Looking at the "city wall" outside the "city wall", the guild leader who fell down in pieces, and me, the big villain who jumped up and down, finally moved.

"This won't work, let everyone pull back and let the thing out."

"Oh? That thing?" The woman looked towards with a mockery after hearing the president's words. The guild leader asked in a tone of disbelief: "Could it be that your guild has hidden anything good?"

"hmph, I won’t argue with you, your expression will definitely change in a while. Very exciting.” The president said this with a crazy ferocious face, and the little warrior next to him was scared and didn't know what to say.

"Chairman is not allowed!" It took a long time for the little warrior to react and desperately hugged the guild leader's leg and persuaded: "Once that thing is awakened, everything will be gone. Ah!"

"hmph, useless thing, don’t we have activities if we don’t wake up that thing?"


"But what? Are you all stupid? Don't execute the order right away." The president's shout finally woke up the players next to not knowing what to do. They were divided into two waves, and one wave ran to inform the outside The people evacuated quickly, and the other wave went to a house in the center of the village. The woman looked at the reaction of these people in a betrayal, but she didn't know what was wrong. It seemed that the temperament of these people had changed. The feeling of being stupid and stunned before seemed to have changed all of a sudden. Become a kind of cold-blooded and hideous man.

Not long after the people here started to act, I suddenly realized that there seemed to be no one around me. After easily knocking down an enemy that rushed in front of me, I suddenly found that the surrounding area became an empty space. The people surrounding me who were planning to attack did not know when they all ran away. Only me and the whole floor were left nearby. Dead body.

I was looking towards the village when I was puzzled. When I didn’t know what the other party meant, I suddenly felt the ground tremble. It felt like something exploded under the ground. Formidable power is not small. But before I could determine the source of the explosion, I suddenly felt a violent tremor on the ground, and at the same time a dull roar came up from the ground. There was a commotion in the nearby mountains and forests, and all the birds flew up and began to flee in a hurry. The wild beasts on the ground also began to flee.

The woman in the village was shocked when she heard this roar, changed her previous contempt, looked at the president very nervously and asked, "What is that?"


"hmph, now I know I'm nervous? But don't worry, it won't hurt us."

"Oh? Is that the creature you control?"

< p>"This..." The guild leader seemed hesitant to speak, but he quickly affirmed as if to cheer himself up: "That's right! Yes, it is under our control, and he will fight for us soon. , Kill the bastard Purple Moon."

"What the hell is that?"

"I don't know this for a while, anyway, you can see it in a while."

After the roar, the earth suddenly became calm again. My intuition on the battlefield told me that a great danger was imminent, so I flapped my wings without the slightest hesitation. And shortly after I left the ground, the land where I was fighting before suddenly sank downwards, and then swelled up and burst open. The bodies of the players who died before flew up like a blowout along with a large amount of mud. After tens of meters in the sky, I saw a huge black shadow jumping out from below the ground moved towards the sky soaring upward, and soon surpassed the splashing mud and revealed its true colors.

"What is this?" The woman in the village couldn't help screaming when she saw the thing completely exposed. To be honest, when she was sent to this small guild as a liaison officer before, he had an indescribable contempt for the people in these small guilds, and it felt as if she herself was a bit taller than those people. Don't put those people in the eyes at all. However, when she saw the monster rush out of the ground, she was almost stunned by the thing.

It is a giant bird, its head alone is the size of a bus, with its wings stretched out for at least one more than a hundred meters, and its huge body soars into the sky like a huge ship, and Behind it there were nine tail feathers nearly 100 meters long. At first glance, this giant bird looks like a Phoenix, but it is obviously wrong. First of all, there is no flame on the bird's body, and its feathers are not red or golden, but a shiny black, just like the enamel paint of a high level car. In addition to the wrong color, the shape of this bird is also different from Phoenix. Phoenix's body is relatively plump and looks a bit chubby, but this guy is extremely slim and looks quite slender. Finally, and the biggest difference is that although this guy’s head looks basically the shape of a bird’s head, if you look closely, you will find that the head is not exactly like a bird. If the beak is removed, it will be a little bit It looks like a dragon head, but one thing is strange, that is, this guy really has a pair of dragon horns on top of his head, but they are not too big.

I was shocked to see such a monster emerge from the ground. But not because of how old she is, but because of her attributes. This bird is no more than a hundred meters tall. Fortunately, they are also about one hundred meters long. In terms of size, they may be slightly larger than this bird. After all, dragons are relatively strong and not as thin as this bird. But although its size is not deterrent, the attributes read by the star pupil scared me to death.

Dragon soul and phoenix spirit. This is its name. The following introduction is full of question marks. The only thing you can see is a large row of S after the threat index.

"I rely on, the threat index is seven S, and Da Ri Tathagata is only six S+, this guy turned out to be seven S-Rank! I remember Hongjun Sect Lord seems to have only seven S only!" Ling's voice sounded directly in my consciousness, and the feeling of surprise was no worse than mine. In fact, except for the president and a few people present, almost all of them reacted. Although they didn't see the threat level as intuitively as I did, it was enough to roughly understand the power of this thing from that size.

"Master." Ling Gang sighed after the small dragon girl suddenly asked timidly.

"What's the matter?"

"I seem to have heard of this bird."

"Do you know?"

"Well, I heard father said. If I'm not mistaken, she should be Ancient Species born with Black Qilin, but she is different from Black Qilin. Black Qilin is somewhat noble born, although the color is not very lucky, but After all, it’s still a big family, so in the end Celestial Court saved a bit of face and didn’t kill it. This bird was born as a monster in Hongmeng and had no parents at all, so..."

"So suffered Isn’t it severely suppressed?"

"Yes. But although Celestial Court wanted to kill her, but in the end it was unsuccessful. It could only use a seal to trap it in someone no one knew. Place. As for why I came here, I am not very clear about this."

"Do you only know the origin of it? Is there any information about battle strength?"

< p>"The information about battle strength is there, but not too much. I only know that she was called the broom star."

"The disaster star?"

"Yes, she His ability is to create disasters. Compared with her, the Baqi Orochi is the difference between a terrorist and a kid who makes trouble at home."

The Japanese Orochi is actually a demonic beast ghost car in China. At the beginning, its name should be called Nine-headed Caifeng, but it was hunted and killed because it would continue to cause disasters. In the end, its head was chopped off and fled to Japan to hide. Because its body has been hidden under the ground, only the remaining head is exposed, which in turn was mistaken for the big snake by the Japanese, so there is now the Japanese Guardian God Beast Eight-Different Big Snake. But the small dragon girl actually said that the monster’s ability to create disasters is like the difference between a terrorist and a kid who makes trouble in the family. So how bad is this strange bird?

Originally, I was scared by the seven S-Rank risk index of the strange bird. Now that the small dragon girl introduced me like this, I plan to run. But before I could react, the situation in front of them turned sharply unexpectedly, causing spectacles to be broken on the ground. I saw that the rising momentum of the strange bird flying high up for a certain distance gradually disappeared, and then it began to fall and rise, although it was constantly flapping its wings and struggling to fly, but I don’t know why. It felt that there was something wrong with its wings. No matter how it was fanned, it couldn't fly. In the end, it fell straight to the ground, smashing the ground that had just collapsed into a bigger pit again with a bang.

"Damn, what kind of bird is this? How come it won't fly?" The women in the village saw the amazing strange bird falling to the ground in an imposing manner and complained again. I thought I found this time. There is something amazing, who knows it is a strange bird that is strong in appearance but weak in reality, and this bird can't fly yet.

In fact, it's not that the bird can't fly, but that her body has been sealed underground for too long. At the very beginning, those guardians of Monster Race and Monster King were also sealed in bottle gourd by Qiankun bottle gourd for a long time. When they came out, they didn't even have a tenth of their previous strength. Since this strange bird was sealed separately, the power of the seal must be stronger, and she was sealed by those Divine Immortal much earlier than the demons, and the loss of power was naturally more, and it was normal that she could not fly. In fact, the reason why the bird was so thin was because of the loss of mana. If she could recover her mana, she would never look so thin.

"Hey, what are you doing? Didn't you mean to help us deal with the enemy? Why did you fall?" The president immediately rushed to Ken's side after seeing the strange bird falling to the bottom of the pit. Shouted.

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