Following the smoke produced by the chasing incense all the way for nearly a hundred kilometers, I finally understand why a literati and Taoist gave me a handful of chasing incense once so generously! This chasing soul incense can track the target, but in fact it is simply useless. It's like I am now. It was just after ten o'clock when I got this soul chaser and left Sky Pillar Mountain in the morning. It was already more than two o'clock in the afternoon. I was still chasing the smoke everywhere. I knew it would be like this. At first, I should ask those heavenly soldiers if there are other solutions, after all, this thing is really too troublesome. Although the smoke produced by the chasing incense has been flying in the direction of the target, its moving speed is only slightly faster than a human running on foot. You must know that the other party may be in any place, and they are not waiting for me. In case he uses Transmission Formation to go to other places before the smoke catches him, the smoke has to turn around and continue chasing, and wants to follow. If the smoke finds the target, he can only follow it and run slowly. If the person holding the soul chaser is tracking a busy person like me who is always running back and forth in various places, it is estimated that he will never want to chase me for the rest of his life. , Because every time Chasing Soul Fragrance hasn’t reached where I am, I teleport to another place.

"Master, this thing is too slow. When can we get there after following it like this?" Ye Ying asked me as she took small steps and followed the cloud of smoke. .

At first, I was extremely depressed by the speed of this cloud of smoke, but now it is even more sad to hear Ye Ying. "Hey... I knew this thing was such a speed that I shouldn't have wanted this stuff!"

"Master." Victoria's voice suddenly sounded in the contact.

"What are you doing?"

"Actually, I think you made a mistake."

"I made a mistake? What did I make a mistake?" What Victoria said surprised me.

"It's the soul chasing incense. I don't think a scholar gave you one because he doesn't care about that thing, but that thing is meant to be used one by one."

"Huh?" I was taken aback by Victoria, and then looked at the large handful of chasing incense in his hand in a puzzled manner. "Do you mean to ignite this one all at once?"

"No, I mean ordering one at a time, just like using Compass. You have also seen this along the way, it The generated smoke simply does not turn, but keeps moving towards the target direction, so we only need to light a soul-chasing incense, then moved towards the direction it is moving and fly a long distance quickly, and then click another one to confirm the direction That’s right. It’s okay. Wan accidentally chased your head over at worst. It’s much faster to chase it back, isn’t it?"

"Damn, I said, why did the miser suddenly become generous and messed up?"

" This is how the soul chasing incense is used for a long time!"

In fact, many things in life are like this. It looks very complicated. In fact, it’s just that we made the wrong entry point and the direction of force. In fact, many things are easy to solve.

With Victoria’s suggestion, I immediately took the night shadow back, and then summon flew forward for more than 100 kilometers before stopping and lighting a soul-chasing incense again. The smoke produced by the soul incense is still flying forward. Thanks to Victoria reminding me, if I still rooted in the cloud of smoke, it is estimated that I will not be able to chase this place until night, and if I really chase for so long, people might not be halfway there. You have to change places. After all, a player is unlikely to stay in one place for several days in a row.

Using this method, every time I flew more than 100 kilometers, I stopped and ordered a piece of chakra to measure the direction. As a result, after chasing for nearly two thousand kilometers, I found that the smoke produced by the chakra was pointing. My profile. Obviously, the flight just now produced a little directional error, and the other party should be in the vicinity, otherwise a little error would be impossible to cause such a big angular change in the direction of the smoke. Because the distance is very close, I did not perform jump tracking this time. Instead, I took back the flying bird on foot and followed the cloud of smoke in a slow search.

This time it was very fast. After walking several hundred meters, I found a cliff in front of me, and to my surprise, there was a way on that cliff more than ten meters above the ground. City gate, and in front of the city gate is a long approach bridge to facilitate people outside to follow the approach bridge to reach the same height of the city gate. Looking at the direction of the smog, the guy should be in the mountain behind the city gate, but the city has such a personality that it really takes a lot of work to get in.

I waved away the cloud of smoke, and then I carefully followed the plants in the forest to the edge of the cliff. After activating the invisibility function on the cloak and cooperating with Emmeneis' illusion to make myself invisible, I immediately climbed up the cliff and gradually moved along the cliff to the city gate.

In fact, my goal is not the city gate, but the row of small holes on the city gate. The city gate was built on the cliff, indicating that the interior of the mountain should have been hollowed out to build a city, and if the row of small holes were not vents, they must be shooting openings, no matter which one they are, they must be open. Those in the city, knowing this is enough.

Because the row of small windows is still a little far away from the city gate below, and the players and NPCs who are going to and from below rarely look up, and with my invisibility, simply no one can find it. I. Smoothly moved to the side of a small window, and then carefully pasted it. The window is not completely open. Its exterior is an approximately square hole cut in the cliff. The size is about the size of the screen of a seventeen-inch monitor. The slimmer assassins and mages may squeeze in. Go, warrior-like personnel wearing armor like me will never get in. And there is a wooden board on the inside of the window, so you can't see the inside from the outside.

Looking at the opening, I thought about it and took out the eternity, and then turned the eternity into a bow hand drill. This kind of drill is generally used by woodworkers. A bow-shaped cross bar is horizontally above the main drill, and the two ends are connected to the drill rod with belts. As long as the cross bar is pulled back and forth by hand, the drill can be quickly rotated. The advantage of this thing is that it does not require additional power, is purely manual operation, and does not make too much movement with attention.

After making a small hole in the wall easily with eternal sharpness, I stuffed a ghost worm through the hole. After passing through the half-meter-thick wall, the Spirit Armor worm quickly crawled into the tunnel. This is a passage similar to a corridor. The inner side of the mountain is the wall, the outer side is a square window, and the thing behind the window is a cannon. Those windows are simply not vents, they are all firing openings, and they are also firing openings for cannons. These cannons are hidden in the mountains. When fighting, you can easily attack a large area outside by pushing the cannon barrels forward to extend the cannon barrels out of the mountain. However, it is difficult for the enemy to target the cannons hidden in the mountains, that is, on mission. , With the half-meter-thick granite exterior wall coupled with some simple spell blocking devices, it is estimated that unless it is a large magic cannon, it is difficult for general weapons to damage the cannon inside.

Now this corridor full of cannons is basically empty, but through the sight of the Spirit Armor Worm, I saw two NPC guards chatting beside a small door, that’s obviously It is a passage to the inside of the mountain, and these two NPCs belong to the duty personnel.

There is a good thing about NPC, that is, it will not be resurrected. If there are two players standing there, I must find a way to get around, because even if the player is killed, they will resurrect in the resurrection hall and resurrect. Later, he can still go to the police, so the player guard is quite difficult to deal with. Relatively speaking, NPC is much easier to handle. As long as the process of the attack is clean and unobtrusive, you don't have to worry about triggering the alarm afterwards. However, although everyone knows that NPC guards are unreliable, few guilds use players as guards. After all, everyone is here to play. Others go out to level up and do tasks to play. Would you like to stand alone here stupidly? Just because everyone doesn't like to stand guard, so apart from knowing in advance that someone is going to attack, there are very few guilds who will use players to stand guard. This place is obviously among the general conditions.

After determining the location of the two NPCs, I climbed to a window near the location of the two NPCs, and then used the Spirit Armor bug to help me watch the timing, while the other party did not look here. At that time, I suddenly lifted the wooden board covering the window, and two throwing knives flew out almost at the same time and shot the two NPCs who turned their heads because of the sound to the ground. The handleless throwing knife directly penetrated the eyes of the two and inserted them into their heads, leaving them no chance to yell at all.

I quickly jumped into the passage and closed the window, hid the corpse by the door behind the cannon, and quickly approached the door to paste it and listen carefully. The door was abnormally quiet, and it seemed that there were no enemies, but in order to prevent it from accidentally opening the door a small slit, and then letting a Spirit Armor bug out. After the Spirit Armor bug confirmed the safety outside, I opened the door and entered the back passage.

Behind the room with the cannon is a criss-crossed tunnel network. Under the surveillance of a large number of Spirit Armor bugs I released, it is easy to figure out the route and the location of the personnel here. After avoiding those people and passing through the passage easily, I entered the city through a small door.

As soon as I walked out of that door, I was stunned by the scene in front of me. After seeing the uniquely designed gate and defense system outside, I thought that inside the mountain should be a magnificent Underground City in an imposing manner, but who knew that this place turned out to be a huge refugee camp. There is indeed a large space inside the mountain, but there are no large buildings. Various semi-tent and half-house buildings composed of wood frames and canvases fill the space inside the mountain, with various rock fragments and garbage dumps. It’s everywhere, and there is no order at all. This place is simply not a city, it is just a huge refugee camp.

Although I was fooled by the current situation, I did not forget my purpose. I took out a soul chasing incense and lit it again in a less conspicuous location. The smoke soon condensed and drifted towards a temple-like building made of large stone slabs and wood in the center of the city. After a few swipes of the smoke, I climbed directly along the wall to the roof of Underground City, and then quickly climbed to the top of the building on the dark roof. After fixing the front end of the dragon's tendon cable to the roof of the cave, I pulled the cable and slowly landed to the top of the building. With a flick of my wrist, the cable head was automatically released and retracted.

The bottom two floors of the three-story building under my feet are entirely made of stones. The structure looks very rough. It feels like it was piled up with a few stones temporarily. As for the wooden structure of the top layer The house barely looks like a house, but its "luxury" level is at the hunter's cabin level. The house is almost entirely composed of logs and there are even uncut tree branches. If it weren't for the mountainside It might leak rain inside. It can be said that this house is completely in line with the style of the city. It feels like someone put a piece of untreated gold with uneven surface and no regular shapes on the head for decoration, although everyone Knowing that the gold is very valuable, but the raw ore that has not undergone any processing is not beautiful in any way. This is the city in front of me. Hollowing the belly of the mountain itself is an extremely large project, and the ability to build a strong and heavy city gate on the outside shows the level of architecture here. However, the inner city that has been built with such a great effort has turned into a slum. People cannot understand.

Although I can’t figure out the situation, my most important goal right now is not the construction level of the people here, but the guy who stole my things. After lighting a soul chasing incense and determining the target location for the last time, I directly cancelled my invisibility. Before sneaking in was not afraid of people here besieging me, but because I was afraid that beat the grass to scare the snake would scare that guy away. Now that I found the target, there is no need to pretend. Strategy is only a method needed when using the weak to defeat the strong. When oneself is far stronger than the opponent, there is no need to waste time plotting against something. It is the simplest and most effective to destroy all defenses of the opponent directly with Mount Tai overwhelming. Methods.

After the invisibility disappeared, I swung the eternal sword and slashed down fiercely, with a cracking sound, the entire roof was cut in two by me, and my whole person followed the broken log. Fell into the room.

The people in my room who fell from the sky were shocked, and I was also taken aback. I originally thought that the guy who rolled my things was in the room, but to my surprise, there were only three women sitting on a wooden bed in this room. They seemed to be chatting before, but now they are all wearing faces. Looked at me in surprise.

The women and I were staring at small eyes in those big eyes, and suddenly heard shouts from under the stairs next to them. "What the hell is going on above? Dream, Sisi, are you okay?" Along with the shout, a professional Knight player ran up from below, but he found out before he cared a few words about the three women. I'm on the other side. "Purple Moon?"

"Purple Moon?" The man who rushed up behind the man screamed when he heard my name, and when he saw me, the guy screamed He turned around and ran down, and at the same time he yelled: "Run! Purple Moon is here again!"

Although I don’t know how these people are related to that guy, I I don't intend to care about these people now, because the guy who ran away was the president of the guild that stole my things. Seeing him running away, I directly inserted Eternal violently into the ground, and then drew a circle around me. The stone slab on the ground was like tofu. A large circular hole was cut out by me, and then I even took the piece and was cut. The slabs that came down fell to the lower layer together. That guy just ran to the top of the stairs on this floor at this time, and when he saw me suddenly fell through the floor, he immediately screamed and didn't leave the stairs, and jumped directly under the stairs. Seeing him still running, I once again pierced the floor of this floor and fell directly to the first floor, and the position where I was standing just blocked the doorway, the guy was scared and backed back as soon as he was halfway through the rush. There were several people standing beside him. They all belonged to their guild to see the badge, and these people obviously recognized me, and all of them retreated to the wall at the other end of the room in fear.

"Am I that scary? Why do you run away when you see me?"

They didn't take my words seriously, but became even more frightened. In the end, they didn't know It’s not that the fear of breakthrough has reached the critical point. One of the warriors suddenly shouted: "Everyone rushed over and run away each one."

When he shouted that sentence, he and the other members around him suddenly joined together. I rushed over, and I was a little surprised at their reaction. The last time I was outside the small village of their guild, I brought down so many people by myself. They even dared to rush upwards. It was really anxious to jump over the wall.

"Where do you want to go?" Looking at the sword blade that the fastest player swung over, I casually stretched out a hand and squeezed the long sword. It is firmly in my hands, no matter how hard the player struggles, he can't get out.

"Don't pester him." A female player next to him was so fast that she didn't make any attacks on me at all, just bypassed me and rushed out, but she just rushed out the door Suddenly it was called out pitifully and flew back at a speed faster than the speed of going out. The king and the second came in from the door and stood there just blocking the entire gate.

"Mother, I fought with you!" A warrior suddenly broke out, violently waved his battle axe and slashed at me, but his axe was forced to reach the top of his head. Stopped, because the eternal in my hand had become a hook and sickle, and the tip of the gun was against his throat.

"Who else would like to try?"

Frightened by my strength, the room became silent for a while, and no one dared to move. After all, I just want If they want to kill them, they won't even have a chance to react. However, this stalemate only lasted for a few seconds before it was over, because the male Knight who was upstairs walked down with three other women.

"Chairman Purple Moon, can you put down the weapon first?" The Knight first looked at the situation on the field, and then asked. I took a look at him. Although I was disdainful, I took the eternity back and released the sword of the player who was pinched by me before, and the other party quickly retreated to my own. Seeing that they had returned to their own camp, I was about to ask about my things, but the Knight didn't expect to speak again. "President Purple Moon, I know that your Frost Rose League is very powerful, but this is my territory after all. Don’t you think you’ve done too much?" Seeing my puzzled gaze, he pointed to the one on top of my head. Hole.

I glanced at him in disgust, but still said: "I will pay for the damage. Purple Moon doesn't like to owe others, but only if you are not involved in their actions."


"no no no, I'm not talking about compensation." The Knight walked two steps forward and stood in front of everyone and said, "You feel that you broke into someone else's territory and destroyed someone without their consent. What happened to him and hurt his guest, is it enough to just pay for it?"

I almost fainted with a few words from the Knight. "Are you sure you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course." Knight said with certainty, "I don't know how you understand it, but I don't think breaking into someone else's territory is just a casual sentence. Apologize and compensate for something."

"It seems that I did not understand it wrong, but you are really just an idiot."

"Why do you curse? "This time it was one of the three women who spoke.

"I'm not swearing, but stating the facts." Before the other party continued to speak, I said first: "Do you really understand what the Frost Rose League represents?"

"A guild." The woman said without knowing why.

I shook the head with a smile. "So I said he was an idiot, but it seems that he is not the only idiot here!"

"Who are you scolding?"

"I said, I did not scold anyone, I was just stating the facts. You did not understand my identity, nor did you understand what the Frost Rose League represents, let alone what your own identity and your guild represent."

"Okay, what do you mean by your identity? What does your guild represent? What do we represent?"

"My identity is the president of the Frost Rose League, world battle strength Ranked first, and the Frost Rose League represents strength. We are a group of proud lions, and you are just a group of rabbits. They..." I pointed to the president. "These nasty jackals stole my prey, and I am chasing them. As for you, it's just a bunch of rabbits that happened to be implicated in. You are not even qualified to enter the lion group, but you are now Even if you want the lion to pay for your rabbit hole, you have to include compensation for mental loss and personality insults. I really don’t know if I am stupid or you are stupid. Don’t you think it’s funny if you ask the lion for mental damage. Is it?"

"You mean to say that we are incompetent. Okay, today I will let you see how powerful we are." The woman suddenly reached out and took out the longbow behind her. An arrow was placed on the shelf, but the guild leader next to her screamed before she shot it out.

"No, he..."

He apparently shouted a step slower, the arrow had already been shot out, but I was pinched in my hand in the next second. "The head is good, but the speed is too slow and the strength is not enough. The most important thing is that there is no magic effect. Don't you think this thing can shoot me to death?"

"Wow, he can accept it. Hold your arrow!" What made me almost fainted was that the other two women beside her and the Knight screamed together after the woman finished shooting the arrow.

"hey hey hey, did you guys run out of the mental disorder hospital?"

"Purple Moon, president." The previous president suddenly calmed down and blocked In front of the women and the Knight, he said, "You came here because you wanted to get your things back. Am I right?"

I smiled and said nodded. : "Isn't everything going away like this a long time ago? But seriously, I really want to know who they are. Here..." I pointed to my head. "Is there a problem?"

The president looked at the few people behind him, and there seemed to be something unspeakable. "This has nothing to do with you. Just assume that the situation just now has not happened! Some of those things have been sold, but most of them have been hidden by me. I can take you right away. But you have to promise not to Embarrass them."

"Don’t worry, I will not lower oneself to somebody's level with the mentally handicapped. After all, I am a normal person, so I should give them some points. Of course, if they take the initiative to find me Don’t blame me if you’re in trouble. I don’t like the feeling of being ridden on your head. Besides, you have to give me the things you hide. That’s for sure. You have to tell me who you are selling to. Now."

The president seemed hesitant, but in the end he was nodded. "Okay. Let's go."

"Wait." The previous Knight jumped out again at this time. "You smashed our house and haven't paid it yet!"

When I heard that guy’s words, the guild leader turned around to cover his mouth, and I threw the dragon's tendons out with a wave of my hand. He pulled the president's waist and pulled him to my side, then grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of the room. As for the Knight, I didn't even have any interest in talking to him. According to my observation, these people here are probably disabled, and the Knight and the three women should be mentally handicapped. As for the president, it seems that he is responsible for taking care of these people. According to these clues, the image of a kind person who spends money to take care of mentally handicapped children appeared in my mind. This is why I was so polite to that guy suddenly. According to my usual geese’s habit of keeping hair, dare to take the initiative. The one who snatched my stuff would be a hell if I didn't strip him even his underwear.

"Leave him alone, take me to find my things."

"Okay, okay." Found that I didn't care about it, the president immediately took me to the city Go outside. Although the guy behind was still following there reluctantly, I didn't care about them at all. Thinking of it, I blame the character system in "Zero" for its beautifying effect. If you can tell at a glance in reality that they are not normal people, I don't need to work so hard.

With one hand, the guy jumped onto Yeying's back, and then drove Yeying to rush out of this strange city. "Guide the way."

"Over there."

Following the guidance of the guild leader, Night Shadow let go and dashed all the way, and soon we stopped at one place. Next to a small waterfall with a drop of only three or four meters.

"What about things?"

The president walked up to the waterfall and walked directly through the waterfall. Then I realized that this is a place similar to Water Curtain Cave. After retracting Ye Ying and walking in with him, he found that the hole behind the waterfall was very deep, and the president had already walked forward more than a hundred meters. I quickly speeded up the pace followed along.

The hole first rises slightly from the entrance, and then it starts to slope down all the way. At the beginning, the slope is not great, and after three-four hundred meters, it suddenly becomes a deep well that is vertically downward. , And you can't see it at all.

"Did you hide things under this?" I asked when looking at the deep well that was only one person wide.

The president is nodded. "This is the cave we discovered when we were doing a mission. There is a group of caves underneath. Things are hidden at the entrance of that group of caves."

I looked down at the cave below again, and then Summon asked him to jump off the king first, and then let the guild grow down. I myself was at the end, so I caught him in the middle because I was afraid of what he would do. But this time obviously I was thinking too much. He was very honest all the way down to the bottom of the cave, but in case I didn't take the king back, I even released Bailang and Yeyue.

"Where's the thing?" Looking at the crypt that suddenly became horizontal and wide in front of me, I turned and asked the president.

"It's there." The president led me to the side of the cave wall and pointed to a huge rock and said: "It's right behind."

< p>I turned my head and gestured, and the king immediately stepped forward and grabbed the edge of the rock and pulled it back. A loud explosion sound, the huge rock fell down, revealing a space of several square meters dug out by hand, and the center of this space is neat and tidy piled with a pile of boxes.

Seeing those things, I immediately ran over excitedly, and then opened the top box. "Haha, it really is what I wanted." The box was filled with the metal that was split by the gold and stone Holy Mother.

The president explained later: "The others are gems, and we sold them directly. Because we don’t know what kind of precious metals they are, we are afraid that they will sell them cheaply, so we don’t have them. I’m in a hurry to sell."

"You will settle the account when you arrive." After I moved the top box out with difficulty, I summoned the pets and moved all the remaining boxes out one by one. I opened the box and checked it again, and it turned out that everything was normal. The box was full of metal, which weighed dozens of tons. After I checked the metals and threw them all into the Phoenix Dragon Space, I asked the president again: "How much did you sell the gems?" I mean if they are not very valuable, I won't chase them. Anyway, I really Only these metals are the target of jewels, although gems are also very valuable, but if the quantity is not particularly large, there is no need to chase them back.

The president probably guessed what I meant, and immediately replied: "A total of 31 gems, the quality is not bad, a total of more than 30,000 crystal coins have been sold. If you don’t believe it, you can go Exchange records."

I waved my hand to indicate that I was too lazy to care about it, and then I planned to leave here, but I just turned around and the ground suddenly shook. "What's going on?"

The president looked back and said indifferently: "It's okay. We have been here several times. There may be a lava tube nearby."

< p> "Oh." I nodded and planned to leave, but the vibration suddenly started to get bigger and bigger, and in the end it was obvious that something was rushing towards us at a terrifying speed. I grabbed the president and asked, "Does this sound often appear?"

The president shook his head in fear, "I don’t know. This is the first time I have heard this. Voice."

"It seems we are in trouble!" I said, pulling out Eternity and turned to the direction of the sound.

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