I thought it was a monster rushing towards us, but when I lifted the eternal to resist the monster’s impact, I suddenly found a huge crack extending along the top of the cave. I came over and passed through my location at lightning speed and stretched backward, but this was just a sign. Before we could react, more than a dozen cracks suddenly rushed over and instantly covered our surrounding area. And immediately followed by a wave of swaying mountains, a large amount of mud mixed with gravel washed down from the cracks in the roof of the cave, and the entire roof of the cave was completely washed away, and more mud mixed with a large amount of water and washed into the ground together. The cave, we were buried alive before we could react.

——A few minutes later——

"Damn, Heizi, you are awesome!" A warrior looked at the small river beside him turned into a great valley, pulling his companion in surprise and said: "We haven't seen each other for a few days? How come your spell's formidable power has become so big?"

The dragged mage also looked at the river in astonishment. "No... it's none of my business! The one just now was just a seventh rank spell water dragon roar, specially used to push monsters, it shouldn't be so huge!"

"What? Water dragon roar? Who are you deceiving?" A Necromancer next to me retorted unbelievably: "You bullied me and not the Water Element mage? If you were the water dragon roaring just now, I could use the summon skeleton soldier to get the Purple Moon summon out!"

"Go, is my water dragon roaring!"

"Okay, since your water dragon roar can blow up the creek into a great valley, my skeleton soldier summon should be able to blast Purple Moon Summon comes out, don’t believe you watch it.” As the guy said, he really started to use the skills of the Summon Skeleton Soldier. Of course he didn’t really want to summon me out, he was just arguing with a friend, it’s just...

After the Summon Skeleton Soldier’s spell was activated, a small piece of ground immediately bulged up. Follow the general procedure. It should be a skeleton crawling out from below, but today's situation is different. I saw that the swelling soil suddenly flew up, and then jumped over the heads of a few people and flew into the woods next to them. When the few people looked back, they just saw a hand wrapped in armor stretched out from the ground. Came out.

"Hey, why is the skeleton of your summon in Erbing not right?"

The Necromancer is also a question mark when he hears his companion’s question, but he knows that he has activated summon. The skills of the skeleton soldier are only, but the hand in front of you is obviously not the skeleton soldier! Said it was the undead Knight, it was almost the same. They were whispering there, they saw that the hand made a slow fist after reaching out to the ground, and then stretched out and turned it again, seeming to move the bones and muscles, and finally bend the palm to touch the nearby ground. Before they could figure out what this hand was doing, they saw that the ground near that hand suddenly exploded again, and a large amount of dirt flew out and crackled like rain on the ground in the vicinity. Seeing the mud and rain in front of them continue to fall, the mouths of the three of them opened into O-shapes, but the more frightening was still behind. They saw a person crawling out of the big pit, a person covered in heavy armor with a large and unique helmet on his head, and a long cloak with a black side and a blood-red side behind him. The armor on this person looks like a top suit, because the exaggerated shape and the amazing gems on it all illustrate the value of this armor, but this person is now covered in mud and looks a little embarrassed. However, the three of them immediately recognized this person's identity, because that set of gorgeous and exaggerated armor simply didn't have a second one in the entire game.

"Purple Moon?"

"Huh? What are you doing?" As soon as I crawled out of the hole, I heard someone calling me, and habitually complied.

"Damn, it's Purple Moon!" The warrior looked at the Necromancer next to him in amazement and asked in surprise: "Hey, what level of skill is summon Purple Moon? Why didn't I hear it? Skills can be assisted by the masters in the summon game?"

"Ah? It’s not my summon! I just summoned a skeleton, I really don’t know how he came out!" The Necromancer Now I finally realized the feelings of his companions. Just now, the Water Element mage blasted the stream into a canyon. The degree of surprise was definitely not less than what he felt now.

Listening to these three people in front of me, I was also unfathomable mystery, but I have no time to care about what they are talking about now. As soon as my mind moved, Grandma appeared next to me in an instant. "Help me wash the soil."

"Small problem." Anana snapped her fingers, and a jet of high-pressure water suddenly fell from the sky and washed away all the soil on my body.

"Huh..., it's much better now!" Suddenly, a ball of flame blew up on my body to evaporate all the remaining water, and then I took back Amana Summon and got out of Ye Ying and jumped up. Before the three people could react, I rode Ye Ying to the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

The precious ore of Jinshi Holy Mother is basically recovered, but the aftermath is not finished yet. I ran back to Isengard and threw all the ore to the research institute, then ran to the Great Thunder Sound Temple and told the heavenly soldiers that the things had been recovered, and entered the space inside the Great Thunder Sound Temple and pretended to put the things back in the distance. , In fact, it was just going in and making a circle, anyway, it was just to settle the hearts of those heavenly soldiers. The battle between Buddhism and Celestial Court is basically over. When I came here this time, apart from seeing a few Buddhism members still resisting, most of the Celestial Court personnel have already begun to clean the battlefield. Since there is nothing wrong here, I left the Great Thunder Sound Temple and returned to the Contract City to find the guild leaders who had just launched to arrange the reconstruction of the War Zone. Anyway, this kind of thing doesn’t need me to worry about. With so many people helping me manage the guild, all I really need to do is make a decision. Of course, I'm not completely fine. In fact, compared to these leaders, I am really busy.

In order to destroy our contract city construction plan, Buddhism once launched Indian players to attack our city. At the time, I promised to help Indian players not to interfere with this matter, so I promised to help them expand the land area, and this promise I can only do it myself. Although Bangladesh is not a big country, they are a country after all. I personally help the Indians to attack Bangladesh and it’s nothing at the worst, just like the gun god and Black Widow can go to the contract city to help me fight Buddhism. , This kind of single-person employment task is actually very common. However, if the Frost Rose Alliance participated in the Indian expansion of Bangladesh, it would be a guild behavior, and its essential meaning would have changed. It's just like when our country's army was called a volunteer army when it resisted US aggression and aid to Korea. Although it was still a Chinese army, changing the title would become a soldier's personal behavior. The current situation is also the same, I can participate in the war, the Frost Rose League absolutely cannot participate in the war. We can sell weapons, sell intelligence, sell NPC troops, and even directly send high-level players to participate in the war as mercenaries, but we must not involve the Frost Rose League.

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