
Although I yelled no, the attacker obviously wouldn’t listen to me. In fact, the other party did not listen to me at all. I can’t hear it. After all, the formidable power of Isinger’s mobile fortress’s super weapon is not a joke. I haven’t heard of any country experimenting with nuclear weapons and national leaders standing near the explosion point to watch the fun. Although the super weapon under Isinger's mobile fortress is not a nuclear weapon, its formidable power is not much different. In addition to no radiation, the destructive power alone is not much different from a nuclear weapon.

As the golden light moved towards the super weapon launcher rushed past, the central control room of Isengard Mobile Fortress was also counting down at the same time. "Forced to release the safety lock, the last five seconds countdown: five, four, three, two, one, the city destroyer fired."

As the final countdown is completed, the tip of the launcher below Isengard suddenly As soon as it turned on, a beam of light suddenly shot into the ground below, and at this moment, the golden light just rushed into the beam of light. As he rushed into the beam of light, the top of the beam of light above suddenly swelled, and a huge ball of light rushed down the beam of light, just hitting the golden light, and the golden light was completely covered by the light ball at the same time. The ball of light also burst into countless rays of light scattered in all directions. Due to accidental obstruction, the ball of light burst in midair, and the huge energy was vented ahead of time, turning into countless rays of light flying around, wherever the ray swept down, a huge Fireball would immediately rise. Since the explosion point was in midair, the first thing that suffered was the armor plate and launcher below Isengard Mobile Fortress. A large number of reflected beams hit the bottom of the mobile fortress one after another, and many of them even directly hit the launcher itself. , Resulting in a more violent explosion, and within a few seconds, a large fire was formed on the entire bottom of the Isengard Mobile Fortress, and then many places above the fortress began to smoke, and some places even burst out obviously. Flames.

While Isengard’s mobile fortress was hit, more light beams scattered to the ground below and all around the space. Some people flying in the air stopped hitting them, facing this For urban weapons, any ordinary person, including the ordinary Divine Race, could not stop it, and because the rays travel at the speed of light, no one came and reacted at all, and a large area was swept down in an instant. Some rays that did not hit people continued to advance, and some flew into the sky due to angle problems, or flew to the distance along the horizontal line, but there were major problems in several directions, that is, we tailored for the contract city. The custom-made floating fort, the big guys are all in the air, because of their size, it is basically impossible to be hit, so in a blink of an eye, there are many fortifications and billowing smoke, fortunately given by Celestial Court. The cloud board is not bad, although it is full of holes, there is no sign of falling. In addition to the rays hitting the air, some other rays with a certain angle of incidence to the ground hit the large tracts of land inside and outside Contract City. The shock wave that should have erupted in the form of a ring-shaped belt after hitting the ground has now become A dense ray rainstorm. Although its strength has dropped a lot, the coverage area has increased significantly. As a result, not only did the Buddhism troops that were originally customized targets escaped, our own contract city was also severely damaged. Few places were blasted into the sky by the rays of fire, and many people were killed. There were large and small potholes everywhere on the ground, just like a beach that had been baptism-ridden by heavy rain.

While both the enemy and us were hit by this sudden explosion, I was hit with heavy casualties, but I didn’t catch it myself. I was directly hit by a beam of light and hit the ground directly from the air. On, but I did not hang up unexpectedly. The price paid was only a trace of the red liquid in the sphere of life given to me by Celestial Court. However, thanks to the help of the sphere of life, myself The life value of is not less than a bit. It can be seen that the powerful ability of the life ball can completely resist a damage of this degree. You must know that many Buddhism high level Divine Races flying in the air have been bombarded. Go down.

After I fell to the ground, the surrounding area of ​​Contract City almost became a dead place. Except for some extremely lucky guys, the entire city facing the explosion point was almost cleaned up, whether it was the enemy or our own people. , Except for the corpses, there were corpses on the ground, and all of them died miserably. They were completely shaken to death by the shock wave. As for those who were directly hit, they can't even find the ash now. Even if it is broken by golden light, it is a weapon against the city after all!

Just when I got up from the ground to look at the surroundings, I suddenly heard a loud explosion sound. When I looked up, I discovered that a corner of the Isengard Mobile Fortress in the sky burst out. A huge Fireball with a diameter of several hundred meters, and then I saw the Isengard Mobile Fortress leaning toward that corner and gradually falling toward the ground.

"Military god, what's going on above?" Isengard’s mobile fortress’s city core is connected to the city tree, and the other end of the city tree is connected to the military god’s control center, so the military god It should be possible to know the situation of Isengard Mobile Fortress at any time.

After I finished the question, the voice of the military god rang immediately. "The super weapon was overloaded, the overcurrent protector did not work, and the city's power core was burned. The explosion just now was caused by the overload of the No. 4 unit in the backup power system. It may be caused by the energy leak caused by the formidable power of the super weapon just now. Fortunately, the anti-gravity device can still operate. I have mobilized power from other energy cores to temporarily supplement the anti-gravity device at position 4. However, the power seems to be a little insufficient, and the city is still falling."

After hearing the report of the military god, I immediately ordered: "I immediately activate the jumping device to teleport the Isengard mobile fortress to the shallow sea area near Isengard for a soft landing. You can't let it crash here."

< p>"Understood."

Almost the voice of the god of war just finished answering, there was another big explosion on the mobile fortress Isengard above the head, which was no less than the previous one, but just after the explosion. In a few seconds, the entire city was suddenly shrouded by a light curtain, and then disappeared over the contract city before everyone came back to his senses.

A fire suddenly flashed over the surface dozens of nautical miles away from Isinger Twin Cities. The mobile fortress of Isinger rushed out of the fire and fell into the sea like a rock. Among them, but fortunately, the location transmitted by the city is only a few meters above the sea surface. With the buffer of seawater, it did not fall apart, but successfully landed on the seabed, but due to the explosion, the city It did not land horizontally, but was inserted obliquely on the seabed at a large inclination of more than 40 degrees. The remaining logistics players in the Isinger Twin Cities were stunned by the sight in front of them. The Isinger Mobile Fortress had just been teleported out, and it was beaten back in less than five minutes. This kind of posture fell off. But now I don’t have time to sigh for them, because the waves thrown by Isengard’s mobile fortress have already rolled over. Although the city walls of Isengard’s twin cities are extremely tall, the splashed waves are also hiding the sky. and covering the earth. Fortunately, the city wall finally blocked most of the waves. In the end, the people in the city were only hit by a heavy rain and they were all beaten up. But now they don't have time to take care of the water on their bodies. They all reacted and started running to the harbor to take a boat to see how Isinger Mobile Fortress was going.

In fact, it is not only because the sea water can slow down the impact of the fall that the army god landed Isengard mobile fortress in the sea, another reason is that the sea water can extinguish the fire. According to the current situation of Isinger Mobile Fortress, it is estimated that most of the things will be burned out by manpower to extinguish the fire. Directly falling into the water and soaking the entire city can not only quickly extinguish the fire, but also prevent secondary explosions and minimize losses. .

Just as everyone on Isengard's side was busy rescuing Isengard's mobile fortress, the Contract City also regained its vitality. Just now everyone was stunned by the sudden blow, and now Buddhism and our people have reacted. Players in our guild who were still alive quickly organized the NPC troops around them to run to the side of the strikes to fill the huge defensive vacuum area due to casualties, and the remnants of Buddhism on the other side also reacted and concentrated desperately in this area. I plan to take advantage of no one defending here to break through in one fell swoop. However, when both sides were trying to fight as hard as possible, I did not participate in the race against time, but flew straight towards one direction.

I can remember the exact location of Strikes at Isengard Mobile Fortress just now, and what I am flying towards is directly below the strikes. Originally there should be an area that was directly destroyed, but because of the block of the golden light, it turned into the least damaged area. The golden light seemed to block the attacking light in this area, so that the beam flew around but only Did not hit here. Although I haven't seen it clearly before, I can roughly determine that the beam is a person or a great character of Buddhism, but the distance is too far to see who it is. Now I fly over to determine who that guy is and his life and death.

It is reasonable to say that he has suffered a full strength attack from the city destroyer. Even the Divine Race would have to be killed. But since the guy dared to hit him, it means that he is either too stupid or confident. Own strength. Judging from the previous situation, I very much suspect that the guy is an ancient Buddha of Buddhism, because he flew over from outside the battlefield. If buddhism fighters with such strength could easily participate in the war, our city would have been levelled a long time ago. There is no need to fight so hard with us at all, so he can only be an existence that could not participate in the war before. Finally, he rushed up when he saw that our super weapon was about to be activated, because if he didn't do this, once the troops below were killed in pieces, Buddhism would be hopeless. However, he clearly miscalculated his own strength and the characteristics of the super weapon. As a result, not only did he fail to counteract the attack, but instead created such a situation, although it also pushed us back, Buddhism's own casualties were not small.

When I flew to that area, I immediately found the target I was looking for, because everything in the vicinity except him was evaporated. Even the lucky person is impossible to be so lucky. of. At this time, half of this guy's body has been charred, and the gray black skin is full of cracks, as if it will disperse when touched, but the other half of his body is roughly in normal condition, with a faint golden on it. The light flow, obviously it was this last bit of mana that saved his life, otherwise he would definitely be bombarded with ashes.

I quickly put away my wings and landed beside him, then walked over and squatted down. But just when I was about to reach out and turn his head around to see who he was, this guy suddenly bounced off the ground, and the unburnt hand was pinched on my neck. It's just that the neck part of the Divine Dragon suit also has protective armor, so he couldn't pinch my neck directly, but pinched it on the armor. However, I don't know if it was this guy who returned to the light. Although his hand only pinched the armor, he was still trying to squeeze my neck and the armor together. Originally, I would never worry about ordinary people. The original dragon armor was known for its defenses. Now that it is upgraded to Divine Dragon armor, it is even stronger. I don't know how much, which can be easily squeezed by ordinary people? It’s just that the guy who is holding me has a lot of background. With his power, he can definitely squeeze my Divine Dragon armor easily, because this guy is one of the seven ancient Buddhas of Buddhism. Although I don’t know his specific title or what he is good at, since this guy can be ranked as the Seven Ancient Buddhas like Dainichi Tathagata, his strength will definitely not be the same as the ordinary ones, or if it weren’t for him now. The destruction of the city was bombarded like this, and it is estimated that I have been pinched to death by him now. But even though he couldn't squeeze me to death in an instant, the sound from the Divine Dragon armor was telling me that it was about to fail.

Since this guy did not zoom in, but simply pinched my neck, it means that he is already an arrow at the end of its flight, because this kind of hand-to-hand combat is for the Buddha of Buddhism It can only be a last resort, if he had a little more power, he would never use this trick. And seeing the blue veins bulging on his staring, round forehead, it is clear that he is also relying on a forceful stance. Now that I know that the other party is an arrow at the end of its flight, I have nothing to fear. "Let me go." I slammed my fist at the guy's head and slammed it down, but the fist hit his head but it just made a crashing sound like a metal, but this fist still hit him. His head was skewed, but he quickly pushed his head back and continued to stare at me with more terrifying eyes.

When I saw him like this, I was guilty of guilty, no matter what, I raised my fist and smashed his temples, but the guy turned his head back again and again and stared at him. I just don't let go. Finding that it's useless to hit this way, I suddenly noticed the other half of the guy's body that hadn't responded, and quickly slammed my fist against the charred half of his chest. "You let me go!"

Bang. "Ah!" It was like hitting a pile of deadwood that had been exposed to the sun for a long time. There was almost no hindrance, so I punched the guy’s entire left chest through a big hole, and almost fell off with his entire left shoulder. Came down, and the guy also let out a heartbreaking scream and let go of the hand that was holding my neck.


Storm here to tell everyone I apologize, I'm really sorry for the sudden absence of two days. In the past two days, I didn’t know what unclean food I had eaten. I spent the whole day with the toilet, and I almost couldn’t get up. Fortunately, it finally eased up today! PS: If you want to lose weight, you can take the initiative to try this trick, the effect is very good. PS again: The above weight loss method is for reference only, don't find me if you die.

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