Looking at the wooden "city wall" that is only three meters high, I really don't know what to say. How can people nowadays one by one do not know the immensity of heaven and earth? For this kind of defense, I didn't even have the thought of sneaking in, and appeared out of the village directly riding on the night shadow. The alarm bell soon sounded on the high observation tower, and a large group of people rushed to the "city wall" to counter my impact.

"Boss, the Purple Moon was really found, what shall we do now?" A warrior who thought about it and persuaded the other warrior beside him: "I heard that Purple Moon is very powerful. , The strongest in our club can only barely block one block. I'm afraid this city can't be defended, right?"

"Coward, what's the fear? No matter how strong he is, he is With one head and two hands, can he grow more? There are so many of us, everyone rushed up together, and the pile piled him to death."

"hahahaha..." The one on the other side The female player suddenly burst out laughing, and the warrior annoyed turned his head and looked towards her.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Laughing at you is stupid."

"You...!" When the warrior heard a woman say he was stupid, he would immediately He was angry, but was hugged by the warrior who had persuaded him before.

"Boss, please calm down!"

The woman glanced at the warrior with disdain, and then said with a sarcasm: "Purple Moon is not just one head and two Only one hand. He has two legs and a pair of wings. Besides, you seem to have forgotten what class he is. Don’t look at him when he fights fiercely, just use him as a warrior. Tell you, Purple Moon is very much in the game. A rare all-round development player. Although his personal fighting ability is very strong, his spell is not inferior to his fighting ability, and his strongest attack method is his summon creatures, so don’t think of Purple. Moon can be dragged across with crowds."

"Why do you admire him so much and encourage Lao Tzu to grab his things?" the warrior roared angrily.

"Correct, I only said that it was profitable at first, but you were the one who made the final decision. I just gave you a proposal. Besides, which idiot said to stay and defend? I seem to be suggesting transfer."

"hmph, I won't be with you lower oneself to somebody's level!" After snorted for a while, he stopped struggling and shouted to the people around him. "Everyone pull yourself together. Purple Moon is not terrifying. As long as you work with a common purpose, you can always defeat him. If you are suppressed first in the imposing manner, it is really a failure." . If you are really scared, then we’ll just besieging the BOSS-Rank rare beast in a guild mission."

"Yes, just treat him as a big boss. Let’s go together. Don’t believe it. Don’t die him."

Although the guild leader was a little bit short-sighted, he boosted the morale to the point that you did good. Soon the low morale in the guild returned. At least everyone is not shaking anymore. Instead, he looked at me with an expression of excitement, as if I was really a big boss and could explode super equipment after killing!

"Boss, Purple Moon has entered the trap area."

"Okay, activate the mechanism immediately."

"Yes, activate the mechanism."


Along with the sound of the turning of the wooden mechanism, the ground under my feet shook suddenly, followed by a loud boom, the entire land collapsed. It turned out that the area where I was standing was a huge flap, under which was a large pit several meters deep, and the bottom of the pit was all vertical upward lances. If ordinary people fell, most likely they would be injured, even if You have to bleed some blood if you don't die, but none of this is of any use to me.

Along with the opening of the flap, the chins of the people on the opposite "city wall" fell together, because although the ground under my feet has become a big hole, Ye Ying and I seem to be okay. Stopped at the place where I stood before, but my feet were hanging in the air.

It took a long time for the president to react and curse: "Damn, what kind of horse is that? It can be suspended in midair?"

"Idiot." The woman hummed two words from her nose, and then added before the president went crazy: "Purple Moon's mount is one of his favorites, named Night Shadow, a nightmare, with the ability to run in the air. Although it does not fly high, it can completely ignore the effects of bad terrain such as mud, snow, and water. In fact, that nightmare is not just a mount. According to our information, that nightmare can at least single out one person from 800 to 800. Players at level 900, and can escape with absolute speed advantage when the situation is unfavorable, so you'd better not treat it as a horse, it is basically a horse-shaped BOSS."

The long young warrior couldn't help sighing after hearing this: "A Purple Moon is so troublesome, and there are more boss horses here, we must be done!"

Pop. After a clear applause, the little warrior was directly fanned out. The president yelled angrily: "Coward, get out if you're scared. Our fierce federation don't want to seduce you." After the scolding, the president immediately yelled to all around people, "What are you still doing? Archer shoot me!"

As if to react, the archers on the "city wall" immediately shot a myriad arrow. Due to the different skills of the players, some arrows are shot directly, and some are shot, but after all, the target is me alone, so many arrows that are densely packed look like they are full of imposing manner.


"Holy Shield Defense." A huge silver light shield suddenly appeared in front of us. The densely packed arrow rain hit the light shield like It was like raindrops hitting the glass window, although the clinking noises, none of them could penetrate the light shield. I just sat on the back of Night Shadow and watched the rain of arrows in the sky. It took more than three minutes to stop. Except for the part blocked by the light shield, a circle of ground around me has been inserted. It's the same as the grass, except that instead of green grass, arrow shafts are densely erected on the ground.

"The strength is really bad." Jingjing put away the shield and glanced at the archer on the "city wall" and left such a comment.

Although Jingjing and I feel that each other is not very good, the people on the "city wall" themselves feel tremendous pressure. Although their arrows have a small formidable power, none of them can shoot so many arrows, which is quite different from their previous estimates. They all knew that I was strong, so they expected that I would not be shot to death by a round of arrow rain, but according to their ideas, I would have to hit an arrow or two, and after desperately blocking, but now But I didn't even move, so I blocked all the arrows. This was far from their previous estimate.

"He, he... Is the girl next to him an angel?" The president asked in surprise.

The woman next to him did not ridicule him this time, but directly replied: "That is Jingjing, Purple Moon’s defensive familiar. It was originally the saint of one of the seven angels of the Light God Palace in Asia. The Shield Angel possesses the Divine Shield, which is known as the strongest defense. As long as the magic power is sufficient, it can block any attack theoretically."

"I rely on, there is such an awesome beloved?" The president Said very surprised.

Hearing the president's surprised tone, the woman said in a more surprised tone: "I really want to know what you were doing before? Even if you don't know Purple Moon, at least you have to know something. Probably the situation? If you are a newcomer to the game, I won’t say anything, but you have reached such a high level, and you don’t know anything about Purple Moon. I really admire you. I don’t care about things outside the window and just focus on practicing the spirit of level! Seeing that you can be so stupid as to startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping, I will wipe out your blindness in advance. Purple Moon’s angel favorite is more than this one. , He still has two angels."

"What? The seven angels of the seven gods did not accept three of them alone?"

"No, he only accepted two."


The president asked in surprise: "Didn't you say that he still has two angels?"

The woman game said impatiently: "Yes, he does have two more angels. She is an angel, but only one of them is a god angel. Her name is Lingling, and she is also one of the seven god angels, but she is a holy sword angel and possesses the strongest holy sword. If she can fully recover her strength, one sword will do. Cut your village in half."

The president finally started to say with some fear: "God, fortunately, he only has two angels, otherwise it would be really difficult for us to handle it! "

"No, it’s because he only has two god angels. It’s nothing if it’s three. It’s just three stronger thugs. But now it’s different, because his first The three angels are the predecessor of the Asian Light God Palace Goddess of Light. She is proficient in all light spells, and one person can top a priest battallion. Unless you can kill Purple Moon with one move, you will be able to run out of her magic power. Basically don't expect to kill Purple Moon."

"Sun, putting it that way Purple Moon can't be killed from time to time?"

"So I told you to transfer it!"

"No." It seemed that something had been thought of, and the guild leader's will, which had already begun to waver, suddenly became firm. "Even if he is strong, I will not transfer. This is the Place of Origin of our guild. If at first is against the setback, we will have no chance to develop again!"

" To be honest, I really admire you for being so stupid and thorough, but none of this has anything to do with me. Anyway, I'm here to get the goods. By the way, I will take a closer look at the battle of Purple Moon. I will do it when you can’t stand it. Flash people first."

"hmph, I didn't expect you to do anything for us." The president glared at the woman angrily, and then said to the people around him: "Anyway, This is our village. Everyone saved enough money to make up for the construction cost, and they used materials everywhere to build such a village. When the monster attacked the village, everyone should know how hard we were. How could we be because of an enemy Just let these efforts go to waste?"

"No, we fought with him!"

After being aroused again, many players finally broke out completely, but This kind of outbreak is better than not, because I don’t know who led the head, suddenly someone opened the "city gate" and roared out, and then more people rushed out of the village with the people in front, and finally changed. The people who became the entire guild were killed collectively. Although their inability to get out has no effect on me, I can't help hooking the head after seeing the current situation.

"Kill!" The fastest player has rushed in front of me, and the guy who was three or four meters away from me roared and jumped up, and the big knife in his hand smashed at me. Down, but in the end his knife still failed to reach the target, because Jingjing had already actively blocked in front of him, and the big knife slashed on the Holy Shield and was immediately shocked all split up and in pieces.

Jingjing’s holy shield and Lingling’s holy sword are the same as Level 1 equipment. I think Lingling could use holy sword to smash my dragon tooth sword. Jingjing’s shields are naturally similar. The formidable power. Although the shield itself is not as large as the destructive power of the sword, the sword is N grades worse than my Dragon Tooth Sword after all, and it is as it should be by rights being shattered.

After smashing the guy’s knife, Jingjing slapped the guy’s head cleanly and smoothly with the shield plate, and the pu' sound immediately splashed all over the place, red and white. But Jingjing herself had a protective cover to protect her to the point that she didn't touch it at all.

"This guy is so weak." Jingjing sighed.

"I know. You can rest first, I can do it myself."

"Well then." Jingjing nodded returned to the training space, and I directly took eternity It turned into a long hook and scythe and drove Yekage to greet the enemy on the opposite side.

"Look at the move, thunder slash." After Jingjing disappeared, the players behind rushed up. At first, a warrior also used a special skill, and a bolt of lightning directly hit Ye Ying's body. This guy knows some art of war, and he also knows the principle of shoot person first then shoot horse, but it is a pity that Ye Ying is not a horse, nor does he use a bow and arrow. Even though the lightning hit Ye Ying, it only made Ye Ying tremble a bit, and then we rushed to him. Probably wanting to avenge the thunder, Ye Ying stopped in a hurry, raised the front kick, and stood up. The front kick hit the guy’s face and kicked it down, and he slammed the guy’s head on. exploded.

Although the guy died miserably, the people behind did not slow down because of this, but rushed up crazily. Ye Ying ran again under my urging. I was holding the rein in one hand and the hook and scythe in one hand and swept the vertical chopping. None of the people who approached could get within two meters of me. Pick flew out.

"Ah..." A player roared and rushed in front of me. After my hook and sickle pierced his body, he immediately hugged my gun body, and then he died. While holding on to it, he shouted: "Everyone, come on, I'm grabbing his weapon."

"Kill!" The people around him immediately became more excited when he shouted so. All roared and rushed up.

Seeing that they were so happy to play, I also sorry to sweep them away, and jumped off the back of Ye Ying directly from releasing the eternal gun handle, and Ye Ying was also taken back from the training space by me. . After landing, I flicked my hands, oh la la slammed out of the claws, followed a warrior who turned around and rushed over with a gun, and at the moment he passed by, he opened three on his stomach. A big hole more than a foot long. But just as soon as this warrior passed by, the people behind slammed in front of him again. I raised my hand with one hand and grabbed it down. The claw directly knocked down the person in front of me, and I flipped my wrist up and raised it and tore the throat of the person behind. The left leg supported the ground, and the right leg was lifted off the ground with a rotating side kick, and a person kicked flying from the side, knocking over a group of people along the way. As soon as I landed on my right leg, I immediately jumped on the spot. The knee joint of my right leg was in front, and the long spikes of the knee pad passed through a player's forehead with a sound of pu chi, and then flew half of his skull. After completing the impact, I stretched my right leg and pushed hard on the body of the guy who hadn't completely fallen. The whole figure flew upside down like a big bird, but I just flew into the air and suddenly heard a sound from behind. Turning around in the air, he stretched his hands forward and put his hands on the shoulders of the same jumped guy, and then pressed his shoulders in his astonished gaze, and used a forward somersault to flip over his head, but I flipped over. Then he panicked to find that there was a thin thread around his neck at some point, but he didn't panic for long, because the thread passed through his neck and took it back after I flew over, and his head was also So separated from the body.

After playing a difficult airborne forward flip, I landed directly in a beautiful half-kneeling posture, and at the same time, I completed a cross cut and turned the person in the way into Minced meat in one place.

"Why is this?"

The president on the city wall looked at me like a fish in the crowd, and brought a piece of foul wind and bloody rain, he almost didn't know how to talk in shock. And the female player next to him probably felt that he had not fully understood the reality, and continued to stimulate him: "Purple Moon obviously didn't take you seriously?"

"What do you mean? "The cowardly-looking young warrior next to the president asked angrily.

The woman completely ignored their anger, and still said in that ridiculous tone: "Have you not seen it yet? Up to now Purple Moon simply didn't use any skills, he was just using his own fighting Skills are constantly dodge and fight among your people. His simply is not fighting, he is playing, and he is using your people to exercise his own fighting skills."

"How is it possible?" That young man The warrior unconvinced defended: "Even if he didn't use the skill, it was because our people didn't give him the opportunity to use it. Everyone was using their lives to suppress Purple Moon from letting him have the opportunity to use the huge might skill."

< p>"hahahaha, little brother, you are really innocent!" The woman said disdainfully: "Do you think Purple Moon needs you to give him a chance? His armor comes with at least twenty kinds Instant explosive spell, as long as he inspires any of them, he can clear a large safety sector around him. Oh, yes, there is one other thing you may not have noticed, but I watched it very carefully. The battle has been fought until now. You guys didn't even hit it once."

"What?" The president and the little warrior around him exclaimed. The so-called sea of ​​people tactics are actually using everyone’s sword to slowly consume the life of an expert or a big boss. After all, no matter how high the defense is, the default basic blood deduction of the system is inevitable, so just wear it slowly. Sooner or later, powerful enemies can be consumed to death. However, if there is no hit at all, then it is quite another matter.

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