"Little five, don’t be careless, there are no silly people under the reputation, even if the rumors are exaggerated, Purple Moon is the number one battle strength list after all, and the system won’t lie!" An older Knight in the middle of the team reminded.

"hahahaha..., since I know that I am number one in battle strength and dare to grab my stuff, I really admire your courage!" With my laughter, that piece trapped me The big ice mound directly turned into crushed ice slag on the ground. "Little girl, is your ice attribute spell good? It's a pity that your level is lower. If you can exceed 1,500, you might be able to seal me for a while."

"I... I'm fighting with you." The little girl jumped up suddenly from the ground, but before she could stand still, she fell down because of an unstable center of gravity. Fortunately, someone behind her did not fall badly.

"Yes, very motivated." I patted Ye Ying, and Ye Ying immediately walked near the group of people. I put my arm around Ye Ying's neck and looked down at the little girl casually. Several warriors nearby quickly blocked her to prevent my surprise attack. "What are you doing? Blocking here and trying to protect her? Do you think you can block it if I shoot?"

"Don't..." pu..., the mad guy before As soon as he said three words, he suddenly fell down while clutching his blood-spraying neck, and the few people who stood in front of me turned their heads in surprise and looked towards that guy's direction, and then turned back to look in fear. Hold me. If they said that their understanding of my strength was still at the level of data, then these people finally have a more intuitive understanding of my strength. Just now their companion was wiped neck by me in front of them, and the most important thing is that these people did not react at all. They only saw my image blurred a bit, and followed that guy began to spurt blood. As for They didn't see exactly how I did it. Since that arrogant guy is the most arrogant here, he should have some strength, otherwise it is impossible to be so arrogant. However, it is this little bull who was brought down by my trick. This strength gap is already very obvious.

"It's much quieter now." I looked at the warrior who was still smoking on the ground, and then said to the other people: "Okay, the joke is almost done, shouldn't I The thing is back?"

After hearing what I said, the people looked at each other unconsciously, as if they were communicating with their eyes. In the end, it was the leader Knight who came out and said, "Since I have been You have discovered that it is impossible to run. We agree to hand over the things, but you must ensure that we will not be held accountable in the future, and you will pay a ratio of money to redeem these things. Don’t worry, we don’t want too much, one million crystals Coins are fine, I know it’s not a big deal for you."

"hmph huh...!" I hummed a few laughs through my nose. "Originally I thought you were a bit more sensible, but now it seems that you and them are the same. Do you think you still have the qualifications to bargain with me? Anyone with a little brain should kneel down and beg my forgiveness now! "

"humph." Out of my expectation, that guy is also coldly snorted. "Purple Moon, we know you are very strong, but you shouldn't be too unsatisfied." He said suddenly he lifted a crystal stone to the top of his head to see that the texture was clearly the detonating crystal developed by our guild.

"What do you mean?"

"Hmph, it's not interesting, it's nothing more than fighting for some profit." The Knight said triumphantly: "If you are willing to break something Xiaocai promises that we will not be held accountable, then we will all be happy, otherwise...you have seen that this crystal is the remote control, and the boxes are filled with powerful explosives, as long as I input a little power, bang... …, your treasures will all be wiped out. How about? Trade these things for our lives and a little bit of money, and you won’t lose."

"Ha...ahhahahaha...! "I couldn't help being smirked by this guy. Seeing me laughing up to the sky, the Knight was still stunned, but the next second he suddenly felt a cold in his hands, followed by a lot of hot stuff spilling on his face, and it was not until this time that he saw my hands. Throwing a section of his arm up and down, there was a detonating crystal in the palm connected to the front of the arm. "I'm going to see what detonation bomb you are holding now?"

"You...you..." The guy desperately endured the burning pain at his broken arm while gritting his teeth and staring at me thinking. What to say, it's just that now the form is reversing, he simply doesn't know what to say.

I looked at the Knight with a smile, and said playfully, "What are you trying to say when you stare at me? Do you want to say that my sneak attack is despicable?" I saw him preparing to answer. I directly said first: "Well, this time it doesn't count. Return the things to you first." As I said, I threw the a broken hand and the crystal in my hand back to the guy.

Knight looked at me in surprise, but quickly took the severed hand into his hand, and took the crystal off and held it in his left hand.

Looking at his hesitating look of horror, I urged again: "Why don't you detonate? It's okay, you just detonate, come on, enter the magic power?"

"hmph, would you be so kind?" The Knight suddenly threw the crystal to the ground. "You must have done something just now, that thing has been destroyed by you, or you will return it to me?"

"You really are a real villain." After scolding this guy, I started again. Sitting upright and holding Eternity in his hand became a long spear. "Okay, I'm not kidding with you. I simply didn't move the detonating crystal on the ground. There are two reasons why I am not afraid of you detonating it. The first is that as long as I don't want to, you simply can't detonate. This thing was originally our guild. Produced, do you think we will have no restraint measures?"

"Do you have a jammer?"

I am nodded. "You haven't gotten stupid yet. But even if you don't have a jammer, I don't care if you set off explosives. Speaking of which I'm curious, I don't know if you can satisfy my curiosity. Are you stealing my baby? Didn’t you see what you were holding?"

The Knight was taken aback when he heard what I said, and then he said: "We don’t know what it is. The attribute identification is not valid at all, but that Since something can be hidden by a high level Divine Race in the secret room of your own house, it must be a baby."

"The baby is indeed a baby." My words caused a commotion in the group. Before, they seemed to be betting on luck, but now they heard my personal confirmation that they weren’t sure what they were taking. But my next words severely affected their enthusiasm. "It's a pity that you are so unprofessional. You didn't even figure out what you were holding and thought you could use this to threaten me? To tell you the truth, the thing you stole was a kind of rare metal embryo. With the hardness of that thing, you probably simply cannot break it, even if it can be destroyed? Anyway, those are just ore, I have to re-smelt them when I take them back. Do you think I care if they are blown up?"

< p>"You...you...!"

"What are you doing? Do you have any other plans?"

"hahahaha..." I'm talking about those People suddenly laughed together, but I was a little unfathomable mystery.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Laughing at you." The girl who first released the frozen spell and attacked me suddenly stood up and said proudly: "You big Idiot, I thought I was so handsome! Tell you..."

I started to move before she finished her words. I raised my hand and shot a dragon's tendon directly into one of them. Only in the box, I violently pulled back without waiting for the opponent's response, and the box was stressed, but I felt that the major event was not good. That box is actually very light. You must know that the metal is extremely heavy. This box will never be so light. When the box flew into my hand, I immediately pulled off the padlock on the box and lifted the lid of the box, but the situation inside the box made me almost fainted.

With a boom, I threw the empty box on the ground and smashed it to pieces. "Say. What's in it?"

"hahahaha! Do you think we can say it?" The Knight looked at me and quickly added, "Don't think of threatening us with our lives." Where are the things. This is a game and not a reality. The loss of Level 1 is not small, but compared with the value of those things, we it's worth."

"Oh? I said that only let Did you drop Level 1?" As I said, I took a small bottle out of my body and shook it in front of them. "Do you know what this is?" Although those people didn't cooperate with me to ask what it was, I still explained: "This is originally an Immortal Pill for upgrading. You can upgrade to the level of Immortal Pill by eating one. But... these things are a little out of date. When we only have two-three hundred levels, if we eat one, we can immediately rise to more than three hundred to five hundred levels, but now we are obviously more than this level. , But it’s a pity that this Immortal Pill is not based on how many levels you have now, but no matter how many levels you are now, it will definitely become the level corresponding to Immortal Pill after eating.” After I finished speaking, I opened the bottle and poured it directly. An Immortal Pill came out and turned the Immortal Pill. After finding the sign on it, I looked again towards everyone’s evil said with a smile: "You’re lucky, this one is quite high. There are five hundred and eighty level 14. Who of you wants to do it? The first one?"

Those people look at each other, look at me, and I look at you, the last Knight suddenly yelled: "Spelled it."

Yelled at Knight At the same time, I quickly shot four throwing knives, which hit Knight's shoulders and legs respectively. I thought that this would seal his actions. Who knows that his sound is just a reminder, not that he intends to fight desperately. At his reminder, a mage in the team who had been inconspicuous suddenly slammed his staff on the ground. "Sacrifice."

All the people present suddenly burst into a mass explosion with a bang. Everyone exploded into countless pieces of minced meat, let alone fate, even which fragments were and whose fragments were divided. Can't come out. However, after these people collectively exploded, a huge black hole suddenly appeared in the field, and a faint white silhouette floated beside the black hole. After finding out that I noticed him, the white silhouette was taken aback for a moment, and then calmed down again. "Since I have been discovered, then I will not hide. It is said that you are the Dark Element professional evolution, and now it seems that it is true that even my soul can see it."

It took the guy to speak for a while, I finally recognized him. He was the mage who used the skill to blow himself and everyone into pieces of meat just now, and the black hole in the venue was obviously the result of the so-called "sacrifice" skill summon.

"Does your skill look pretty good? You can summon such a large space gate. What kind of creature did you summon?"

"hmph, you today Just wait to die. My sacrifice skill can use the lives of all the friendly units around me that agree to participate in the sacrifice summon to create a powerful existence to fight for me, and the more lives I sacrifice, the stronger the creatures that summon comes out of. This time you have caused us to lose so many people. A very strong creature will definitely appear, and you will definitely be killed."

"Who is summon me?" The soul of the wizard was going crazy there, suddenly I heard a sweet female voice coming out of the black hole. A black hole flashed immediately after the sound, and a woman in a fiery-red robe walked out of it.

"hahahaha, finally summon has reached a powerful existence." The mage pointed at me frantically and shouted: "An unknown existence from afar, I order you to destroy the enemy in front of you and swallow him completely Drop."

According to the normal script, this should be the summon creature rushing towards me, but now it seems that we are not in the normal script. After hearing what the mage said, the beauty didn't rush towards me, but turned to the mage instead. "Hey, even if you accept your sacrifice, you have to help you work, but we are just an employment relationship. Don't engage in the same as my boss? Now you shut up and let me see you Who on earth did you mess with?" The beauty turned around as we spoke, but she paused when we met. "Yeah, isn't this the Purple Moon younger brother?"

"Silver Ballad?" It was not someone else who was revealed by summon, it was the Silver Ballad under the four Great Protectors of Monster Race. As the four Great Protectors of Monster Race, Yin Yao's battle strength can definitely be described as tough. Although they just came out of the bottle gourd, the four guardians of them did not fight me alone, but that was because they spent too much time in the bottle gourd and consumed too much mana. Now they have gradually recovered their magical power during their heyday. The battle strength is naturally incomparable, but now I am no longer comparable to me. If I really want to do another fight, I can't decide who wins and who loses. However, is it possible to fight with our relationship? "Didn't expect it was you who came by summon!"

"Hehe, isn't it me? Speaking of which Purple Moon younger brother, you haven't come to our Monster Race as a guest for so long. Time has not seen that your strength has risen a lot!"

"Yin Ruo, your strength is not much worse!"


"Hey "I met Yin Yao as an old friend, and the chat was endless. The mage stayed there for a long time and finally recovered, and couldn't help shouting. "Have you guys made a mistake? Hey, I, summon, you came out to fight, not to let you chat with someone!"

"Hey, do you always have to talk when you meet acquaintances."


"Then have you finished talking?" The mage was almost crying.

"It's over, it's over." Yin Yao turned around and walked into the black hole after saying that, only one foot was caught as soon as he stepped in. "Why are you pulling me?" Yin Yao asked the mage with a puzzled look.

The mage suffocated his breath and asked: "Then what are you planning to do?"

"Go back." Yin Yao said as it should be by rights.

As soon as the master heard that summon's powerful thugs came out, he immediately stopped doing them. "Go back? You haven't beaten it yet!"

"Yeah." Yin Yao said confidently: "I fought him at the beginning, and the four of us, Great Protector, were beaten by him and fled in a hurry. , Now you summon me out, do you want me to go up and die by myself? Of course, if you can’t fight, it’s a strategic shift first. Have you never learned the art of war?" After the silver rumors, I ran back into the black hole of space. And the black hole disappeared again after she entered.

The mage was stunned by Yin Yao. If he hadn't been in an astral state now, he would definitely have to hang up again.

It took a long time for the mage to relax. He turned around angrily and said harshly to me: "hmph, you wait, there will be some day when you are unlucky." That mage planned to go back to resurrection, who knew that he could not leave as soon as he turned around. After struggling for a long time, the mage finally found me who had been sitting aside watching him smirking, and then he immediately shouted at me angrily: "What are you laughing at? Why can't I move?" I smiled and pointed to the ground. I lowered my head and found that I don't know when there was a flashing array on the ground. "What is this?"

"Heavenly Master Soul Locking Formation. It is specially used to catch ghosts. It's just a coincidence that the Soul Body after the player's death happens to be within the scope of the ghost."< /p>

"You, you...when did you arrange it?"

"It was just when you were in a daze. Don't look at this thing as if it is very complicated. The implementation is very fast, one second is enough."

"What are you doing to trap my soul?" That guy is finally starting to be scared now.

"hehe, I didn’t plan to do anything, just want to know where they took my things?"

The guy immediately changed when he heard my question The firm became stronger. "hmph, I won't tell you, don't waste your time." Although this guy is righteous, but his soul is always shaking, otherwise he really feels a little heroic.

"Oh? This is hard to tell." As I said, I took out the Immortal Pill again.

The guy immediately relaxed when he saw the Immortal Pill in my hand, and the soul that had been shaking forever also settled down. "I'm in the soul state now, your Immortal Pill can't scare me, don't tell me that the soul can also be consumed."

I asked him with a wicked smile. "How do you know that Immortal Pill, like ordinary medicine pill, only works on creatures with bodies? You know that many Divine Immortal are soul cultivation success immortals, and the Fleshy body didn't bring the Celestial Court." Hear me. The courage that the guy had just gathered immediately disappeared, and now this guy is shaking more than before. However, just when he was about to collapse, I suddenly said: "Hehe, it scared you, you really guessed it. Although some Immortal Pills can also be effective on the soul, they have been specially processed. This one is Ordinary Immortal Pill, the soul state is not needed."

I explained that the guy immediately relaxed, but he was half-dead just now. You must know that although he is only a member of a small guild, the players in the entire game are generally running up to the 800th level, and suddenly let him fall back to the 500th level, it is not much different from killing him.

"You devil, you will play with other people's souls!" The mage couldn't help cursing.

"no no no, I will not only play with other people’s souls, but also destroy their bodies. By the way, although this medicine pill is only effective for creatures with bodies, I don’t Say let you go. Let me introduce to you my dear wife, Miss Bloody Rose. "As I said, a heart-shaped halo suddenly appeared beside me, and Rose came out of it.

The mage was stunned when he saw Rose’s beauty, until Rose and I explained everything clearly, he came back to his senses. "hmph, don't think you can seduce me with female sex."

pu chi. Rose couldn't help laughing. "This guy is really funny." She walked to the mage, and then said with a smile, "Hello, I am Purple Moon's wife, Blood Red Rose. We are a real couple. In reality, we are also a couple. So what? …You don’t have to think about seduction. I’m here now, but it’s actually to help you resurrect. As you can see, I’m a resurrected mage, and my level is very high. I can stay on the battlefield. Resurrecting the dead players can even keep you from losing the ranks. How about? I’m very difficult to deal with, right? But, don’t you be so proud now. Although I can help you resurrect to counteract one death, but my husband’s hand You can’t get away with the medicine pill in here."

That guy was very happy to hear that he could resurrect without dropping, but now I finally understand that I called Rose. What's going on. After the resurrection, he is no longer a soul. At that time, the medicine pill in my hand can also come in handy. As for using another sacrifice, I don't even have to think about it. With the speed at which I killed the most arrogant guy before, he would never have a chance to sacrifice again.

"Are you ready? Let's start." Rose used the resurrection technique directly regardless of the guy's desperate yelling. The resurrection spell of the resurrection mage itself is specially arranged by the system to resurrect the player. Although the resurrection mage has lost most of the battle strength for this, it must be admitted that there is a resurrection mage in the team that can definitely increase the battle strength of others. Three or four times. Although the guy in front of him resisted hard, his resurrection was resurrection, and resistance was useless. With a flash of white light, the guy finally turned back into a living player, and when he was just about to use sacrifice, I took the lead. A sword cut off his arm holding the staff. There is no need for me to remind Rose and I to cooperate tacitly to heal the guy's arm, although no new arm has grown, at least the blood is no longer left.

Without the staff, you can't use the skills, and the guy was dumbfounded by me and I didn't know what to do. I smiled and brought the medicine pill in front of him. In order to prevent him from disbelief, I also specially opened a trading mode with him and put the Immortal Pill on the trading panel, mainly to show him the Immortal Pill. The attribute is not true.

"Did you see it? This is the Immortal Pill of genuine."

"Don't, don't give it to me." Seeing the attribute of Immortal Pill was not made up by me. After that, the guy started struggling violently. His current level is 860 Level 16. If I give him this Immortal Pill, he will become 580 Level 14 and drop more than 200 levels at once. This huge gap is no one. It's all accepted.

"Hehe, you can eat it or not, tell me where the things are?"


"Oh? Are you planning to sacrifice your life for justice? Then very good, come and eat it. You don’t have to feel condemned by your conscience if you eat it."

"No, I don’t want to eat."

"Don't you want it? Then tell me where the things are?"

After being tortured by me for a few minutes, the guy finally had a nervous breakdown. It was indeed a deterrence that dropped more than 200 levels at a time. It's too big. For average players, it's almost the result of nearly a year of hard leveling. No one wants to lose so many levels in vain. Even if the number of treasures obtained afterwards is very large, it will definitely not make up for his gap of more than 200 levels.

After the mental breakdown I tortured, the guy finally said everything with his nose and tears, not only the location of the things they stole, but also the location of their nest, the number of people and Roughly the battle method, and most importantly, how they got the guild badge of our guild.

According to the system setting, the guild badge is a special equipment protected by the system. It cannot be dropped, will not wear out, and cannot be copied. The scope of its own play, so the system is extremely strict in its supervision. But these people are really geniuses. Although they can't imitate the guild emblem, they can make similar emblems. In fact, if you look carefully, you can find that their counterfeit badges are simply different from our badges. The structure and patterns on them are very different, but because the pattern is similar to our badges, it is easy to not pay attention. It will be confused with our badge. system In order to prevent players from engaging in similar imitation behaviors, the structural similarity of various guild badges is specially limited, but these similarities are not based on the human eye, but are calculated using geometric data. These people were stunned by using clay to modify the badge of our guild. They just let them make a badge that looks like ours and the system will not judge that they are counterfeit badges of our guild. This kind of badge is very different from our badge in terms of geometric data, but it is easy to confuse the human eye. This is the difference caused by the different thinking modes of the digital system and the human brain. And these people were stupefied by using this fake badge to fool the NPC heavenly soldiers with the fuzzy human thinking mode, and thus mixed into the main battlefield of Buddhism, and got my goal out of the first step.

In addition to the badge issue, I also figured out from this guy how they got those things ahead of me. In fact, this should be considered luck, but I don’t know if it’s my luck or their good luck. In fact, they used to counterfeit our guild emblems and only intended to use these emblems to bluff and deceive. They didn't really intend to steal things from me directly, but then the war between us and Buddhism happened, so they keenly discovered one of them. Chance. But they didn't have a clear goal at first. They just guessed that since the two Deity Clan went to war, they might take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and fish in troubled waters. As for later emptied the treasure of Jinshi Holy Mother, that was purely an accident. They also didn't know the road at the time, and they ran to the residence of the Jinshi Holy Mother inadvertently under the chaos, and then they found the secret room under the altar. According to the mage, when they first entered the secret room, they saw a pile of neatly arranged balls and a small amount of jewelry. Although they didn't know what those balls were, they thought they could be put in the secret room by Divine Race. It was supposed to be very important things, so they all moved out. I'm also clear about the future development. They ran away all the way, and then I caught up with them, and finally forced to use the treasure chest prepared in advance.

Speaking of which, when these guys entered that space, they didn't intend to just make a trip. The boxes they were carrying at the time all had a special mezzanine, and there was a one-time Transmission Formation under the mezzanine. According to the original plan, they will continue to move the materials back and forth, as long as they are not found, they will keep moving, and if they are found, they can activate the Transmission Formation in the box to send the baby in the box back to the nest first. Can they run away? They simply don’t care, because they thought that even if they were found out, it was nothing more than Level 1. Before they simply didn’t expect that I would have the kind of Immortal that can turn high level players into low level players all at once. Pill.

After I figured out the whole plan, I directly killed the mage. Although he was not given any medicine, letting him drop Level 1 was a small punishment for his tainted witness.

According to the information provided by the wizard, the other side's den is not far from where we are now. In the world, their guilds also have a small village next to this city, but because their village is too small, they don’t even have a Transmission Formation, so they have to turn around here and return, otherwise it is estimated that this time I really can't catch them. After all, there are very few foreigners in such small villages except their own people.

When I rode the night shadow to the vicinity of the small village, the other party had obviously entered a state of martial law. The wooden exterior wall that looked similar to the bandit’s den was full of archers, the only one in the whole village. The entrances and exits of Asuka have been closed. According to the report of Asuka in the sky, the village is now five steps, one post and ten steps. It is obvious that the other party has guessed that I will come after him, but these people are too arrogant. Bar? Knowing that I would come, I didn't even run, but just sealed up the village. I really doubt why the other party thinks that a small village like this can stop me!

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