"This is not easy!" Supreme Taoist said: "If you move the ring of discipline, you will be owed the favor of the entire Divine Race, which will not be easy to pay in the future. !"

"Of course I know it’s not good to pay, but now Contract City really can’t stand it anymore. You can do it yourself. Either pay the favor afterwards or fail the mission. You decide for yourself."


"Let's discuss it a little bit."

I'm nodded, but I'm not polite at all. "You talk to talk, I can say it, there is one minute and thirty seconds left, and it will be too late. And the longer the world you discuss, the higher the probability that the ring of discipline is still unstoppable."

Listening to what I said, the heads of Celestial Court immediately gathered together in disregard of their image to have a meeting with mice, chirp chirp twitter twitter talked a lot, and finally Supreme Taoist turned around to spread the word. "We have decided that you can use the ring of discipline, but you can only use the lowest level of ability, after which the favor will be better and a little bit better."

I nodded no longer wasting time with them, I turned around and teleported go out. I quickly arrived at the City of Discipline, and after greeted the representatives of the Divine Race stationed here, I started to check which Discipline Stones have been installed on the Ring of Discipline, so that I could drive this with the least cost. Things help us fight Buddhism. In order to save time, I simply activated my electronic brain-assisted data processing function, and then I got the data in three seconds, and I quickly found the most cost-effective combination.

"That's him." I excitedly rushed to the control room of the Ring of Discipline, and then took down a crystal embedded in the console. This thing is the controller of the Ring of Discipline, equivalent to remote control switch, through which the operation of the Ring of Discipline can be remotely controlled. Of course, only a few players designated by me and the guild can use this stuff, and the members of Divine Race are absolutely not allowed to touch this thing, so it's fair. After all, the Ring of Discipline is now the common property of all Divine Races. Anyone who uses it will be dissatisfied with others. You can only be assured by me as a middleman. Of course, I can’t do as one pleases to use this thing. According to the agreement signed at the time, the Divine Race force of this controller can’t be touched, and although I and the designated players who are responsible for the operation can touch, they need discipline. At least four-fifths of all Divine Race representatives in the city agree that I can use it, and the time and area of ​​use must be agreed first, and it cannot be used indiscriminately. I told Celestial Court before that I would owe favors because of this permission. After all, although I am the custodian, I only manage the ring of discipline. It does not belong to me. Borrowing it is equivalent to owing all Divine Races at the same time. Favors.

When I returned to Contract City with the control crystal, it was completely messed up here. As I said, although the city destruction artillery of Isengard Mobile Fortress killed both the enemy and us at the same time, it was more disadvantageous for us in comparison. The temporarily supplemented defensive line was finally rushed. After crossing, a large number of Buddhist personnel have appeared after the second line of defense, and to make matters worse, the defensive personnel of other sections have not been removed. When the Buddhism force rushed into the city from the position where it was crossed, and then surrounded our defense line in turn, then the Contract City would be really finished.

"Purple Moon." As soon as I appeared, I heard the call, and hurriedly dived into the middle of a group of people who were fighting. Almost all the commanders and high level players of the guild are concentrated in this place, because this place is just behind the line of defense that was rushed away. A large group of Rose and the others are planning to form a temporary line of defense here to fill the gap, but it's a pity The enemy rushed too hard, they couldn't do it. Their efforts only slowed down the collapse of the defense line.

"The thunder shines." I pierced eternity into the ground fiercely, and the huge thunder that fell from the sky slammed on me, and then turned into a blue thunder and lightning halo spreading towards all around, everything All of the swept enemies' limbs convulsed and the whole body flashed randomly and flew out. After clearing the surrounding area with one blow, I suddenly turned around and threw the control crystal to the rose. "Next."

Rose froze for a while after catching the crystal, because she had never seen the controlling crystal of the Ring of Discipline. "What is this?"

"The remote control of the Ring of Commandment, you go to the floating island immediately, and then you can activate it by inputting a little magic power into it."

"Is it useful?"

"When the time comes, you will know it. The action is fast."

Rose sees that I am so sure and I won’t ask more, in order to save time She didn't run over, but directly threw a Transmission Scroll. There was a Transmission Formation on the floating island, and it was faster to send it directly. Ying and Hong Yue didn’t know what I gave the rose. Although they all knew that our guild would have a ring of commandments, but because I told them that the thing is only kept by us and does not belong to us, so No one paid much attention to it.

After appearing on the floating island above the center of the city, the rose immediately ran to the center of the small square in front of the city hall, and then lifted the crystal high and entered a trace of magic into it. . The moment the magic entered the crystal interior of the water, the whole crystal suddenly lit up, and the ring of precepts on the top of the Himalayan mountain range Mount Everest suddenly buzzed, and the huge rails resembling the armillary sphere began to turn to change the precepts. The entire chakra stood up, and at the same time the densely packed magic patterns on the discipline wheel began to light up quickly, and at the same time the discipline stones on it began to light up and make a slight buzzing sound.

At the same time that the Wheel of Discipline was activated, great changes also occurred in Contract City. It was half past eleven in the night, and a golden bright spot suddenly appeared in the dark night sky. As the bright spot began to spread all around, pieces of complex formation diagrams gradually appeared and became brighter, within a few seconds that The spot of light became a giant magic array with a diameter more than twice that of the City of Commandments. The contract city that had already entered the night was illuminated by the golden rays of light emitted by it. The people on both sides who were torn and killed were suddenly caught by this. The super magic array that appeared was bewildered, because the coercion emanating from that thing was as majestic as a mountain, river, and earth. No matter how strong the Buddhism expert is, it can be measured, and this magic array has exceeded the upper limit of the strength that all the people present, including those Buddhism experts can understand, that is simply an indescribable powerful force.

After the formation of the magic array, a majestic voice made by a man and a woman suddenly sounded over the entire city. "The wheel of commandment is activated, looking for authorized users...Users confirm, please provide the new law blueprint or modification plan."

My whole body was suddenly wrapped in a layer of golden rays of light, then rays. of light is exactly the same as the magic array that is slowly spinning above us, fools can see that I am the one who manipulates the magic array. But before they reacted, I had ascended to in midair, and at the same time I pointed to the sky violently. "Law-time backtracking. Extract the time segment, backtracking every 30 seconds."

"Confirm the rule, time backtracking, the extraction of time segment is completed, and the countdown begins to enter the backtracking state."

< p>After the male-female mixed voice ended, the magic array above our head suddenly flashed, followed by numerous golden spots of light drifting down. All the players, NPCs, mercenaries and man-made combat units in our guild were all Just like the magnets, the golden light spots are absorbed to the body surface, and then the golden light spots gradually penetrate into their bodies or parts. But this kind of golden light seems to distinguish people, because Buddhists didn't even touch them at all, and for those golden lights, they didn't seem to exist at all.

Just when both the enemy and me were stunned by this sudden change, my voice suddenly echoed over the entire Contract City through the radio. "All the members and allies of the Frost Rose League pay attention. I am the president Purple Moon. I made the magic array just now. I have no time to explain to you what it is. Your state will be solidified from now until nearly twelve o’clock in the evening, and it will be automatically restored every 30 seconds. That is to say, no matter if you are killed or healed, you will be automatically cleared after 30 seconds. , Death is ineffective, injury is ineffective, and treatment is also ineffective."

"Damn, isn't that invincible?" After hearing my words, someone finally reacted, and these people who reacted first are like this. Called that other people also understood. It is automatically restored every 30 seconds. That is simply a disguised invincible state. Although you can still be injured and killed, it can only last for 30 seconds at most. Thirty seconds later, the injury caused by the time retrospective will disappear, and if it is dead, it will automatically resurrect and return to the state of the previous time segment freeze. In short, it will not die at all.

"Damn, since I can't die, I'm afraid of a fart! Everyone!" As the quick-reacting player shouted, everyone around him responded.

A Buddhist expert rushes to the player in front of him, then swings his knife and slashes. Under normal circumstances, the player should avoid it. However, the current situation is completely abnormal because the player directly greeted him. On his knife, he stuck his knife with his body and hands. After this guy's weapon was trapped, the surrounding players rushed up like a madman, hacking and hacking without any tactics, and instantly dismembered the expert. Of course, three or four players were killed in the process. Originally there were a lot of people in Buddhism, and we should have made money by changing three or four of us, but now it is different. The person who was hacked to death was indeed dead, but after the corpse fell to the ground for a while, suddenly the golden light flashed on his body suddenly jumped up from the ground, all the fatal injuries on his body were gone, and even the blood stains disappeared.

Seeing that the people in front of the experiment succeeded, the players and NPC Legion in the back became even more vigorous. When they saw the people in Buddhism, they directly fought together, rushing to the head and the head and the hand. Anyway, use your body to trap the opponent and buy enough time for the people behind to kill this guy. Anyway, even if he is killed for 30 seconds, he can be resurrected, so there is no need to worry.

In addition to the warriors who found that they could exchange injuries with their opponents, the wizards also discovered their own new feature, that is, the mana is automatically restored once every 30 seconds, but it is not fully restored. , But restored to the moment when the previous time segment was extracted. Although some players ran out of mana at the time, and now they can’t release a single magic, more players have a lot of mana, and now they have these. Mana becomes infinite mana. As long as the spell released by them does not exceed the current mana value, they can throw it unscrupulously, because the mana will be restored to this value after 30 seconds. There is no need to take medicine or rest to wait for it. Slowly recovering, it is completely the feeling of unlimited mana.

"Oh my God! What's going on?" Seeing some of his men who had just died suddenly jumped up from the ground, Hong Yue cried out in surprise.

"Hehe, how about it? Law Power is much stronger than normal spell, right?" I asked proudly.

Hong Yue nodded mechanically. "It's too strong, it's not a grade at all. How would we have used so hard if you modified the rule so early? Everyone can't die, and they can't rush in to the exhaustion of Buddhism!"

"Do you think I don't want to? This thing is not our guild, borrowing is to owe favors, and I don't know how to pay it back in the future! Fortunately, I found a loophole to use this limited time to retrospect what I have to pay The price is relatively small, and the favor is not too heavy, otherwise it will be a big loss this time!"

I asked, "Can this thing last until twelve o'clock?"


"I could go on without limit, but the longer I owe, the more favor I owe. Anyway, after 12 o’clock, it’s Celestial Court business. I just don’t care until 12 o’clock. Now."

"Hey, Purple Moon, don't chat. Someone rushed into the city." So Mei pointed to hundreds of rays of light flying into the city not far away. Shouted anxiously.

In fact, Buddhism is also being pressed. I sacrificed an ancient Buddha to create a rare loophole and finally broke through the line of defense. Who knew that the wheel of commandment suddenly ran out to make trouble. Seeing that the time is less than 30 minutes, the enemy in front of me can't be killed. Buddhism Simply gave up the plan to let a large force rush into the city. They directly let the large troops drag our large troops outside, and then gathered all the experts and rushed into the city from the above breakthrough defense line. Although our people can't be killed within the time limit, once their expertise is concentrated, the battle strength is still quite terrifying. Even if they can't kill us, as long as they can rush to the city hall and destroy the city core, the goal of Buddhism is anyway. Destroying Contract City is not killing all the people in our guild.

I immediately understood the intention of Buddhism after seeing those Buddhist experts flying into the city. "Leave some people to block the gap here, and battle strength will follow me to intercept the elites of Buddhism. In any case, I have to survive the last half an hour!"

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