"You dare to hurt me!" The guy screamed and threatened me, but I doubt if this guy's head was shot by the city destruction artillery just now Here comes the problem. Buddhism has been in a state of war with us for so long, and the two of us just came to the field and fought a life and death fight. He actually threatened me and dared to hurt him. This guy definitely has a problem with his head. Normal people are impossible to ask such questions.

"Now I will let you know if I dare to hurt you." As I said, I stepped up and stepped on the charred left leg of that guy, and only heard a click, that guy’s left leg The charred and cracked muscle tissue immediately shattered and peeled off, revealing a bloody layer of rotten flesh and part of the leg bones, followed by the sound of the guy’s mournful scream, but I don’t care if he screams or not, and I continue to ravage him with the soles of my shoes. The rotten leg cursed: "I see you a lot of idiots, and I lose my temper without looking at my own situation. You used to be the Buddha of aloof and remote. I can't beat you. How do you want to tremble? Majesty is your freedom, and I can’t control it. But now, you have only half your life left, so it’s better to put away your useless majesty. It’s a dragon and you have to hold it for me. If it is a tiger, you have to give it. I'm lying on my stomach, otherwise... hum." I changed into a wicked smile while continuing to ravage that guy's legs, while he was desperately supporting with the other hand to drive me away, while screaming backwards Climbing, but the movement of the body only brought more pain, so he struggled for a while and didn't dare to climb again, just trying to push me away from him.

Seeing that he had been tortured by me, I was dying, so I squatted down beside him. At this time, the ancient Buddha no longer had the tyrannical madness he had before, and now there was only fear in his eyes. Seeing me squatting next to him, he looked at me nervously while trying to hide back, but since he only has his right arm to move, this kind of effort is meaningless except to increase his own pain. .

Looking at him, I poked his charred left abdomen with my hand. After the crispy outer skin burst like a Little Pine pie, my fingers were easily inserted into his abdomen and felt some softness. s things. Seeing his changing expression, I stopped my finger, but didn't pull it out. "Aren't you very arrogant before? You want to strangle me? Why didn't you do it?"

Looking at me staring at him for a long time, the guy finally replied quietly: "No... I dare not. ......!"

I nodded said with a slight smile: "Well, it’s pretty good, you know what it means to dare. But I know, you must be unconvinced in your heart, even if you say I dare not, I must be thinking about what will happen to me once you recover, right?"


"You don't need to quibble, Everyone is sensible, and everything in your mind is clear. To tell you the truth, you don’t have to die. As long as you are willing to join Celestial Court, I can let you go."

"Add... …Join Celestial Court?"

I am nodded. "The reason why Celestial Court is fighting with you is not all for those Avatars? To put it bluntly, Celestial Court wants to increase its own strength, and your strength will naturally be appreciated. As for our guild, the temple can't afford it. You are a big Buddha, so I have to be a headhunter...Eh, do you know what headhunting is? Forget it, just treat me as a human trafficker. Anyway, I have to sell you to Celestial Court for a good fee. So what? ......"

"Needless to say, I won't agree...Ah...!" The guy's tone suddenly became tough again.

"oh?" My fingers suddenly used a bit of force, and the guy's words turned into screams before they finished speaking, and I increased the strength of my hands while speaking in a hurry. "Do you think you still have the right to choose? Tell you the truth. I actually want to chopped you up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, but I can’t help it! The helpers are all pointing at me to eat! So I had to reluctantly take this breath. You must know that you blasted our guild’s mobile fortress down. To be honest, selling you is not enough to make up for the shortfall. , But it can make up for it. I don’t think that mosquitoes have less meat. But "I suddenly increased the strength of my hands. The sore guy couldn't even make a cry, so he could only stare and pant there. "If you don't want to sell yourself to make up for the losses you have caused, don't blame me."

"Bah..." Taking advantage of the chance of letting go of my hand, the guy actually spat at me.

Suddenly I stretched out my hand and stuffed my whole hand into that guy’s stomach, then grabbed a chubby thing and yanked it out of the stomach for a large part, and then slowly He pumped this guy's intestines out and said, "It seems that you are unwilling to cooperate, so well, I can only use waste as much as possible to reduce my losses." I said and took out a transparent coin from my body. He pointed at the guy's magic bead, and the guy was taken into the magic bead without any response at all. This thing was originally the predecessor Vermilion Bird destroyed Isinger and Hong Jun Sect Lord sealed her baby to me. Later in Japan I threw Vermilion Bird out to fight the Eight-Different Snake. She never came back, and the bead was always empty. Come down, now it's just used to pretend this guy. Not to mention his half-dead appearance, even if he was in his heyday, as long as he was sealed in, he wouldn't want to come out again.

After collecting the beads, I picked up the only three things on the ground. One of them was a golden ring, the other two were an emerald green leaf, and the other was a block. White cloth like towels. Of course, the ancient Buddha of Buddhism will never bring a towel with him. Even if it is, it is an extraordinary towel. According to normal perception, the toothbrush used by the Buddha of this level is also a Divine Item toothbrush, so even It's a towel and I can't let it go.

After I gathered my things, I immediately turned and flew towards the inside of Contract City. The armies on both sides have reunited to completely fill up the vacuum area that was bombed out before. It’s just that everyone rushed to the battlefield. So it's a little bit confusing. In fact, judging from the current situation, the previous bombing still did more damage to us. On the surface, it seems that Buddhism has lost more people than us, but the problem is that there are only a fixed number of people who can really come into contact with each other and fight. Therefore, even if the number of Buddhism is many times more than us, it can really happen with our people. That's just the point of fighting. Although the bombing killed many people in Buddhism, the density of Buddhism in terms of the number of combatants did not decrease, and only the subsequent power was lost. However, there is not much time now, and Buddhism is actually useless even if it has follow-up power, so the loss of these people has no effect on Buddhism. On the contrary, our side is different. We were originally few people, but suddenly we were killed so many people. The density of people on the defense line was reduced. This brought convenience to the impact of Buddhism. Another problem is that the explosion almost instantly emptied the enemy and our personnel on the side of the city. After that, although both sides sent people to grab this loophole, Buddhism itself was the offensive side, and they were constantly charging, so they charged. It's the same everywhere. But our people were originally the defensive side. Now because they rushed to this area with Buddhism, the defensive battle has become an encounter battle, which virtually reduces our geographical advantage. According to this progress, our line of defense will soon collapse, and this is different from the loss of the first city wall. At that time, we found out that we couldn’t hold the line of defense and gave up the first line of defense. It was a way of using space in exchange for it. A means of balancing the situation. But now is different. The third line of defense in the rear is not ready yet. If the second line of defense suddenly collapses, it will not be a flexible retreat but a big collapse. In this situation, our defense forces simply cannot give full play to the overall advantage, and we have no chance of winning against Buddhism in individual battle strength.

"Purple Moon where are you?" Hong Yue's voice suddenly came from the communication channel. "We can't stand it anymore."

"I'm just above the direction. I have seen the situation here, but I can't stand it alone!"

< p>Asura purple clothed's voice suddenly appeared in the channel. "We can't hard-top here anymore. We'll fight it out before twelve o'clock! Hurry up and withdraw to the third line of defense?"

The eagle also joined with a heavy panting. In conversation. "Hu hu, we...can't do this, the line of defense is almost out of support. In this case, we can't fill the back line of defense at all. Once we order everyone to move to the third line of defense, we will be Buddhism if we don’t have time to form a line of defense. People who catch up to catch up, when the time comes, the melee will be faster than the loss here!"

"What should I do?"

"Purple Moon." Rose's voice suddenly Added in. "Why don't we use that?"

"What?" Asura purple clothed asked unclearly.

I thought about it for a while and said: "Starting that thing requires a great deal of favor from the various Divine Race forces. Do you think it's a good deal?"

"I think it should be a good deal. , At worst, let Celestial Court reimburse you."

I thought about it for a while and said: "In the habit of Celestial Court, they will definitely not recognize the account without reporting in advance."

"Then you go and say hello. We can still hold on for a few minutes!" Hawk breathed.

"Then you stand up, I will go back." After the agreement, I immediately teleported back to Isengard, ignoring the Isengard mobile fortress diagonally inserted in the open sea and I teleported to Celestial Court. The people who saw me suddenly appear in Celestial Court were all shocked, because this time should have been the fiercest moment of the battle. They all thought that I shouldn’t run back at this time, and once I came back, it’s basically It shows that the defense has failed. Seeing their discouraged expressions, I quickly explained: "Don't get excited, we haven't lost yet." When someone wants to ask the reason, I quickly said: "I don't have time to explain to you now, anyway, Contract City will not be defended. I live, I want to use my face to persuade the various Divine Races to allow me to start the Ring of Discipline. However, I will owe the various Divine Races a big favor. I came to ask about the attitude of the Celestial Court. What will you do later? If you are willing to reimburse this favor for me, I will use it. If I don’t do it, I’ll stick to it. If I can’t stand it, I can’t help it. Please make up your mind. If it is two minutes later, you don’t have to decide because it’s too late. ."


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