I was worrying about it when I saw that a Buddhist member was beaten down from the sky, and he happened to be flying towards me. Seeing the guy staggering down to my side, I quickly jumped over and grabbed the guy's hair and lifted him up. At the same time, I flipped my wrist and the claw was directly on his neck. "Be honest."

"Spare, forgive me, I will not move, I promise not to move." Because it has now been confirmed that Buddhism is not our Earth Sect, the Celestial Court originally planned to absorb Buddhism members. The plan to grow oneself must be revised. If the religions on Earth merge with each other, it would be nothing at the worst, but Buddhism is an external force. Therefore, if the Celestial Court merges with Buddhism, it will become a target of public criticism, so the original round-up action becomes After the war of annihilation, Celestial Court means not leaving alive. Buddhism is more spineless, but every member of the Impossible is so bullish. The people of Celestial Court have their lives. Of course, they saw one kill one. I told this guy to be honest, and the other party immediately realized whether they planned to kill. He, so he immediately cooperated actively, for fear that I would change my mind.

"Very good." Seeing that the other party had calmed down, I quickly pulled him to a place that was not very noticeable, and then asked. "What's your name?"


"Lala what? Forget it, you don't need to say it. From now on, you will call it "Lala, just one word."

"Yes, what you say is what you say."

"Very good. You should know that Celestial Court doesn't want to survive this time, so only I can save you. Now Tell me, do you know Jinshi Holy Mother?"

"You know." This little monster-like Buddhist member immediately ordered his head like a chicken eating rice. "Jinshi Holy Mother lives in the cave next to my lord."

"That's the best, you will take me to Jinshi Holy Mother's residence right away."

"OK, But you have to promise that you won't kill me." This guy is so smart, afraid that I will abandon one's benefactor after achieving one's goal, so he just got a share of the magic contract.

I took the contract and read it again, and then said fiercely: "Don't be unsatisfied. You are impossible if you let go, and it will be the limit to keep you alive. Anyway, there are so many Buddhism members here. I don’t believe I can’t find anyone who knows the way."

"Don’t worry, sir, if you find it inappropriate, you can modify it, as long as you can save my life."

"It's almost the same." I nodded, and when I said it, I modified the contract a bit, and finally set the agreement to turn him into the egg of the contract after the fact, which is equivalent to becoming a kind of existence similar to the beloved egg, but I didn't say who to hand him over in the end. Anyway, I don't plan to want him. This guy is not as strong as me. Although he is a Divine Race, his skills and everything are messed up. It's a mess. Of course, although I am not rare, others may not dislike it. Just sell it when the time comes.

After finishing the contract, the guy happily took me to the residence of Jinshi Holy Mother, and then he himself was restored to a contract egg according to the content of the contract. After collecting the contract eggs, I walked into the residence of Jinshi Holy Mother.

Speaking of residence, in fact, the place where Jinshi Holy Mother lives is a huge group of caves. After passing through a passageway at the entrance, there is a huge hall. Although the walls are simple rock structures, the tables and chairs in the hall are all furnished, and they are quite luxurious. There are several fork roads distributed all around the hall, and I don’t know where it leads to. In order to increase the speed, I summon out the pet and start searching separately. These Dao Foundations are not long. At the end of each road is a small cave. They are basically functional rooms such as study rooms, living rooms, warehouses, and kitchens. Apart from some furniture, they find nothing useful. s things. However, there is a fork road that is very long, and the last one that follows this fork road is an empty room. This room is roughly circular, with a small altar in the center, but this altar made me feel a surprise, because the place where I saw the golden stone Holy Mother split the excess metal is this altar. She seems to be here every time she splits the excess metal, and now we not only found the altar, but also found a hidden entrance under the altar.

"What's going on?" When I was called to the room, I was very happy at first. After all, I saw the place where the Jinshi Holy Mother split the metal, but the small room that followed I was extremely angry, because the secret room under the altar was actually empty. It can't be said to be completely empty, at least there are still some falling metal balls and a few gems on the ground. If this place is really empty, then I won’t be so angry, because it means that this place may be just an empty secret room, but the things on the ground are perfectly clear, which means that the things I’m looking for were there once, but now they are all passed. away.

Ling closed his eyes and sensed for a while and said: "The Dark Element here told me that this place was just evacuated, but the simple Dark Element is too low in intelligence. Knowing that a dozen people were here, they hurriedly moved the things here."

"Wait, you said it was a human?"

"Yes." Ling seriously replied. "Dark Element's intelligence is still able to distinguish the difference between humans and gods."

"That means this place was not evacuated by the gods of Celestial Court or Buddhism?"

< p>"I'm afraid it is."

"But who else can come in besides us?" Xiaochun asked suspiciously.

"This is simple." The small dragon female suggested: "Just ask the celestial troops and generals guarding the intersection."

"It makes sense."

< p> Bring a group of magical pets to the entrance of this space. There are many celestial troops and generals guarding this space, and this is the only entrance to this space, plus there are several Celestial Court Divines at all levels nearby. The existence of Race eliminates the possibility of someone using Invisibility Techniques and other skills to enter it, so as long as someone passes by here, the celestial troops and generals will definitely know.

"Hey, isn’t this the president of Purple Moon? Who are you planning to go to with such a large group of aggressive men?"

"I don’t know yet, but you guys I should know."

"Huh? We know?" The god who spoke to me looked at me questioningly and asked: "What do you mean? Why do we know?"


"In short, things are more complicated. You should answer a few questions first."

"Yes, you ask." I am basically talking to the high level members of Celestial Court. Compared with these celestial troops and generals, I am one of the upper-level personnel, so I am very cooperative with my needs.

"Do you know the last time I entered this space?"

The god would be taken aback when he heard such a simple question, and then he reacted and quickly replied: "Of course. We’ve been here since we got through here. I’ve been here when you entered and exited here several times. The last time you entered was probably just a while ago."

"Very well, then I I want to ask you, who else has entered here before I entered here last time?"

"Huh?" The god would be surprised by my question, and then said with some embarrassment: "This... …Chairman Purple Moon! It’s not that I don’t help, but there is a war here! Hundreds of thousands of people came from the Eighth Department of Xuantian alone. You ask me who exactly have been in, how can I answer? "

"No, no, Divine Race in Celestial Court doesn't count. I just want to know who among mortal creatures like me have entered?"

"Oh, This is simple. Except for you running back and forth several times, only the members of your guild have entered once."

"What? Our guild?" After the battle in Contract City, I Obviously, it was said that all players should be offline and rest, even if someone is still online, there should be more support personnel, and the combatants will definitely not come here even if they are not offline. The players in our guild all know that this is the Divine Race to the War Zone, and they have gone through the defense for such a long time. It is impossible to get involved here, so what these celestial troops and generals see is absolutely impossible. Is a member of our guild.

The god general is not a fool either. Seeing my reaction so great, I realized that it was wrong. He cautiously asked: "Is there something wrong?"

I didn't answer his question, but instead asked: "How do you know they are my people?"

The god will immediately understand where the problem is. "Aren't they from your guild? But they all carry the logo of your guild! And they also said that you asked them to record the battle screen for future guild memorial use, so I let them in. "

Hearing this god will say so, I am more sure that those people are not members of our guild, because even if the members of our guild come here, they are absolutely impossible and lied to me. Let them come, after all, they all know the relationship between me and Celestial Court, this kind of lie will soon be exposed, unless they do not plan to mix in the Frost Rose League, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to do such a stupid thing.

I suppressed my anger a little, and then asked as calmly as possible: "So when did they leave?"

"They came here last time I left ten minutes ago."

"Do they bring anything?"

"No." The god general suddenly paused after answering. "Eh, no. When they came, they carried a lot of boxes. They said they were equipped with equipment to record the battle scene. When they came out, they took the boxes away."

Yes, don’t guess this time. Yes, they must have taken the things, and they were taken away in those boxes. Of course, this cannot be blamed on the people of Celestial Court. After all, no matter how good the relationship between us and Celestial Court is, it is not a system, and we still cannot completely match each other. In other words, if it weren’t because we had a very good relationship with Celestial Court, this group of people would be unlikely to succeed this time, because from normal thinking, Celestial Court would never allow people to enter that space. Even if someone is allowed to enter, it should be checked in the name of preventing Buddhism members from escaping. The result is that our relationship with Celestial Court is so good that these people directly pretended to be us and got in, and they blatantly carried a few large boxes in and out without being noticed.

Seeing that my expression was wrong, the god general asked nervously: "Aren’t those people from your guild? Did they do anything serious?"

I’m nodded . "That group of people are all pretenders. The people in our guild are not Divine Immortal. After guarding five Tian City, Divine Immortal is also exhausted, let alone people? You are now taking over the entire battlefield. Our people are not. How can I have time to come here when I go back to rest?"

As I said, the god will finally start to be anxious, because if those are not from our guild, then he is negligent. The relevant people were put in. Although he doesn't yet know what those people did when they went in, no matter what happened, they would definitely have to bear the final responsibility.

"Well, I said, Lord Purple Moon, can you save us? We really don’t know that those people are impersonating!"

"Okay, don’t Cry, you dignified a Celestial Court god will cry here and be seen what it looks like."


"Okay, well, Don’t worry about it. You keep this matter secret first, and you don’t know it for the time being, tell your people to shut their mouths tightly to me, and leak it out. You have each one and no one can escape. Those people haven’t figured it out yet. What a lot of movement, I just took away some Buddhism treasures, I will chase them back now, if I can catch them, everything will be fine afterwards. Just chase the things back and put them in the spoils of war, when the time There is nothing missing from the verification materials, so this matter is considered to be revealed. But the key is that you must keep it secret, and let the above know that you are both unlucky."

" Yes, we promise to seal up the mouth."

After getting the celestial troops and generals, I quickly let the white waves start tracking them all the way based on the smell. Although the group of people left that special space, they obviously did not have the transmission permission of our guild, so they could not use Transmission Scroll to return to the city. Because they can't use teleportation, they can only run on the ground, which creates conditions for our tracking.

"Can you determine the smell?"

"Almost. There are a lot of people, and the taste is still very recognizable." Bailang answered me while chasing after the smell, and I took it back. Most of the Familiars rode on Ye Ying and followed behind. In addition, I sent darts to pre-track in front of us. Anyway, if I follow the wrong path, I will notify him.

After arranging the chase method of the familiar, I sent the description of the celestial troops and generals about the image of those people to the military god, and through the military god released the whole guild and our friendly units As long as you find information about similar personnel, you can report it to our side.

After the two aspects were arranged, we only chased out less than five minutes before suddenly receiving news from the God of War. The group of people actually appeared in a city called Happy City five minutes ago. In fact, those people used Transmission Scroll after leaving the range of Great Thunder Sound Temple, but because I forgot that this area has become a Chinese territory because of the contract city, so I didn’t think they were not necessarily You have to use our transnational Transmission Formation to return to your country. Anyway, this is now scattered in Chinese territory, and ordinary Transmission Scroll can be used for domestic transmission. But it may be that we are lucky, or it may be that the group of people are more unlucky. The target city they sent to have happened to have a few people from the Northern Alliance to purchase supplies. As a result, it happened that these purchasing team members were entering the Transmission Formation and were preparing to return. At that time, we received our notice of assistance in tracing, and they happened to see those people again, and as a result we knew their whereabouts.

Now that the location is determined, it is easy to handle. After taking back the familiar, I directly connected to the Transmission Formation of that city, and instantly I appeared in the Transmission Formation of Happy City. As soon as I appeared in Transmission Formation, everyone around me was shocked. The first reaction of the people around was "this guy's equipment is so arrogant", and they recognized my image after following them. Now almost no one in the country does not know me. It is natural to be surprised to see me suddenly appear in such a small city. Happy City is located in inland China. It has neither strategic value nor special mineral deposits. Even the city is just a small city built by players. The highest level in the entire city is the president of the guild that belongs here, and that guy is only With more than 900 levels, the presence of a BOSS-Rank person like me in such a place is naturally quite shocking.

"Purple...Purple Moon!"

"Which guild manages this city?" I directly asked the people around me.

"Yes...It's the Terminator League."

"The Terminator League?" I recalled it in my head and found that there was no information about this guild. I guess It belongs to a rateless guild that is not considered a third-rate guild, otherwise it should be somewhat impressed. "Have you seen a group of people passing by carrying a pile of boxes?"

"No." The player quickly replied.

I nodded turned and walked to the teleporter next to Transmission Formation. "Have you seen a group of people appearing here carrying a dozen large boxes? It should have been a few minutes ago."

The player who answered my question just watched me and asked the teleporter. The voice reminded: "That guy is an NPC, he won't answer anything except those from the guild..." Nodded and answered. "I have seen it. Just a few minutes ago, there was a large group of people, probably twenty-two, they came out from here under a pile of boxes. I still remember that they seemed to hang the guild of the Frost Rose League. Logo."

"Bingo." This time I didn't run away. "Very well, this is yours." I raised my hand and threw a small bag of crystal coins to the NPC mage. Although he is not a player, the NPCs in "Zero" also have to earn money to support their families, so money is just as effective for them. I summon a white wave amidst the graciousness of that NPC and the dumbfoundedness of the player behind me. "Try to see if you can distinguish their smell?"

White waves sniffed vigorously on the Transmission Formation, and then replied very surely: "They just walked past here, the smell is very clear. "

"Very well, you are leading the way."

Bai Lang jumped out of the teleportation hall without answering, and I quickly followed along. The player behind did not recover until this time and muttered dazedly: "Damn, the bull is awesome! Doesn't NPC have only formulaic responses to people who are not in their own guild? Why is it different to him?"

"Old-fashioned, right?" A player next to me said with a familiar look: "Have you not seen the attribute introduction published on the website that specializes in the strength of Purple Moon? Purple Moon has a special auxiliary attribute. , Any non-combat NPC has a certain respect for him, which means that these NPCs both respect him and fear him, so they dare not answer when he asks them questions."

"so that's how it is!"

I didn't hear the discussion in the teleportation hall. In fact, I am almost at the city gate now. Due to the close distance, the white waves no longer need to slowly smell on the ground. Except for some intersections with relatively heavy traffic, he needs to stop and carefully distinguish them. We basically rushed all the way to the other sections.

After arriving at the city gate, Bailang chased out without stopping. I grabbed a city gate guard and asked about it. The city gate guard said that the group of people had just arrived from here two 3 minutes ago. past. After confirming that I was not chasing the wrong target, I immediately summoned Ye Ying to chase forward, leaving behind a string of exclamations. After all, the city gate guard is almost a super presence in the game. The average player would not dare to mess with these guys. Seeing me carrying the city gate guard like a little chicken, the passers-by had a collective jaw joint dislocation.

Yeying was very fast, and soon caught up with the white waves in front of him. At this time, the white waves were not tracking, but were confronting a group of people who were grinning. Those people obviously also know that Bailang is my favorite, so after being stopped by Bailang Superhead, they all looked back nervously, and they just happened to see me riding a night shadow.

"Not good, Purple Moon is catching up. Plan B is implemented." An older player yelled, and a little girl in the team immediately activated Transmission Scroll, and the others People protect her in the middle.

I didn’t dare to waste time seeing the other party trying to run. I directly raised my hand and a steel dart with a zip line shot the little girl directly, but at the moment when the zip line came, The little girl suddenly caught my cable head, and at the same time the other hand moved a little on the zip line. "Strong freezing."

The visible cold air of naked eye spread to my side through the zip wire instantly, followed by the cold air sweeping my whole body and accumulating on my body surface, and finally it forced me and Ye Ying froze into a large ice mound with a diameter of four or five meters. After playing this big trick, the girl also slumped down. Obviously, this kind of trick is still quite burdensome for her.

Seeing that I was frozen into a big ice mound, one of the very young players immediately smiled triumphantly. "Haha, it's said that Purple Moon is so powerful, don't I think so? The rumors are getting more and more evil, and I worry about it for a long time!"

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