"Go away." Suddenly a silhouette appeared next to the smoke-filled pit and pulled the president down, and then saw the silhouette crawl out of the pit .

This is a woman who looks very thin. It feels like a drug addict who is in the late stage. The face and hands exposed outside the clothes are like skeletons. Pi, it can be said to be quite scary, and her hair is also unusually scarce, it can almost be called alopecia areata. The withered and tangled hair is not much better than a pile of rotten straw, and it looks like it will continue to fall off. In addition to the characteristics of her body, this woman's clothes are also very individual, or very old. It was a black garment composed entirely of broken steps, except for the messy cloth strips, it was basically invisible to its original style.

After pulling the president to the bottom of the pit, the woman stumbled out, but she looked like a poisoned person, walking fast and slow. And it kept dangling around, as if it would be dumped at any time.

"Are you sure this is the super catastrophe?" I asked the small dragon woman unsurely.

"This...probably, possibly, seems, maybe...is it?" According to the knowledge of the small dragon woman, this catastrophe should be a very powerful existence, otherwise it would not be The gods of Celestial Court must be scared to death, but the strange bird that has turned into a woman's image looks a little different from the legendary disaster star!

Looking at the woman walking out stumblingly, those guild members hurriedly sent to the pit to find their president, and the woman completely ignored the people around her and went straight to The jungle outside walked over, seeming to be planning to leave here.

"Master, I suggest you better confirm it. In case she is the disaster star of the year, it seems inappropriate for us to let her go like this?"

Ling's reminder made me deeply agree, and I quickly dived and landed in front of the woman to block her way. Seeing me who appeared suddenly, the woman stopped for a while, and then stared at me slightly hostilely and asked: "Why are you blocking me?" I didn't know before, when this woman spoke I just heard that her voice was as dry as an antique radio, and the voice of undead creatures was only this!

"Are you the big bird just now?"

"What do you want?"

"no no no, I don’t want to do anything, just I want to confirm your identity." I snapped my fingers as I said, and the small dragon girl appeared directly beside me.

Originally, I wanted the small dragon girl to come for questioning, but didn't expect that woman would have such a big reaction when she saw the small dragon girl. She suddenly fell to the ground in a panic, and then began to crawl backwards with her hands and feet together, crawling in her mouth while saying: "No, don't come over, let me go, let me go!"

I and the small dragon girl looked at each other suspiciously. It was obvious that the small dragon girl was more confused than me. "Hey, why are you so afraid of me?" The small dragon woman couldn't help asking.

"You...Aren't you Dragon Clan?"

"Of course. I'm an orthodox Divine Dragon bloodline, and I'm a High God dragon." The small dragon girl was born in Divine Dragon is also considered noble, so she is very proud of this.

The woman was stunned for a while after listening to the words of the small dragon woman, then she seemed to react to some problems, and then she asked carefully: "Don't you know who I am?"

< p>"I know." The small dragon woman replied casually: "Aren't you the dragon soul and phoenix spirit, the big bird known as the bearer of bad luck?"

"Ah, it really is you!" The woman suddenly turned around and got up and ran as if she was irritated, but she threw a plop and fell to the ground before running two steps, but she indifferently supported her and got up and started running again. Of course, not this time. Exception, persisted for two steps and fell.

Looking at her getting up and falling like this, I couldn’t bear the tossing back and forth when she fell and got up again, so I just walked over and grabbed his shoulder and lifted her up, but she struggled desperately She got up, but her strength was amazing, and even the free NPC in the city was probably stronger than her.

"Let go, let me go, let me go..." Although it didn't help, the woman was still struggling and writhing desperately there.

"Don't mess around, I will send you to Celestial Court if you make any noise."

Originally, I just wanted to scare her, but didn't expect that woman suddenly Her eyes turned red as if she had been deceived, and she pushed me fiercely. It’s completely different from the previous kitten’s scratching power. I felt as if I was hit by a cannonball directly. With a swish of the whole person, it turned into a small black spot on the horizon and flew over the distant mountain until again. I can't see it.

Looking at me being suddenly thrown into the air, the small dragon girl's jaw almost fell off in surprise. It was not until I couldn't see her that she reacted and suddenly turned her head and glared at the woman. "You hateful woman, dare to hurt my master. Today I will let you know what the dignity of Dragon Clan is." When she said the small dragon, the woman began to bend down and press her hands on the ground, but she completely crawled down. Before that, she had completely become a Divine Dragon, and the volume had increased countless times. The woman on the opposite side also not to be outdone began to transform, and soon became a huge weird bird and a small dragon woman who flew into the air, entangled and fought together. The eyes of the people in the guild on the ground are almost glaring. Two giant beasts are fighting over their heads. The formidable power is like destroying heaven extinguishing earth. The powerful shock waves generated by the collision of the two giant beasts are like The typhoon usually blows the houses in the whole village together with the city wall, and the whole village instantly becomes a piece of white ground, not to mention the houses, even the rubble is gone.

Although the entire village was destroyed, the two giant beasts in the sky did not actually fight for long. They got entangled with each other as soon as they flew, and followed the small dragon woman's Divine Lightning trick, the bird’s plumage was blown up from the sky, and the strange bird opened its mouth and spit out a black ball of light. A big bloody hole was exploded in the upper part of the dragon woman's left front paw. After a miserable dragon roar, the surrounding space was distorted. Lucky, plague, crystal, and three or four giant dragons appeared together and rushed up at the same time. However, the strange bird broke out with terrifying battle strength. With a fierce wing, she swept the fastest plague and luck to the ground. With a loud bang, two giant dragons smashed two dragon-shaped pits on the ground, and after the crystal spell hit the strange bird Turning a bend and rewinding back, she flew out with a boom and knocked down a large area of ​​forest before she stopped. Xiao San succeeded in posting it, but unfortunately he only had time to bite the strange bird, because his other two heads were grabbed by the two claws of the strange bird, and only listened to the crack crack. With constant voices, the head of Xiao San that had bitten the strange bird’s leg suddenly loosened and let out a miserable wailing. At the same time, Xiao San’s two heads on either side were torn off, and Xiao San’s body was also lost due to muscle cramps. Balance falling to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, four giant dragons were brought down and the strange bird rushed down again, biting on the neck of the small dragon woman, and the small dragon woman was wrapped around the strange bird's body. The black cloud in the sky rolled and gathered above the two of them, and then there was a bang. An electric ball with dazzling blue light suddenly fell from the sky and directly hit the head of the strange bird, and there was another explosion, strange bird. The women's doubles and the small dragon fell to the ground and smashed a big hole in the original village.

After landing, the strange bird struggled and wanted to get up, but in the sky suddenly there was another thundercloud rolling, and the second lightning ball followed. Knowing that the electric ball is powerful, the strange bird suddenly raised his head and stared at the light ball. The thunder ball suddenly turned towards moved towards as if it had been hit with a stick. The crystal that had just risen from the ground flew over. A thunderball blasted in the middle of the crystal. After the great explosion of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, the crystal flashed an arc and flew upside down. The ground along the way was plowed into a large trench with a width of tens of meters and a depth of more than ten meters. After she completely stopped sliding, her body still flashed with electric arcs, and the ground that had just been plowed was constantly bubbling with blue smoke, showing the size of the thunderball.

"Crystal!" The plague got up from the ground with crimson eyes, and then angry roar rushed up frantically. Blame you for the plague again. The plague that was sprinting suddenly slid forward and flew forward with a thud, because the speed was too fast and it took more than ten meters on the ground to stop. Come down.

"No, she is too strong, her name is Brother Qunou!" A lucky sentence finally made everyone react, a beam of light flashed in the surrounding area, and many of my familiars appeared one after another.

"Fall down." The tank's deep voice made everyone instinctively try to get themselves close to the ground, and then saw a ball of light flew out from the back of the tank and hit the strange bird, just expected The blasting did not happen. The ball of light exploded in midair just after it flew less than ten meters away. The powerful shock wave blasted the tank and the red thorns around him directly like a typhoon passed by.

"Combined attack." Ling turned his head and shouted to Xiaochun, and then the two of them suddenly stretched out one hand to face each other with their palms, and a black and white color gradually appeared between the palms of the two of them. The ball of light quickly grew larger and increased to more than five meters in diameter within a few seconds. After the ball was thrown out by Xiaochun and Ling, the target was naturally the strange bird.

The strange bird instinctively felt the huge threat of the ball of light. She turned her head and prepared to stare at the ball of light again. Every time she stared at something with her eyes, the thing would have an accident. Injuries are almost always caused in this way. Familiars with experience will of course not let her interfere with this super spell again, and the fastest Thunder suddenly jumped up. This demon pet hasn't participated in large-scale missions much since it came into my hands, so everyone has not been very accustomed to cooperating with him, just know that his speed is relatively fast, but this time he showed amazing battle strength.

Lei’s whole body was shining with golden light, and he jumped up like a gorilla, but he only left the ground for two meters and finally heard a bang electric shock, and then he disappeared in midair, but almost at the same time he disappeared, he appeared in front of the strange bird again. The strange bird originally wanted to interfere with the light ball, but the sudden approach of the enemy forced her to shift the target, but when she was about to attack the mine, the location of the mine was lightning flashed again, and he appeared on the strange bird's neck again. Behind. The strange bird was surprised to turn his head, but the thunder only stayed for less than a second after it appeared, then disappeared with the electric light again, and at the same time appeared near the strange bird's abdomen. This time he didn't even run, but suddenly opened the big mouth above his head and bit into the belly of the strange bird. Although Lei’s body looks like a human on the whole, his upper limbs are unusually strong. If he is a human, it would be more appropriate to say that he is a gorilla. The golden armor covering his whole body hides all his features. Except for his body, no one knows what his body is like. Before Ling and the others thought that the bird's head on Lei's head was just a helmet, but now everyone really understands that it is simply not a helmet. In fact, Lei Jiangen didn’t wear armor. The golden layer of armor on his body was his shell, just like the scales of a dragon and the shell of a tortoise. That was what grew out of him, and he The bird head on the head is not a helmet, but a real head. When he opened his mouth, two rows of sharp dagger-like fangs appeared in front of everyone, but instead of biting at the abdomen of the strange bird, he gathered a golden ball of lightning in his mouth. As his mouth closed again, the ball of light ejected fiercely as if it had been squeezed out and hit the strange bird's abdomen with a bang. The strange bird uttered a mournful scream immediately after it was hit in its abdomen, and the huge wings slammed over, but after a flash of lightning, the thunder had already appeared beyond the several hundred meters.

After the strange bird forced the thunder back, she wanted to pursue it, but the small dragon girl who had been entwining her suddenly disappeared in place, and only then did she realize that she had made the wrong target. The black and white ball of light has flown in front of her. From the outside, it looks like a huge black glass ball full of large and small holes, and there is a flash inside the glass ball. The bright light bulb constantly emits strong light, and the light that occasionally transmits through the holes in the black ball can blind people's eyes. However, the strange bird knew that it was too late when he saw the light ball, because the holes in the light ball began to increase, and the light in it became brighter and brighter. Obviously the balance of the light ball was collapsing. It is about to start.

The familiar familiars nearby all disappeared in place, leaving only the panicking strange bird and the dumbfounded players nearby. Just before everyone could react, suddenly the ball of light flashed fiercely, and a bright line quickly spread in front of everyone's eyes. Following the bright line, it began to extend up and down, and soon all the people around could see were left. The next piece is white. After losing their vision, those people were quickly sent to the nearby resurrection point, and they actually didn’t know exactly how they hung up. If someone looked at it from a distance, it might be clearer, but No one happened to be nearby, so no one saw the explosion site.

With a loud noise, I suddenly regained consciousness and bounced off the ground. I am lying next to a huge rock. The rock has been broken into two halves. In front of me is a big ditch nearly a hundred meters long, and it seems that I plowed it out by myself. On both sides of this big ditch is a large tract of fallen trees. From the traces of the trees being broken, we can see how fast the impact was at that time. Farther away from the fallen tree is a hill. Now I can see a huge mushroom cloud slowly rising into the sky behind the hill. Obviously it was the thing that woke me up just now.

"Oops, that bird!" As soon as I reacted, I hurriedly flew up. Although the distance was far away, there was the mushroom cloud as the target, and I was flying in the sky, so I quickly I found the previous battlefield, but the topography of the scene has changed a little bit. If it weren't for my familiars, and the mushroom cloud above my head hadn't completely dispersed, I might have missed this area.

"What's the situation now?" I asked, falling among the familiars.

"I don't know." Ling stared at the big hole in front of him and said: "I just used the strongest elemental bomb with Xiaochun just now, because I was afraid that the distance would hurt me by accident. Let everyone hide in the Phoenix Dragon Space first. After coming out, they saw the smoking pit, and I don’t know if it succeeded."

"I can feel her breath It didn't disappear." The small dragon woman said suddenly. She is sitting on a big rock at this time, Anana is using Water Element therapy to treat her wounds on her shoulder, and our main medical staff Xiaochun is taking care of Xiaosan and lucky them at the same time. This time, we are fighting. My Familiar can be said to have suffered heavy casualties. Although the small Familiar did not participate in the battle very much, but the ability of the large Familiar to be wounded like this, the strength of that fellow is also evident.

"You are hurt so badly. Isn't it all right?"

Small dragon female shook the head. "Except for Lei and I, no one can get close to her. Her eyes seem to have special magical powers that can interfere with our attacks. The crystal was injured by her own spell. In addition, her fighting skills are also very good, hand-to-hand combat. On the one hand, it is simply one-sided. If Lei’s teleportation speed were not too fast and she couldn’t react, we might not be able to hurt her at all."

"It was so strong? No, just in case, you can’t wait like this. Now. Can you still use spell for the small dragon girl? Get gusts to blow the smoke away."

"I'll do it." Ling pressed the injured small dragon girl and hit it with one hand. Snapping his fingers, a tiny black hole with a diameter of only a few centimeters suddenly appeared on the side of the forward's big hole, but the black hole quickly sucked all the surrounding smoke into the hole like a vacuum cleaner, and the big hole filled with smoke was quickly cleared out. NS.

When the smoke was completely sucked away, we finally saw the situation at the bottom of the pit. In the deep pit, the skinny, skeleton-like woman was lying there dying. The ordinary piece of clothing has been completely turned into fly ash, basically nothing is left, which means that she is now completely naked on the bottom of the pit. Of course, her body is now blurred by the explosion, and basically she can’t see a good place, but I don’t think her image will attract anyone of the opposite sex even without the wounds and dirt on it. , Unless it is a Skeleton King who is fond of her.

"It looks like you succeeded."

"I don't think we succeeded, but she failed." The small dragon woman sat by the pit and said, "We fought before. At that time, I found out that her strength was extremely weak. Later, she was shocked by your master's words. She seemed to be desperate to burst out such battle strength. In the end, the combined force of Ling Sister and Xiaochun took effect. The key role, but I think the more important thing is that her outbreak is over, just like the dying person’s flashback, it will be completely useless after the last bit of strength is used up."

"Anyway. First bring her up to see the situation."

When I said that, the king immediately jumped down, then lifted the woman with one hand and jumped back. The woman frowned when she was placed on the ground, and we immediately realized that she was not dead, it was just that the injuries were more serious.

"What should I do now?" Xiaochun looked at me and asked, "Should I kill her or what?"

"Let me see first." I said Jiang Xing Hitomi directly pressed the woman's forehead, so that reading at close range was much more accurate than remote identification. All the attribute information was quickly displayed, and the content on it surprised us all.

"No! This, this...this guy is actually 10,000!" Lucky called out directly, and then said with some fear: "No wonder she was so good just now, and efficiently put us all It's down!"

"No, look at this." Ling pointed to the attribute data and said: "Look, she has at least 30 kinds of power-limiting seals on her body, which means that It's not all her battle strength, it's just a part of the strength that overflowed after she was sealed, and if she was really the bearer of bad luck, judging from the time she was sealed, her life was actually in a state of dying. . For so many years without food, no cultivation, without any energy supplement, she is simply consuming her own energy to maintain life."

The plague said in surprise: "You mean that so many of us have joined forces and were killed by one The whole body is chained up and hungry, sick and dying, almost destroyed?"

"I'm afraid so!"

Xiaochun suddenly said: "Since she is so powerful, Isn't it a pity to kill it directly?"

"What should I do with her?" the plague asked.

"Or let her be one of us?" Lucky suggested.

"No matter how you decide, I think it can’t be killed anyway. Otherwise, master, you should turn her into a pet egg first, right?" Ling finally suggested: "How to use it, you can slowly think about it. , I don’t care about her, I think she’s going to hang up."

I nodded and said: "Ling makes sense. I will turn her into a pet egg first." I said, I started to do it. It's just that my hand just touched her forehead, her eyes suddenly opened suddenly.

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