I was about to take action to conquer the strange bird. Who knew her eyes suddenly opened, and I jumped back in shock, but then I reacted. "Quickly, help me hold her down!" Maybe for some reason, the strange bird's ability to transform seems to be unable to be used, causing her to struggle to get up in a human form all the time. I rushed on with the king, the second, Jingjing and Lingling. The four demons were in charge of her limbs. I myself rode on her waist and pressed her head to the ground tightly. Although she struggled very difficult to deal with, but I can clearly feel her physical strength is losing rapidly. Years of seals have already caused her to run out of oil, and the explosive burning just now completely depleted the last little bit of "lamp oil". As long as she persists for a while, she will undoubtedly die.

I thought she would be subdued soon after going on like this, but who knew that the woman suddenly exploded with great power, almost blasting us all out of her. "Let me go!"

"You can be honest!" I smashed her with a hand knife on the back of her neck, and the woman who had lost the last bit of strength finally fell silent.

"Huh, this guy is so powerful that he almost can't hold it anymore!" The king exclaimed.

"Although her body has become smaller, she is a large creature after all, and her strength is naturally not too small." The small dragon female explained.

"Xiaochun, come and take a look at her condition." Seeing that woman lost her life, I quickly called Xiaochun over. It would be a pity for such an important creature to die.

Xiaochun hurried over to try the pulse of the woman, then opened her eyelids to take a look, and finally pressed her hand on her chest and felt it a little, then called Ling over. . After she communicated with Ling for a while, Ling began to input magic power into the woman's body. After a while, Ling stood up and said, "I temporarily protected her last trace of soul fire, but this is only temporary. If you can’t use a large spell on her to recover right away, I promise that she won’t last for half an hour."

"You get away a bit, and I will complete the capture. After becoming a familiar, you can clear most of the damage. As long as you fill up the missing power, you can return to normal."

Considering that this guy's level is too high, it will be troublesome to re-train to level 10,000 after becoming a Familiar Egg, so I will I intend to use the overall conversion method to turn it into a familiar, after all, this can retain her level, although most of her levels will be suppressed because of my strength, but at least it is much better than re-training.

The conversion process is much simpler than expected. I don’t know if it’s because of her extremely weak body and soul. Her resistance to the conversion of demon pets is as weak as none, I just used it I finished the summon process twice, but because I finally found out that she was defined as a humanoid pet, I didn't hang her under the large size, but the small silver moon. The upper limit of Purple Moon this large can have is 19. Although the humanoid pet can carry two accessory familiars, the accessory familiar of the humanoid pet can no longer recruit the accessory familiar even if it is a humanoid, so if you hang the humanoid pet Being under another humanoid pet is tantamount to wasting two monster pets. Considering that the large direct pet box of Purple Moon was full, I had no choice but to put this woman under the name of the trumpet Yinyue. Anyway, I am now with a double number, and the pets are the same on both sides.

After being summoned, all her vital signs returned to normal. Although she was still extremely weak, she had at least regained consciousness.

"Don't be afraid, you are now my favorite, and we will be our own people in the future. No one can bully you anymore." I explained in a kind tone as possible At the same time, he passed a raw Life Fruit. This life fruit is really a rare thing. In addition to increasing the upper limit of the user’s life force, it can also replenish a large amount of life. Of course, you can also use it as general food to fill your stomach, but the premise is that you have a lot of Money is good.

Because the pet contract will forcibly increase the favorability of the owner and the pet, so she did not flee in fear as before, but carefully took the fruit, and then we looked at us in surprise Zhong, like a hungry wolf, reimbursed the fruit in threes or twos.

Xiaochun said more sympathetically: "People have been hungry for tens of thousands of years. Isn’t it normal to eat a little bit harder?"

I was right when I thought about it. , And quickly took out a few more fruits. The reason why she was given a raw Life Fruit is because her health is still in a blood-skin state, and basically it hangs at the touch of it. This raw Life Fruit can not only fill the stomach, but also replenish blood by the way. This is more important than anything else. However, considering that she hasn't eaten anything for N years, I dare not let her eat too much at once, otherwise I will probably become the first big fool in the game to hold my demon to death!

I don’t know if I’m really hungry. Now, for her, the food is so wonderful that I found her loyalty after feeding her a few raw Life Fruits. The degree of breakthrough went from 33.3% to 60% in an instant. This is the first time I have encountered a familiar that can increase loyalty by just giving something to eat. The familiars previously recruited were very difficult to take care of. Although the battle strength is super strong, Usually it consumes a lot of money. Except for someone like me who can make money, if most people raise so many demon pets like me, I am afraid that they don't need to be beaten by others, and they will go bankrupt by the demon pets.

"You have just resumed eating. You can't eat too much. Let your stomach adjust first. Let's eat after a few hours." Seeing that she finished eating the raw Life Fruit in her hand, she was still pitiful. Looking at me, I had to explain, and then passed a lot of bottles before she could express her dissatisfaction. "These are potions for replenishing magic power. Although they are not used as food, they can regain a little strength first. You can drink them all first." While she was drinking the magic potion, I began to ask again. "That, do you have a name?" Because summon directly became a familiar, it is different from the direct signature of the familiar egg. If the familiar has a name, it is better to keep it, otherwise it may affect loyalty.



Thinking I did not hear clearly, she repeated again: "My name is Hongyan."

In fact, I didn't hear her name clearly just now, but I was frightened by her voice. Before I subdued her, her voice was as unpleasant as a broken gong. Didn't expect to speak again and it turned out to be as clear and sweet as a valley lark.

"You...your voice?" Seeing the red face blinking and staring at me with oversized eyes, I didn't seem to understand, I quickly explained: "Your previous voice was not difficult... …Eh, and dry? Why did it suddenly become so sweet?"

A smile appeared on my face when I was complimenting the beauty. "This is my voice, because I haven't drunk water for thousands of years, so I can't make a sound when my throat is dry!"

Dizzy, forget this! People have been sealed underground for thousands of years and have not drunk water. No matter how sweet the original voice is, it will definitely turn into a broken gong voice, but the life fruit just now has obviously moisturized her throat, so the voice is now She resumed her state before being sealed. Looking at Hongyan's smile, I suddenly realized a problem. The skeleton structure of Hongyan's body and face is actually very standard. It is said that the skeleton can grow so regular, and people shouldn't be too ugly, but the current beauty is not related to beauty. However, as long as you pay attention to observation, you will find that her shortcomings are only dry skin, yellow hair, and dry body. It seems that all of these are in line with a typical symptom-malnutrition. To put it simply, Hongyan may have been very beautiful originally, at least not ugly. Her current appearance as human yet not human, ghost yet not a ghost is completely hungry.

"Then what, don't you drink those things, just eat this first." I took the bottle in Hongyan's hand back, and then reached out and handed it a golden light medicine pill. she. The red face didn't doubt anything, and the fragrance exuding from the golden core made her grab it and swallow it in her stomach. Seeing how she cooperated, I quickly shouted to Xiaochun: "Quickly, use Rejuvenation Technique on her. Ling, help her restore her life. Grandma, wrap her whole with Spring of Life."

< p>"Understood."

A green beam of light suddenly fell from the sky and hit Hongyan's body, followed by a cloud of white misty air that floated out of Ling's hand and circled Hongyan a few times. After that, he followed her eyes, ears, mouth, and nose into her body, followed by drops of light blue water drops from the ground nearby, and then gathered in the air into a two-meter-diameter The huge water polo enveloped the entire Hongyan. With the combined effect of the three spells and the assistance of the high level Immortal Pill, the red face rapidly changes its appearance in the water polo at the speed visible to our naked eye. Her body is slowly bulging like a filled car tire. As the skin is fully stretched by the plump muscle tissue, the wrinkles are immediately flattened, and the gray dead skin on the skin of the red face begins to quickly Shedding and being rolled down by Spring of Life, a layer of soft skin like a boiled egg with a peeled shell appeared under the shedding dead skin. When the dead skin fell off, all the withered hair on Hongyan's head also fell off. A large amount of black and shiny hair quickly emerged from the top of the head until it fell to the heel and stopped growing, and the muscle tissue on her face also quickly. Rebirth completely supported the original skull-like face. The teeth that are particularly protruding because of the lack of muscles are covered by small, rosy lips, the shriveled cheeks are supported, and they look round and shiny, and the deep-set eye sockets gradually protrude outward and are filled, due to the squeezing of the muscles. Squeezing your eyes is not as scary as it looked before.

I was still silly at the beginning of watching the change of confidante, but soon I found that the problem was not right. Because she had been blocked for thousands of years and was slammed by Xiaochun and Ling just now, the current confidante is simply naked. Before, it was nothing like a corpse, but all parts of her body were swelling rapidly, and various curves were revealed one after another. I immediately realized that it was not good, and quickly turned around and shouted: "All males give me Turn back."

"Ah! I forgot my clothes!" The female familiars next to me heard my shout and screamed around looking for clothes. In the end, Yeyue helped a lot. The costumes of the familiars are the same for thousands of years. There is a Cave Mansion that you can carry with you in the month of the night. There are more or less sets of costumes to change, but it is a pity that they are all tops. After all, Yeyue has no legs, and the bottoms are for her. Simply useless. Fortunately, there is a long dress-like dress in these costumes, which just happens to be a temporary cover.

"Ling, take her to the mother of the earth and ask if the mother of the earth has extra clothes to get her a set of first." I opened the door of the earth and said to them.

"Got it."

We turned around after Ling and Xiaochun entered the gate of the earth with the confidante. I don’t need to worry about the confidante for the time being, and then I started to think about mine. Something is wrong. The people from the guild stole my things, but now even their village has been blown up. Where can I find it?

After discussing with a lot of demon pets for a long time, we didn’t expect a good way. In the end, we could only decide to find someone to help. Of course, this thing is not a legitimate property, so we can’t mess around. Trustee. We were planning who to ask for help, when we suddenly saw the door of the earth opened from inside again.

"Wow..." The male demon familiars around them took a cold breath, and the reason was naturally the beauty who had just finished dressing up. Although it was long expected that Hongyan was actually very beautiful, none of us didn't expect her to be so beautiful to the extent of bringing calamity to the country and the people. My female demon familiars are all very beautiful originally, but the beauty of the red face still makes us shine. Hongyan does not have the noble beauty of Ling and Xiaochun and Victoria, nor the beauty of Ye Yue's desire, nor the pure beauty of Princess, Jingjing, and Lingling. Of course, the ice beauty of Frost, Snow and Sand leaves and Xiaofeng. She is even more uncomfortable because of the hotness. To be precise, the beauty of the red face is closer to the subtle Chinese beauty of the small dragon girl. As long as you see her, you will think of the Azure Bamboo water pavilion, which feels particularly cultural.

I don’t know if women are born to dress up. The costumes Ling and Xiaochun created for Hongyan seem to match her appearance. A string of sapphire headwear puts her waterfall-like black hair on her head. Not only does it solve the problem of excessively long hair, it also makes the whole person look a lot more noble, without any decorations on her face and neck, just I hung a jade bracelet on my wrist and matched it with a cyan-green dress, giving people a feeling of flying away. Fairy. This is exactly the model of a fairy. Compared with her, all the fairies in Celestial Court failed.

"Are you really a confidante?"

The confidante was nodded, and then said: "Many Thanks Master."

"Huh?" I was wondering Ling hurriedly came up and whispered against my ear: "That suit was created by the mother of the earth at will. It has no value, but her bracelet and the decoration on her head are a pair of Magical Artifacts, the mother of the earth said. It was given to her in your face."

"Do you know the attribute?" I asked in a low voice.

Ling shook the head. "I don't know, that thing is shielded with attributes, so I can't see it at all, but it's definitely not an ordinary thing in terms of power fluctuations."

"Damn, now I owe a favor!" It's nothing, the key is that the mother of the earth is High God, and her favor is not good. With High God's strength, there is generally nothing she can't handle on her own, and once she really needs me to do something, it's definitely not an ordinary thing. But anyway, I'm very happy that Mother of the Earth can give such a gift.

"By the way, what is your race of Hongyan?"

"Race?" Hongyan doesn't seem to understand this word.

"What are your people generally called by others?"

"No, I know what race means, but I don't have a race!" Hongyan explained: "I am Heaven One of the first creatures that came out when and Earth first opened was unique and unmatched. I am me."

"Heaven and Earth first opened? Isn’t it the same level as the ancestor of Phoenix? "The small dragon woman couldn't help but exclaimed: "No wonder that there can be 10,000, the starting level of creatures born in that era is more than 5,000!"

Since I don’t know the race, I don’t Ask her again, anyway, this is not very important, but there is still a problem that must be clarified. "That...Did you have a nickname called bearer of bad luck before?"

Hongyan shook the head. "No, I am not called bearer of bad luck, at least no one has heard anyone say that. But they all say that I am a femme fatale!" At this point, the girl couldn't help crying.

"Huh?" I was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Don't be sad, first tell me, who was sealed by you?"

"Yes The snake, the green duck and the sun."

"What?" I have never heard of the first two of these three names. I know the sun well, but people hang high in the sky. How could it be possible to seal a bird down?

Hongyan is about to explain here, the small dragon girl first pulled me, and then explained in a low voice: "Master, we are in trouble now!"

"Why "

"Do you think those three names are weird?"

I am nodded. "Except for the sun, I have never heard of the first two."

"You have never heard of it, because Lu Duck is dead. You have seen the other two, but you don’t know it. "

"I've seen it?"

"en." The small dragon woman was very sure nodded and said: "The Hong Snake is actually Hongjun Sect Lord."

"What?" This shocking secret almost scared me over. "You said Hong Snake is Hongjun Sect Lord?"

"Yes, in fact, the name in Celestial Court is not a secret, but no one dares to bark. After all, Hongjun Dao Zun is The real Sovereign of Celestial Court is like the emperor on the ground and ordinary people can’t call his name directly."

"Hong Snake is Hongjun, who are the other two?"

< p>"The Green Duck is the Taoist Recording Duck." The words of the small dragon woman made me dizzy again.

"You said that Green Duck is the Taoist of Duck? The Taoist of Duck who fought with Hongjun before China Divine Race was founded? Although that guy was killed by Hongjun in the end, he was The only one in Three Realms who almost killed Hongjun!"

"Who else could call such a strange name besides him?" The small dragon woman added, "In fact, the same as the previous two This is the most powerful in comparison to the sun, but he accidentally lost his ego when he was comprehending the true meaning of the law. As a result, his body transformed into the sun in the sky, and his last bit of self-awareness carried his small amount of mana. The original individual who turned into Golden Crow Clan, those you see now and those shot down by Hou Yi are all descendants of the ancestor of Golden Crow, which is equivalent to the grandchildren of the sun."

Hear here. I couldn't help but look at the sun above my head. Fortunately, that guy has lost himself. Otherwise, destroying heaven extinguishing earth with the power of the sun is just like playing.

"Wait." I suddenly turned my head and looked at Hongyan and asked: "The three of them are so awesome, why are you sealing you up?"

"This..." When I asked about this, Hong Yan suddenly started to feel a little coy.

"You said so!"

"This...that..." As if it was a decision, Hong Yan suddenly bitten clenching one's teeth said: "At the beginning The three of them like me very much, but I look down on them, so I let them compare themselves with whoever is the best, and then the one who is the best can chase me."

"I rely on, gossip, Super big gossip.” Fortunately, he reverted to the human form and moved a stone as a stool to sit there and start listening to the gossip.

We glared at him together, and then hurriedly urged Hongyan to continue. Hongyan said with a reminiscence expression: "Even though I wanted them to stop for a while, they didn't expect that they didn't know where they were wrong, and they sealed me up and said they would wait. After they decide the victory or defeat, the strongest can come and rescue me."

"What happened later? Isn't Hongjun Sect Lord the last to survive? Why didn't he come to let you out? "

"hmph, that no-brainer!" Hong Yan couldn't help cursing, "I wouldn't have done this if it weren't for him! The three of them decided to fight and go to comprehend Law after the sun." Power went, but before the duel started here, he lost himself first, and then the snake and the green duck made an appointment to discuss each other, and the two of them found that the strength of the two sides was similar in the fight. The more they fought, the more they couldn’t stop. The last two struggled with each other. Divine Soul was destroyed on the spot. The snake was severely injured and unconscious for more than a hundred years before waking up. Later, he came to me and said he wanted to talk to me. Being together, but I didn’t like him, so I lied to him that I like the mallard, and said that he killed the mallard and I hate him and made him die. I thought he would let me go and never harass me. I, who knew that this fool would fly into a rage out of humiliation. Not only did he reinforce the seal, but he never came to see it again."

"Hey, it's not right! Putting it that way Celestial You were sealed before the Court was established. Before that, I said to arrest you and go to the Celestial Court. Why did you react so badly? You shouldn't know the organization of Celestial Court, right?"

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