand to stop him from continuing. "You don't need to plan, just give me a statistical data telling me how many combat and support personnel you can mobilize and the approximate battle strength and special ability of these people, and finally give me a form of your material status, etc. Once these things are done, you can send someone to the contract city and give them to our guild people. The battle plan is made by our guild. When the time comes, you can do it according to the plan."

"Oh, in this case, it's very good, we must get the statistics as soon as possible."

For the efficiency of Indian players, I can only helplessly make this decision. Anyway, the matter is theirs. I won't get a penny of the benefit of smashing Bangladesh. They are not in a hurry. Why should I be anxious? After returning to the country depressed, because there was nothing wrong for the time being, I went to the research institute to check the condition of the ore. After refining, the metals I brought back have all been decomposed into a variety of simple substances. The people in this institute are experimenting with the best mix ratio in order to finally decide what kind of metal to produce. Of course, this matter does not take a day or two. Can have results. Real metal experiments require several years or even several decades of repeated testing to gradually improve Metal Attribute. Although the speed in the game is much faster than in reality, it is impossible to produce results in a few hours. In the research institute of our guild, the attribute bonus of research speed is exaggerated, and the results can be seen in four or five days at most.

The results of the research institute somewhat dilute the unhappiness that the Indians have caused me, but the good mood did not last long before the Japanese were lost.

"How did this happen?" Not long after I walked out of the institute, I was informed by the military god to let me go to the port, and when I arrived at the port, I was stunned by the scene before me. I saw several large battleships parked crookedly on the water of Issinger’s Inner Harbor, but these battleships were completely unrecognizable. The most miserable one was almost nowhere to be found. I don’t know what they are. Drive it back!

"Boss, it's my fault this time. I was too negligent!" King Chuang lowered his head and confessed his mistake in front of me, but I didn't know what to scold him when I saw him like that. , After thinking about it, it is still important to deal with things.

"Let’s talk about what’s going on first, and which ones are these ships? I can tell that they are Biling and Eternal Level, but I can’t tell who they are all bombed like this. Who is it! What did you meet? How could it be like this?"

"Yes!" King Chuang took me to the dock and pointed to a ship next to it that was forty-five degrees with the sea The slanted battleship said: "This is Thor."

"Thor? Where is that one over there?" I always thought that the side of the hull next to it had four more holes for carriage. The battleship in China is the Thor, and didn’t expect that the battleship, whose half-island bridge is missing, is actually the Thor.

The king of Chuang saw the battleship I was referring to and said: "That is the Shining, and the next ship is the Eternal."

The large holes on the Shining look horrible to see, and the Eternity next to it is not much better, the entire bow has been completely blown up, I don't know how they drove it back. As for the remaining two larger ships, they should be the Biling-class battleship, but one of them has only one hull left, and the part above the deck height is completely gone, and the superstructure of the other ship is all It's still there, but it has become a pile of scrap iron, which is simply unrecognizable, and compared with this ship that has no superstructure at all, there is a big hole in the waterline, which looks worse than this ship.

"Which two are those?"

"The one whose superstructure was completely flattened is the Tyrant, and the other one is the Poseidon."

" What about the Storm?" Upon hearing the names of these two Biling-class ships, I immediately asked nervously about the status of the third Biling-class battleship. "Should I be sunk?"

"No." King Chuang shook his head quickly and denied. "Storm was not in the fleet at the time and was not attacked at all."

"Oh, I thought it was sunk!" I looked at the five heavily damaged ships and asked, "Why Seeing these five ships? Are there any other ships injured or all sunk?"

Chuang Wang Ming knew that I would get angry, but the facts made him brace oneself replied: "All sunk !"

"Specific loss?"

"Loss three ordinary battleships, eight battle cruisers, one heavy cruiser, and three destroyers. The other battleships are fine, but This society has all moved to the open sea and dare not come back."


"Because the Japanese have mastered a new type of weapon." Another player beside Chuangwang said "Chairman. This time I really don’t blame Chuangwang. We didn’t expect the new Japanese artillery shells with such a large formidable power. One shot completely shattered one of our destroyers. Chuangwang found out at the time. When the situation was wrong, several destroyers were sent up to entangle the enemy and let other ships run, but later found that the destroyer’s tonnage was too small and could not bear even one shot. So the destroyer had to retreat as well, but the enemy was too fast. We had no choice but to keep the slowest large battleships in our fleet. However, the Biling class and Eternal Level are equipped with special thrusters, which are much faster than other large battleships, so they escaped. It’s a pity The mosquito tactics used by the Japanese in this battleship. Their ships are all small and small battleships. There is a small cannon on the entire ship. There is no command tower, but the speed is super fast. Our battleship group is affected by these. Xiaodouding chased them all the way. Although our cannons hit them one by one, they committed suicide attacks regardless of their disregard. That's why they caused such a huge loss!"

I don’t understand. . If things are really like what this member said, then you really can't blame Chuangwang. The decision to retreat immediately when the enemy fleet discovered that the situation was wrong was not wrong. As for the later situation, it was entirely due to the characteristics of the Japanese battleship, and I understood the situation at that time.

I intercepted the Japanese magic crystal vapor bomb a long time ago, and later I went to Japan to investigate the situation also shows that the Japanese are indeed working with the Russians on the magic crystal vapor bomb technology. As for Today's situation is obviously the result of the Japanese application of magic crystal vapor bomb technology. It’s just that I don’t quite understand that the Japanese production factories should have been destroyed by me. Even if they were to rebuild, shouldn’t they be so fast? However, although I don't know how the Japanese rebuilt the magic crystal steam bomb production plant in such a short period of time, I have roughly understood the situation of this attack. Because the formidable power of the magic crystal steam bomb is not proportional to the volume, even a very small battleship can easily destroy a large battleship using the cannonball made by the magic crystal steam principle. Therefore, Japanese talents will produce the kind that only has a small cannon. , And a small battleship with super fast speed. The Japanese know that our battleship has amazing firepower, and the large battleship will be sunk by us if it can't be posted. Because of the formidable power of the magic crystal steam cannonball, the battleship’s artillery does not need too much or too much. On the contrary, the space saved can be fully loaded with power devices. This is why the Japanese battleship is super fast but only has one gun. reason.

Since I want to understand the reason, I don’t want to be too harsh on the king. After all, he is the commander-in-chief of our guild. He is the most distressed about the loss of the fleet. If you can avoid losing him I will definitely make every effort to avoid losses. The reason why the loss was so huge this time was entirely due to the result of encountering advanced weapons, and it had nothing to do with the command of King Chuang.

Thinking of this, I patted the king's shoulder. "Okay. Don’t be sad. This time it’s not your fault, but the Japanese are too cunning. There is nothing wrong with your command. If the battleship is lost, it can be rebuilt. Anyway, we are not short of money. Our guild’s battleship hasn’t been for a long time. It’s updated, just in time for a big dressup."

Although I said something to comfort King Chuang, my heart is actually not good. It’s not fake that the lost battleship can be rebuilt, but it’s for money, and it’s a ghost if you don’t feel bad about it! However, compared to the cost of rebuilding the battleship, I am more worried about the situation on the Japanese side. In fact, the Japanese’s magic crystal vapor bomb has long been in existence. The reason they have been holding back is to find a chance to make full use of the magic crystal vapor bomb’s formidable power to defeat us in one fell swoop and get greater results, and now that our guild 'S fleet was attacked by magic crystal steam bombs, what about other places?

I suddenly reacted and quickly called the military god. "Military god."


"Notify us that the guild and all alliance forces in Japan have entered Level 1 red alert status, and tell them that the Japanese have obtained a This formidable power is a huge assault weapon. Don’t rely on the city to fight the Japanese defensively. Try to confront them in the wild."


Magic crystal The formidable power of the steam bomb is too large, which is better for the personnel. At worst, spread out a bit. As long as you don’t get together, you won’t lose too much. On the contrary, the city is the real weakness. In the past, relying on a complete urban defense facility can indeed take a lot of money, but at this moment, it is better to go out to fight in the field, or you will be buried alive and you don’t know how to die!

After letting the military god issue the order, I secretly prayed in my heart: "This order must be caught up!"

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